
Subject: The idea of living in a world of cause and effect is brutally real.
“Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, illness is a result, your weight is a result. We
live in a world of cause and effect.”
- T Harv Eker
T Harv Eker is an author, businessman and motivational speaker known for his theories on wealth
and motivation. He is the author of the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.
The idea of living in a world of cause and effect is brutally real.
Your diet directly affects your weight
Your lifestyle directly affects your health
Even the amount of money you have is a result of your “financial blueprint”.
Just imagine how massively your mind-set affects all the different factors in your life, especially your
finances. Harv Eker theorizes that the “Financial Blueprint”, which we all have in our minds dictates
the way we relate to money, resulting is how much prosperous we become.
Could the theory be correct?
Think about this, rich people think of ways to become richer but poor people think of ways to earn a
Could the financial status of someone actually be traced back to the mind-set?
Well, if you start to scrutinise the difference of mind-sets rich and poor people have, you’ll notice
that they are motivated by different totally different things!
Most people end up feeling unhappy in a job they hate and have to keep going back to work.
Every time they go back to work, they end up spending all their time making little money for
themselves while the people who own the company they work for take the lion’s share.
They don’t have any time left over when they get home to create any other kind of income.
The employee is motivated by his pay check at the end of the month and the boss is motivated by
the success his company reaps.
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And that is the difference between a person working for a company and a person running a
Could this be another example of the relationship between mind-set and wealth?
<Click here> to find out how Harv Eker can predict your financial future for the rest of your life
within 5 minutes!
Forward this email to everyone to let them know that a small change in mid-set could make them so
much richer!