Getdown Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth T.HarvEker This book is dedicated to my family: my loving wife, Rochelle,my amazing daughter,Madison,and my awesome son,Jesse CONTENTS “Who the Heck Is T. Harv Eker, andWhyShould I ReadThis Book?” 1 PARTONE YourMoneyBlueprint 9 PART TW O TheWealthFiles SeventeenWaysRichPeopleThinkand ActDifferentlyfromPoorandMiddleClassPeople 49 “SoWhattheHeck DoIDo Now?” 189 Special Bonus Offer193Share theWealth197 RecommendedResources199 Index203 Acknowledgme nts About the Author Credits Cover Copyri ght About the Publisher “Who theHeck IsT.HarvEker,andWhyShould IReadThisBook?” P eopleareshocked,atthebeginningofmyseminars,when one of the first things I tell them is “Don’t believe a word Isay.” Why would I suggest that? Because I can only speakfrommyownexperience.Noneoftheconceptsandinsigh tsIshareareinherentlytrueorfalse,rightorwrong.Theysimply reflect my own results, and the amazing results I’ve seen in thelivesofthousandsandthousandsofmystudents.Havingsai dthat,however,Ibelievethatifyouusetheprinciplesyoulearni n this book, you will totally transform your life. Don’t justreadthisbook.Studyitasifyourlifedependedonit.Thentry the principles out for yourself. Whatever works, keep doing.Whateverdoesn’t,you’rewelcometothrowaway. IknowImaybebiased,butwhenitcomestomoney,this may be the most important book you have ever read. I understand that’s a bold statement, but the fact is, this bookprovidesthemissinglinkbetweenyourdesireforsuccess 2-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind and your achievement of success. As you’ve probably foundoutbynow,thosearetwodifferentworlds. No doubt you’ve read other books, listened to tapes orCDs, gone to courses, and learned about numerous getrichsystems be they in real estate, stocks, or business. But whathappened?Formostpeople,notmuch!Theygetashortbla stofenergy,andthenit’sbacktothestatusquo. Finally, there’s an answer. It’s simple, it’s law, and you’renot going to circumvent it. It all comes down to this: if yoursubconscious “financial blueprint” is not “set” for success,nothingyoulearn,nothingyouknow,andnothingyou dowillmakemuchofadifference. In the pages of this book, we will demystify for you whysomepeoplearedestinedtoberichandothersaredestinedf ora life of struggle. You will understand the root causes ofsuccess, mediocrity, or financial failure and begin changingyour financial future for the better. You will understand howchildhood influences shape our financial blueprint and howthese influences can lead to self-defeating thoughts and habits.You will experience powerful declarations that will help youreplace your nonsupportive ways of thinking with mental“wealth files” so that you think—and succeed—just as richpeople do. You will also learn practical, step-by-step strategiesforincreasingyourincomeandbuildingwealth. In Part I of this book, we will explain how each of us isconditioned to think and act when it comes to money, andoutline four key strategies for revising our mental moneyblueprint.InPartII,weexaminethedifferencesbetwee nhowrich,middleclass,andpoorpeoplethink,andprovideseventeen attitudes and actions to take that will lead to permanentchangesinyourfinanciallife.Throughoutthebook “WhotheHeckIsT.HarvEker,andWhyShouldIReadThisBook?”-3 we also share just a few examples of the thousands of lettersand e-mails I’ve received from students who have attended theMillionaire Mind Intensive Seminar and achieved powerfulresultsintheirlives. So what is my experience? Where am I coming from? Was Ialwayssuccessful?Iwish! Likemanyofyou,Isupposedlyhadalotof“potential”buthad littletoshowforit.Ireadallthebooks,listenedtoallthetapes,an dwenttoalltheseminars.Ireally,really,reallywantedtobesucc essful.Idon’tknowwhetheritwasforthemoney,thefreedom,t hesenseofachievement,orjusttoproveIwasgoodenoughinmyp arents’eyes,butIwasalmostobsessedwithbecominga“success .”Duringmytwenties,Istartedseveraldifferentbusinesses,ea chwiththedreamofmakingmyfortune,butmyresultswentfromd ismaltoworse.Iworkedmybuttoffbutkeptcomingupshort.Iha d“LochNessmonsterdisease”:Ihadheardofthisthingcalledpr ofit, I just never saw anyof it. Ikeptthinking, “If I just getintotherightbusiness,getontherighthorse,I’llmakeit.”But Iwaswrong.Nothingwasworking...atleastforme.Anditwasthela stpartofthatsentencethatfinallystruckme.Howcomeothersw eresucceedingintheexactsamebusinessIwasinand Iwasstillbroke?Whathappenedto“Mr.Potential”? So I began doing some serious soul-searching. I examinedmytruebeliefsandsawthateventhoughIsaidIreally wantedto be rich, I had some deep-rooted worries about it. Mostly Iwasafraid.AfraidthatImightfail,orworse,succeedandthens omehow lose it all. Then I’d really be a schmuck. Worse, IwouldblowtheonethingIhadgoingfor 4-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind me:my“story”thatIhadallthis“potential.”WhatifIfoundout I didn’t have what it took and I was destined to a life ofstruggle? Then, as luck would have it, I got some advice from anextremely rich friend of my father’s. He was at my parents’house playing cards with the “boys” and, in passing, noticedme. This was the third time I’d moved back home, and I wasliving in the “lower-level suite,” otherwise known as thebasement. I suppose my dad had complained to him of mywoeful existence because when he saw me, he had the sym-pathy inhiseyesusuallyreservedforthebereavedata funeral. He said, “Harv, I started in the same way as you, a completedisaster.” Great, I thought, this was making me feel a lotbetter. I should let him know that I was thepaintpeeloffthewall. He kept going: “But then I got some advice that changedmylife,andI’dliketopassitontoyou.”Oh,no,herecomes thefather-sonlecture,andhe’snotevenmyfather!Finallyhecame out with it: “Harv, if you’re not doing as well as you’dlike, all that means is there’s something you don’t know.”Being a brash young man at the time, I thought I knew prettywell everything, but alas, my bank account said somethingdifferent.SoIfinallybegantolisten.Hecontinued,“Di dyouknowthatmostrichpeoplethinkinverysimilarways?” I said, “No, I never really considered that.” To which hereplied, “It’s not an exact science, but for the most part, richpeoplethinkacertainwayandpoorpeoplethinkacompletely different way, and those ways of thinking determine theiractionsandthereforedeterminetheirresults.”Hewenton,“If youthoughtthewayrichpeopledoanddidwhat “WhotheHeckIsT.HarvEker,andWhyShouldIReadThisBook?”-5 richpeopledo,doyoubelieveyoucouldbecomerichtoo?”Ireme mberansweringwithalltheconfidenceofamushball,“Ithinkso.” “Then,”hereplied,“allyouhavetodoiscopyhowrichpeoplethink .” BeingtheskepticIwasatthetime,Isaid,“Sowhatareyouthinki ng right now?” To which he replied, “I’m thinking thatrich people keep their commitments and mine is to your dadrightnow.Theguysarewaitingforme,seeya.”Althoughhewa lkedout,whathesaidsankin. Nothing else was working in my life, so I figured what theheck and threw myself wholeheartedly into studying richpeopleandhowtheythink.IlearnedeverythingIcouldaboutt heinnerworkingsofthemind,butconcentratedprimarilyontheps ychologyofmoneyandsuccess.Idiscoveredthatitwastrue: rich people really do think differently from poor and evenmiddleclass people. Eventually, I became aware of how myownthoughtswereholdingmebackfromwealth.Moreimport ant, I learned several powerful techniques and strategiesto actually recondition my mind so that I would think in thesamewaysrichpeopledo. Finally, I said, “Enough yakking about it, let’s put it to thetest.”Idecidedtoattemptyetanotherbusiness.BecauseIwasre ally into health and exercise, I opened one of the first retailfitnessstoresinNorthAmerica.Ididn’thaveanymoney,soI had to borrow $2,000 on my Visa card to get the businessstarted. I began using what I’d learned by modeling richpeople, both in terms of their business strategies and theirthinking strategies. The first thing I did was commit to mysuccess and playing to win. I swore I would focus and notevenconsiderleavingthisbusinessuntilIwasamillionaireorm ore. this was radically different from my previous efforts,where,becauseIalwaysthoughtshort-term,Iwould 6-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind constantly get sidetracked by either good opportunities orwhenthingsgottough. I also began challenging my mental approach whenever Ibegan thinking in financially negative or counterproductiveways.Inthepast,Ibelievedthatwhatmyminds aidwastruth.I learned that in many ways, my mind was my biggest obstacleto success. I chose not to entertain thoughts that did notempowermetowardmyvisionofwealth.Iusedeveryoneofthe principlesyouaregoingtolearninthisbook.Diditwork?Boy,didi twork! The business was so successful that I opened ten stores inonlytwoandahalfyears.IthensoldhalfthecompanysharestoaF ortune500companyfor$1.6million. After that, I moved to sunny San Diego. I took a couple ofyears off to refine my strategies and began doing one-ononebusiness consulting. I presume it was quite effective for peoplebecausetheykeptbringingfriends,partners,andassociates toour sessions. Soon I was coaching ten and sometimes twentypeopleatatime. OneofmyclientssuggestedthatImightaswellopenupaschool. Ithoughtthatwasagreatidea,soIdid.IfoundedtheStreetSmartBu sinessSchoolandtaughtthousandsofpeopleall across North America “street-smart” business strategies for“highspeed”success. As I traveled across the continent giving my seminars, Inoticedsomethingstrange:Youcouldhavetwopeoplesittingsid e by side in exactly the same room, learning exactly thesame principles and strategies. One person would take thesetools and skyrocket to success. But what do you think mighthappen to the person sitting right next to him or her? Theansweris,notmuch! That’swhenitbecameobviousthatyoucanhavethe “WhotheHeckIsT.HarvEker,andWhyShouldIReadThisBook?”-7 greatest “tools” in the world, but if you’ve got a tiny leak inyour “toolbox” (I’m pointing to my head right now), you’vegotaproblem.SoIdesignedaprogramcalledtheMillionai reMindIntensivebasedontheinnergameofmoneyandsuccess. When I combined the inner game (the toolbox) withthe outer game (the tools), virtually everybody’s results wentthrough the roof! So that’s what you’re going to learn in thisbook: how to master the inner game of money to win thegameofmoney—howtothinkrichtogetrich! People often ask me whether my success was a “oneshotdeal” or whether it has continued. Let me put it this way:UsingtheexactprinciplesIteach,Ihavenowearnedmillions and millions of dollars and am a multimultimillionaire severaltimes over. Virtually all my investments and business venturesseem to skyrocket! Some people tell me I have the “Midastouch,” where everything I get involved in turns to gold.They’re right, but what they may not realize is that having aMidastouchissimplyanotherwayofsaying,havinga“financial blueprint” set for success, which is exactly what youwillhaveonceyoulearntheseprinciplesanddothiswork. Early on during our Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, Igenerally ask the audience, “How many of you came here tolearn?” It’s a bit of a trick question because as author JoshBillings said, “It’s not what we don’t know that prevents usfrom succeeding; it’s what we know that just ain’t so that is ourgreatestobstacle.”Thisbookisnotasmuchaboutlearningasit is about “unlearning”! It is essential you recognize how youroldwaysofthinkingandactinghavegottenyouexactlywhere youarerightnow. Ifyou’rereallyrichandreallyhappy,fine.Butifyou’renot,Iinvite youtoconsidersomepossibilitiesthatmaynot 8-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind fitintoyour“box”ofwhatyoucurrentlythinkisrightorevenappro priateforyou. EventhoughIsuggestthatyou“don’tbelieveawordIsay”and want you to test these concepts out in your own life, I’mgoing to ask you to trust the ideas you are reading. Notbecause you know me personally, but because thousands andthousands of people have already changed their lives as a resultoftheprinciplesinthisbook. Speaking of trust, it reminds me of one of my favorite stories.It’saboutamanwhoiswalkingalongacliffandallofasudden loses his balance, slips, and falls off. Fortunately, hehas the presence of mind to grab on to the ledge, and he’shanging there for dear life. He hangs and hangs and finallyyells out, “Is there anybody up there who can help me?”There’s no answer. He keeps calling and calling, “Is thereanybody up there who can help me?” Finally this big bellowingvoice calls back, “This is God. I can help you. Just let go andtrust.” Next thing you hear: “Is there anybody else up therewhocanhelpme?” Thelessonissimple.Ifyouwanttomovetoahigherlevelof life, you have to be willing to let go of some of your oldways of thinking and being and adopt new ones. The resultswilleventuallyspeakforthemselves. PARTONE YourMoneyBlueprint W eliveinaworldofduality:upanddown,lightanddark, hot and cold, in and out, fast and slow, right and left. Thesearebutafewexamplesofthethousandsofoppositepoles.Fo rone pole to exist, the other pole must also exist. Is it possibletohavearightsidewithoutaleftside?Notachance. Consequently,justasthereare“outer”lawsofmoney,there must be “inner” laws. The outer laws include things likebusiness knowledge, money management, and investmentstrategies. These are essential. But the inner game is just asimportant. An analogy would be a carpenter and his tools.Having top-of-the-line tools is imperative, but being the topnotchcarpenterwhomasterfullyusesthosetoolsisevenmorecriti cal. I have a saying: “It’s not enough to be in the right place atthe right time. You have to be the right person in the right placeattherighttime.” Sowhoareyou?Howdoyouthink?Whatareyourbeliefs?What areyourhabitsandtraits?Howdoyoureallyfeelaboutyourself ? How confident are you in yourself ? How well doyourelatetoothers?Howmuchdoyoutrustothers? 10-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Do you truly feel that you deserve wealth? What is your abilityto act in spite of fear, in spite of worry, in spite of inconvenience,inspiteofdiscomfort?Canyouactwhenyou’renotinthe mood? The fact is that your character, your thinking, and yourbeliefs are a critical part of what determines the level of yoursuccess. One of my favorite authors, Stuart Wilde, puts it this way:“Thekeytosuccessistoraiseyourownenergy;whenyoudo, peoplewillnaturallybeattractedtoyou.Andwhentheyshowup,bi ll’em!” WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Yourincomecangrowonlytothe extent you do! WhyIsYourMoneyBlueprintImportant? Have you heard of people who have “blown up” financially?Have you noticed how some people have a lot of money andthenloseit,orhaveexcellentopportunitiesstartwellbuttheng o sour on them? Now you know the real cause. On theoutside it looks like bad luck, a downturn in the economy, alousy partner, whatever. On the inside, however, it’s anothermatter. That’s why, if you come into big money when you’renotreadyforitontheinside,thechancesareyourwealthwill beshort-livedandyouwillloseit. Thevastmajorityofpeoplesimplydonothavetheinternalcapa citytocreateandholdontolargeamountsofmoneyandtheincreas edchallengesthatgowithmore YourMoneyBlueprint-11 money and success. That, my friends, is the primary reasontheydon’thavemuchmoney. A perfect example is lottery winners. Research has shownagain and again that regardless of the size of their winnings,most lottery winners eventually return to their original fi-nancialstate,theamounttheycancomfortablyhandle. On the other hand, the opposite occurs for self-made millionaires. Notice that when self-made millionaires lose theirmoney, they usually have it back within a relatively short time.DonaldTrumpisagoodexample.Trumpwasworthbillions, losteverything,andthenacoupleofyearslater,gotitallbackagain andmore. Why does this phenomenon occur? Because even thoughsome self-made millionaires may lose their money, they neverlosethemostimportantingredienttotheirsuccess:theirmilli onaire mind. Of course in “The Donald” ’s case, it’s his“billionaire”mind.DoyourealizeDonaldTrumpcouldnever bejustamillionaire?IfDonaldTrumphadanetworthofonly 1milliondollars,howdoyouthinkhe’dfeelabouthisfinancial success? Most people would agree that he’d probablyfeelbroke,likeafinancialfailure! That’s because Donald Trump’s financial “thermostat” isset for billions, not millions. Most people’s financial thermo-stats are set for generating thousands, not millions of dollars;some people’s financial thermostats are set for generatinghundreds, not even thousands; and some people’s financialthermostats are set for below zero. They’re frickin’ freezingandtheydon’thaveaclueastowhy! The reality is that most people do not reach their full potential. Most people are not successful. Research shows that 80percentofindividualswillneverbefinanciallyfreeinthe 12-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind way they’d like to be, and 80 percent will never claim to betrulyhappy. The reason is simple. Most people are unconscious. Theyare a little asleep at the wheel. They work and think on a su-perficialleveloflife— basedonlyonwhattheycansee.Theylivestrictlyinthevisiblewor ld. TheRootsCreatetheFruits Imagine a tree. Let’s suppose this tree represents the tree oflife. On this tree there are fruits. In life, our fruits are calledourresults.Sowelookatthefruits(ourresults)andwedon’tl ike them; there aren’t enough of them, they’re too small, ortheydon’ttastegood. So what do we tend to do? Most of us put even more attention and focus on the fruits, our results. But what is it thatactually creates those particular fruits? It’s the seeds and therootsthatcreatethosefruits. It’swhat’sunderthegroundthatcreateswhat’sabovethe ground. It’s what’s invisible that creates what’s visible. So whatdoesthatmean?Itmeansthatifyouwanttochangethefruits,y ou will first have to change the roots. If you want to changethevisible,youmustfirstchangetheinvisible. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: If you want to change the fruits, you will first have tochange the roots. If you want to change the visible,youmust first change the invisible. Ofcourse,somesaythatseeingisbelieving.ThequestionIhave forsuchpeopleis“Whydoyoubotherpayingyourelectricbill?”Althoughyoucannotseeelectricity,youcancer- YourMoneyBlueprint-13 tainlyrecognizeanduseitspower.Ifyouhaveanydoubtastowhet her it exists, just stick your finger in an electric socket,andIguaranteethatyourdoubtswillquicklydisappear. In my experience, what you cannot see in this world is farmore powerful than anything you can see. You may or maynotagreewiththisstatement,buttotheextentthatyoudonotap plythisprincipleinyourlife,youmustbesuffering.Why?Because you are going against the laws of nature, wherebywhat is under the ground creates what is above the ground,wherewhatisinvisiblecreateswhatisvisible. As humans, we are a part of nature, not above it. Consequently, when we align with the laws of nature and work onour roots—our “inner” world—our life flows smoothly. Whenwedon’t,lifegetsrough. In every forest, on every farm, in every orchard on earth, it’swhat’sunderthegroundthatcreateswhat’sabovetheground. That’s why placing your attention on the fruits that you havealready grown is futile. You cannot change the fruits that arealreadyhangingonthetree.Youcan,however,changetomorr ow’sfruits.Buttodoso,youwillhavetodigbelowthegroundandst rengthentheroots. TheFourQuadrants One of the most important things you can ever understand isthatwedonotliveononlyoneplaneofexistence.Welive 14-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind in at least four different realms at once. These four quadrantsarethephysicalworld,thementalworld,theemotional world,andthespiritualworld. Whatmostpeopleneverrealizeisthatthephysicalrealmismere lya“printout”oftheotherthree. For example, let’s suppose you’ve just written a letter onyourcomputer.Youhittheprintkeyandthelettercomesoutof your printer. You look at your hard copy, and lo andbehold,youfindatypo.Soyoutakeoutyourtrustyeraserandru b out the typo. Then you hit print again and out comes thesametypo. Ohmygosh,howcouldthisbe?Youjusterasedit!Sothistime you get a bigger eraser and you rub even harder andlonger. You even study a three-hundred-page manual calledEffectiveErasing.Nowyou’vegotallthe“tools”andknowled geyou need. You’re ready. You hit print and there it is again! “Noway!” you cry out, stunned in amazement. “How could thisbe?What’sgoingonhere?AmIinthetwilightzone?” What’s going on here is that the real problem cannot bechanged in the “printout,” the physical world; it can only bechanged in the “program,” the mental, emotional, and spiritualworlds. Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result, illnessisaresult,yourweightisaresult.Weliveinaworldofcausea ndeffect. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Money is a result, wealth is a result, health is a result,illness is a result, your weight is a result. We live in aworldof cause and effect. YourMoneyBlueprint-15 Have you ever heard someone assert that a lack of moneywas a bit of a problem? Now hear this: A lack of money isnever, ever, ever a problem. A lack of money is merely asymptomofwhatisgoingonunderneath. Lack of money is the effect, but what is the root cause? Itboilsdowntothis.Theonlywaytochangeyour“outer”worldisto firstchangeyour“inner”world. Whateverresultsyou’regetting,betheyrichorpoor,goodorba d,positiveornegative,alwaysrememberthatyourouterworld is simply a reflection of your inner world. If thingsaren’t going well in your outer life, it’s because things aren’tgoingwellinyourinnerlife.It’sthatsimple. Declarations:APowerfulSecretforChange Inmyseminarsweuse“acceleratedlearning”techniquesthatallo w you to learn faster and remember more of what youlearn. The key is “involvement.” Our approach follows fromtheoldsaying“Whatyouhear,youforget;whatyousee,your emember;whatyoudo,youunderstand.” So I’m going to ask that every time you reach the end of amajor principle in this book, you first put your hand on yourheart,thenmakeaverbal“declaration,”thentouchyourhead withyourindexfingerandmakeanotherverbal“declaration.”Wh at’s a declaration? It’s simply a positive statement that youmakeemphatically,outloud. Why are declarations such a valuable tool? Because everything is made of one thing: energy. All energy travels in frequencies and vibrations. Therefore, each declaration you makecarriesitsownvibrationalfrequency.Whenyoustateadecla ration aloud, its energy vibrates throughout the cells ofyour body, and by touching your body at the same time, youcanfeelitsuniqueresonance.Declarationsnotonlysenda 16-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind specific message to the universe, they also send a powerfulmessagetoyoursubconsciousmind. The difference between a declaration and an affirmation isslight,butinmymind,powerful.Thedefinitionofanaffirmation is “a positive statement asserting that a goal youwish to achieve is already happening.” The definition of adeclaration is “to state an official intention to undertake aparticularcourseofactionoradoptaparticularstatus.” An affirmation states that a goal is already happening. I’mnotcrazyaboutthisbecause,oftenwhenweaffirmsomethingt hatisnotyetreal,thelittlevoiceinourheadusuallyrespondswith“ Thisisn’ttrue,thisisBS.” Ontheotherhand,adeclarationisnotsayingsomethingistrue, it’s stating that we have an intention of doing or beingsomething.Thisisapositionthelittlevoicecanbuy,because we’renotstatingit’struerightnow,butagain,it’sanintentionforus in thefuture. A declaration, by definition, is also official. It is a formalstatement of energy into the universe and throughout yourbody. Another word from the definition is important—action. Youmust take all the actions necessary to make your intention areality. I recommend that you state your declarations aloud eachmorning and each evening. Doing your declarations whilelookingintoamirrorwillacceleratetheprocessevenmore. Now I have to admit that when I first heard of all this, Isaid,“Noway.Thisdeclarationstuffisfartoohokeyforme.”But because I was broke at the time, I decided, “What theheck,itcan’thurt,”andstarteddoingthem.NowI’mrich,soitsh ouldn’tcomeasabigsurprisethatIbelievethatdeclarationsreally work. YourMoneyBlueprint-17 Either way, I’d rather be really hokey and really rich thanreallycoolandreallybroke.Howaboutyou? Thatsaid,Iinviteyoutoplaceyourhandonyourheartandrepeat thefollowing... DECLARATION: “Myinnerworldcreatesmyouterworld.” Nowtouchyourheadandsay... “Ihaveamillionairemind.” As a special bonus, if you go to and click on “FREE BOOK BONUSES,” we willgive you a free list of all the declarations in this book presentedincalligraphy,inaprintableformat,suitableforframing . What Is Your Money BlueprintandHowIsItForm ed? Whether I’m appearing on radio or television, I’m wellknownfor making the following statement: “Give me five minutes,andIcanpredictyourfinancialfuturefortherestofyourlife. ” WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financialfuturefor the rest ofyour life. How?Inashortconversation,Icanidentifywhat’scalledyourmoney andsuccess“blueprint.”Eachofushasaper- 18-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind sonal money and success blueprint already embedded in oursubconscious mind. And this blueprint, more than anythingand everything else combined, will determine your financialdestiny. What is a money blueprint? As an analogy, let’s consider theblueprintforahouse,whichisapresetplanordesignforthatpart icular home. In the same way, your money blueprint issimply your preset program or way of being in relation tomoney. Iwanttointroduceyoutoanextremelyimportantformula.Itdet ermineshowyoucreateyourrealityandwealth.Manyofthe most respected teachers in the field of human potentialhave used this formula as a foundation for their teachings.CalledtheProcessofManifestation,itgoeslikethis: T→F→A=R WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Thoughtsleadtofeelings.Feelingsleadtoactions. Actionsleadtoresults. Your financial blueprint consists of a combination of yourthoughts,feelings,andactionsinthearenaofmoney. So how is your money blueprint formed? The answer issimple. Your financial blueprint consists primarily of the in-formation or “programming” you received in the past, andespeciallyasayoungchild. Who were the primary sources of this programming orconditioning?Formostpeople,thelistincludesparents,sib- YourMoneyBlueprint.19 lings, friends, authority figures, teachers, religious leaders,media,andyourculture,tonameafew. Let’stakeculture.Isn’tittruethatcertaincultureshaveoneway ofthinkinganddealingwithmoney,whileothercultureshaveadif ferentapproach?Doyouthinkachildcomesoutofthe womb with his or her attitudes toward money, or do youbelievethechildistaughthowtodealwithmoney?That’sright.E verychildistaughthowtothinkaboutandactinrelationtomoney. The same holds true for you, for me, for everyone. Youwere taught how to think and act when it comes to money.These teachings become your conditioning, which becomesautomatic responses that run you for the rest of your life.Unless, of course, you intercede and revise your mind’s moneyfiles.Thisisexactlywhatwearegoingtodointhisbook,and what we do for thousands of people each year, on a deeperand more permanent level at the Millionaire Mind IntensiveSeminar. We said earlier that thoughts lead to feelings, that feelingsleadtoactions,thatactionsleadtoresults.Sohere’saninte restingquestion:Wheredoyourthoughtscomefrom?Whydoyout hinkdifferentlyfromthenextperson? Yourthoughtsoriginatefromthe“filesofinformation”youhav einthestoragecabinetsofyourmind.Sowheredoesthisinformati oncomefrom?Itcomesfromyourpastprogramming.That’sright, yourpastconditioningdeterminesevery thought that bubbles up in your mind. That’s why it’softenreferredtoastheconditionedmind. Toreflectthisunderstanding,wecannowreviseourProcessof Manifestationinthefollowingmanner: P→T→F→A=R 20-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Your programming leads to your thoughts; your thoughtslead to your feelings; your feelings lead to your actions; youractionsleadtoyourresults. Therefore, just as is done with a personal computer, bychanging your programming, you take the first essential step tochangingyourresults. So how are we conditioned? We are conditioned in threeprimarywaysineveryarenaoflife,includingmoney: Verbalprogramming:Whatdidyouhearwhenyouwereyoung? Modeling:Whatdidyouseewhenyouwereyoung? Specificincidents:Whatdidyouexperiencewhenyouwereyoung? The three aspects of conditioning are important to understand,solet’sgoovereachofthem.InPartIIofthisbook,you will learn how to recondition yourself for wealth andsuccess. TheFirst Influence:Verbal Programming Let’s begin with verbal programming. What did you hear aboutmoney,wealth,andrichpeoplewhenyouweregrowingup? Did you ever hear phrases like money is the root of all evil, saveyour money for a rainy day, rich people are greedy, rich people arecriminals, filthy rich, you have to work hard to make money, moneydoesn’t grow on trees, you can’t be rich and spiritual, money doesn’t buyhappiness, money talks, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, that’snot for people like us, not everyone can be rich, there’s never enough, andtheinfamouswecan’taffordit? YourMoneyBlueprint-21 In my household, every time I asked my father for anymoney I’d hear him scream, “What am I made of... money?”JokinglyI’drespond,“Iwish.I’lltakeanarm,ahand,eve nafinger.”Heneverlaughedonce. Here’s the rub. All the statements you heard about moneywhen you were young remain in your subconscious mind aspartoftheblueprintthatisrunningyourfinanciallife. Verbal conditioning is extremely powerful. For example,when my son, Jesse, was three years old, he ran over to me andexcitedly said, “Daddy, let’s go see the Ninja Turtle movie. It’splayingnearus.”Forthelifeofme,Icouldn’tfigureouthowthis toddlercouldalreadybeamasterofgeography.Acoupleofhoursl ater,IgotmyanswerintheformofaTVcommercial advertising the movie, which had at the end theusualtagline:“Nowplayingatatheaternearyou.” Anotherexampleofthepowerofverbalconditioningcameatth eexpenseofoneofourMillionaireMindseminarparticipants. Stephen didn’t have a problem earning money; hischallengewaskeepingit. AtthetimeStephencametothecoursehewasearningover $800,000ayearandhadbeendoingsoforthepastnineyears.Yethe wasstillbarelyscrapingby.Somehow,hemanagedtospendhism oney,lendit,orloseitallbymakingpoorinvestmentdecisions.Wh ateverthereason,hisnetworthwasexactlyzero! Stephen shared with us that when he was growing up, hismomalwaysusedtosay,“Richpeoplearegreedy.Theymaketh eir money off the sweat of the poor. You should have justenoughtogetby.Afterthatyou’reapig.” It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what wasgoing on inside Stephen’s subconscious mind. No wonder hewasbroke.Hewasverballyconditionedbyhismotherto 22-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind believethatrichpeoplearegreedy.Therefore,hismindlinkedup rich with greedy, which of course is bad. Since he didn’twanttobebad,subconsciouslyhecouldn’tberich. Stephen loved his mom and didn’t want her to disapproveofhim.Obviously,basedonherbeliefs,ifheweretoget rich,shewouldn’tapprove.Therefore,theonlythingforhimtodo was to get rid of any extra money beyond just getting by,otherwisehe’dbeapig! Now,youwouldthinkthatinchoosingbetweenbeingrichandb eingapprovedofbyMomoranyoneelseforthatmatter,most people would take being rich. Not a chance! The mindjustdoesn’tworkthatway.Sure,richeswouldseemtobethel ogical choice. But when the subconscious mind must choose betweendeeplyrootedemotionsandlogic,emotionswillalmostalwayswin. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: When the subconscious mind must choose betweendeeply rooted emotions and logic, emotions willalmostalways win. Let’s get back to our story. In less than ten minutes at thecourse, using some extremely effective experiential techniques,Stephen’s money blueprint changed dramatically. In only twoyears,hewentfrombeingbroketobecomingamillionaire. Atthecourse,Stephenbegantounderstandthatthesenonsuppo rtivebeliefswerehismom’s,basedonherpastpro-gramming, and not his. We then took it a step further andhelped him to create a strategy whereby he wouldn’t lose hismother’sapprovalifhegotrich.Itwassimple. YourMoneyBlueprint.23 His mom loved Hawaii. So Stephen invested in a beachfrontcondoonMaui.Hesendshertherefortheentirewinter.She’s in heaven, and so is he. First, she now loves that he’srich and tells everyone how generous he is. Second, he doesn’thavetodealwithherforsixmonthsoftheyear.Brilliant! In my own life, after a slow start, I began doing well inbusinessbutneverseemedtomakemoneywithmystocks.Inbec omingawareofmymoneyblueprint,IrecalledthatwhenIwasyou ng,eachdayafterwork,mydadwouldsitdownatthedinner table with the newspaper, check the stock pages, slamhis fist on the table, and shout, “Those stinkin’ stocks!” Hethen spent the next half hour ranting about how stupid thewholesystemisandhowyouhaveabetterchanceofmakingmo neyplayingtheslotmachinesinLasVegas. Nowthatyouunderstandthepowerofverbalconditioning,can youseethatit’snowonderIcouldn’tmakeanymoneyinthestockm arket?Iwasliterallyprogrammedtofail,programmed to unconsciously pick the wrong stock, at thewrong price, at the wrong time. Why? To subconsciouslyvalidatemymoneyblueprintthatsaid,“Stockssti nk!” All I can say is, by digging out this massive, toxic weed frommy inner “financial garden,” I began getting inundated withmorefruits!VirtuallythedayafterIreconditionedmyself,the stocks I chose began to boom, and I’ve continued to haveamazing success in the stock market ever since. It seemsincredibly strange, but when you really understand how themoneyblueprintworks,itmakesperfectsense. Again, your subconscious conditioning determines yourthinking. Your thinking determines your decisions, and yourdecisions determine your actions, which eventually determineyouroutcomes. 24-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind There are four key elements of change, each of which isessential in reprogramming your financial blueprint. They aresimplebutprofoundlypowerful. The first element of change is awareness. You can’t changesomethingunlessyouknowitexists. The second element of change is understanding. By understandingwhereyour“wayofthinking”originates,youcanreco gnizethatithastocomefromoutsideyou. The third element of change is disassociation. Once yourealize this way of thinking isn’t you, you can separate yourselffrom it and choose in the present whether to keep it or let itgo—based on who you are today, and where you want to betomorrow.Youcanobservethiswayofthinkingandseeitforwh atitis,a“file”ofinformationthatwasstoredinyourminda long, long time ago and may not hold any truth or value foryouanymore. Thefourthelementofchangeisreconditioning.Wewillbeginthis process in Part II of this book, where we will introduceyoutothementalfilesthatgeneratewealth.Shouldyou wanttotakethisastepfurther,IinviteyoutoattendtheMillionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, where you will be led through a seriesofpowerfulexperientialtechniquesthatwillrewireyoursub conscious on a cellular and permanent level—retrainingyour mind to respond supportively in terms of money andsuccess. The elements of frequency and ongoing support are alsoimportantforlastingchangetooccur,soI’vegotanothergiftto help you. If you go to www.millionairemindbook .comand click on “FREE BOOK BONUSES,” you can subscribeto the Millionaire Mind “thought of the week.” Every sevendays you will receive a profound lesson that can assist yoursuccess. YourMoneyBlueprint-25 Meanwhile, let’s go back to our discussion on verbal conditioning and the steps you can take now to begin revisingyourmoneyblueprint. StepsforChange:VerbalProgramming AWARENESS:Writedownallthestatementsyouheardabo ut money, wealth, and rich people when you wereyoung. Write down how you believe thesestatements haveaffectedyourfinanciallifesofar. UNDERSTANDING: DISASSOCIATION: Can you see that these thoughtsrepresentonlywhatyoulearnedandarenotpartofy ouranatomyandnotwhoyouare?Canyouseethatyouhaveach oiceinthepresentmomenttobedifferent? DECLARATION:Placeyourhandoveryourheartandsay... “What I heard about money isn’t necessarily true. Ichoosetoadoptnewwaysofthinkingthatsupportmyhapp inessandsuccess.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihaveamillionairemind.” The Second Influence: Modeling Thesecondwayweareconditionediscalledmodeling.Whatwere your parents or guardians like in the arena of moneywhenyouweregrowingup?Didoneorbothofthemmanag etheirmoneywellordidtheymismanageit?Weretheyspenders or savers? Were they shrewd investors or were theynoninvestors?Weretheyrisktakersorconservative? 26-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Wasmoneyconsistentlythereorwastheflowmoresporadic?Did money come easily in your family, or was it always astruggle?Wasmoneyasourceofjoyinyourhouseholdorthecaus eofbitterarguments? Whyisthisinformationimportant?You’veprobablyheardthes aying“Monkeysee,monkeydo.”Well,humansaren’tfarbehind.As kids,welearnjustabouteverythingfrommodeling.Althoughmosto fuswouldhatetoadmitit,there’smorethanagrain oftruthintheoldsaying “Theappledoesn’tfall toofarfromthetree.” Thisremindsmeofthestoryaboutawomanwhopreparesa ham for dinner by cutting off both ends. Her bewilderedhusband asks why she cuts off the ends. She replies, “That’show my mom cooked it.” Well, it just so happened that hermomwascomingfordinnerthatnight.Sotheyaskedherwhysh ecutofftheendsoftheham.Momreplies,“That’showmymomco okedit.”SotheydecidetocallGrandmaonthephoneand ask why she cut off the ends of the ham. Her answer?“Becausemypanwastoosmall!” Thepointisthatgenerallyspeaking,wetendtobeidenticaltoon eoracombinationofourparentsinthearenaofmoney. For example, my dad was an entrepreneur. He was in thehomebuildingbusiness.Hebuiltanywherefromadozentoahundred homes per project. Each project took a huge amountof capital investment. My dad would have to put up everythingwe had and borrow heavily from the bank until the homeswere sold and the cash came through. Consequently, at thebeginningofeachproject,wehadnomoneyandwereindebtupt ooureyeballs. Asyoucanimagine,duringthisperiodmydadwasnotin YourMoneyBlueprint-27 thebestofmoodsnorwasgenerosityhisstrongsuit.IfIaskedhim for anything that cost even a penny, his standard replyafter the usual “What am I, made of money?” was “Are youcrazy?”Ofcourse,Iwouldn’tgetadime,butwhatIwouldgetw as that “Don’t even think of asking again” glare. I’m sure youknowtheone. This scenario would last for about a year or two until thehomes were finally sold. Then, we’d be rolling in dough. All ofasudden,mydadwasadifferentperson.He’dbehappy,kind,an d extremely generous. He’d come over and ask me if Ineededafewbucks.Ifeltlikegivinghimhisglareback,butIwasn’ t that stupid so I just said, “Sure, Dad, thanks,” androlledmyeyes. Life was good... until that dreaded day when he’d comehome and announce, “I found a good piece of land. We’regoing to build again.” I distinctly remember saying, “Great,Dad,goodluck,”asmyheartsank,knowingthestruggleth atwasabouttounfoldagain. ThispatternlastedfromthetimeIcouldremember,whenIwasa boutsix,untiltheageoftwenty-one,whenImovedoutof my parents’ house for good. Then it stopped, or so Ithought. At twenty-one years of age, I finished school and became,youguessedit,abuilder.Ithenwentontoseveralothertyp esof project-based businesses. For some strange reason, I’dmakeasmallfortune,butjustashorttimelater,I’dbebroke.I’d get into another business and believe I was on top of theworldagain,onlytohitbottomayearlater. This up-and-down pattern went on for nearly ten yearsbefore I realized that maybe the problem wasn’t the type ofbusiness I was choosing, the partners I was choosing, theemployeesI had,thestate oftheeconomy,ormydecisionto 28-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind taketimeoffandrelaxwhenthingsweregoingwell.Ifinallyrecog nized that maybe, just maybe, I was unconsciously relivingmydad’sup-and-downincomepattern. All I can say is, thank goodness I learned what you’relearninginthisbookandwasabletoreconditionmyselfout ofthat “yo-yo” model and into having a consistently growingincome.Today,theurgetochangewhenthingsaregoing well(and to sabotage myself in the process) still comes up. Butnow,there’sanotherfileinmymindthatobservesthisfeelinga ndsays,“Thankyouforsharing;nowlet’sgetrefocusedandbackt owork.” Another example comes from one of my seminars in Orlando, Florida. As usual, people were filing up to the stage, oneby one, to get an autograph and say hello or thank you orwhatever. I’ll never forget one older gentleman because hecame up sobbing. He could barely catch his breath and keptwipinghistearswithhissleeve.Iaskedhimwhatwaswrong.H e said, “I’m sixty-three years old and I’ve been reading booksand going to seminars since they were invented. I’ve seenevery speaker and tried everything they taught. I’ve triedstocks,realestate,andbeeninoveradozendifferentbusinesse s. I went back to university and got an MBA. I’ve gotmoreknowledgethantenaveragemen,yetI’venevermadeitfi nancially. I’d always get a good start but end up emptyhanded, and in all those years I never knew why. I thought Imustjustbeplainoldstupid...untiltoday. “Finally, after listening to you and doing the processes, it allmakes sense. There’s nothing wrong with me. I just had mydad’s money blueprint stuck in my head and that’s been mynemesis. My dad went through the heart of the Depressionera. Every day he would try getting jobs or selling things andcomehomeempty-handed.IwishIwouldhave YourMoneyBlueprint.29 understood modeling and money patterns forty years ago.What a waste of time, all that learning and knowledge hasbeen.”Hebegantocryevenharder. I replied, “No way is your knowledge a waste of time! It hasjust been latent, waiting in a ‘mind’ bank, waiting for theopportunitytocomeout.Nowthatyou’veformulateda‘succes s blueprint,’ everything you’ve ever learned will becomeusableandyouwillskyrockettosuccess.” For most of us, when we hear the truth, we know it. Hestartedtolightenupandbeganbreathingdeeplyagain.Thenabi ggrincameacrosshisface.Hegavemethebiggesthugandsaid, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Last I heard fromhim,everythingwasbooming:hehasaccumulatedmorewea lth in the last eighteen months than in the past eighteenyearscombined.Iloveit! Again, you can have all the knowledge and skills in theworld, but if your “blueprint” isn’t set for success, you’re fi-nanciallydoomed. We often get seminar participants whose parents were involvedinWorldWarIIorwholivedthroughtheDepression.Thes e people are often in shock when they realize how muchtheir parents’ experiences have influenced their beliefs andhabits around money. Some spend like crazy because “Youcouldeasilyloseallyourmoney,soyoumightaswellenjoyit whileyoucan.”Othersgotheoppositeroute:theyhoardtheirmon eyand“saveforarainyday.” Awordofwisdom:Savingforarainydaymightsoundlikeagoo didea,butitcancreatebigproblems.Oneoftheprinciples we teach in another of our courses is the power ofintention.Ifyouaresavingyourmoneyforarainyday,whatare you going to get? Rainy days! Stop doing that. Instead ofsavingforarainyday,focusonsavingforajoyousdayorfor 30-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind thedayyouwinyourfinancialfreedom.Then,byvirtueofthelawof intention,that’sexactlywhatyouwillget. Earlierwesaidthatmostofustendtobeidenticaltooneorboth parents in the arena of money, but there’s also the flipsideofthecoin.Someofusendupbeingexactlytheoppositeof one or both parents. Why would that happen? Do thewordsangerandrebellionringabell?Inshort,itjustdependsonho wtickedoffyouwereatthem. Unfortunately, as little kids we can’t say to our parents,“Mom and Dad, have a seat. I’d like to discuss something withyou.I’mnotfondofthewayyou’remanagingyourmoneyor,f or that matter, your lives, and therefore, when I become anadult,I’llbedoingthingsquitedifferently.Ihopeyouunderstan d.Goodnightnowandpleasantdreams.” No, no, no, it doesn’t go quite that way. Instead, when ourbuttons are pushed, we generally freak out and what comesoutsoundsmorelike“Ihateyou.I’llneverbelikeyou.When I grow up, I’m gonna be rich. Then I’ll get whatever I wantwhetheryoulikeitornot.”Thenweruntoourbedroom,slamt he door, and start pounding our pillow or whatever else is athand,toventourfrustration. Many people who come from poor families become angryandrebelliousaboutit.Oftentheyeithergooutandgetrichor at least have the motivation to do so. But there’s one littlehiccup,whichisactuallyabigburp.Whethersuchpeoplegetr ich or work their buns off trying to become successful, theyarenotusuallyhappy.Why?Becausetherootoftheirwealtho rmotivationformoneyisangerandresentment.Consequently, money and anger become linked in their minds,and the more money such individuals have or strive for, theangriertheyget. YourMoneyBlueprint-31 Eventually, the higher self says, “I’m tired of being angryand stressed out. I just want to be peaceful and happy.” Sothey ask the same mind that created the link what to do aboutthis situation. To which their mind answers, “If you want toget rid of your anger, you’re going to have to get rid of yourmoney.” So they do. They subconsciously get rid of theirmoney. Theyoverspendormakeapoorinvestmentdecisionorgetafina nciallydisastrousdivorce,ortheysabotagetheirsuccessinsomeothe rway.Butnomatter,becausenowthesefolksarehappy. Right? Wrong! Things are even worse because nowthey’re not just angry, they’re broke and angry. They got rid ofthewrongthing! They got rid of the money instead of the anger, the fruitinstead of the root. Meanwhile, the real issue is, and alwayswas,theangerbetweenthemandtheirparents.Anduntilth atanger is resolved, they will never be truly happy or peacefulregardlessofhowmuchmoneytheyhaveordon’thave. The reason or motivation you have for making money orcreating success is vital. If your motivation for acquiringmoney or success comes from a nonsupportive root such asfear, anger, or the need to “prove” yourself, your money willneverbringyouhappiness. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: If your motivation for acquiring money or successcomes from a nonsupportive root such as fear,anger, or the need to “prove” yourself, your moneywillnever bringyou happiness. 32-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Why? Because you can’t solve any of these issues withmoney.Takefear,forinstance.DuringmyseminarsIaskthea udience,“Howmanyofyouwouldcitefearasyourprimarymotiva tion for success?” Not many people put up their hand.However, then I ask, “How many of you would cite security asone of your main motivators for success?” Almost everyoneputs up his or her hand. But get this—security and fear areboth motivated by the same thing. Seeking security comes frominsecurity,whichisbasedinfear. So, will more money dissolve the fear? You wish! But theanswerisabsolutelynot.Why?Becausemoneyisnottherootof the problem; fear is. What’s even worse is that fear is notjust a problem, it’s a habit. Therefore, making more money willonly change the kind of fear we have. When we were broke,we were most likely afraid we’d never make it or never haveenough. Once we make it, however, our fear usually changesto“WhatifIlosewhatI’vemade?”or“Everyone’sgoingtowant what I have” or “I’m going to get creamed in taxes.” Inshort, until we get to the root of this issue and dissolve thefear,noamountofmoneywillhelp. Of course, given a choice, most of us would rather worryabout having money and losing it than not having money at all,butneitherareoverlyenlightenedwaystolive. As with those of us driven by fear, many people are motivated to achieve financial success to prove they are “goodenough.”We’llcoverthischallengeindetailinPartIIofthis book, but for now, just realize that no amount of money canever make you good enough. Money can’t make you somethingyoualreadyare.Again,aswithfear,the“alwayshavingtopro veyourself”issuebecomesyourhabitualwayofliving.Youdon’t evenrecognizeit’srunningyou.Youcallyour- YourMoneyBlueprint-33 self a high achiever, a hard driver, determined, and all thesetraits are fine. The only question is why? What is the rootenginethatdrivesallthis? For people who are driven to prove they are good enough,no amount of money can ease the pain of that inner woundthatmakeseverythingandeveryoneintheirlife“notenoug h.”No amount of money, or anything else for that matter, willeverbeenoughforpeoplewhofeeltheyarenotgoodenoughth emselves. Again, it’s all about you. Remember, your inner world reflects your outer world. If you believe you are not enough, youwill validate that belief and create the reality that you don’thaveenough.Ontheotherhand,ifyoubelieveyouareplenty, you will validate that belief and create plenty of abundance.Why? Because “plenty” will be your root, which will thenbecomeyournaturalwayofbeing. Byunlinkingyourmoneymotivationfromanger,fear,andthe need to prove yourself, you can install new links forearning your money through purpose, contribution, and joy. Thatway,you’llneverhavetogetridofyour moneytobe happy. Beingarebelortheoppositeofyourparentsisnotalwaysaprobl em. To the contrary, if you were a rebel (often the casewith second-born children) and your folks had poor moneyhabits, it’s probably a good thing that you are their opposite.Ontheotherhand,ifyourparentsweresuccessfulandyo u’rerebelling against them, you could be in for serious financialdifficulties. Eitherway,what’simportantistorecognizehowyourwayof being relates to one or both of your parents in the arena ofmoney. 34-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind StepsforChange:Modeling AWARENESS:Considerthewaysofbeingandhabitseachof your parents had around money and wealth. Writedownhowyoumaybeidenticaloroppositetoeitherofth em. UNDERSTANDING:Writedowntheeffectthismodelinghasha donyourfinanciallife. DISASSOCIATION:Canyouseethiswayofbeingisonlywhat you learned and isn’t you? Can you see you have achoiceinthepresentmomenttobedifferent? DECLARATION:Placeyourhandoveryourheartandsay... “WhatImodeledaroundmoneywastheirway.Icho osemyway.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” TheThirdInfluence:SpecificIncidents The third primary way in which we are conditioned is byspecific incidents. What did you experience when you wereyoung around money, wealth, and rich people? These ex-periences are extremely important because they shape thebeliefs—orrather,theillusions—younowliveby. Letmegiveyouanexample.AwomanwhowasanoperatingroomnurseattendedtheMillionaireMindIntensiveSeminar. Josey had an excellent income, but somehow shealways spent all of her money. When we dug a little deeper,sherevealedthatwhenshewaselevenyearsold,she YourMoneyBlueprint-35 remembersbeingataChineserestaurantwithherparentsandher sister. Her mom and dad were having yet another bitterargumentaboutmoney.Herdadwasstandingup,screamingan dslamminghisfistonthetable.Sheremembershimturningred,thenb lue,thenfallingtothefloorfromaheartattack.Shewasontheswimt eamatschoolandhadCPRtraining,whichsheadministered,button oavail.Herfatherdiedinherarms. And so, from that day forth, Josey’s mind linked moneywith pain. It’s no wonder then that as an adult, she subcon-sciously got rid of all of her money in an effort to get rid ofher pain. It’s also interesting to note that she became a nurse.Why?Isit possiblethatshewasstilltryingtosave herdad? At the course, we helped Josey identify her old moneyblueprint and revise it. Today she’s well on her way to be-coming financially free. She’s also not a nurse anymore. Notthat she didn’t enjoy her job. It’s just that she was in thenursing profession for the wrong reason. She’s now a financialplanner, still helping people, but this time one-onone, tounderstand how their past programming runs every aspect oftheirfinanciallives. Letmegiveyouanotherexampleofaspecificincident,onethat’ sclosertohome.Whenmywifewaseightyearsold,shewould hear the clanging bells of the ice cream truck comingdown the street. She would run to her mom and ask for aquarter.Hermomwouldreply,“Sorry,dear,Idon’thaveanymon ey. Go ask Dad. Dad’s got all the money.” My wife wouldthengoaskherdad.He’dgiveheraquarter,she’dgogetheric ecreamcone,andshewasahappycamper. Weekafterweek,thesameincidentwouldrepeatitself.Sowhat didmywifelearnaboutmoney? 36-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind First,thatmenhaveallthemoney.Sooncewegotmarried,what do you think she expected of me? That’s right: money.And I’ll tell you what, she wasn’t asking for quarters anymore!Somehowshe’dgraduated. Second, she learned that women don’t have money. If hermom(thedeity)didn’thavemoney,obviouslythisisthewaysh e should be. To validate that way of being, she would subconsciously get rid of all her money. She was quite preciseabout it too. If you gave her $100, she’d spend $100. If yougaveher$200,she’dspend$200.Ifyougaveher$500,she’dsp end $500, and if you gave her $1,000, she’d spend $1,000.Thenshetookoneofmycoursesandlearnedallaboutthear tof leverage. I gave her $2,000, she spent $10,000! I tried toexplain, “No, honey, leverage means we’re the ones who aresupposedtogetthetenthousanddollars,notspendit.”Someho witjustwasn’tsinkingin. Theonlythingweeverfoughtaboutwasmoney.Italmostcost us our marriage. What we didn’t know at the time wasthatthemeaningseachofusattributedtomoneywereradically different.Tomywife,moneymeant immediatepleasure (as in enjoying her ice cream). I, on the other hand,grew up with the belief that money was meant to be accumulatedasthemeanstocreatefreedom. AsfarasIwasconcerned,whenevermywifespentmoney,she wasn’t spending money, she was spending our futurefreedom. And as far as she was concerned, whenever I heldherbackfromspending,I wastakingawayherpleasureinlife. Thank goodness we learned how to revise each of ourmoneyblueprintsand,moreimportantly,createathirdmoney blueprintspecificallyfortherelationship. YourMoneyBlueprint-37 SuccessStoryfromDeborah Chamitoff From:DeborahChamitoff To: T. Harv Eker Subject: Financially free!Harv, Today, I have 18 sources of passive income and I nolonger need a J.O.B. Yes, I am rich, but more importantly,my life is enriched, joyful, and abundant! But itwasn’talwaysthis way. Money used to be a burden to me. I trusted strangers tomanage my financial affairs just so I wouldn’t have to dealwith it. I lost almost everything during the last stock marketcrash,andIdidn’tevenrealizeituntilit wastoolate. More importantly, I lost my self-respect. Paralyzed withfear, shame, and hopelessness, I withdrew from everyoneandeverythingaroundme.Icontinuedtopunishmyself rightupuntilIwasdraggedtotheMillionaireMind. During that transformational weekend, I reclaimed mypower and resolved to take control of my own financialdestiny. I embraced the Declarations of Wealth and forgavemyselfforpastmistakes,trulybelievingthatIdeservedto bewealthy. And now, I’m actually having fun managing my ownmoney! I am financially free and know I always will bebecauseIhaveaMillionaireMind! Thankyou,Harv...thankyou. 38-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Does all this work? Let me put it this way; I’ve witnessedthreemiraclesinmylife: 1. Thebirthofmydaughter. 2. Thebirthofmyson. 3. MywifeandInotfightingaboutmoneyanymore! Statisticsshowthatthenumberonecauseofallrelationshipbrea kups is money. The biggest reason behind the fightspeople have about money is not the money itself, but themismatch of their “blueprints.” It doesn’t matter how muchmoney you have or don’t have. If your blueprint doesn’t matchthat of the person you’re dealing with, you’ll have a majorchallenge. This goes for married couples, dating couples,familyrelationships,andevenbusinessassociates.Thekeyi stocomprehendthatyouaredealingwithblueprints,notmoney. Once you recognize a person’s money blueprint, youcandealwithyourpartnerinawaythatworksforbothofyou.Y oucanbeginbybecomingawarethatyourpartner’smoneyfiles are probably not the same as yours. Instead of gettingupset, choose understanding. Do your best to find out what’simportant to your partner in the arena of money and identifyhisorhermotivationsandfears.Inthisway,you’llbedeali ngwith the roots instead of the fruits and have a good shot ofmakingitwork.Otherwise,noway,Jose! Oneofthemostimportantthingsyouwilllearn,shouldyoudeci de to attend the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, ishow to recognize your partner’s money blueprint as well ashowtocreateabrandnewblueprintbetweenbothofyouthathelps you as partners get what you really want. It is truly ablessingtobeabletodothis,asitalleviatesoneofthebiggestcause sofpainformostpeople. YourMoneyBlueprint-39 StepsforChange:SpecificIncidents Here’sanexerciseyoucandowithyourpartner.Sitdownanddiscu ss the history each of you brings to your thoughts aboutmoney—what you heard when you were young, what wasmodeled in your family, and any emotional incidents thatoccurred. Also, find out what money really means to yourpartner. Is it pleasure or freedom or security or status? Thiswill assist you in identifying each other’s current moneyblueprint and may help you discover why you might be dis-agreeinginthisarena. Next,discusswhatyouwanttodaynotasindividuals,butasa partnership. Decide and agree upon your general goals andattitudeswithregardtomoneyandsuccess.Thencreatealistof these attitudes and actions you both agree to live by andwritethemdown.Postthemonthewall,andifeverthere’saniss ue, gently, very gently, remind each other what you decidedtogether when you were both objective, unemotional, andoutsidethegripofyouroldmoneyblueprints. AWARENESS:Consideraspecificemotionalincidentyouexpe riencedaroundmoneywhenyouwereyoung. UNDERSTANDING:Writedownhowthisincidentmayhaveaff ectedyourcurrentfinanciallife. DISASSOCIATION:Canyouseethiswayofbeingisonlywhat you learned and isn’t you? Can you see you have achoiceinthepresentmomenttobedifferent? DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... 40-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind “Ireleasemynonsupportivemoneyexperiencesfromthep astandcreateanewandrichfuture.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” SoWhat IsYour MoneyBlueprint SetFor? Now, it’s time to answer the “million dollar” question. What isyourcurrentmoneyandsuccessblueprint,andwhatresultsisit subconsciously moving you toward? Are you set for success,mediocrity, or financial failure? Are you programmed forstruggle or for ease around money? Are you set for workinghardforyourmoneyorworkinginbalance? Are you conditioned for having a consistent income or aninconsistentincome?Youknowthescoop:“Firstyouhaveit,th en you don’t, then you have it, then you don’t.” It alwaysappears as though the reasons for these drastic fluctuationscome from the outside world. For instance: “I got a great-paying job but then the company folded. Then I started myown business and things were booming, but the market driedup. My next business was doing super, but then my partnerleft,etcetera.”Don’tbefooled,thisisyourblueprintatwork. Are you set for having a high income, a moderate income,oralowincome?Didyouknowthereareactualdollaramo unts for which many of us are programmed? Are you setforearning$20,000to$30,000ayear?$40,000to$60,000? $75,000to$100,000?$150,000to$200,000?$250,000ayearormor e? A few years ago, I had an unusually well-dressed gentlemanintheaudienceduringoneofmytwo-hourevening YourMoneyBlueprint.41 seminars.Whentheseminarwascomplete,hecameoverandaske d if I thought the three-day Millionaire Mind course coulddoanythingforhim,consideringhewasalreadyearning $500,000 a year. I asked him how long he’d earned that kind ofmoney. He responded, “Consistently, for about seven yearsnow.” That was all I needed to hear. I asked him why he wasn’tearning$2millionayear.Itoldhimthattheprogramwasfor peoplewhowanttoreachtheirfullfinancialpotentialandaskedhim to consider why he was “stuck” at half a million. Hedecidedtocometotheprogram. I got an e-mail from him a year later that said, “The program was incredible but I made a mistake. I only reset mymoneyblueprinttoearnthe$2millionayearaswediscussed.I’ malreadythere,soI’mattendingthecourseagaintoresetitforearni ng$10millionayear.” The point I want to make is that the actual amounts don’tmatter. What matters is whether you are reaching your fullfinancialpotential.Iknowmanyofyoumightbeasking,whyo n earth would anyone need that kind of money? First, thatveryquestionisnotoverlysupportivetoyourwealthandisasur esignyou’llwanttoreviseyourmoneyblueprint.Second,themain reasonthisgentlemanwantedtoearnmassiveamountsofmoney wastosupporthisworkasahugedonortoacharitythatassistsAID SvictimsinAfrica.Somuchforthebeliefthatrichpeopleare“gree dy”! Let’sgoon.Areyouprogrammedforsavingmoneyorforspend ing money? Are you programmed for managing yourmoneywellormismanagingit? Are you set for picking winning investments or pickinglosers? You might wonder, “How could whether or not I makemoneyinthestockmarketorinrealestatebepartof 42-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind my blueprint?” Simple. Who picks the stock or the property?You do. Who picks when you buy it? You do. Who pickswhenyousellit?Youdo.Iguessyou’vegotsomethingtodow iththeequation. I have an acquaintance in San Diego named Larry. Larry is amagnet when it comes to making money: he definitely has ahigh income blueprint. But he has the kiss of death when itcomestoinvestinghismoney.Whateverhebuysdropslikearock . (Would you believe his dad had the exact same problem?Duh!) I keep in close touch with Larry so I can ask him forinvestment advice. It is always perfect... perfectly wrong!WhateverLarrysuggests,Igotheotherway.Ilove Larry! On the other hand, notice how other people seem to havewhat we termed earlier the Midas touch. Everything they getinvolved with turns to gold. Both the Midas-touch and thekiss-of-death syndromes are nothing more than the manifes-tationsofmoneyblueprints. Once again, your money blueprint will determine your financiallife— andevenyourpersonallife.Ifyouareawomanwhose money blueprint is set for low, chances are you willattract a man who is also set for low so you can stay in yourfinancial “comfort zone” and validate your blueprint. If youare a man who is set for low, chances are you will attract awoman who is a spender and gets rid of all your money, soyou can stay in your financial “comfort zone” and validateyourblueprint. Most people believe the success of their business is primarilydependentontheirbusinessskillsandknowledgeoratleast their timing of the marketplace. I hate to be the one tobreak it to you, but that’s la-la land, which is another way ofsaying,notachance! YourMoneyBlueprint-43 How well your business does is a result of your moneyblueprint.Youwillalwaysvalidateyourblueprint.Ifyouhave a blueprint that is set for earning $100,000 a year, that’s exactlyhowwellthebusinesswilldo,enoughtoearnyouabout $100,000ayear. Ifyouareasalespersonandyourblueprintissetforearning $50,000ayearandsomehowyoumakeahugesalethatmakesyou $90,000 that year, either the sale will cancel or if you doendupwith$90,000,getreadyforacrummyyeartofollowtoma keupforitandbringyoubacktothelevelofyourfinancialblueprint . On the other hand, if you’re set for earning $50,000 andyou’ve been in a slump for a couple of years, don’t worry,you’llgetitallback.Youhaveto,it’sthesubconsciouslawo fthe mind and money. Someone in this position would probably walk across the street, get hit by a bus, and end up withexactly $50,000 a year in insurance! It’s simple: one way oranother, if you’re set for $50,000 a year, eventually that’s whatyou’llget. Soagain,howcanyoutellwhatyourmoneyblueprintissetfor? One of the most obvious ways is to look at your results.Look at your bank account. Look at your income. Look atyournetworth.Lookatyoursuccesswithinvestments.Lookaty ourbusinesssuccess.Lookatwhetheryou’reaspenderora saver. Look at whether you manage money well. Look athowconsistentorinconsistentyouare.Lookathowhardyouwor kforyourmoney.Lookatyourrelationshipsthatinvolvemoney. Is money a struggle or does it come to you easily? Do youown a business or do you have a job? Do you stick with onebusinessorjobforalongtimeordoyoujumparoundalot? Yourblueprintislikeathermostat.Ifthetemperaturein 44-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind the room is seventy-two degrees, chances are good that thethermostatissetforseventytwodegrees.Nowhere’swhereitgetsinteresting.Isitpossiblethat becausethewindowisopenanditiscoldoutside,thetemperaturei ntheroomcandroptosixty-five degrees? Of course, but what will eventually happen?Thethermostatwillkickinandbringthetemperatureback toseventy-two. Also,isitpossiblethatbecausethewindowisopenandit’shotou tside,thetemperatureintheroomcangouptoseventy-seven degrees? Sure it could, but what will eventually happen?Thethermostatwillkickinandbringthetemperatureback toseventy-two. Theonlywaytopermanentlychangethetemperatureintheroo mistoresetthethermostat.Inthesameway,theonlywayto change your level of financial success “permanently” is toresetyourfinancialthermostat,otherwiseknown asyourmoneyblueprint. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: The only way to permanently change thetemperature in the room is to reset thethermostat.Inthesameway,the onlywaytochange your level of financial success“permanently” is to reset your financialthermostat. You can try anything and everything else you want. You candevelop your knowledge in business, in marketing, in sales, innegotiations, and in management. You can become an expertinrealestateorthestockmarket.Allofthesearetremendous “tools.”Butintheend,withoutaninner“tool- YourMoneyBlueprint-45 box” that is big enough and strong enough for you to createand hold on to large amounts of money, all the tools in theworldwillbeuselesstoyou. Onceagain,it’ssimplearithmetic:“Yourincomecangrowonly totheextentthatyoudo.” Fortunately or unfortunately, your personal money andsuccessblueprintwilltendtostaywithyoufortherestofyourlif e—unless you identify and change it. And that is exactlywhat we will continue to do in Part II of this book and doevenfurtherwithyouattheMillionaireMindIntensiveSemina r. Rememberthatthefirstelementofallchangeisawareness.Wat ch yourself, become conscious, observe your thoughts,your fears, your beliefs, your habits, your actions, and evenyourinactions.Putyourselfunderamicroscope.Studyyours elf. Mostofusbelievethatweliveourlivesbasedonchoice.Notusually ! Even if we’re really enlightened, we might make just afewchoicesduringtheaveragedaythatreflectourawarenessof ourselves in the present moment. But for the most part,we’re like robots, running on automatic, ruled by our pastconditioningandoldhabits.That’swhereconsciousnesscom esin.Consciousnessisobservingyourthoughtsandactions so that you can live from true choice in the presentmomentratherthanbeingrunbyprogrammingfromthepa st. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Consciousness is observing your thoughts andactions so that you can live from true choice in thepresent moment rather than being run byprogrammingfrom the past. 46-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind By achieving consciousness, we can live from who we aretodayratherthanwhowewereyesterday.Inthisway,wecanres pondappropriatelytosituations,tappingthefullrangeandpotenti al of our skills and talents, rather than inappropriatelyreacting to events, driven by the fears and insecurities of thepast. Onceyouareconscious,youcanseeyourprogrammingforwha titis:simplyarecordingofinformationyoureceivedandbelieved in the past, when you were too young to know anybetter. You can see that this conditioning is not who you arebut who you learned to be. You can see that you are not the“recording” but the “recorder.” You are not the “content” inthe glass but the “glass” itself. You are not the software butthehardware. Yes, genetics may play a role, and, yes, spiritual aspects maycome into play, but much of what shapes who you are comesfrom other people’s beliefs and information. As I suggestedearlier, beliefs are not necessarily true or false or right orwrong, but regardless of their validity, beliefs are opinions thatarepassedaroundandaroundandthendownfromgenerationt ogenerationtoyou. Knowing this,youcan consciouslychoosetoreleaseanybelieforway ofbeingthatisnotsupportivetoyourwealth,andyoucanreplaceit withonethatis. Inourcoursesweteachthat“nothoughtlivesinyourheadrentfree.”Eachthoughtyouhavewilleitherbeaninvestmentor a cost. It will either move you toward happiness and successor away from it. It will either empower you or disempoweryou.That’swhyitisimperativeyouchooseyourthou ghtsandbeliefswisely. Realize that your thoughts and beliefs aren’t who you are,andtheyarenotnecessarilyattachedtoyou.Aspreciousas YourMoneyBlueprint.47 you believe them to be, they have no more importance andmeaning than you give them. Nothing has meaning except for themeaningyougiveit. Recall how at the beginning of this book I suggested youdon’tbelieveawordIsay?Well,ifyoureallywanttotakeoffin yourlife,don’tbelieveawordyousay.Andifyouwantinstantenlightenment,don’tbelieveathoughtyouthink. Meanwhile,ifyou’relikemostpeople,you’regoingtobe-lieve something, so you might as well adopt beliefs that sup-port you, rich beliefs. Remember, thoughts lead to feelings,which lead to actions, which lead to results. You can choose tothink and act like rich people do and therefore create theresultsthatrichpeoplecreate. The question is, “How do rich people think and act?”That’sexactlywhatyou’lldiscoverinPartIIofthisbook. Ifyouwanttochangeyourfinanciallifeforever,readon! DECLARATION: Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Iobservemythoughtsandentertainonlythosethatem powerme.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” 48-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind SuccessStoryfromRhonda&BobBaines From: Rhonda & Bob Baines To: T. Harv Eker Subject: We feelfree! We went to the Millionaire Mind Intensive not really knowingwhat to expect. We were very impressed with the results. Beforeattending the seminar, we were having a lot of money problems.We never seemed to get ahead. We would continually be in debtand not know why. We would pay off our credit cards (usually froma large bonus at work), only to get back into debt withinsixmonths. It did not matter how much money we made. We wereveryfrustratedand argueda lot. Then we attended Millionaire Mind. While listening to Harv, myhusband and I kept squeezing each other’s leg and smiling andlooking at each other. We heard so much information that had ussaying,“Nowonder,”“Oh,sothat’swhy,”“Everythingmakessenseno w.” Wewereveryexcited. We learned how he and I think so differently when it comes tomoney. How he is a “spender” and how I am an “avoider.” What ahorrible combination! After hearing the information, we stoppedblaming each other and started understanding each other andultimatelystartedtoappreciateandloveeachothermore. It is almost a year later and we still do not argue about money— we just talk about what we learned. We are no longer in debt; infact we have money in savings, the first time in our 16yearrelationship—yeah!Wenownotonlyhavemoneyforourfuture,but we also have enough money for our normal everydayexpenses, playing, education, long-term savings for a home, andwe even have money to share and give away. It feels wonderfulknowing that we can use money in those areas and not feel guiltybecause we allocatedanddedicateditforthatpurpose. Wefeel free. Thankyouverymuch,Harv. PARTTWO TheWealthFiles SeventeenWaysRichPeopleThink and Act Differently from PoorandMiddle-ClassPeople I NPARTIOFTHISBOOKWEDISCUSSEDTHEPROCESS of Manifestation. Recall that thoughts lead to feelings, feelingslead to actions, and actions lead to results. Everything beginswith your thoughts—which are produced by your mind. Isn’tit amazing that our mind is pretty much the basis for our lifeand yet most of us have no clue as to how this powerfulapparatus functions? So let’s start by taking a simple look athow your mind works. Metaphorically, your mind is nothingmorethanabigfilecabinet,similartowhatyou’dfindinyo uroffice or home. All information that comes in is labeled andfiledinfolderssothatit’seasytoretrievetohelpyousurvive.Di dyouhearthat?Ididn’tsaythrive,Isaidsurvive. In every situation, you go to the files of your mind to determinehowtorespond.Say,forexample,you’reconsideringa financial opportunity. You automatically go to your filelabeled money and from there decide what to do. The onlythoughtsyoucanhaveaboutmoneywillbewhatarestored 50-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind in your money file. That’s all you can think about, becausethat’sallthatisinyourmindunderthatcategory. You decide based on what you believe is logical, sensible,andappropriateforyouatthetime.Youmakewhatyouth inkis the right choice. The problem, however, is that your rightchoice may not be a successful choice. In fact, what makesperfect sense to you may consistently produce perfectly poorresults. For instance, let’s say my wife is in the mall. That shouldn’tbe too hard for me to imagine. She sees this green purse. It’son sale for 25 percent off. She immediately goes to her mindfileswiththequestion“ShouldIgetthispurse?”Inananosec ond,hermindfilescomebackwiththeanswer:“You’vebeenlooki ngforagreenpursetogowiththosegreenshoes you bought last week. Plus it’s just the right size. Buy it!”As she rushes to the checkout counter, her mind is not onlythrilled that she’s going to have this beautiful purse, butglowingwithpridethatshegotitfor25percentoff. Tohermind,thispurchasemakesperfectsense.Shewantsit,sh ebelievessheneedsit,anditis“suchadeal.”However,atnopointdi dhermindcomeupwiththethought“True,thisisareallynicepurse ,andtrue,thisisagreatdeal,butrightnowI’mthreethousanddollar sindebt,soI’dbetterholdoff.”She didn’t come up with that information because no file inherheadcontainsthat.Thefileof“Whenyou’reindebt,don’tbu yanymore”wasneverinstalledinheranddoesn’texist, whichmeansthatparticularchoiceisnotanoption. Do you catch my drift? If you’ve got files in your cabinetthat are nonsupportive to financial success, those will be theonlychoicesyoucanmake.They’llbenatural,automatic, The Wealth Files-51 and make perfect sense to you. But in the end, they will stillproduce financial failure or mediocrity at best. Conversely, ifyou’ve got mind files that support financial success, you willnaturallyandautomaticallymakedecisionsthatproducesucc ess. You won’t have to think about it. Your normal way ofthinkingwillresultinsuccess,kindoflikeDonaldTrump.Hisno rmalwayofthinkingproduceswealth. When it comes to money, wouldn’t it be incredible if youcouldinherentlythinkhowrichpeoplethink?Isurehopeyous aid“absolutely”orsomethingtothateffect. Well,youcan! As we stated previously, the first step to any change isawareness, meaning the first step to thinking the way richpeoplethinkistoknowhowrichpeoplethink. Rich people think very differently from poor and middleclass people. They think differently about money, wealth,themselves,otherpeople,andprettywelleveryotherfacet oflife. In Part II of this book, we’re going to examine some ofthese differences and, as part of your reconditioning, installseventeenalternative“wealthfiles”intoyourmind.Withne wfiles come new choices. You can then catch yourself when youare thinking like poor and middle-class people and consciouslyshiftyourfocustohowrichpeoplethink.Remember,y oucanchoose to think in ways that will support you in your happinessandsuccessinsteadofwaysthatdon’t. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: You can choose to think in ways that willsupport you in your happiness and successinsteadof ways that don’t. 52-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Afewcaveatstobegin.First,innoway,shape,orformdoImean to degrade poor people or want to appear to be withoutcompassionfortheirsituation.Idonotbelievethatrichpe oplearebetterthanpoorpeople.They’rejustricher.Atthesame time, I want to make sure you get the message, so I’mgoing to make the distinctions between the rich and poor asextremeaspossible. Second,whenIdiscussrich,poor,andmiddleclasspeople,what I am referring to is their mentality—how different folksthink and act rather than the actual amount of money they’vegotortheirvaluetosociety. Third, I will be generalizing “big time.” I understand thatnotallrichandnotallpoorpeoplearethewayI’mdescribingth em to be. Again, my objective is to make sure you get thepointofeachprincipleanduseit. Fourth, for the most part, I will not always be referring tothe middle class specifically, because middle-class peopleusually have a mix of rich and poor mentalities. Again, my goalis for you to become aware of where you fit on the scale andtothinkmoreliketherichifyouwanttocreatemorewealth. Fifth,severaloftheprinciplesinthissectionmayappeartodeal morewithhabitsandactionsthanwithwaysofthinking.Rememb er, our actions come from our feelings, which comefrom our thoughts. Consequently, every rich action is precededbyarichwayofthinking. Finally,I’mgoingtoaskyoutobewillingtoletgoofbeingright! WhatImeanbythatis,bewillingtoletgoofhavingtodo it your way. Why? Because your way has gotten you exactlywhat you’ve got right now. If you want more of the same, keepdoingityourway.Ifyou’renotyetrich,however,maybeit’sti meyouconsideradifferentway,especially The Wealth Files-53 one that comes from someone who is really, really rich and hasput thousands of others on the road to wealth too. It’s up toyou. The concepts you are about to learn are simple but profound. They make real changes for real people in the realworld. How do I know? At my company, Peak PotentialsTraining, we get thousands of letters and e-mails each yeartelling us how each individual wealth file has transformedpeople’slives.Ifyoulearnthemandusethem,Iamco nfidenttheywilltransformyourlifetoo. Attheendofeachsectionyouwillfindadeclarationandaphysic almovementwithwhichto“anchor”itintoyourbody. Youwillalsofindactionstotaketosupportyouinadoptingthisw ealthfile.Itisimperativeyouputeachfileintoactioninyour life as quickly as possible so that the knowledge can moveto a physical, cellular level and create lasting and permanentchange. Mostpeopleunderstandwearecreaturesofhabit,butwhatthey don’trealizeisthatthereareactuallytwokindsofhabits:doing habits and not-doing habits. Everything you are not doingright now, you are in the habit of not doing. The only way tochangethesenotdoinghabitsintodoinghabitsistodothem.Readingwillassistyou, butit’sawholedifferentworldwhenyou go from reading to doing. If you are truly serious aboutsuccess,proveit,anddotheactionssuggested. 54-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind WealthFile#1 Rich people believe “I create my life.”Poorpeoplebelieve“Lifehappenstome .” If you want to create wealth, it is imperative that you believethatyouareatthesteeringwheelofyourlife,especiallyyou rfinancial life. If you don’t believe this, then you must inherently believe that you have little or no control over your life,andthereforeyouhavelittleornocontroloveryourfinancials uccess.Thatisnotarichattitude. Didyouevernoticethatit’susuallypoorpeoplewhospenda fortune playing the lottery? They actually believe their wealthis going to come from someone picking their name out of ahat. They spend Saturday night glued to the TV, excitedlywatchingthedraw,toseeifwealthisgoingto“land”onth emthisweek. Sure, everyone wants to win the lottery, and even richpeopleplayforfunonceinawhile.Butfirst,theydon’tspendha lftheirpaycheckontickets,andsecond,winningthelottoisnotthei rprimary“strategy”forcreatingwealth. You have to believe that you are the one who creates yoursuccess,thatyouaretheonewhocreatesyourmediocrity,and thatyouaretheonecreatingyourstrugglearoundmoneyandsucce ss.Consciouslyorunconsciously,it’sstillyou. Insteadoftakingresponsibilityforwhat’sgoingonintheirlives , poor people choose to play the role of the victim. Avictim’s predominant thought is often “poor me.” So presto,by virtue of the law of intention, that’s literally what victimsget:theygettobe“poor.” Notice that I said they play the role of victim. I didn’t saytheyarevictims.Idon’tbelieveanyoneisavictim.Ibelieve The Wealth Files. 55 people play the victim because they think it gets them something.We’lldiscussthisinmoredetailshortly. That said, how can you tell when people are playing thevictim?Theyleavethreeobviousclues. Now,beforewetalkabouttheseclues,Iwantyoutorealizethat I fully understand that none of these ways of being hasanythingtodowithanyonereadingthisbook.Butmaybe,just maybe, you might know someone who can relate. And maybe,just maybe, you might know that person intimately! Eitherway,Isuggestyoupaycloseattentiontothissection. VictimClue#1:Blame When it comes to why they’re not rich, most victims areprofessionalsatthe“blamegame.”Theobjectofthisgameisto see how many people and circumstances you can point thefingeratwithouteverlookingatyourself.It’sfunforvictimsat least. Unfortunately it’s not such a blast for anyone else whoisunluckyenoughtobearoundthem.That’sbecausethoseinc loseproximitytovictimsbecomeeasytargets. Victims blame the economy, they blame the government,they blame the stock market, they blame their broker, theyblametheirtypeofbusiness,theyblametheiremployer,theyb lametheiremployees,theyblametheirmanager,theyblamethe head office, they blame their up-line or their downline,theyblamecustomerservice,theyblametheshippingdepart ment,theyblametheirpartner,theyblametheirspouse,theyblam eGod,andofcoursetheyalwaysblametheirparents. It’s always someone else or something else that is toblame.Theproblemisanythingoranyonebutthem. 56-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Victim Clue#2: Justifying If victims aren’t blaming, you’ll often find them justifying orrationalizing their situation by saying something like “Money’snot really important.” Let me ask you this question: If you saidthat your husband or your wife, or your boyfriend or yourgirlfriend, or your partner or your friend, weren’t all thatimportant, would any of them be around for long? I don’tthinkso,andneitherwouldmoney! At my live seminars, some participants always come up tome and say, “You know, Harv, money’s not really that important.” I look them directly in the eyes and say, “You’rebroke! Right?” They usually look down at their feet andmeeklyreplywithsomethinglike“Well,rightnowI’mhavinga few financial challenges, but . . .” I interrupt, “No, it’s notjustrightnow,it’salways;you’vealwaysbeenbrokeorclosetoit, yes or yes?” At this point they usually nod their head inagreement and woefully return to their seats, ready to listenand learn, as they finally realize what a disastrous effect thisonebeliefhashadontheirlives. Ofcoursethey’rebroke.Wouldyouhaveamotorcycleifitwasn ’timportanttoyou?Ofcoursenot.Wouldyouhaveapetparrot if it wasn’t important to you? Of course not. In thesameway,ifyoudon’tthinkmoneyisimportant,yousimplywo n’thaveany. You can actually dazzle your friends with this insight.Imagineyou’reinaconversationwithafriendwhotellsyo u,“Money’s not important.” Put your hand on your foreheadand look up as though you are getting a message from theheavens,thenexclaim,“You’rebroke!”Towhichyourshocke dfriendwillundoubtedlyrespond,“Howdidyouknow?”Thenyo ustretchoutyourpalmandyoureply, TheWealth Files-57 “What else do you want to know? That’ll be fifty bucks,please!” Let me put it bluntly: anyone who says money isn’t important doesn’t have any! Rich people understand the importance of money and the place it has in our society. On theother hand, poor people validate their financial ineptitude byusing irrelevant comparisons. They’ll argue, “Well, money isn’tasimportantaslove.”Now,isthatcomparisondumborwhat? What’smoreimportant,yourarmoryourleg?Maybethey’rebothi mportant. Listenup,myfriends:Moneyisextremelyimportantinthearea s in which it works, and extremely unimportant in theareas in which it doesn’t. And although love may make theworld go round, it sure doesn’t pay for the building of anyhospitals,churches,orhomes.Italsodoesn’tfeedanybody. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Money is extremely important in the areasinwhich itworks,andextremelyunimportant inthe areasinwhichitdoesn’t. Not convinced? Try paying your bills with love. Still notsure? Then pop on over to the bank and try depositing someloveandseewhathappens.I’llsaveyouthetrouble.Theteller willlookatyouasifyou’vejustgoneAWOLfromtheloonybinand screamonlyoneword:“Security!” Norichpeoplebelievemoneyisnotimportant.AndifI’vefailed to persuade you and you still somehow believe thatmoney’s not important, then I have only two words for you,you’re broke, and you always will be until you eradicate thatnonsupportivefilefromyourfinancialblueprint. 58-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Victim Clue#3: Complaining Complainingistheabsoluteworstpossiblethingyoucoulddofory ourhealthoryourwealth.Theworst!Why? I’m a big believer in the universal law that states, “What youfocus on expands.” When you are complaining, what are youfocusingon,what’srightwithyourlifeorwhat’swrongwithit ? You are obviously focusing on what’s wrong with it, andsincewhatyoufocusonexpands,you’llkeepgettingmoreofw hat’swrong. Manyteachersinthepersonaldevelopmentfieldtalkaboutthe LawofAttraction.Itstatesthat“likeattractslike,”meaning that when you are complaining, you are actually attracting“crap”intoyourlife. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: When you are complaining, you become a living,breathing“crap magnet.” Have you ever noticed that complainers usually have atoughlife?Itseemsthateverythingthatcouldgowrongdoesgo wrong for them. They say, “Of course I complain— lookhow crappy my life is.” And now that you know better, youcan explain to them, “No, it’s because you complain that yourlifeissocrappy.Shutup...anddon’tstandnearme!” Which brings us to another point. You have to make darnsure not to put yourself in the proximity of complainers. If youabsolutely have to be nearby, make sure you bring a steelumbrellaorthecrapmeantforthemwillgetyoutoo! I stay as far away from complainers as possible becausenegativeenergyisinfectious.Plentyofpeople,however,l ove The WealthFiles.59 to hang out and listen to complainers. Why? It’s simple: they’rewaiting for their turn! “You think that’s bad? Wait till you hearwhathappenedtome!” Here’s some homework that I promise will change your life.Forthenextsevendays,Ichallengeyoutonotcomplainatall.N otjustoutloud,butinyourheadaswell.Butyouhavetodoitforthef ullsevendays.Why?Becauseforthefirstfewdays,you may still have some “residual crap” coming to you frombefore.Unfortunately,crapdoesn’ttravelatthespeedoflight ,you know, it travels at the speed of crap, so it might take awhiletoclearout. I’ve given this challenge to thousands of people, and I’mblown away at how many of them have told me that this one,teensy-weensy exercise has transformed their lives. I guaranteeyou’ll be astonished at how amazing your life will be when youstopfocusingon—andtherebystopattracting— crapintoyourlife.Ifyou’vebeena complainer, forgetabout attractingsuccess for now; for most people, just getting to “neutral”wouldbeagreatstart! Blame, justification, and complaining are like pills. They arenothingmorethanstressreducers.Theyalleviatethestressoffa ilure. Think about it. If a person weren’t failing in some way,shape, or form, would he or she need to blame, justify, orcomplain?Theobviousanswerisno. From now on, as you hear yourself disastrously blaming,justifying, or complaining, cease and desist immediately. Remindyourselfthatyouarecreatingyourlifeandthatateverymome ntyouwillbeattractingeithersuccessorcrapintoyourlife. It is imperative you choose your thoughts and wordswisely! Now you’re ready to hear one of the greatest secrets in theworld.Areyouready?Readthiscarefully:Thereisnosuch 60-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind thing as a really rich victim! Did you get that? I’ll say it again:There is no such thing as a really rich victim. Besides, whowouldlisten?“Tsk,tsk,Igotascratchinmyyacht.”Towhicha lmostanyonewouldrespond,“Whogivesahoot?” WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Thereisno suchthingas areallyrich victim! Meanwhile, being a victim definitely has its rewards. Whatdo people get out of being a victim? The answer is attention. Isattention important? You bet it is. In some form or anotherit’s what almost everyone lives for. And the reason people livefor attention is that they’ve made a critical mistake. It is thesameerrorthatvirtuallyallofushavemade.We’veconfusedatt entionwithlove. Believeme,itisvirtuallyimpossibletobetrulyhappyandsucce ssful when you’re constantly yearning for attention. Becauseifit’sattentionyouwant,you’reatthemercyofothers.You usually end up as a “people pleaser” begging for approval.Attentionseekingisalsoaproblembecausepeopletendtodostupid things to get it. It is imperative to “unhook” attentionandlove,foranumberofreasons. First,youwillbemoresuccessful;second,youwillbehap-pier; and third, you can find “true” love in your life. For themostpart,whenpeopleconfuseloveandattention,theydon’tlo ve each other in the true spiritual sense of the word. Theylove each other largely from the place of their own ego, as in“I love what you do for me.” Therefore, the relationship isreally about the individual, and not about the other person oratleastthebothofyou. Bydisconnectingattentionfromlove,youwillbefreed The WealthFiles.61 up to love another for who they are, rather than what they doforyou. Now,asIsaid,thereisnosuchthingasarichvictim.Sotostayavi ctim,attentionseekersmakedarnsuretheynevergetrich. It’stimetodecide.Youcanbeavictimoryoucanberich,butyou can’tbeboth.Listenup!Everytime,andImeaneverytime, you blame, justify, or complain, you are slitting yourfinancial throat. Sure, it would be nice to use a kinder and gentlermetaphor, but forget it. I’m not interested in kind or gentleright now. I’m interested in helping you see exactly what theheck you’re doing to yourself ! Later, once you get rich, we canbekinderandgentler,how’sthat? It’stimetotakebackyourpowerandacknowledgethatyoucreat eeverythingthatisinyourlifeandeverythingthatisnotin it. Realize that you create your wealth, your non-wealth, andeverylevelinbetween. DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Icreatetheexactlevelofmyfinancialsuccess!” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Every time you catch yourself blaming, justifying, orcomplaining,slideyourindexfingeracrossyourneck,asa trigger to remind yourself that you are slitting yourfinancial throat. Once again, even though this gesturemay seem a little crude to do to yourself, it’s no morecrudethanwhatyou’redoingtoyourselfbyblaming, 62-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind justifying,orcomplaining,anditwilleventuallyworktoal leviatethesedestructivehabits. 2. Do a “debrief.” At the end of each day, write down onethingthatwentwellandonethingthatdidn’t.Thenwritet he answer to the following question: “How did I createeach of these situations?” If others were involved, askyourself, “What was my part in creating each of thesesituations?” This exercise will keep you accountable foryour life and make you aware of the strategies that areworkingforyouandthestrategiesthatarenot. Special Bonus: Go to and clickon“FREEBOOKBONUSES”toreceiveyourfreeMillionai reMind“actionreminders.” WealthFile#2 Richpeopleplay themoney gametowin. Poor people play themoney game to notlose. Poor people play the money game on defense rather than offense. Let me ask you: If you were to play any sport or anygame strictly on defense, what are the chances of your winningthatgame?Mostpeoplewouldagree,slimandnone. Yet that’s exactly how most people play the money game.Their primary concern is survival and security instead ofcreating wealth and abundance. So, what is your goal? What isyourobjective?Whatisyourtrueintention? Thegoaloftrulyrichpeopleistohavemassivewealthandabund ance.Notjustsomemoney,butlotsofmoney.Sowhatisthebiggoa lofpoorpeople?To“haveenoughtopay TheWealthFiles-63 the bills... and on time would be a miracle!” Again, let meremindyouofthepowerofintention.Whenyourintentionisto have enough to pay the bills, that’s exactly how much you’llget—justenoughtopaythebillsandnotadimemore. Middle-class people at least go a step further... too bad it’s atiny step. Their big goal in life also happens to be their favoritewordinthewholewideworld.Theyjustwanttobe“comfo rtable.” I hate to break the news to you, but there’s ahugedifferencebetweenbeingcomfortableandbeingrich. I have to admit, I didn’t always know that. But one of thereasons I believe I have the right to even write this book isthat I’ve had the experience of being on all three sides of theproverbial fence. I’ve been extremely broke, as in having toborrow a dollar for gas for my car. But let me qualify that.First,itwasn’tmycar.Second,thatdollarcameintheformoff our quarters. Do you know how embarrassing it is for anadult to pay for gas with four quarters? The kid at the pumplookedatmeasifIweresomekindofvending-machinerobberandthenjustshookhisheadandlaughed.Idon’tknowifyou can relate, but it was definitely one of my financial lowpointsandunfortunatelyjustoneofthem. OnceIgotmyacttogether,Igraduatedtothelevelofbeingcomfo rtable. Comfortable is nice. At least you go out to decentrestaurantsforachange.ButprettymuchallIcouldorderwa schicken. Now, there’s nothing wrong with chicken, if that’swhatyoureallywant.Butoftenit’snot. In fact, people who are only financially comfortable usuallydecide on what to eat by looking at the right-hand side of themenu— thepriceside.“Whatwouldyoulikefordinnertonight, dear?” “I’ll have this $7.95 dish. Let’s see what it is.Surprise, surprise, it’s the chicken,” for the nineteenth timethisweek! 64-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind When you’re comfortable, you don’t dare allow your eyes tolook at the bottom of the menu, for if you did, you mightcome across the most forbidden words in the middleclassdictionary: market price! And even if you were curious, you’dnever ask what the price actually is. First, because you knowyou can’t afford it. Second, it’s downright embarrassing whenyouknowthewaiterdoesn’tbelieveyouwhenhetellsyouthe dish is $49 with side dishes extra and you say, “You knowwhat, for some reason, I have a real craving for chickentonight!” I have to say that for me personally, one of the best thingsabout being rich is not having to look at the prices on themenu anymore. I eat exactly what I want to eat regardless ofthe price. I can assure you, I didn’t do that when I was broke orcomfortable. It boils down to this: If your goal is to be comfortable,chancesareyou’llnevergetrich.Butifyourgoalisto berich,chancesareyou’llendupmightycomfortable. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: If your goal is to be comfortable, chances areyou’ll never get rich. But if your goal is to be rich,chancesare you’llendupmightycomfortable. One of the principles we teach in our programs is “If youshoot for the stars, you’ll at least hit the moon.” Poor peopledon’t even shoot for the ceiling in their house, and then theywonderwhythey’renotsuccessful.Well,theyjustfoundout. You get what you truly intend to get. If you want to get rich,your goal has to be rich. Not to have enough to pay the bills,and not just to have enough to be comfortable. Rich meansrich! TheWealthFiles-65 DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Mygoalistobecomeamillionaireandmore!” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Write down two financial objectives that demonstrateyour intention to create abundance, not mediocrity orpoverty.Write“playtowin”goalsforyour: a. Annualincome b. Networth Make these goals achievable with a realistic timeframe,yetatthesametimerememberto“shootfor thestars.” 2. Gotoanupscalerestaurantandorderamealat“marketprice ” without asking how much it costs. (If funds aretight,sharingisacceptable.) P.S. No chicken! WealthFile#3 Richpeoplearecommittedtobeingrich. Poorpeoplewanttoberich. Askmostpeopleiftheywanttoberichandthey’dlookatyouasifyo uwerecrazy.“OfcourseIwanttoberich,”they’dsay.Thetruth,ho wever,isthatmostpeopledon’treallywanttoberich.Why?Becau setheyhavealotofnegativewealth 66-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind files in their subconscious mind that tell them there is somethingwrongwithbeingrich. At our Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, one of thequestions we ask people is “What are some of the possiblenegativesaboutbeingrichortryingtogetrich?” Here’swhatsomepeoplehavetosay.Seeifyoucanrelatetoany ofthese. “What if I make it and lose it? Then I’ll really be a failure.”“I’llneverknowifpeoplelikemeformyselforformy money.” “I’llbe at thehighest tax bracket andhaveto give halfmymoneytothegovernment.” “It’stoomuchwork.” “Icouldlosemyhealthtrying.” “Myfriendsandfamilywillsay,‘Whodoyouthinkyouare?’an dcriticizeme.” “Everyone’sgoingtowantahandout.”“Ic ouldberobbed.” “Mykidscouldbekidnapped.” “It’s too much responsibility. I’ll have to manage all thatmoney.I’llhavetoreallyunderstandinvestments.I’llhaveto worry about tax strategies and asset protection and have tohireexpensive accountantsand lawyers.Yuck, what ahassle.” Andonandonitgoes.... As I mentioned earlier, each of us has a wealth file insidethe cabinet called our mind. This file contains our personalbeliefsthatincludewhybeingrichwouldbewonderful. However,formanypeople,thisfilealsoincludesinformationas to why being rich might not be so wonderful. This meansthey have mixed internal messages about wealth. One part ofthemgleefullysays,“Havingmoremoneywillmake TheWealthFiles-67 lifealotmorefun.”Butthenanotherpartscreams,“Yeah,butI’mg oingtohavetoworklikeadog!Whatfunisthat?”Onepartsays,“I’l lbeabletotraveltheworld.”Thentheotherpartchirps in, “Yeah, and everyone in the world will want ahandout.”Thesemixedmessagesmayseeminnocentenough,bu t in reality, they are one of the major reasons most peopleneverbecomerich. Youcanlookatitlikethis.Theuniverse,whichisanotherway of saying “higher power,” is akin to a big mail-order department.Itisconstantlydeliveringpeople,events,andthingstoy ou.You“order”whatyougetbysendingenergeticmessages out to the universe based on your predominant beliefs.Again,basedontheLawofAttraction,theuniversewilldo its best to say yes and support you. But if you have mixedmessagesinyourfile,theuniversecan’tunderstandwhatyo uwant. One minute the universe hears that you want to be rich, soit begins sending you opportunities for wealth. But then ithears you say, “Rich people are greedy,” so the universe beginstosupportyouinnothavingmuchmoney.Butthenyouthink ,“Havingalotofmoneymakeslifesomuchmoreenjoyable,”sothe pooruniverse,dazedandconfused,restartssendingyouopportuni ties for more money. The next day you’re in anuninspiredmoodsoyouthink,“Money’snotthatimportant.”T he frustrated universe finally screams, “Make up your frickin’mind!I’llgetyouwhatyouwant,justtellmewhatitis!” The number one reason most people don’t get what they want is thatthey don’t know what they want. Rich people are totally clear thatthey want wealth. They are unwavering in their desire. Theyare fully committed to creating wealth. As long as it’s legal,moral,andethical,theywilldowhateverittakes 68-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind to have wealth. Rich people do not send mixed messages totheuniverse.Poorpeopledo. (By the way, when you read that last paragraph, if a littlevoice inside your head said something to the effect of “Richpeopledon’tcareifit’slegal,moral,orethical,”youaredefinitely doing the right thing in reading this book. You’ll soonfindoutwhatadetrimentalwayofthinkingthatis.) WEALTHPRINCIPLE: The number one reason most peopledon’t get what they want is that theydon’tknow what theywant. Poor people have plenty of good reasons as to why gettingand actually being rich might be a problem. Consequently, theyare not 100 percent certain they really want to be rich. Theirmessagetotheuniverseisconfusing.Theirmessagetoother sis confusing. And why does all of this confusion happen?Becausetheirmessagetothemselvesisconfusing. Earlier we talked about the power of intention. I know itmightbehardtobelieve,butyoualwaysgetwhatyouwant— what you subconsciously want, not what you say you want. Youmight emphatically deny this and respond, “That’s crazy! WhywouldIwanttostruggle?”Andmyquestionforyouisexactlyt hesame:“Idon’tknow.Whywouldyouwanttostruggle?” Ifyouwanttodiscoverthereason,IinviteyoutoattendtheMillio naire Mind Intensive Seminar, where you will identifyyour money blueprint. The answer will be staring you in theface. Put bluntly, if you are not achieving the wealth you sayyoudesire,there’sagoodchanceit’sbecause, The Wealth Files. 69 first, you subconsciously don’t really want wealth, or second,you’renotwillingtodowhatittakestocreateit. Let’sexplorethisfurther.Thereareactuallythreelevelsofsocalledwanting.Thefirstlevelis“Iwanttoberich.”That’sanotherw ayofsaying,“I’lltakeitifitfallsinmylap.”Wantingaloneisuseless. Haveyounoticedthatwantingdoesn’tnecessarily lead to “having”? Notice also that wanting withouthavingleadstomorewanting.Wantingbecomeshabitual andleads only to itself, creating a perfect circle that goes exactlynowhere.Wealthdoesnotcomefrommerelywantingit.H owdoyouknowthisistrue?Withasimplerealitycheck:billionsof peoplewanttoberich,relativelyfeware. The second level of wanting is “I choose to be rich.” Thisentails deciding to become rich. Choosing is a much strongerenergy and goes hand in hand with being responsible forcreating your reality. The word decision comes from the Latinword decidere, which means “to kill off any other alternatives.”Choosingisbetterbutnotbest. The third level of wanting is “I commit to being rich.” Thedefinition of the word commit is “to devote oneself unreservedly.” This means holding absolutely nothing back; giving100 percent of everything you’ve got to achieving wealth. Itmeans being willing to do whatever it takes for as long as ittakes. This is the warrior’s way. No excuses, no ifs, no buts, nomaybes—and failure is not an option. The warrior’s way issimple:“IwillberichorIwilldietrying.” “Icommittobeingrich.”Trysayingthattoyourself.... What comes up for you? For some, it feels empowering. Forothers,itfeelsdaunting. Mostpeoplewouldnevertrulycommittobeingrich.Ifyouaske dthem,“Wouldyoubetyourlifethatinthenext 70-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind ten years you will be wealthy?” most would say, “No way!”That’s the difference between rich people and poor people. It’spreciselybecausepeoplewon’ttrulycommittobeingrichthatt heyarenotrichandmostlikelyneverwillbe. Somemightsay,“Harv,whatareyoutalkingabout?Iworkmyb uttoff,I’mtryingrealhard.OfcourseI’mcommittedtobeing rich.” And I would reply, “That you’re trying meanslittle.Thedefinitionofcommitmentistodevoteoneselfunr eservedly.”Thekeywordis unreservedly.Whichmeansyou’re putting everything, and I mean everything, you’ve gotintoit.MostpeopleIknowwhoarenotfinanciallysuccessfulh ave limits on how much they are willing to do, how muchthey are willing to risk, and how much they are willing tosacrifice. Although they think they’re willing to do whatever ittakes,upondeeperquestioningIalwaysfindtheyhaveplentyofc onditionsaroundwhattheyarewillingtodoandnotdotosucceed! Ihatetohavetobetheonetotellyouthis,butgettingrichisnotastr ollinthepark,andanyonewhotellsyouitiseitherknows a heck of a lot more than me or is a little out of in-tegrity. In my experience, getting rich takes focus, courage,knowledge, expertise, 100 percent of your effort, a never-give-up attitude, and of course a rich mind-set. You also have tobelieve in your heart of hearts that you can create wealth andthat you absolutely deserve it. Again, what this means is that, ifyou are not fully, totally, and truly committed to creatingwealth,chancesareyouwon’t. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: If you are not fully, totally, and truly committedtocreatingwealth, chancesare you won’t. TheWealth Files-71 Are you willing to work sixteen hours a day? Rich peopleare. Are you willing to work seven days a week and give upmostofyourweekends? Richpeopleare.Areyouwillingtosacrifice seeing your family, your friends, and give up yourrecreationsandhobbies?Richpeopleare.Areyouwillingtori sk allyourtime,energy,andstart-upcapitalwith no guaranteeofreturns?Richpeopleare. Foratime,hopefullyashorttimebutoftenalongtime,richpeopl earereadyandwillingtodoallof theabove.Areyou? Maybe you’ll be lucky and you won’t have to work long orhardorsacrificeanything.Youcanwishforthat,butIsurewould n’t count on it. Again, rich people are committedenoughtodowhateverittakes.Period. It’s interesting to note, however, that once you do commit,theuniversewillbendoverbackwardtosupportyou.On eofmy favorite passages is by explorer W. H. Murray, who wrotethefollowingduringoneofthefirstHimalayanexpeditions: Untiloneiscommitted,thereishesitancy,thechancetodrawback,alwaysineffectiv eness.Concerningallactsofinitiative(andcreation),thereisoneelementarytruth,th eignoranceofwhichkillscountlessideasandsplendidplans:thatthemomentone definitelycommitsoneself,thenprovidence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision,raising inone’sfavorallmannerofunforeseen incidents, meetings,andmaterial assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come hisway. Inotherwords,theuniversewillassistyou,guideyou,supporty ou,andevencreatemiraclesforyou.Butfirst,youhavetocommit! 72-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Icommittobeingrich.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Write ashortparagraphonexactlywhycreatingwealthisimportanttoy ou.Bespecific. 2. Meet with a friend or family member who is willing tosupportyou.Tellthatpersonyouwanttoevokethepowerofco mmitment for the purpose of creating greater success. Putyour hand on your heart, look that person in the eye, andrepeatthefollowingstatement: “I, [your name], do hereby commit tobecomingamillionaireormoreby [date].”Tellyourpartnertosay,“Ibelieve inyou.”Thenyou say,“Thankyou.” P.S. To strengthen your commitment, I invite you tocommitdirectlytomeatwww.millionairemindbook .com,thenprintoutyourcommitmentandpostitonyourw all. P.P.S. Check in as to how you feel before your com mitmentandhowyoufeelafterit.Ifyoufeelasenseoffreedom, you’reonyourway.Ifyoufeel atingeoffear,you’re on your way. Ifyou didn’tbotherdoingit,you’restillin“notbeingwillingtodowha teverittakes”modeor “I don’t need to do any of this weird stuff ” mode.Either way, let me remind you, your way has gotten youexactlywhereyouarerightnow. TheWealthFiles .73 Wealth File #4 Richpeoplethinkbig.Poorpeoplethinksmall. We once had a trainer teaching at one of our seminars whowent from a net worth of $250,000 to over $600 million inonlythreeyears.When askedhissecret,hesaid,“Everythingchanged the moment I began to think big.” I refer you to theLawofIncome,whichstates,“Youwillbepaidindirectproportiontothevalueyoudeliveraccordingtothemarketplace.” WEALTHPRINCIPLE: The Law of Income: You will be paid indirect proportion to the value you deliveraccordingto the marketplace. The key word is value. It’s important to know that fourfactors determine your value in the marketplace: supply, demand,quality, and quantity. In my experience, the factor that presentsthe biggest challenge for most people is the quantity. Thequantityfactorsimplymeans,howmuchofyourvaluedoyoua ctuallydelivertothemarketplace? Another way of stating this is, how many people do youactuallyserveoraffect? In my business, for instance, some trainers prefer teachingsmall groups of twenty people at a time, others are com-fortable with a hundred participants in the room, others like anaudience of five hundred, and still others love audiences of athousandtofivethousandormore.Isthereadifferencein 74-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind incomeamongthesetrainers?Youbetterbelievethereis! Consider the network marketing business. Is there a differenceinincomebetweensomeonewhohastenpeopleinhisor her down-line and someone who has ten thousand people?Iwouldthinkso! Near the beginning of this book, I mentioned that I owneda chain of retail fitness stores. From the moment I evenconsideredgoingintothisbusiness,myintentionwastohave one hundred successful stores and affect tens of thousands ofpeople. My competitor, on the other hand, who started sixmonths after me, had the intention of owning one successfulstore.Intheend,sheearnedadecentliving.Igotrich! How do you want to live your life? How do you want toplay the game? Do you want to play in the big leagues or in thelittle leagues, in the majors or the minors? Are you going toplaybigorplaysmall?It’syourchoice. Most people choose to play small. Why? First, because offear.They’rescaredtodeathoffailureandthey’reevenmorefrig htenedofsuccess.Second,peopleplaysmallbecausetheyfeel small. They feel unworthy. They don’t feel they’re goodenough or important enough to make a real difference inpeople’slives. Buthearthis:Yourlifeisnotjustaboutyou.It’salsoaboutcontri buting to others. It’s about living true to your missionand reason for being here on this earth at this time. It’s aboutaddingyourpieceofthepuzzletotheworld.Mostpeopleare sostuckintheiregosthateverythingrevolvesaroundme,me,and moreme.Butifyouwanttoberichinthetruestsenseofthe word, it can’t only be about you. It has to include addingvaluetootherpeople’slives. The Wealth Files-75 Oneofthegreatestinventorsandphilosophersofourtime,Buc kminster Fuller, said, “The purpose of our lives is to addvaluetothepeopleofthisgenerationandthosethatfollow.” We each came to this earth with natural talents, things we’rejust naturally good at. These gifts were given to you for areason: to use and share with others. Research shows that thehappiest people are those who use their natural talents to theutmost.Partofyourmissioninlifethenmustbetoshareyourgift s and value with as many people as possible. That meansbeingwillingtoplaybig. Do you know the definition of an entrepreneur? The definition we use in our programs is “a person who solves problems for people at a profit.” That’s right, an entrepreneur isnothingmorethana“problemsolver.” So I ask you, would you rather solve problems for morepeopleorfewerpeople?Ifyourepliedmore,thenyouneedto start thinking bigger and decide to help massive numbers ofpeople—thousands, even millions. The by-product is that themore people you help, the “richer” you become, mentally,emotionally,spiritually,anddefinitelyfinancially. Make no mistake, every person on this planet has a mission.If you are living right now, there’s a reason for it. RichardBach, in his book Jonathan Livingston Seagull, is asked, “How willI know when I’ve completed my mission?” The answer? “Ifyouarestillbreathing,youarenotdone.” What I have witnessed is too many people not doing theirjob,notfulfillingtheirduty,ordharmaasit’scalledinSanskrit.I watch too many people playing far too small, and too manypeople allowing their fear-based ego selves to rule them. Theresultisthattoomanyofusarenotlivingupto 76-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind ourfullpotential,intermsofbothourownlivesandourcontr ibutionto others. Itcomesdowntothis:Ifnotyou,thenwho? Again, everyone has his or her unique purpose. Maybeyou’re a real estate investor and buy properties to rent themout and make money on cash flow and appreciation. What’syour mission? How do you help? There’s a good chance youadd value to your community by helping families find affordablehousingtheymaynototherwisebeabletofind.Nowtheq uestionishowmanyfamiliesandpeoplecanyouassist?Are you willing to help ten instead of one, twenty instead often, one hundred instead of twenty? This is what I mean byplayingbig. In her wonderful book A Return to Love, author MarianneWilliamsonputsitthisway: YouareachildofGod.Yourplayingsmalldoesnotservetheworld.Th ereisnothingenlightenedaboutshrinkingsothatother people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meanttoshine,aschildrendo.Wewereborntomakemanifesttheglor yofGodthatiswithinus.Itisnotjustinsomeofus;itisineveryone.Anda sweletourownlightshine,weuncon-sciously give other people permission to do the same. As we areliberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liber-atesothers. The world doesn’t need more people playing small. It’s timeto stop hiding out and start stepping out. It’s time to stopneeding and start leading. It’s time to start sharing your giftsinstead of hoarding them or pretending they don’t exist. It’stimeyoustartedplayingthegameoflifeina“big”way. In the end, small thinking and small actions lead to beingbothbrokeandunfulfilled.Bigthinkingandbigactions The Wealth Files-77 SuccessStoryfromJimRosemary From:JimRosemaryTo: T.HarvEker If someone had said to me I would have doubled myincome and simultaneously doubled my time off, I wouldhave said that was not possible. But that is exactly what hashappened. In one year our business grew 175 percent, and in thatsame year we took a total of seven weeks of vacation time(much of that spent at additional Peak Potentials’ seminars)!This is astounding considering we had experienced minimalgrowth over the previous five years and struggled to geteventwoweeksoftimeoffayear. As a result of knowing Harv Eker and being involved withPeak Potentials, I have a deeper understanding of myselfand a greater appreciation for the abundance in my life. Myrelationship with my wife and children has beenimmeasurably enhanced. I now see more opportunities thanI ever thought possible. I feel that I truly am on the right pathtosuccess inallits facets. leadtohavingbothmoneyandmeaning.Thechoiceisyours! DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Ithinkbig!Ichoosetohelpthousandsandthousandso fpeople!” 78-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Writedownwhatyoubelievetobeyour“naturaltalents.”Thesear ethingsyou’vealwaysbeennaturallygoodat.Alsowrite how and where you can use more of these gifts inyourlifeandespeciallyyourworklife. 2. Writedownorbrainstormwithagroupofpeoplehowyoucans olveproblemsfortentimesthenumberofpeopleyouaffect in your job or business now. Come up with at leastthreedifferentstrategies.Think“leverage.” WealthFile#5 Richpeoplefocusonopportunities. Poorpeoplefocusonobstacles. Rich people see opportunities. Poor people see obstacles. Richpeople see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss.Richpeoplefocusontherewards.Poorfocusontherisks. It comes down to the age-old question, “Is the glass halfempty or half full?” We’re not talking positive thinking here,we’re talking about your habitual perspective on the world.Poor people make choices based upon fear. Their minds areconstantly scanning for what is wrong or could go wrong inany situation. Their primary mind-set is “What if it doesn’twork?”or,moreoften,“Itwon’twork.” Middle-class people are slightly more optimistic. Theirmind-setis“Isurehopethisworks.” The Wealth Files-79 Rich people, as we’ve said earlier, take responsibility for theresults in their lives and act upon the mind-set “It will workbecauseI’llmakeitwork.” Rich people expect to succeed. They have confidence intheir abilities, they have confidence in their creativity, and theybelieve that should the doo-doo hit the fan, they can findanotherwaytosucceed. Generally speaking, the higher the reward, the higher therisk.Becausetheyconstantlyseeopportunity,richpeoplearew illingtotakearisk.Richpeoplebelievethat,ifworsecomestowors t,theycanalwaysmaketheirmoneyback. Poor people, on the other hand, expect to fail. They lackconfidence in themselves and in their abilities. Poor peoplebelieve that should things not work out, it would be cata-strophic. And because they constantly see obstacles, they areusuallyunwillingtotakearisk.Norisk,noreward. For the record, being willing to risk doesn’t necessarilymean that you are willing to lose. Rich people take educatedrisks. This means that they research, do their due diligence,and make decisions based on solid information and facts. Dorich people take forever to get educated? No. They do whattheycaninasshortatimeaspossible,thenmakeaninformedd ecisiontogoforit ornot. Althoughpoorpeopleclaimtobepreparingforanopportunity, whatthey’reusuallydoingisstalling.They’rescaredtodeath,hemm ingandhawingforweeks,months,andevenyearsonend,andbyth entheopportunityusuallydisappears. Then they rationalize the situation by saying, “Iwasgettingready.”Sureenough,butwhiletheywere“gettingre ady,”therichguygotin,gotout,andmadeanotherfortune. 80-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind I know what I’m about to say may sound a little strangeconsidering how much I value self-responsibility. However, Idobelieveacertainelementofwhatmanypeoplecallluckisassoc iated with getting rich, or, for that matter, with beingsuccessfulatanything. In football, it might be the opposing team’s player fumblingon your own one-yard line with less than a minute to go,allowing your team to win the game. In golf it could be theerrant shot that hits an out-of-bounds tree and bounces backontothegreen,justthreeinchesfromthehole. Inbusiness,howmanytimeshaveyouheardofaguywhoplops some money down on a piece of land in the boonies,and ten years later, some conglomerate decides it wants tobuildashoppingcenterorofficebuildingonit?Thisinvestorget s rich. So, was it a brilliant business move on his part orsheerluck?Myguessisthatit’sabitofboth. Thepoint,however,isthatnoluck— oranythingelseworthwhile— willcomeyourwayunlessyoutakesomeformof action. To succeed financially, you have to do something,buy something, or start something. And when you do, is it luckor is it the universe or a higher power supporting you in itsmiraculous ways for having the courage and commitment togo for it? As far as I’m concerned, who cares what it is. Ithappens! Another key principle, pertinent here, is that rich peoplefocus on what they want, while poor people focus on whatthey don’t want. Again, the universal law states, “What youfocus on expands.” Because rich people focus on the oppor-tunities in everything, opportunities abound for them. Theirbiggest problem is handling all the incredible moneymakingpossibilitiestheysee.Ontheotherhand,because The Wealth Files-81 poor people focus on the obstacles in everything, obstaclesaboundforthemandtheirbiggestproblemishandlingal ltheincredibleobstaclestheysee. It’ssimple.Yourfieldoffocusdetermineswhatyoufindinlife. Focus on opportunities and that’s what you find. Focus onobstacles and that’s what you find. I’m not saying that youdon’t take care of problems. Of course, handle problems asthey arise, in the present. But keep your eye on your goal, keepmoving toward your target. Put your time and energy intocreating what you want. When obstacles arise, handle them,then quickly refocus on your vision. You do not make your lifeabout solving problems. You don’t spend all your time fightingfires. Those who do, move backward! You spend your timeand energy in thought and deed, moving steadily forward,towardyourgoal. Doyouwantsomesimplebutextremelyrareadvice?Hereit is: If you want to get rich, focus on making, keeping, andinvesting yourmoney.Ifyou want tobe poor, focus onspending your money. You can read a thousand books andtake a hundred courses on success, but it all boils down tothat.Remember,whatyoufocusonexpands. Rich people also understand that you can never know all theinformationbeforehand.Inanotherofourprograms,Enlighte nedWarriorTraining,wetrainpeopletoaccesstheirinner power and succeed in spite of anything. In this courseweteachaprincipleknownas“Ready,fire,aim!”Whatdow emean? Get ready the best you can in as short a time aspossible;takeaction;thencorrectalongtheway. It’snutstothinkyoucanknoweverythingthatmayhappenin the future. It’s delusional to believe you can prepare foreverycircumstancethatmightsomedayoccurandpro- 82-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind tect yourself from it. Did you know that there are no straightlines in the universe? Life doesn’t travel in perfectly straightlines.Itmovesmorelikeawindingriver.Moreoftenthann ot,you can only see to the next bend, and only when you reachthatnextturncanyouseemore. The idea is to get in the game with whatever you’ve got,from wherever you are. I call this entering the corridor. Forexample, years ago I was planning on opening an allnightdessert café in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I studied locationoptions, the marketplace, and found out what equipment I’dneed. I also researched the kinds of cakes, pies, ice creams, andcoffees available. The first big problem—I got really fat!Eatingmyresearchwasn’thelpful.SoIaskedmyself,“Harv,w hat would be the best way to study this business?” Then Iheard this guy named Harv, who was obviously a lot smarterthan me, answer, “If you really want to learn a business, getinto it. You don’t have to own the darn thing from day one.Get in the corridor by getting a job in the arena. You’ll learnmorebysweepinguparestaurantandwashingdishesthanby ten years of research from the outside.” (I told you he was alotsmarterthanme.) And that’s what I did. I got a job at Mother Butler’s PieShop.IwishIcouldtellyouthattheyimmediatelyrecognized mysuperbtalentsandstartedmeasCEO.Butalas,somehowthey just didn’t see, nor did they care about, my executiveleadership skills, and so I began as a busboy. That’s right,sweepingthefloorandclearingdishes.Funnyhowthepowe rofintentionworks,isn’tit? YoumightthinkthatImustreallyhavehadtoswallowmypridet odothis,butthetruthis,Ineverlookedatitthatway.Iwasonamissio ntolearnthedessertbusiness;Iwas The Wealth Files. 83 grateful for the opportunity to learn it on someone else’s“ticket”andmakesomepocketchangetoboot. During my tenure as the pie busboy, I spent as much timeaspossibleshootin’thedoo-doowiththemanageraboutrevenuesandprofits,checkingboxestofindoutthenamesofthesuppl iers, and helping the baker at 4:00 a.m., to learn aboutequipment,ingredients,andproblemsthatcouldoccur. A full week went by and I guess I was pretty good at myjob, because the manager sat me down, fed me some pie(yuck!), and promoted me to...(drumroll please) cashier ! Ithoughtaboutitlongandhard,forexactlyananosecond,andrepli ed,“Thanksbutnothanks.” First, there was no way I could learn much being stuckbehind a cash register. Second, I’d already learned what I cametolearn.Missionaccomplished! So that’s what I mean by being in the “corridor.” It meansentering the arena where you want to be in the future, in anycapacity, to get started. This is far and away the best way tolearn about a business, because you see it from the inside.Second, you can make the contacts you need, which you couldnever have made from the outside. Third, once you’re in thecorridor, many other doors of opportunity may open to you.That is, once you witness what’s really going on, you maydiscoveranicheforyourselfthatyouhadn’trecognizedbefor e. Fourth, you may find that you don’t really like thisfield,andthankgoodnessyoufoundoutbeforeyougotintoode ep! Sowhichoftheabovehappenedforme?BythetimeIwasdonew ithMotherButler’s,Icouldn’tstandthesmellorsightof pie. Second, the baker quit the day after I left, phoned me,andexplainedthathehadjustfoundoutaboutahot,new 84-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind piece of exercise equipment known as Gravity Guidance inversion boots (you may have seen Richard Gere hang upsidedown in these in the movie American Gigolo) and wanted toknow if I was interested in looking at them. I checked thingsout and decided the boots were dynamite, but he wasn’t, so Igotinvolvedonmyown. Ibegansellingthebootstosportinggoodsanddepartmentstores.Inoticedtheseretailoutletsallhadon ethingincommon—crummy exercise equipment. My brain bells wentberserk— “Opportunity,opportunity,opportunity.”Funnyhowthings happen.Thiswasmyfirstexperiencesellingexercise equipment, which eventually led me to opening one ofthefirstretailfitnessstoresinNorthAmericaandmakingmyver y first million. And to think it all started with me being abusboyatMotherButler’sPiesShop!Themoralissimple:getin the corridor. You never know what doors will open untoyou. Ihaveamotto:“Actionalwaysbeatsinaction.”Richpeoplegets tarted.Theytrustthatoncetheygetinthegame,theycanmakeintell igentdecisionsinthepresentmoment,makecorrections,andadju sttheirsailsalongtheway. Poor people don’t trust in themselves or their abilities, sothey believe they have to know everything in advance, which isvirtually impossible. Meanwhile they don’t do squat! In theend, with their positive, “ready, fire, aim,” attitude, rich peopletakeactionandusuallywin. In the end, by telling themselves, “I’m not doing anythinguntilI’veidentifiedeverypossibleproblemandknowex actlywhattodoaboutit,”poorpeoplenevertakeactionandtherefo realwayslose. Rich people see an opportunity, jump on it, and get evenricher.Asforpoorpeople?They’restill“preparing”! TheWealthFiles-85 DECLARATIONS:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Ifocusonopportunitiesoverobstacles.”“I getready,Ifire,Iaim!” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Get in the game. Consider a situation or project you’vewantedtostart.Whateveryou’vebeenwaitingfor,forgeti t.Beginnowfromwhereveryouarewithwhateveryou’vegot. If possible, do it while working for or with someoneelse,first,tolearntheropes.Ifyou’ve alreadylearned,nomoreexcuses.Goforit! 2. Practice optimism.Today,whatever anyonesaysisaproblemoranobstacle,reframeitintoanop portunity.You’ll drive negative people nuts, but, hey, what’s thedifference? That’swhatthey’reconstantlydoingtothemselvesanywa y! 3. Focusonwhatyouhave,notonwhatyoudon’thave.Makealistofte nthingsyouaregratefulforinyourlifeandreadthelistaloud.Then readiteachmorningforthenextthirtydays. Ifyou don’tappreciate whatyou’ve got,you won’t getanymoreandyoudon’tneedanymore. 86-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind WealthFile#6 Rich people admire other rich andsuccessful people. Poor people resent richandsuccessful people. Poor people often look at other people’s success with resentment,jealousy,andenvy.Ortheysnip,“They’resolucky,”orwhis perundertheirbreath,“Thoserichjerks.” You have to realize that if you view rich people as bad in anyway, shape, or form, and you want to be a good person, thenyoucanneverbe rich. It’s impossible. How can youbesomethingyoudespise? It’s amazing to witness the resentment and even outrightanger that many poor people have toward the rich. As if theybelieve that rich people make them poor. “Yup, that’s right,richpeopletookallthemoneysothere’snoneleftforme.”Of course,thisisperfectvictimtalk. Iwanttotellyouastory,nottocomplain,butsimplytorelatearealworldexperienceIhadwiththisprinciple.Intheolddays,whenIwas, let’ssay,financiallychallenged,Iusedtodriveaclunker.Changing lanesintrafficwasneveraproblem.Almosteverybodywouldletme in.ButwhenIgotrichandboughtagorgeous,new,blackJaguar,Ic ouldn’thelpbutnoticehowthingschanged.AllofasuddenIstarte dgettingcutoffandsometimesgiventhefingerforaddedmeasure. Ievengotthingsthrownatme,allforonereason:IdroveaJag. One day, I was driving through a lower-end neighborhoodin San Diego, delivering turkeys for a charity at Christmastime.IhadthesunroofopenandInoticedfourgrimyguys perchedinthebackofapickuptruckbehindme.Outofnowhere,th eystarted playing basketball with TheWealthFiles-87 my car, by attempting to shoot beer cans into my open sunroof. Five dents and several deep scratches later, they passedmescreaming,“Yourichbastard!” Ofcourse,Ifiguredthistobeanisolatedincident,untiljusttwo weeks later, in a different lower-end neighborhood, Iparked my car on the street and returned to it less than tenminutes later, to discover that the entire side of my car hadbeenkeyed. The next time I went to that area of town, I rented a FordEscort,andamazingly,Ididn’thaveasingleproblem.I’mnot implying that poorer neighborhoods have bad people, but inmy experience, they sure seem to have plenty of folks whoresenttherich.Whoknows,maybeit’ssomekindofchickenand-egg thing: Is it because they’re broke that they resent therich,orbecausetheyresentrichpeoplethatthey’rebroke.Asfar asI’mconcerned,whocares?It’sallthesame,they’restillpoor! It’seasytotalkaboutnotresentingtherich,butdependingon your mood, falling into the trap can happen to anyone,even me. Recently, I was eating dinner in my hotel room,aboutanhourbeforegoingonstagetoteachaneveningsessi on of the Millionaire Mind seminar. I turned on the tubeto check the sports scores and found that Oprah was on.Although I’m not a big fan of television, I love Oprah. Thatwoman has affected more people in a positive way than almostanyone else on the planet, and consequently she deserves everypennyshe’sgot...andmore! Meanwhile, she’s interviewing actress Halle Berry. They’rediscussinghowHallehasjustreceivedoneofthelargestfil mcontracts in history for a female actor—$20 million. Halle thensays that she doesn’t care about the money, and that shefoughtforthishumongouscontracttoblazeatrailforother 88-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind women to follow. I heard myself say skeptically, “Yeah, right!Do you think I and everyone else watching this show is anidiot? You should take a hunk of that dough and give yourpublicrelationsagentaraise.That’sthebestsoundbitewritingI’veeverheard.” I felt the negativity welling up inside me, and just in the nickof time I caught myself, before the energy took me over.“Cancel, cancel, thank you for sharing,” I yelled out loud tomymind,todrownoutthatvoiceofresentment. I couldn’t believe it. Here I was, Mr. Millionaire Mindhimself, actually resenting Halle Berry for the money shemade. I quickly turned it around and began screaming at thetop of my lungs, “Way to go, girl! You rock! You let ’em offtoo cheap, you should’ve got thirty million dollars! Good foryou.You’reincredible andyoudeserveit.”Ifeltalotbetter. Regardless of her reason for wanting all that money, theproblemwasn’ther,itwasme.Remember,myopinionsmaken odifferencetoHalle’shappinessorwealth,buttheydomakea difference to my happiness and wealth. Also remember thatthoughts and opinions aren’t good or bad, right or wrong, asthey enter your mind, but they can sure be empowering ordisempowering to your happiness and success, as they enteryourlife. ThemomentIfeltthatnegativeenergyrunthroughme,my“obs ervation” alarms went off, and as I’ve trained myself todo, I immediately neutralized the negativity in my mind. Youdon’t have to be perfect to get rich, but you do need torecognizewhenyourthinkingisn’tempoweringtoyourselforot hers,thenquicklyrefocusonmoresupportivethoughts.Themore you study this book, the faster and easier this processwill be, and if you attend the Millionaire Mind IntensiveSeminar,youwilldramaticallyaccelerate TheWealthFiles-89 yourprogress.IknowIkeepmentioningtheMillionaireMindcourse, butpleaseunderstand,Iwouldn’tbesoadamantaboutthisprogramifI didn’tseeformyselfthephenomenalresultspeoplegetintheirlives. IntheiroutstandingbookTheOneMinuteMillionaire,mygoodfrien dsMarkVictorHansenandRobertAllenquotethepoignant story of Russell H. Conwell in his book, Acres ofDiamonds,whichwaswrittenoverahundredyearsago: I say that you ought to get rich, and it is your duty to get rich.How many of my pious brethren say to me, “Do you, a Christian minister, spend your time going up and down the countryadvisingyoungpeopletogetrich,togetmoney?”Yes,ofcourseI do. Theysay,“Isn’tthatawful!Whydon’tyoupreachthegospelinsteadofpr eachingaboutman’smakingmoney?”Becausetomakemoneyhonestlyist opreachthegospel.Thatisthereason.Themenwhogetrichmaybethemosth onestmenyoufindinthecommunity. “Oh,”butsayssomeyoungmanheretonight,“Ihavebeentoldallmylifethat ifapersonhasmoneyheisverydishonestanddishonorableandmeanandconte mptible.”Myfriend,thatisthereasonyouhavenone,becauseyouhavethatidea netyeightoutofonehundredoftherichmen(andwomen)ofAmericaarehonest.That is why theyare rich.That iswhy theyare trusted with money. That iswhytheycarryongreatenterprisesandfindplentyofpeopletoworkwiththe m. Saysanotheryoungman,“Ihearsometimesofmenthatgetmillions ofdollars dishonestly.” Yes,ofcourse you do, and sodo 90-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind I. Buttheyaresorareathinginfactthatthenewspaperstalkaboutthemallth etimeasamatterofnewsuntilyougettheideathatalltheotherrichmengot richdishonestly. Myfriend,you...driveme...outintothesuburbsofPhiladelphia,and introducemetothepeoplewhoowntheirhomesaround thisgreatcity,sobeautifulhomeswithgardensandflowers,thosemagnificent homessolovelyintheirart,andIwillintroduceyoutotheverybestpeopleincha racteraswellasinenterpriseinourcity. ................................. Theythatown theirhomesaremademorehonorableandhonestandpure,andtrueand economical and careful,by owningthem. Wepreachagainstcovetousness...inthepulpit.andusethe terms...“filthylucre” iswickedforanymantohavemoney.Moneyispower,andyououghttobereaso nablyambitioustohaveit!Yououghtbecauseyoucandomoregoodwithitthan youcanwithoutit.MoneyprintedyourBibles,money builds your churches, money sends your missionaries, and moneypaysyourpreachers. ..................................... Isay,then,yououghttohavemoney.Ifyoucan honestlyattainuntoriches...itisyour. ........ godlydutytodoso.Itisan awfulmistakeofthesepiouspeopletothinkyoumustbeawfullypoorinordert obepious. Conwell’s passage makes several excellent points. The firstrefers to the ability to be trusted. Of all the attributes necessaryforgettingrich,havingotherstrustyouhastobenearthet opof the list. Think about it, would you do business with aperson you didn’t trust at least to some extent? No way!Meaning that to get rich, there’s a good chance many, many,many people must trust you, and there’s a good chance thatforthatmanypeopletotrustyou,youhavetobequitetrustwort hy. TheWealthFiles-91 What other traits does a person need to get rich and, evenmoreimportantly,stayrich?Nodoubttherearealwaysexcep tionstoanyrule,butforthemostpart,whodoyouhavetobetosucce edatanything?Trysomeofthesecharacteristicson for size: positive, reliable, focused, determined, persistent,hardworking,energetic,goodwithpeople,acompeten tcommunicator, semi-intelligent, and an expert in at least onearea. AnotherinterestingelementinConwell’spassageisthatsoman y people have been conditioned to believe that you can’tbe rich and a good person or rich and spiritual. I too used tothink this way. Like many of us, I was told by friends, teachers,media, and the rest of society that rich people were somehowbad, that they were all greedy. Once again, another way ofthinkingthatendedupbeingpurecrapola!Backedbymyownrea l-world experience, rather than old, fear-based myth, I havefoundthattherichestpeopleIknowarealsothenicest. WhenImovedtoSanDiego,wemovedintoahomeinoneofther ichestpartsoftown.Welovedthebeautyofthehomeandthearea,b utIhadsometrepidationbecauseIdidn’tknowanyoneandfeltIdid n’tyetfitin.Myplanwastostaylow-keyand not mix much with these rich snobs. As the universewould have it, however, my kids, who were five and sevenyears old at the time, made friends with the other kids in theneighborhood, and pretty soon I was driving them to thesemansionstodropthemofftoplay.Irememberknockingonas tunningly carved wooden door that was at least twenty feethigh.Themomopeneditupand,withthefriendliestvoiceI’de verheard,said,“Harv,it’ssogreattomeetyou,comeonin.”Iwasab itbewilderedasshepouredmesomeicedteaandgotmeabowloffr uit.“What’sthe 92-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind catch?” my skeptical mind kept wanting to know. Then herhusband came in from playing with his kids in the pool. Hewasevenfriendlier:“Harv,we’resohappytohaveyouinthenei ghborhood. You have to come to our BBQ tonight withtherestofyourfamily.We’llintroduceyoutoeverybody,and we’re not taking no for an answer. By the way, do you golf ?I’mplayingtomorrowattheclub,whydon’tyoucomeasmygues t.”BynowIwasinshock.WhathappenedtothesnobsIwas sure I was going to meet? I left and went back home totellmywifeweweregoingtotheBBQ. “Oh, my,” she said, “what will I wear?” “No, honey, youdon’t understand,” I said, “these people are incredibly nice andtotallyinformal.Justbewhoyouare.” Wewentandthateveningmetsomeofthewarmest,kindest, most generous, most loving people of our lives. Atone point the conversation shifted to a charity drive that oneof the guests was heading up. One after another, the check-books came out. I couldn’t believe it, I was actually watching alineuptogivethiswomanmoney.Buteachcheckcamewithacatc h.Theagreementwasthattherewouldbereciprocityandthat the woman would support the charity the donor wasinvolved in. That’s right, to a T, every person there eitherheadeduporwasamajorplayerinacharity. Ourfriendswhohadinviteduswereinvolvedinseveral.Infact, each year they made it their goal to be the single largestdonorintheentirecitytotheChildren’sHospitalFund.The ynot only gave tens of thousands of dollars themselves, butevery year they organized a dinner gala that raised hundreds ofthousandsmore. Then there was the “vein” doctor. We became quite closewith his family too. He was among the top varicose veindoctorsintheworldandmadeafortune;somewhereinthe TheWealthFiles-93 range of $5,000 to $10,000 per surgery, doing four or fivesurgeriesperday. I bring him up because every Tuesday was “free” day, whenhe would do surgeries on people in the city who couldn’taffordtopay.Onthisday,hewouldworkfrom 6:00a.m.to10:00p.m.doingasmanyastensurgeries,allforfree.O ntopofthis,heheadeduphisownorganizationwhosemission was to get other doctors to do free days for people intheircommunitiestoo. Needlesstosay,myold,conditionedbeliefthatrichpeoplewer e greedy snobs dissipated in the light of reality. Now Iknow the opposite to be true. In my experience, the richestpeopleIknowarethenicestpeopleIknow.Theyarealsothe most generous. Not to say that people who aren’t rich aren’tnice or generous. But I can safely say the idea that all richpeoplearesomehowbadisnothingmorethanignorance. The fact is, resenting the rich is one of the surest ways tostaybroke.Wearecreaturesofhabit,andtoovercomethisorany other habit, we need to practice. Instead of resenting richpeople, I want you to practice admiring rich people, I want youtopracticeblessingrichpeople,andIwantyoutopracticelovingri ch people. That way, unconsciously you know that when youbecome rich, other people will admire you, bless you, and loveyou instead of resent the heck out of you the way you mightdothem now. OneofthephilosophiesIlivebycomesfromancientHunawisd om,theoriginalteachingsoftheHawaiianelders.Itgoeslikethis:b lessthatwhichyouwant.Ifyouseeapersonwithabeautiful home, bless that person and bless that home. If yousee a person with a beautiful car, bless that person and blessthat car. If you see a person with a loving family, bless thatpersonandblessthatfamily.Ifyouseea 94-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind personwithabeautifulbody,blessthatpersonandblesstheirbody. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: “Blessthatwhichyou want.”—Hunaphilosophy The point is, if you resent what people have, in any way, shape,orform,youcanneverhaveit.Regardless:ifyouseeaperson in a gorgeous black Jaguar with the sunroof open, don’t throwbeercansatit! DECLARATIONS:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Iadmirerichpeople!”“I bless rich people!”“Iloverichpeo ple!” “AndI’mgoingtobeoneofthoserichpeopletoo!” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. PracticetheHunaphilosophy“blessthatwhichyouwant.”Drive around or buy magazines, look at beautiful homes,gorgeous cars, and read about successful businesses.Whatever you see that you like, bless it, and bless theownersorthepeopleinvolved. 2. Write and send a short letter or e-mail to someone youknowof(notnecessarilypersonally)whoishighlysuccessfuli nanyarena,tellingthemhowmuchyouadmireandhonorthemf ortheirachievements. TheWealthFiles-95 Wealth File #7 Rich people associate with positive,successfulpeople.Poorpeopleass ociatewithnegativeorunsuccessfulpeople . Successful people look at other successful people as a meansto motivate themselves. They see other successful people asmodelstolearnfrom.Theysaytothemselves,“Iftheycandoit, I can do it.” As I mentioned earlier, modeling is one of theprimarywaysthatpeoplelearn. Rich people are grateful that others have succeeded beforethem so that they now have a blueprint to follow that willmake it easier to attain their own success. Why reinvent thewheel? There are proven methods for success that work forvirtuallyeveryonewhoappliesthem. Consequently, the fastest and easiest way to create wealth isto learn exactly how rich people, who are masters of money,play the game. The goal is to simply model their inner andouterstrategies.Itjustmakessense:ifyoutaketheexactsamea ctions and have the exact same mind-set, chances are goodyou will get the exact same results. That’s what I did and that’swhatthisentirebookisabout. Contrary to the rich, when poor people hear about otherpeople’ssuccess,theyoftenjudgethem,criticizethem,moc kthem,andtrytopullthemdowntotheirownlevel.Howmanyofyo uknowpeoplelikethis?Howmanyofyouknowfamilymembers like this? The question is, how can you possibly learnfromorbeinspiredbysomeoneyouputdown? Whenever I’m introduced to an extremely rich person, Icreateawaytogettogetherwiththem.Iwanttotalktothem,learnh owtheythink,exchangecontacts,andifwe 96-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind haveotherthingsincommon,possiblybecomepersonalfriendsw iththem. By the way, if you think I’m wrong for preferring to befriends with rich people, perhaps you’d rather I pick friendswho are broke? I don’t think so! As I’ve mentioned before,energy is contagious, and I have no interest in subjectingmyselftotheirs! I was recently doing a radio interview and a woman called inwith an excellent question: “What do I do if I’m positive andwant to grow, but my husband is a downer? Do I leave him?DoItryandgethimtochange?What?”Ihearthisquestionatle ast a hundred times a week when I’m teaching our courses.Almosteveryoneasksthesamequestion:“Whatifthepeo pleI’m closest to aren’t into personal growth and even put medownforit?” Here’stheanswerIgavethewomanonthecall,whatItellpeople atourcourses,andwhatI’msuggestingtoyou. First, don’t bother trying to get negative people to changeor come to the course. That’s not your job. Your job is to usewhat you’ve learned to better yourself and your life. Be themodel, be successful, be happy, then maybe—and I stressmaybe— they’llseethelight(inyou)andwantsomeofit.Again,energy is contagious. Darkness dissipates in light. Peopleactually have to work hard to stay “dark” when light is allaround them. Your job is simply to be the best you can be. Iftheychoosetoaskyouyoursecret,tellthem. Second, keep in mind another principle that we feature inour Wizard Training, which is a course about manifesting whatyouwantwhilestayingcalm,centered,andpeaceful.Itstates, “Everything happens for a reason and that reason is there toassistme.”Yes,it’smuchmoredifficulttobeposi- TheWealthFiles-97 tive and conscious around people and circumstances that arenegative, but that’s your test! Just as steel is hardened in thefire,ifyoucanremaintruetoyourvalueswhileothersaroundyo u are full of doubt and even condemnation, you’ll growfasterandstronger. Also remember that “nothing has meaning except for themeaning we give it.” Recall in Part I of this book, we discussedhow we usually end up identifying with or rebelling against oneor both of our parents, depending on how we “framed” theiractions. From now on, I want you to practice reframing otherpeople’s negativity as a reminder of how not to be. The morenegative they are, the more reminders you have about how uglythat way of being really is. I’m not suggesting you tell themthis. Just do it, without condemning them for how they are.Forifyoudobegintojudge,criticize,andputthemdownforwh o they are and what they do, then you are no better thanthem. Worse comes to worst, if you just can’t handle their nonsupportive energy anymore, if it’s bringing you down to apoint where you’re not able to grow, you may have to makesome courageous decisions about who you are and how youwant to live the rest of your life. I’m not suggesting you doanything rash, but I for one would never live with a personwho was negative and pooh-poohed my desire to learn andgrow, be it personally, spiritually, or financially. I wouldn’t dothat to myself because I respect myself and my life and Ideserve to be as happy and successful as possible. The way Ifigure it, there are over 6.3 billion people in the world andthere’snowayI’mgoingtosaddlemyselfwithadowner.EithertheymoveuporImoveon! Again,energyiscontagious:eitheryouaffectpeopleor 98-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind infect people. The same holds true the opposite way around;either people affect or infect you. Let me ask you a question:Wouldyouhugandholdapersonyouknewhadaseverec aseof the measles? Most people would say, “No way, I don’t wanttocatchthemeasles.”Well,Ibelievenegativethinkingislike having measles of the mind. Instead of itching, you get bitching;instead of scratching, you get bashing; instead of irritation, yougetfrustration.Now,doyoureallywanttobeclosetopeoplelik ethat? I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Birds of a feather flocktogether.” Did you know that most people earn within 20percentoftheaverageincomeoftheirclosestfriends?That’swh yyou’dbetterwatchwhomyouassociatewithandchoosewhomy ouspendyourtimewithcarefully. Frommyexperience,richpeopledon’tjustjointhecountryclub to play golf; they join to connect with other rich andsuccessful people. There’s another saying that goes “It’s notwhat you know, it’s who you know.” As far as I’m concerned,you can take that to the bank. In short, “If you want to flywiththeeagles,don’tswimwiththeducks!”Imakeitapointto only associate with successful, positive people, and just asimportantly,Idisassociatefromnegativeones. I also make it a point to remove myself from toxic situations.Iseenoreasonforinfectingmyselfwithpoisonousen-ergy. Among these I would include arguing, gossiping, andbackstabbing.Iwouldalsoincludewatching“mindless”telev ision, unless you use it specifically as a relaxation strategyinsteadofyoursoleformofentertainment.WhenIwatchT V,it’s usually sports. First, because I enjoy seeing masters atanything at work or in this case play, and second because Ienjoylisteningtotheinterviewsafterthegames.I TheWealthFiles-99 love listening to the mind-set of champions, and to me, anyonewhohasmadeitasfarasthebigleaguesinanysportisachampio n. Any athlete at that level has outcompeted tens ofthousands of other players to get there at all, which makeseach of them incredible to me. I love hearing their attitudewhentheywin:“Itwasagreateffortfromtheentireteam. Wedid well but we still have improvements to make. It goes toshow you that hard work pays off.” I also love listening totheir attitude when they lose: “It’s only one game. We’ll beback, we’re just going to forget about this one and put ourfocus on the next game. We’ll go back and talk about wherewecandobetter,andthendowhateverittakestowin.” Duringthe2004OlympicGames,PerditaFelicien,aCanadian and the reigning world champion in the hundred-meter hurdles, was heavily favored to win the gold medal. Inthefinalrace,shehitthefirsthurdleandfellhard.Shewasn’table to complete the race. Extremely upset, she had tears inher eyes as she lay there in bewilderment. She had prepared forthis moment six hours a day, every day of the week, for thepastfouryears.Thenextmorning,Isawhernewsconference.I wishIhadtapedit.Itwasamazingtolistentoherperspective.Shesa idsomethingtotheeffectof“Idon’tknowwhyithappenedbutitdid ,andI’mgoingtouseit.I’mgoingto focus even more and work even harder for the next fouryears.WhoknowswhatmypathwouldhavebeenhadIwon? Maybeitwouldhavedulledmydesire.Idon’tknow,butIdoknow that now I’m hungrier than ever. I’ll be back evenstronger.” As I heard her speak, all I could say was “Wow!”Youcanlearnalotfromlisteningtochampions. Rich people hang around with winners. Poor people hangaroundwithlosers.Why?It’samatterofcomfort.Richpeo- 100-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind ple are comfortable with other successful people. They feelfully worthy of being with them. Poor people are uncomfortable with highly successful people. They’re either afraidthey’ll be rejected or feel as if they don’t belong. To protectitself,theegothengoesintojudgmentandcriticism. If you want to get rich, you will have to change your innerblueprint to fully believe you are every bit as good as anymillionaire or multimillionaire out there. I’m shocked in myseminars when people come up to me and ask if they cantouch me. They say, “I’ve never touched a multimillionairebefore.” I’m usually polite and smile, but in my mind I’msaying, “Get a frickin’ life! I’m no better or different from you,and unless you start to understand that, you’ll stay brokeforever!” My friends, it’s not about “touching” millionaires, it’s aboutdecidingthatyouarejustasgoodandworthyastheyare,andt henactinglikeit.Mybestadviceisthis:ifyoureallywanttotoucha millionaire,becomeone! I hope you get the point. Instead of mocking rich people,model them. Instead of shying away from rich people, get toknow them. Instead of saying, “Wow, they’re so special,” say,“If they can do it, I can do it.” Eventually, if you want totouchamillionaire,you’llbeabletotouchyourself! DECLARATIONS:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Imodelrichandsuccessfulpeople.” “I associate with rich and successful people.”“Iftheycandoit,Icandoit!” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” TheWealthFiles-101 MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Go to the library, a bookstore, or the Internet and read abiography of someone who is or was extremely rich andsuccessful. Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, MaryKay,DonaldTrump, WarrenBuffett, JackWelch, BillGates,andTedTurneraresomegoodexamples.Usetheirstor yforinspiration,forlearningspecificsuccessstrategies,andmos timportantly,forcopyingtheirmind-set. 2. Joinahighendclub,suchasfortennis,health,business,orgolf.Minglewithri chpeopleinarichenvironment.Or,ifthere’snowayyoucanafford tojoinahigh-endclub,havecoffee or tea in the classiest hotel in your city. Getcomfortable in this atmosphere and watch the patrons,noticingthey’renodifferentfromyou. 3. Identifyasituationorapersonwhoisadownerinyourlife.Remove yourselffromthatsituationorassociation.Ifit’sfamily,chooseto bearoundthemless. 4. StopwatchingtrashTVandstayawayfrombadnews. WealthFile#8 Richpeoplearewillingtopromotethemselvesandthei r value. Poor people think negatively aboutsellingandpromotion. Mycompany,PeakPotentialsTraining,offersoveradozendiffere ntprograms.Duringtheinitialseminar,usuallythe 102-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind MillionaireMindIntensive,webrieflymentionafewofourother courses, then offer the participants special “at seminar”tuitionratesandbonuses.It’sinterestingtonotethereactions. Mostpeoplearethrilled.Theyappreciategettingtohearwhattheoth ercoursesareaboutandtoreceivethespecialpricing.Somepeople,ho wever,arenotsothrilled.Theyresentanypromotionregardlessofhow itmightbenefitthem.Ifthissoundsinanywaylikeyou,it’sanimporta ntcharacteristicto noticeaboutyourself. Resenting promotion is one of the greatest obstacles tosuccess. People who have issues with selling and promotionare usually broke. It’s obvious. How can you create a largeincome in your own business or as a representative of one ifyou aren’t willing to let people know that you, your product, oryour service exists? Even as an employee, if you aren’t willingtopromoteyourvirtues,someonewhoiswillingwillquickl ybypassyouonthecorporateladder. People have a problem with promotion or sales for severalreasons.Chancesareyoumightrecognizeoneormoreofth efollowing. First, you may have had a bad experience in the past withpeople promoting to you inappropriately. Maybe you per-ceived they were doing the “hard” sell on you. Maybe theywerebotheringyouataninopportunetime.Maybetheywoul dn’t take no for an answer. In any case, it’s important torecognize that this experience is in the past and that holdingontoitmaynotbeservingyoutoday. Second, you may have had a disempowering experiencewhen you tried to sell something to someone and that persontotallyrejectedyou.Inthisinstance,yourdistasteforprom otionismerelyaprojectionofyourownfearoffailure TheWealthFiles-103 and rejection. Again, realize the past does not necessarily equalthefuture. Third,yourissuemightcomefrompastparentalprogramming. Many of us were told that it’s impolite to “tootyour own horn.” Well, that’s great if you make a living as MissManners.Butintherealworld,whenitcomestobusinessand money, if you don’t toot your horn, I guarantee nobody will.Rich people are willing to extol their virtues and value toanyone who will listen and hopefully do business with them aswell. Finally, some people feel that promotion is beneath them. Icall this the high-and-mighty syndrome, otherwise known asthe “Aren’t I so special?” attitude. The feeling in this case isthatifpeoplewantwhatyouhave,theyshouldsomehowfindand cometoyou.Peoplewhohavethisbeliefareeitherbrokeorsoonwi llbe,that’sforsure.Theycanhopethateveryone’sgoing to scour the land searching for them, but the truth isthat the marketplace is crowded with products and services,andeventhoughtheirsmaybethebest,noonewilleverkn owthatbecausethey’retoosnootytotellanyone. You’re probably familiar with the saying “Build a bettermousetrapandtheworldwillbeatapathtoyourdoor.”Well,t hat’sonlytrueifyouaddfivewords:“iftheyknowaboutit.” Rich people are almost always excellent promoters. Theycan and are willing to promote their products, their services,and their ideas with passion and enthusiasm. What’s more,they’reskilledatpackagingtheirvalueinawaythat’sextremel yattractive. If you think there’s something wrong with that, thenlet’s ban makeup for women, and while we’re at it, we might aswell get rid of suits for men. All that is nothing more than“packaging.” 104-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind RobertKiyosaki,bestsellingauthorofRichDad,PoorDad(abook I highly recommend), points out that every business,includingwritingbooks,dependsonselling.Henotesth atheis recognized as a best-selling author, not a best-writing author.Onepaysalotmorethantheother. Rich people are usually leaders, and all great leaders aregreat promoters. To be a leader, you must inherently havefollowers and supporters, which means that you have to beadept at selling, inspiring, and motivating people to buy intoyourvision.EventhepresidentoftheUnitedStatesofAmeric a has to continuously sell his ideas to the people, toCongress, and even to his own party, to have them implemented. And way before all of that takes place, if he doesn’tsellhimselfinthefirstplace,he’llneverevengetelected. Inshort,anyleaderwhocan’torwon’tpromotewillnotbealead erforlong,beitinpolitics,business,sports,orevenasaparent. I’m harping on this because leaders earn a heck of a lotmoremoneythanfollowers! WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Leaders earn a heck of a lot more money thanfollowers! Thecriticalpointhereisn’twhetheryouliketopromoteornot, it is why you’re promoting. It boils down to your beliefs.Doyoureallybelieveinyourvalue?Doyoureallybelievei nthe product or service you’re offering? Do you really believethat what you have will be of benefit to whomever you’repromotingitto? Ifyoubelieveinyourvalue,howcoulditpossiblybeap- TheWealthFiles-105 propriatetohideitfrompeoplewhoneedit?Supposeyouhada cure for arthritis, and you met someone who was sufferingand in pain with the disease. Would you hide it from him orher? Would you wait for that person to read your mind orguess that you have a product that could help? What wouldyou think of someone who didn’t offer suffering people theiropportunitybecausetheyweretooshy,tooafraid,ortoocoolt opromote? More often than not, people who have a problem withpromotion don’t fully believe in their product or don’t fullybelieve in themselves. Consequently, it’s difficult for them toimagine that other people believe so strongly in their value thattheywanttoshareitwitheveryonewhocomestheirwayandina nywaytheycan. If you believe that what you have to offer can truly assistpeople, it’s your duty to let as many people as possible knowaboutit.Inthisway,younotonlyhelppeople,yougetrich! DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Ipromotemyvaluetootherswithpassionandenthusia sm.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Ratetheproductorserviceyouarecurrentlyoffering(oryouar eplanningtooffer)from1to10intermsofhowmuch you believe in its value (1 being the lowest, 10beingthehighest).Ifyourratingresultis7–9, 106-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind reviseyourproductorservicetoincreasethevalue.Ifyourres ultis6orbelow,stopofferingthatproductorservice and start representing something you trulybelievein. 2. Readbooks,listentoaudiosandCDs,andtakecourseson marketing and sales. Become an expert in both ofthese arenas to a point where you can promote yourvalue successfully andwith100 percentintegrity. WealthFile#9 Richpeoplearebiggerthantheirproblems.Po orpeoplearesmallerthantheirproblems. As I said earlier, getting rich is not a stroll in the park. It is ajourneythatisfulloftwists,turns,detours,andobstacles.Theroa d to wealth is fraught with traps and pitfalls, and that’sprecisely why most people don’t take it. They don’t want thehassles, the headaches, and the responsibilities. In short, theydon’twanttheproblems. Therein lies one of the biggest differences between richpeopleandpoorpeople.Richandsuccessfulpeoplearebiggert han their problems, while poor and unsuccessful people aresmallerthantheirproblems. Poor people will do almost anything to avoid problems.They see a challenge and they run. The irony is that in theirquest to make sure they don’t have problems, they have thebiggest problem of all... they’re broke and miserable. Thesecrettosuccess,myfriends,isnottotrytoavoidorgetridofors hrinkfromyourproblems;thesecretistogrowyourselfsothatyou arebiggerthananyproblem. TheWealthFiles-107 WEALTHPRINCIPLE: The secret to success is not to try to avoidor get rid of or shrink from your problems;thesecret isto growyourself so that youarebiggerthananyproblem. Onascaleof1to10,1beingthelowest,imagineyouareaperson withalevel2strengthofcharacterandattitudelookingat a level 5 problem. Would this problem appear to be big orlittle? From a level 2 perspective, a level 5 problem wouldseemlikeabigproblem. Nowimagineyou’vegrownyourselfandbecomealevel8perso n.Wouldthesamelevel5problembeabigproblemoralittle problem? Magically, the identical problem is now a littleproblem. Finally, imagine you’ve really worked hard on yourself andbecomealevel10person.Now,isthissamelevel5problemabi g problem or a little problem? The answer is that it’s noproblem. It doesn’t even register in your brain as a problem.There’snonegativeenergyaroundit.It’sjustanormaloc currence to handle, like brushing your teeth or gettingdressed. Note that whether you are rich or poor, playing big orplaying small, problems do not go away. If you’re breathing,you will always have so-called problems and obstacles in yourlife.Letmemakethisshortandsweet.Thesizeoftheproblemi snevertheissue—whatmattersisthesizeofyou! Thismaybepainful,butifyou’rereadytomovetothenextlevel ofsuccess,you’regoingtohavetobecomeconsciousofwhat’srea llygoingoninyourlife.Ready?Heregoes. 108-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Ifyouhaveabigprobleminyourlife,allthatmeansisthatyouare beingasmallperson!Don’tbefooledbyappearances.Yourouter worldismerelyareflectionofyourinnerworld.Ifyou want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on thesizeofyourproblemsandstartfocusingonthesizeofyou! WEALTHPRINCIPLE: If you have a big problem in your life, all thatmeansisthat youare beingasmallperson! Oneofthenot-sosubtleremindersIgiveparticipantsatmyseminar is this: whenever you feel as if you’ve got a bigproblem, point to yourself and scream, “Mini me, mini me,mini me!” That will abruptly wake you up and move yourattention back to where it belongs—on yourself. Then, comingfrom your “higher self ” (rather than your ego-based, victimself ), take a deep breath and decide right now, in this verymoment, you will be a bigger person and not allow anyproblem or obstacle to take you out of either your happinessorsuccess. The bigger the problems you can handle, the bigger thebusinessyoucanhandle;thebiggertheresponsibilityyoucanh andle,themoreemployeesyoucanhandle;themorecustomers you can handle, the more money you can handle,andultimately,themorewealthyoucanhandle. Again,yourwealthcanonlygrowtotheextentthatyoudo!The objective is to grow yourself to a place where you canovercome any problems or obstacles that get in the way ofyourcreatingwealthandkeepingitonceyouhaveit. Bytheway,keepingyourwealthisawholeotherworld. TheWealthFiles-109 Whoknew?Isuredidn’t.Ithoughtthatonceyoumadeit,youmadei t!Boy,wasIinforarudeawakeningasIproceededtolose my first million almost as fast as I made it. Now, inhindsight, I understand what the issue was. At the time, my“toolbox”wasn’tyetbigandstrongenoughtoholdthewealthI hadachieved.Again,thankgoodnessIpracticedtheprinciplesoft heMillionaireMindandwasabletoreconditionmyself!Notonlyd idImakethatmillionback,butbecauseofmy new “money blueprint,” I’ve made millions and millionsmore. Best of all, I’ve not only kept it, but it keeps growing at aphenomenalrate! Think of yourself as your container for wealth. If yourcontainer is small and your money is big, what’s going tohappen? You will lose it. Your container will overflow and theexcess money will spill out all over the place. You simplycannot have more money than the container. Therefore youmustgrowtobeabigcontainersoyoucannotonlyholdmorew ealth but also attract more wealth. The universe abhors avacuum and if you have a very large money container, it willrushintofillthespace. One of the reasons rich people are bigger than their problemsgoesbacktowhatwediscussedearlier.Theydon’tfocuson the problem; they focus on their goal. Again, the mindgenerally focuses on one predominant thing at a time. Meaningthat either you are whining about the problem or you areworkingonthesolution.Richandsuccessfulpeoplearesolutio n-oriented; they spend their time and energy strategizingand planning the answers to challenges that come up, andcreating systems to make certain that problem doesn’t occuragain. Poor and unsuccessful people are problem-oriented. Theyspendtheirtimeandenergybitchingandcomplainingand 110-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind seldomcomeupwithanythingcreativetoalleviatetheproblem,letalonemakesureitdoesn’thappenagain. Richpeopledonotbackawayfromproblems,donotavoidprobl ems, and do not complain about problems. Rich peoplearefinancialwarriors.InourEnlightenedWarriorTrainingC amp,thedefinitionofawarriorweuseis“onewhoconquersoneself.” Thebottomlineisthatifyoubecomeamasterathandlingproble ms and overcoming any obstacle, what can stop youfrom success? The answer is nothing ! And if nothing can stopyou,youbecomeunstoppable!Andifyoubecomeunstoppable,w hat choicesdoyouhaveinyourlife?Theanswerisallchoices.Ifyouareun stoppable,anythingandeverythingisavailable to you. You simply choose it and it’s yours! How’sthatforfreedom! DECLARATIONS:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Iambiggerthananyproblems.”“I canhandleanyproblems.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Wheneveryouarefeelingupsetovera“big”problem,pointtoyour selfandsay,“Minime,minime.”Thentakeadeepbreath and say to yourself, “I can handle this. I am biggerthananyproblem.” 2. Writedownaproblemyouarehavinginyourlife.Thenlistten specific actions you can take to resolve or at leastimprove this situation. This will move you from problemthinkingintosolutionthinking. TheWealthFiles-111 First,there’sagoodchanceyou’llsolvetheproblem.Second,you’llf eelaheckofalotbetter. WealthFile#10 Richpeopleareexcellentreceivers. Poorpeoplearepoorreceivers. If I had to nail down the number one reason most people donot reach their full financial potential, it would be this: mostpeoplearepoor“receivers.”Theymayormaynotbegoodatg iving, but they are definitely bad at receiving. And becausetheyarepooratreceiving,theydon’t! People are challenged by receiving for several reasons. First,many people feel unworthy or undeserving. This syndromerunsrampantinoursociety.Iwouldguessthat over90percentofindividualshavefeelingsofnotbeinggoodenou ghrunningthroughtheirveins. Where does this low self-esteem come from? The usual— ourconditioning.Formostofusitcomesfromhearingtwentynos for every yes, ten “You’re doing it wrong”s for every“You’re doing it right,” and five “You’re stupid”s for every“You’reawesome.” Even if our parents or guardians were incredibly supportive,manyofusendupwithfeelingsofnotbeingabletoconti nually measure up to their accolades and expectations. Soonceagain,we’renotgoodenough. In addition, most of us grew up with the element of punishment in our lives. This unwritten rule simply states that ifyou do something wrong, you will or should be punished.Someofuswerepunishedbyourparents,somebyour 112-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind teachers... and some of us in certain religious circles werethreatened with the mother of all punishments, not gettingintoheaven. Of course, now that we’re adults, all this is over. Right?Wrong!Formostpeople,theconditioningofpunishmentis soingrainedthat,becausethere’snoonearoundtopunishthem,wh entheymakeamistakeorjustaren’tperfect,theysubconsciously punish themselves. When they were young,this punishment might have come in the form of “You werebad, so no candy.” Today, however, it could take the form of“You were bad, so no money.” This explains why some peoplelimittheirearnings,andwhyotherswillsubconsciouslysa botagetheirsuccess. Nowonderpeoplehavedifficultyreceiving.Onetinymistakea ndyou’redoomedtocarrytheburdenofmiseryandpoverty for the rest of your life. “A little harsh,” you say? Sincewhen did the mind become logical or compassionate? Again,theconditionedmindisafilefolderfilledwithpastprogram ming, made-up meanings, and stories of drama anddisaster.“Makingsense”isnotitsstrongsuit. Here’s something I teach in my seminars that might makeyou feel better. In the end, it doesn’t matter whether you feelworthy or not, you can be rich either way. Plenty of wealthypeople don’t feel overly worthy. In fact, it’s one of the majormotivations for people to get prove themselves andtheir worth to themselves or to others. The idea that self-worth is necessary for net worth is just that, an idea, but itdoesn’t necessarily hold water in the real world. As we saidearlier, getting rich to prove yourself may not make you thehappiestcamper,soyou’rebetteroffcreatingwealthforotherr easons.Butwhat’simportanthereisforyoutorealize TheWealthFiles-113 that your feeling of unworthiness won’t prevent you fromgetting rich; from a strictly financial point of view this couldactuallybeamotivationalasset. Havingsaidthat,IwantyoutogetwhatI’mgoingtosharewithy ou,loudandclear.Thiscouldeasilybeoneofthemostimportantm omentsofyourlife.Areyouready?Heregoes. Recognizethatwhetheryouareworthyornotisallamadeup“story.”Again,nothinghasmeaningexceptforthemeaning we give it. I don’t know about you, but I’ve neverheardofanybodywhowentthroughthe“stamping”lineupa tbirth.CanyouimagineGodstampingeachperson’sforeheadas he or she came through? “Worthy...unworthy... worthy,worthy...unworthy. Yuck...definitely unworthy.” Sorry, I don’tthink it works that way. There’s no one who comes aroundand stamps you “worthy” or “unworthy.” You do that. Youmake it up. You decide it. You and you alone determine ifyou’regoingtobeworthy.It’ssimplyyourperspective.Ifyousay you’reworthy,youare.Ifyousayyou’renotworthy,you’renot. Either way you will live into your story. This is so critical,I’m going to repeat that again: you will live into your story. It’sthatsimple. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Ifyousayyou’reworthy,youare. If you say you’re not worthy, you’re not.Eitherwayyouwillliveinto yourstory. Sowhywouldpeopledothistothemselves?Whywouldpeoplema keupthestorythatthey’renotworthy?It’sjust 114-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind the nature of the human mind, the protective part of us that’salways looking for what’s wrong. Ever notice that a squirreldoesn’tworryaboutthesethings?Canyouimagineasquir relsaying, “I’m not going to collect many nuts this year to preparefor winter because I’m not worthy?” Doubtful, because theselowintelligencecreatureswouldneverdothattothemselves.Only the most evolved creature on the planet, the humanbeing,hastheabilitytolimititselflikethis. One of my own sayings is “If a hundred-foot oak tree hadthe mind of a human, it would only grow to be ten feet tall!”Sohere’smysuggestion:sinceit’saloteasiertochangeyours torythanyourworthiness,insteadofworryingaboutchanging your worthiness, change your story. It’s a lot fasterand cheaper. Simply make up a new and much more supportivestoryandliveintothat. “Oh, but I couldn’t do that,” you say. “I’m not qualified todecidethatI’mworthy.Thathastocomefromsomeoneelse.”So rry, I say, that’s not quite accurate, which is a nice way ofsaying“Bullpoo!”Itwouldn’tmakeadifferencewhatanyonesa ysorsaidinthepast,becauseyouhavetobelieveitandbuyinto it for it to have any effect and that can’t come fromanyone else but you. But just to make you feel better, let’s playthe game and I’ll do for you what I do for thousands ofparticipants at the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar: I willpersonallyanointyou. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: “If a hundred-foot oak tree had the mind of ahuman,itwouldonlygrowtobetenfeettall!” —T.HarvEker TheWealthFiles-115 Thisisaspecialceremony,soI’mgoingtoaskyoutoeliminate any distractions right now. Stop munching, stoptalkingonthephone,andstopwhateveryou’redoing.Men,if youlike,youcanchangeintoasuitandtie,althoughatuxedowould be best. Women, a formal evening gown and heelswouldbeperfect.Andifyoudon’thaveanythingthat’sclassy ornewenough,thiswoulddefinitelybeanoccasiontogobuyyours elfabrand-newdress,designerlabelpreferred. If you’re all ready, let’s begin. Please kneel down on oneknee and bow your head in respect. Ready, here goes. “BYTHE POWER INVESTED IN ME, I HEREBY ANOINTYOUAS‘WORTHY’FROMNOWUNTILFOREV ERMORE!” Okay we’re done. You can stand up now and hold yourhead high because you are finally worthy. Here’s some sageadvice: stop buying into that “worthiness” or “unworthiness”crapandstarttakingtheactionsyouneedtotaketo getrich! Thesecondmajorreasonmostpeoplehaveaproblemwithrecei vingisthattheyhaveboughtintotheadage“It’sbettertogivethant oreceive.”Letmeputthisaselegantlyaspossible:“Whatacrock!” Thatstatementistotalhogwash,andincaseyou haven’t noticed, it’s usually propagated by people andgroupswhowantyoutogiveandthemtoreceive. Thewholeideaisludicrous.What’sbetter,hotorcold,bigorsm all,leftorright,inorout?Givingandreceivingaretwosides of the same coin. Whoever decided that it is better togive than to receive was simply bad at math. For every giverthere must be a receiver, and for every receiver there must be agiver. 116-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind WEALTHPRINCIPLE: For everygivertheremustbea receiver,andforeveryreceiver theremustbeagiver. Thinkaboutit!Howcouldyougiveifthereweren’tsomeone or something there to receive? Both have to be inperfectbalancetoworkonetoone,fifty-fifty.Andsincegiv-ing and receiving must always equal each other, they must alsobeequalinimportance. Besides, how does it feel to give? Most of us would agreethat giving feels wonderful and fulfilling. Conversely, howdoes it feel when you want to give and the other person isn’twilling to receive? Most of us would agree that it feels terrible.Soknowthis:ifyouarenotwillingtoreceive,thenyouare“rippingof f”thosewhowanttogivetoyou. You are actually denying them the joy and pleasure thatcomes from giving; instead, they feel lousy. Why? Again,everything is energy, and when you want to give but can’t, thatenergycannotbeexpressedandgetsstuckinyou.That“stuck” energythenturnsintonegativeemotions. To make matters worse, when you are not willing to fullyreceive, you are training the universe not to give to you! It’ssimple:ifyouaren’twillingtoreceiveyourshare,itwillgotoso meone else who is. That’s one of the reasons the rich getricher and the poor get poorer. Not because they’re any moreworthy, but because they are willing to receive while mostpoorpeopleare not. I learned this lesson in a big way while camping by myself inthe forest. In preparation for my two-day sojourn I madewhat’scalledaleanto.Thismeanstyingthetoppartofatarptoatreeandthenfasteningt hebottomtothegroundto TheWealthFiles-117 create a forty-five-degree roof over my head when I slept.Thank goodness I prepared this mini-condo because it rainedall night. When I came out of my shelter that morning, I wasnoticinghowdryIandeverythingelseunderthetarpwas.Atth esametime,however,Icouldn’thelpbutnoticethisunusually deep puddle that had collected at the bottom of thetarp. All of a sudden I heard this inner voice say to me,“Nature is totally abundant but not discriminating. When therain falls, it has to go somewhere. If one part is dry, anotherpartwillbedoublywet.”AsIstoodoverthepuddle,Irealiz edthisisexactlythewayitworkswithmoney.There’splentyofit, trillions of trillions of dollars floating around, it’s in definiteabundance, and it has to go somewhere. The deal is this: ifsomebody isn’t willing to receive his or her share, it must go towhoever will. The rain doesn’t care who gets it and neitherdoesmoney. AtthispointintheMillionaireMindseminarIteachpeoplethesp ecialprayerIcreatedaftermyexperienceunderthetarp.Ofcoursei t’salittletongue-incheek,butthelessonisobvious.Itgoeslikethis:“Universe,ifanyo nehassomethinggreatcomingtothemandthey’renotwillingtota keit,senditto me! I am open and willing to receive all of your blessings.Thankyou.”Ihavetheentireaudiencerepeatthiswithm eandthey go crazy! They’re excited because it feels amazing to betotally willing to receive, and it feels great because it’s totallynatural to do so. Anything you’ve made up to the contrary is,again,justa“story”thatisn’tservingyouoranyoneelse.Letyou rstorygoandyourmoneycome. Rich people work hard and believe it’s perfectly appropriatetobewellrewardedfortheireffortsandthevaluetheypr ovideforothers.Poorpeopleworkhard,butduetotheir 118-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind feelings of unworthiness, they believe that it is inappropriatefor them to be well rewarded for their efforts and the valuethey provide. This belief sets them up to be perfect victims,andofcourse,howcanyoubea“good”victimifyouarewe llrewarded? Many poor people actually believe they are better peoplebecause they are poor. Somehow they believe they’re morepious or spiritual or good. Baloney! The only thing poorpeople are, is poor. I had a gentleman at the course come tome in tears. He said, “I just don’t see how I could feel goodabout having a lot of money when others have so little.” Iaskedhimafewsimplequestions:“Whatgooddoyoudoforpoor people by being one of them? Whom do you help bybeingbroke?Aren’tyoujustanothermouthtofeed?Wouldn’tit be more effective for you to create wealth for yourself andthen be able to really help others from a place of strengthinsteadofweakness?” He stopped crying and said, “For the first time, I got it. Ican’t believe what garbage I’ve been thinking. Harv, I believethetimehascomeformetogetrichand,alongtheway,help others.Thankyou.”Hewentbacktohisseatanewman.Igotan email from him not long ago telling me he’s making tentimes what he used to earn and that he’s feeling awesomeabout it. Best of all, he says, it feels tremendous to be able toassist some ofhis friendsandfamily who arestillstruggling. Thisleadsmetoanimportantpoint:ifyouhavethewherewithal to have a lot of money, have it. Why? Because thetruth is that we are extremely fortunate to be living in thissociety, a society whereby each person is in fact rich comparedtomanyotherpartsoftheworld.Somepeoplejustdon’te verhavetheopportunitytohavealotofmoney.Ifyouareoneofthel uckypeoplewhodohavethatability, TheWealthFiles-119 andeachofyouisoryouwouldn’tbereadingabooklikethis,then use your wherewithal for all it’s worth. Get really rich andthen help people who don’t have the opportunity you did.That makes a lot more sense to me than being broke andhelpingnoone. Of course there are the people who will say, “Money willchangeme.IfIgetrich,Imightturnintosomekindofgreedyjer k.”First,theonlypeoplewhosaythatarepoorpeople.It’sjust another justification for their failure, and it comes fromjust another one of the many “inner” weeds in their financialgarden.Don’tbuyit! Second, let me set the record straight. Money will only makeyou more of what you already are. If you’re mean, money will affordyou the opportunity to be meaner. If you’re kind, money willafford you the opportunity to be kinder. If you’re a jerk atheart,withmoneyyoucanbejerkier.(Iknowthere’snosuchwor d,butifyouwerearealjerk,you’dfindaway.)Ifyou’regenerous, more money will simply allow you to be moregenerous.And anyonewho tells you different isbroke ! WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Money will only make youmoreofwhatyoualreadyar e. Sowhattodo?Howdoyoubecomeagoodreceiver? First, begin to nurture yourself. Remember, people arecreatures of habit, and therefore you will have to consciouslypracticereceivingthebestlifehastooffer. Oneofthekeyelementsinthemoneymanagementsystemwete achintheMillionaireMindIntensiveSeminaris 120-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind having a “play” account where you get to blow a designatedamountofmoneyonthingsthatnurtureyouandallowy outo“feel like a million.” The idea of this account is to help youvalidateyourworthinessandstrengthenyour“receivingmus cle.” Second,Iwantyoutopracticegoingcrazywithexcitementand gratitude anytime you find or receive any money. It’sfunny, when I was broke and I saw a penny on the ground, Iwould never stoop so low as to pick up a lowly penny. NowthatI’mrich,however,Ipickupanythingthatevenlookslike money. Then I give it a kiss for good luck and declare outloud, “I am a money magnet. Thank you, thank you, thankyou.” I don’t stand there judging the denomination. Money ismoney, and finding money is a blessing from the universe.Now that I’m fully willing to receive anything and everythingthatcomesmyway,Ido! Being open and willing to receive is absolutely critical if youwant to create wealth. It’s also critical if you want to keep it. Ifyou are a poor receiver and you somehow fall into a substantial amount of money, chances are it’ll be gone quickly.Again, “first the inner, then the outer.” First, expand your re-ceiving“box.”Thenwatchasthemoneycomesintofillit. Again, the universe abhors a vacuum. In other words, anempty space will always be filled. Have you ever noticed whathappens with an empty closet or garage? It usually doesn’t stayemptyforlong,doesit?Haveyoualsonoticedhowstrangeitis that the time taken for any task will always be equal to thetime given? Once you expand your capacity to receive, youwill. Also, once you become truly open to receiving, the rest ofyourlifewillopenup.Notonlywillyoureceivemore TheWealthFiles-121 money, but you’ll also receive more love, more peace, morehappiness, and more fulfillment. Why? Because of anotherprincipleIconstantlyusethatstates,“Howyoudoanythin gishowyoudoeverything.” WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Howyoudoanythingishow youdoeverything. The way you are in one area is usually the way you are in allareas. If you’ve been blocking yourself from receiving money,chances are you’ve been blocking yourself from receivingeverything else that’s good in life. The mind doesn’t usuallydelineate specifically where you are a poor receiver. In fact, it’sjusttheopposite:themindhasahabitofovergeneralizingandsa ys,“Thewayitis,isthewayitis,everywhereandalways.” Ifyou’reapoorreceiver,you’reapoorreceiverinallareas.Theg oodnewsisthatwhenyoubecomeanexcellentreceiver,you’llbea nexcellentreceivereverywhere...andopentoreceivingallthatthe universehastoofferinallareasofyourlife. Now the only thing you’ll have to remember is to keepsaying “Thank you”asyoureceiveallofyourblessings. DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “I am an excellent receiver. I am open and willing toreceivemassiveamountsofmoneyintomylife.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” 122-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Practicebeinganexcellentreceiver.Eachtimesomeonegivesy ouacomplimentofanysort,simplysay,“Thankyou.” Do not return a compliment to that person at thesametime.Thisallows youtofullyreceiveandownthecomplimentinsteadof“deflecti ng”it,asmostpeopledo.This also allows the giver of the compliment the joy ofgivingthegiftwithoutitbeingthrownbackatthem. 2. Any,andImeanany, moneyyoufindorreceiveshouldenthusiasticallybecelebrated .Goaheadandscreamout,“I’mamoneymagnet.Thankyou,tha nkyou,thankyou.”This goes for money you find on the ground, for moneyyougetasgifts,formoneyyougetfromthegovernment,f ormoneyyougetasapaycheck,andformoneyyougetfrom your business. Remember, the universe is set up tosupport you. If you keep declaring that you are a moneymagnet,andespeciallyifyouhavetheproof,theunivers ewillsimplysay,“Okay,”andsendyoumore. 3. Pamper yourself. At least once a month do somethingspecialtonurtureyourselfandyourspirit.Getamass age,amanicure,orapedicure,takeyourselfforanextravagantlu nch or dinner, rent a boat or a weekend cottage, havesomeone bring you breakfast in bed. (You might have totradewithafriendorfamilymember.)Dothingsthatwillallow you to feel rich and deserving. Again, the vibrationalenergyyouemitfromthiskindofexperiencewillsen damessage to the universe that you live abundantly, andagain, the universe will simply do its job and say, “Okay,”andgiveyouopportunitiesformore. TheWealthFiles-123 WealthFile#11 Richpeoplechoosetogetpaidbasedonresults.Poorpe oplechoosetogetpaidbasedontime. Have you ever heard this advice: “Go to school, get goodgrades, get a good job, get a steady paycheck, be on time, workhard . . . and you’ll live happily ever after”? I don’t know aboutyou,butI’dsurelovetoseethewrittenguaranteeonthatone. Unfortunately, this sage advice comes directly from the Book ofFairyTales,VolumeI,rightafterthetoothfairystory. I’m not going to bother debunking the entire statement.Youcandothatforyourselfbycheckingyourownexper ienceand the lives of everyone around you. What I will discuss is theidea behind the “steady” paycheck. There’s nothing wrongwith getting a steady paycheck, unless it interferes with yourability to earn what you’re worth. There’s the rub. It usuallydoes. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: There’s nothing wrong with getting a steadypaycheck, unless it interferes with your abilitytoearnwhatyou’reworth. There’sthe rub. Itusuallydoes. Poor people prefer tobepaid asteadysalaryorhourly wage.Theyneedthe“security”ofknowingthatexactlythe 124-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind sameamountofmoneyiscominginatexactlythesametime,mont h in, month out. What they don’t realize is that thissecuritycomeswithaprice,andthecostiswealth. Living based in security is living based in fear. What you’reactually saying is “I’m afraid I won’t be able to earn enoughbased on my performance, so I’ll settle for earning just enoughtosurviveortobecomfortable.” Rich people prefer to get paid based on the results theyproduce, if not totally, then at least partially. Rich peopleusually own their own business in some form. They make theirincome from their profits. Rich people work on commissionor percentages of revenue. Rich people choose stock optionsand profit sharing in lieu of higher salaries. Notice there are noguarantees with any of the above. As stated earlier, in thefinancial world the rewards are usually proportionate to therisk. Rich people believe in themselves. They believe in theirvalue and in their ability to deliver it. Poor people don’t. That’swhytheyneed“guarantees.” Recently, I dealt with a public relations consultant whowanted me to pay her a fee of $4,000 per month. I asked herwhatI’dreceiveformy$4,000.SherepliedthatI’dseeatleast $20,000 of coverage per month in the media. I said, “What ifyou don’t produce those results or anything close to it?” Sheanswered that she would still be putting in the time, so shedeservedtogetpaid. I replied, “I’m not interested in paying for your time. I’minterestedinpayingyouforaspecificresult,andifyoudon’tpr oducethatresult,whyshouldIpayyou?Ontheotherhand,ifyoupr oduceevengreaterresults,youshouldgetpaidmore.Tell you what: I’ll give you fifty percent of whatever mediavalueyouproduce.Accordingtoyourfigures, TheWealthFiles-125 that would mean paying you ten thousand dollars per month,whichismorethandoubleyourfee.” Did she go for it? Nope! Is she broke? Yup! And she will befor the rest of her life or until she figures out that to get richyouwillneedtobepaidbasedonresults. Poor people trade their time for money. The problem withthis strategy is that your time is limited. This means that youinvariably end up breaking Wealth Rule #1, which states,“Never have a ceiling on your income.” If you choose to getpaid for your time, you are pretty much killing your chancesforwealth. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Neverhaveaceilingon yourincome. This rule also applies to personal service businesses, where,again, you generally get paid for your time. That’s why lawyers,accountants, and consultants who are not yet partners in theirfirm— andthereforedon’tshareinthebusinessprofits— makeamoderatelivingatbest. Suppose you are in the pen business and you get an orderforfiftythousandpens.Ifthiswerethecase,whatwouldyoud o? You’d simply call your supplier, order fifty thousand pens,send them off, and happily count your profits. On the otherhand,supposeyouareamassagetherapistandyou’refortuna teenoughtohavefiftythousandpeoplelinedupoutside your door all wanting a massage from you. What doyou do? You kill yourself for not being in the pen business.Whatelsecanyoudo?Tryexplainingtothelastpersonin linethatyoumayberunning“alittlelate,”asintheirappointmentis Tuesdayat3:15,fourdecadesfromnow! 126-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind I’m not suggesting there’s anything wrong with being in apersonal service business. Just don’t expect to get rich anytimesoonunlessyoucreateawaytoduplicateorleverage yourself. At my seminars, I often meet salaried or hourly wage employeeswhocomplaintomethatthey’renotgettingpaidwhatthey ’re worth. My response is “In whose opinion? I’m sureyourbossthinksyou’rebeingcompensatedfairly.Whydon’t yougetoffthesalarytreadmillandasktobepaidbasedfullyor partially on your performance? Or, if that is not possible,whynotworkforyourself?Thenyou’llknowyou’remak ingexactly what you’re worth.” Somehow, this advice doesn’tseem to appease these people, who are obviously terrified oftestingtheir“true”valueinthemarketplace. The fear most people have of being paid based on theirresults is often just a fear of breaking out of their old condi-tioning. In my experience, most people who are stuck in thesteady-paycheck rut have past programming that tells themthisisthe“normal”waytogetpaidforyourwork. You can’t blame your parents. (I guess you can if you’re agoodvictim.)Mostparentstendtobeoverlyprotective,soit’sonl y natural for them to want their kids to have a secureexistence. As you’ve probably already found out, any work thatdoesn’tprovideasteadypaycheckusuallyproducestheinfam ousparentalresponse“Whenareyougoingtogetarealjob?” I remember, when my parents asked me that question,thankgoodnessmyreplywas“Hopefullynever!”Mym otherwas devastated. My father, however, said, “Good for you.You’ll never get rich working on straight salary for someoneelse. If you’re going to get a job, make sure you get paid onpercentage.Otherwise,goworkforyourself!” TheWealthFiles-127 Itooencourageyoutowork“foryourself.”Startyourownbusin ess,workoncommission,getapercentageofrevenueorcompany profits,orgetstockoptions.Whateveryourvehicle,makecertain youcreateasituationthatallowsyoutogetpaidbasedonyourresult s. Personally, I believe just about everyone should own theirown business, be it full-time or part-time. The first reason isthat by far, the vast majority of millionaires became rich by being in theirownbusiness. Secondly, it’s extremely difficult to create wealth when thetaxmanisgrabbingalmosthalfofeverythingyouearn.Wheny ou own a business, you can save a small fortune in taxes bywritingoffaportionofyourexpensesforsuchthingsasyourcar, travel, education, and even your home. For that reasonalone,it’sworthhavingyourownbusiness. Ifyoudon’thaveabrilliantbusinessidea,nottoworry:youcan use someone else’s. First, you can become a commissionedsalesperson.Sellingisoneoftheworld’shighestpaidprofessions. If you’re good, you can earn a fortune. Second,youcanjoinanetworkmarketingcompany.Therearedoz ensof excellent ones, and they have in place all of the productsand systems you need to get started immediately. For just afew bucks, you can become a distributor and have all thebenefits of owning a business with few of the administrativehassles. If it resonates with you, network marketing can be a dynamite vehicle for wealth. But, and this is a big but, don’t thinkfor a minute that you’re going to get a free ride. Networkmarketingwillonlyworkifyoudo.Itwilltaketraining,ti me,andenergytosucceed.Butifyoudo,incomesintherangeof $20,000 to $50,000 per month—that’s right, per month— arenot uncommon. In any case, just signing 128-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind up and becoming a part-time distributor will give you someexcellent tax advantages, and who knows, maybe you’ll enjoythe product enough to offer it to others and end up making aniceincometo boot. Another option is exchanging your “job” for a “contract”position. If your employer is willing, he or she can hire yourcompany instead of you to do basically what you’re doing now.Afewlegalrequirementshavetobefulfilled,butforthemostp art, if you add one or two more clients, even part-time, youcan get paid as a business owner instead of an employee andenjoy business-owner tax benefits. Who knows, those part-time clients may grow to become full-time clients, whichwouldthengiveyoutheopportunitytoleverageyourself,hi reotherpeopletogetalltheworkdone,andeventuallyyou’llberun ningyourownfull-onbusiness. Youmightthink,“Myemployerwouldnevergoforthat.”Iwoul dn’t be too sure about that. You have to understand, itcosts a company a fortune to have an employee. Not only dothey have to pay salary or wages, but they have to pay a whackof money on top of that to the government, often to the tuneof25percentormoreabovewhattheemployeeearns.Addtot hatthecostofthebenefitspackagethatmostemployeesget,and you’ve probably got a 50 percent savings to a companythat chooses to hire you as an independent consultant. Ofcourseyouwon’tbeeligibleformanyofthebenefitsyougotasa nemployee,butforwhatyousaveintaxesalone,youcanbuythebe stofwhatyouneedonyourown. Intheend,theonlywaytoearnwhatyou’rereallyworthistogetpai dbasedonyourresults.Onceagain,mydadsaiditbest:“You’ll neverget rich working onstraight salary for TheWealthFiles-129 someoneelse.Ifyou’regoingtogetajob,makesureyougetpaidon percentage.Otherwise,goworkforyourself!” Nowthat’ssageadvice! DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Ichoosetogetpaidbasedonmyresults.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. If you are currently in a job getting paid based on anhourlywageorsalary,createandproposeacompensa-tion plan to your employer that would allow you to getpaid at least partly based on your individual results as wellastheresultsofthecompany. If you own your own business, create a compensationplan that allows your employees or even primary supplierstogetpaidbasedmoreontheirresultsandthere sultsofyourcompany. Puttheseplansintoactionimmediately. 2. If you are currently in a job and not being paid whatyou are worth based on the results you are producing,consider starting start your own business. You canbeginpart-time.Youcouldeasilyjoina networkmar-keting company or become a coach, teaching otherswhat you know, or offer your independent consultingservicesbacktothecompanyyouoriginallywork edfor,but this time, paid on performance and results ratherthanonlyforyourtime. 130-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind SuccessStoryfromSean Nita DearHarv, I can’t explain how grateful we are that we were introduced to you by one of my wife’s friends. At the time I’djust received a $10,000 cut in pay. We were desperatelylooking for options, as we were not making ends meetanymore. At the Millionaire Mind Intensive, we learnedthe toolsthat helped us create financial freedom. Once we put thetools in place, miracles started to happen. We were able topurchase five homes within the next year. All with aminimum profit of at least $18,000 each. The fifth house hada profit of $300,000, six times my previous yearly salary! Iwas able to quit my job of fourteen years and become a full-time real estate investor, giving me the free time to be withmyfamilyandfriends. Your method of teaching at the cellular level has been agreat key to our success. I cannot wait for what is ahead. IonlywishI’dlearnedthiswhenIwasinmytwenties. Thankyou. Sincerely,S ean NitaSeattle, WA TheWealthFiles-131 WealthFile#12 Rich people think “both.”Poorpeoplethink“eithe r/or.” Rich people live in a world of abundance. Poor people live in aworldoflimitations.Ofcourse,bothliveinthesamephysicalwor ld,butthedifferenceisintheirperspective.Poorandmostmiddleclasspeoplecomefromscarcity.Theylivebymottossuch as “There’s only so much to go around, there’s neverenough, and you can’t have everything.” And although youmaynotbeabletohave“everything,”asinallthethingsinthew orld, I do think you can certainly have “everything you reallywant.” Doyouwantasuccessfulcareeroracloserelationshipwithyour family?Both!Doyouwanttofocusonbusinessorhavefun and play? Both! Do you want money or meaning in yourlife? Both! Do you want to earn a fortune or do the work youlove?Both! Poorpeople always choose one, richpeoplechooseboth. Richpeopleunderstandthatwithalittlecreativityyoucanalmo st always figure out a way to have the best of both worlds.From now on, when confronted with an either/or alternative,thequintessentialquestiontoaskyourselfis“Howcan Ihaveboth?” This question will change your life. It will take youfrom a model of scarcity and limitation to a universe ofpossibilitiesandabundance. This doesn’t just pertain to things you want, it pertains to allareas of life. For example, right now, I’m preparing to dealwith an unhappy supplier that believes my company, PeakPotentials, should pay for certain expenses they’ve had thatweren’toriginallyagreedto.Myfeelingisthatestimat- 132-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind ing his costs is his business not mine, and if he’s incurredhigher expenses, that’s something he has to deal with. I’mmorethanwillingtonegotiateanewagreementfornexttime,b ut I’m big on keeping agreements that were already made.Now in my “broke” days, I’d go into this discussion with thegoalofmakingmypointandmakingsureIdon’tpaythisguyon ecentmorethanweagreedupon.AndeventhoughI’dliketo keep him as a supplier, this would probably end up in ahugeargument.I’dgointhinkingeitherhewinsorIwin. Today, however, because I’ve trained myself to think interms of “both,” I’m going into this discussion completelyopen to creating a situation where I’m not going to pay himany more money and he’s going to be extremely happy with thearrangementswedomake.Inotherwords,mygoalistohavebot h! Here’s another example. Several months ago I decided topurchaseavacationhomeinArizona.IscouredtheareaIwasinte rested in, and every real estate agent told me, if I wantedthreebedroomsplusadeninthatvicinity,I’dhavetopayov era million dollars. My intention was to keep my investment inthis home under a million. Most people would either lowertheir expectations or raise their budget. I held out for both. Irecently got a call that the owners of a house in the exactlocation I wanted, with the number of rooms I wanted, hadreducedtheirprice$200,000tounderamillion. Hereisanothertributetotheintentionofhavingboth! Finally,IalwaystoldmyparentsthatIdidn’twanttoslaveaway at work I didn’t enjoy and that I would “get rich doingwhatIlove.”Theirresponsewastheusual:“You’relivingin adreamworld.Lifeisnotabowlofcherries.”Theysaid, TheWealthFiles-133 “Business is business, pleasure is pleasure. First you takecareofmakingaliving,then,ifthere’sanytimeleftover,youc anenjoyyourlife.” I remember thinking to myself, “Hmm, if I listen to them,I’ll end up like them. No. I’m gonna have both!” Was it tough?You bet. Sometimes I’d have to work at a job I hated for aweek or two so I could eat and pay the rent. But I never lostmyintentionofhaving“both.”Inevergotstucklong-termina job or business I didn’t like. Eventually I did become richdoingwhatIloved.NowthatIknowitcanbedone,Icontinueto pursueonlytheworkandprojectsthatIlove.Bestof all, I now have the privilege of teaching others to do thesame. Nowhere is “both” thinking more important than when itcomestomoney.Poorandmanymiddleclasspeoplebelievethattheyhavetochoosebetweenmoneyandth eotheraspectsoflife.Consequentlythey’verationalizedapositio nthatmoneyisnotasimportantasotherthings. Let’s set the record straight. Money is important! To saythat it’s not as important as any of the other things in life isludicrous. What’s more important, your arm or your leg?Coulditbethatbothareimportant? Money is a lubricant. It enables you to “slide” through lifeinstead of having to “scrape” by. Money brings freedom—freedom to buy what you want, and freedom to do what youwant with your time. Money allows you to enjoy the finerthings in life as well as giving you the opportunity to helpothers have the necessities in life. Most of all, having moneyallows you not to have to spend your energy worrying aboutnothavingmoney. Happiness is important too. Again, here’s where poor andmiddle-classpeoplegetconfused.Manybelievemoneyand 134-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind happiness are mutually exclusive, that either you can be rich oryou can be happy. Again, this is nothing more than “poor”programming. People who are rich in every sense of the word understandthatyouhavetohaveboth.Justasyouhavetohaveboth yourarmsand your legs,you have tohavemoney and happiness. YouCanHaveYourCakeandEatItToo! Sohere’sanothermajordifferencebetweenrichpeople,middleclasspeople,andpoorpeople: Rich people believe “You can have your cake and eat ittoo.” Middle-class people believe “Cake is too rich, so I’ll onlyhavealittlepiece.” Poor people don’t believe they deserve cake, so they order adoughnut, focus on the hole, and wonder why they have“nothing.” WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Richpeoplebelieve “Youcanhave yourcakeandeatittoo.” Middle-classpeoplebelieve “Cake is too rich, so I’ll only have a little piece.”Poorpeopledon’tbelievetheydeservecake ,so they order a doughnut, focus on the hole,andwonder whythey have “nothing.” Iaskyou,whatistheuseofhavingyour“cake”ifyoucan’teatit?Whate xactlyareyousupposedtodowithit?Put TheWealthFiles-135 itonyourmantelandlookatit?Cakeismeanttobeeatenandenjoye d. Either/or thinking also trips up people who believe that “ifIhavemore,thensomeoneelsewillhaveless.”Again,thisisnot hing more than fear-based, self-defeating programming.The notion that the wealthy people of the world have and aresomehow hoarding all the money, so there’s none left foranyone else, is preposterous. First, this belief assumes thatthereisalimitedsupplyofmoney.I’mnotaneconomist,butfro m what I can see, they just keep printing more of the stuffevery day. The actual money supply hasn’t been tied to any realasset for decades. So even if the wealthy had all the moneytoday, tomorrow there’d be millions, if not billions, moreavailable. The other thing people with this limited belief don’t seem torealize is that the same money can be used over and over, tocreate value for everyone. Let me give you an example I’veusedinourseminars.I’llaskfivepeopletocomeonstageandbr inganitemwiththem.Iaskthemtostandinacircle.ThenIgivea$5b illtothefirstpersonandaskthemtobuysomething from person number 2 for that money. Supposetheybuyapen.Sonowpersonnumber1hasapenandpers onnumber 2 has the $5. Person 2 now uses the same $5 bill tobuy, say, a clipboard from person number 3. Then number 3usesthesame$5billtobuyanotebookfromnumber 4. Ihopeyougetthepictureandthepoint.Theexactsame$5was used tobringvaluetoeachpersonthat had it. That same $5wentthroughfivedifferentpeopleandcreated$5worthofvalue foreachandatotalof$25invalueforthegroup.That $5didnotgetdepletedandasitcircledaround,createdvalueforeve ryone. 136-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind The lessons are clear. First, money does not get depleted;you can use the same money again and again for years andyears and thousands and thousands of people. Second, themore money you have, the more you can put into the circle,whichmeansotherpeoplethenhavemoremoneytotradefo rmorevalue. Thisisexactlytheoppositeofeither/or-basedthinking.Tothe contrary, when you have money and use it, you and theperson you spend it with both have the value. Put bluntly, ifyou’re so worried about other people and making sure they gettheirshare(asifthereisashare),dowhatittakestogetrichsoyou canspreadmoremoneyaround. If I can be an example for anything, it would be that youcan be a kind, loving, caring, generous, and spiritual person andbe really frickin’ rich. I strongly urge you to dispel the myththat money is in any way bad or that you will be less “good” orless“pure”ifyouarewealthy.Thatbeliefisabsolute“salami”(in caseyou’retiredofbaloney),andifyoukeepeatingit,youwon’t just be fat, you’ll be fat and broke. Hey, what do youknow,anotherexampleofboth! Myfriends,beingkind,generous,andlovinghasnothingtodo with what is or isn’t in your wallet. Those attributes comefrom what is in your heart. Being pure and spiritual havenothingtodowithwhatisorisn’tinyourbankaccount;thosea ttributes come from what’s in your soul. To think moneymakes you good or bad, one way or another, is either/orthinking and just plain “programmed garbage” that is notsupportivetoyourhappinessandsuccess. It’s also not supportive to those around you, especially tochildren. If you’re that adamant about being a good person,thenbe“good”enoughnottoinfectthenextgeneration TheWealthFiles.137 with the disempowering beliefs you may inadvertently haveadopted. Ifyoureallywanttolivealifewithoutlimits,whateverthesituati on,letgoofeither/orthinkingandmaintaintheintentionto have“both.” DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Ialwaysthink‘both.’” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Practicethinkingandcreatingwaysofhaving“both.”Whene veralternativesarepresentedtoyou,askyourself,“HowcanI haveboth?” 2. Becomeawarethatmoneyincirculationaddstoeveryon e’slife.Eachtimeyouspendmoney,saytoyourself,“Thi smoneywillgothroughhundredsofpeopleandcreatev alueforallofthem.” 3. Thinkofyourselfasarolemodelforothers— showingthatyou canbe kind,generous,loving,and rich! WealthFile#13 Richpeoplefocusontheirnetworth. Poorpeoplefocusontheirworkingincome. Whenitcomestomoney,peopleinour societytypicallyask,“Howmuchdoyoumake?”Seldomdoyou heartheques- 138-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind tion “What is your net worth?” Few people talk this way, exceptofcourseatthecountryclub. In country clubs, the financial discussion almost alwayscenters around net worth: “Jim just sold his stock options; he’sworth over three million. Paul’s company just went public; he’sworth eight million. Sue just sold her business; she’s nowworth twelve million.” At the country club, you’re not going tohear,“Hey,didyouhearthatJoegotaraise?Yeah,andatwoperce nt cost-of-living allowance to boot?” If you did hear that,you’dknowyou’relisteningtoaguestfortheday. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: The true measure of wealth is net worth,notworking income. The true measure of wealth is net worth, not working income. Always has been, always will be. Net worth is the financial value of everything you own. To determine your networth, add up the value of everything you own, including yourcash and investments such as stocks, bonds, real estate, thecurrent value of your business if you own one, the value ofyourresidenceifyouownit,andthensubtracteverythingyouow e. Net worth is the ultimate measure of wealth because, ifnecessary, what you own can eventually be liquidated intocash. Richpeopleunderstandthehugedistinctionbetweenworkingi ncomeandnetworth.Workingincomeisimportant,but it is only one of the four factors that determine your networth.Thefournetworthfactorsare: TheWealthFiles-139 1. Income 2. Savings 3. Investments 4. Simplification Richpeopleunderstandthatbuildingahighnetworthisanequat ion that contains all four elements. Because all of thesefactorsareessential,let’sexamineeachone. Income comes in two forms: working income and passiveincome. Working income is the money earned from activework. This includes a paycheck from a day-to-day job, or foran entrepreneur, the profits or income taken from a business.Working income requires that you are investing your own timeandlabortoearnmoney.Workingincomeisimportantbecaus e,withoutit,itisalmostimpossibletoaddresstheotherthreenetwo rth factors. Working income is how we fill up our financial “funnel,” soto speak. All things being equal, the more working income youearn, the more you can save and invest. Although workingincome is critical, again it is only valuable as a part of the entirenetworthequation. Unfortunately, poor and many middle-class people focusexclusively on working income, out of the four factors. Con-sequently,theyendupwithalowornonetworth. Passiveincomeismoneyearnedwithoutyouactivelyworking. We will discuss passive income in greater detail alittle later, but for now, consider it another stream of incomefilling up the funnel, which can then be used for spending,saving,andinvesting. Savings isalso imperative. Youcan earnwads ofmoney. 140-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind But if you don’t keep any of it, you will never create wealth.Many people have a financial blueprint that is wired forspending.Whatevermoneytheyhave,theyspend.Theychoos eimmediategratificationoverlong-termbalance.Spenders have three mottoes. Their first motto is “It’s onlymoney.” Therefore, money is something they don’t have muchof.Theirsecondmottois“Whatgoesaround,comesaround. ”At least they hope so, because their third motto is “Sorry, Ican’t right now. I’m broke.” Without creating income to fillthe funnel and savings to keep it there, it is impossible toaddressthenextnetworthfactor. Once you’ve begun saving a decent portion of your income,then you can move to the next stage and make your moneygrowthroughinvesting.Generally,thebetteryouareatinv esting, the faster your money will grow and generate agreater net worth. Rich people take the time and energy tolearnaboutinvestingandinvestments.Theypridethemselveso nbeingexcellentinvestorsoratleasthiringexcellentinvestors to invest for them. Poor people think investing isonly for rich people, so they never learn about it and staybroke.Again,everypartoftheequationisimportant. Our fourth net worth factor may well be the “dark horse”of the bunch, because few people recognize its importance increating wealth. This is the factor of “simplification.” It goeshand in hand with saving money, whereby you consciouslycreatealifestyleinwhichyouneedlessmoneytoliveo n.Bydecreasing your cost of living, you increase your savings andtheamountoffundsavailableforinvesting. Toillustratethepowerofsimplification,here’sthestoryofoneo fourMillionaireMindparticipants.WhenSuewasonlytwentythree,shemadeawisechoice:shepurchasedahome.Shepaidjustu nder$300,000atthetime.Sevenyears TheWealthFiles-141 later,inasizzlinghotmarket,Suesoldherhomeforover $600,000, meaning she profited over $300,000. She consideredbuying a new home, but after attending the Millionaire MindIntensive Seminar, she recognized that if she invested hermoneyinasecuresecondmortgageat10percentinterestandsi mplified her lifestyle, she could actually be quite comfortableliving on the earnings from her investments and not have towork ever again. Instead of purchasing a new home, shemoved in with her sister. Now, at thirty years of age, Sue isfinanciallyfree.Shewonherindependencenotthroughearning a ton of money, but by consciously scaling back herpersonal overhead. Yes, she still works—because she enjoysit— butshedoesn’thaveto.Infact,sheonlyworkssixmonthsof the year. The rest of the time she spends in Fiji, firstbecause she loves it, and second, she says, her money goeseven further there. Because she lives with the locals rather thanthetourists,shedoesn’tspendalot.Howmanypeopledoyouk nowwhowouldlovetospendsixmonthsofeachyearlivingonatro picalisland,neverhavingtoworkagain,attheripeoldage of thirty? How about forty? Fifty? Sixty? Ever? It’s allbecause Sue created a simple lifestyle and, consequently,doesn’tneedafortunetoliveon. So,whatwillittakeforyoutobehappyfinancially?Ifyouneedt oliveinamansion,havethreevacationhomes,owntencars,takean nualtripsaroundtheworld,eatcaviar,anddrinkthefinestchampa gnetoenjoyyourlife,that’sfine,butrecognize you’ve set your bar pretty darn high, and it may takeyoualong,longtimetogettoapointwhereyou’rehappy. On the other hand, if you don’t need all the “toys” to behappy,you’llprobablyreach yourfinancial goala lotsooner. Again,buildingyournetworthisafour-partequation.As 142-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind an analogy, imagine driving a bus with four wheels. Whatwouldtheridebelikeifyouweredrivingononewheelonly?P robably slow, bumpy, full of struggle, sparks, and going incircles.Doesthatsoundfamiliar?Richpeopleplaythemoneyga meonallfourwheels.That’swhytheirrideisfast,smooth,direct,a ndrelativelyeasy. Bytheway,Iusetheanalogyofabusbecauseonceyouaresucce ssful, your goal might be to bring others along on theridewithyou. Poor and most middle-class people play the money game ononewheelonly.Theybelievethattheonlywaytogetrichistoear n a lot of money. They believe that only because they’venever been there. They don’t understand Parkinson’s Law,which states, “Expenses will always rise in direct proportion toincome.” Here’s what’s normal in our society. You have a car, youmakemoremoney,andyougetabettercar.Youhaveahouse,y oumakemoremoney,andyougetabiggerhouse.Youhaveclothes , you make more money, and you get nicer clothes. Youhaveholidays,youmakemoremoney,andyouspendmoreon holidays.Ofcoursethereareafewexceptionstothisrule...very few! In general, as income goes up, expenses almostinvariably go up too. That’s why income alone will nevercreatewealth. This book is called Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Doesmillionaire refer to income or net worth? Net worth. Therefore,ifyourintentionistobeamillionaireormore,youmustf ocuson building your net worth, which, as we’ve discussed, is basedonmuchmorethanjustyourincome. Makeitapolicytoknowyournetworthtothepenny. Here’s anexercisethat can changeyourfinancial lifeforever. Takeablanksheetofpaperandtitleit“NetWorth.” TheWealthFiles-143 Thencreateasimplechartthatbeginswithzeroandendswithwhat ever your net worth objective is. Note your current networth as it is today. Then every ninety days, enter your newnet worth. That’s it. If you do this, you will find yourselfgetting richer and richer. Why? Because you will be “tracking”yournetworth. Remember: what you focus on expands. As I often say inour training, “Where attention goes, energy flows and resultsshow.” WEALTHPRINCIPLE: “Where attention goes, energy flowsandresults show.” Bytrackingyourworth,youarefocusingonit,andbecausewhat you focus on expands, your net worth will expand. Bythe way, this law goes for every other part of your life: whatyoutrackincreases. To that end, I encourage you to find and work with a goodfinancialplanner.Theseprofessionalscanhelpyoutrackan dbuild your net worth. They will assist you in organizing yourfinances and introduce you to a variety of vehicles for savingandgrowingyourmoney. The best way to find a good planner is to seek a referralfromafriendorassociatewhoishappywiththepersonheor she uses. I’m not saying to take everything your planner says asgospel.ButIamsuggestingthatyoufindaqualifiedprofessional with the skills to help you plan and track yourfinances. A good planner can provide you with the tools,software,knowledge,andrecommendationstohelpyoubui ldthekindofinvestinghabitsthatwillproducewealth. 144-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Generally,Irecommendfindingaplannerwhoworkswithanarray of financial products rather than just insurance or justmutualfunds.Inthatway,youcanfindoutaboutavarietyofoption s,thendecidewhat’srightforyou. DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Ifocusonbuildingmynetworth!” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Focus on all four net worth factors: increasing your income, increasingyour savings,increasingyourinvestmentreturns,anddecreasing yourcost oflivingby simplifyingyourlifestyle. 2. Createanetworthstatement.Todothis,addthecurrentdolla r value of everything you own (your assets) andsubtract the total value of everything you owe (yourliabilities).Committotrackingand revising thisstatementeachquarter.Again,byvirtueofthelawoffocus, whatyoutrackwillincrease. 3. Hireafinancialplanner whoishighlysuccessfulandworkswithawellknown,reputablecompany.Again,thebestwaytofindagreatf inancialplanneristoaskfriendsandassociatesfortheirreferr als. Special Bonus: Go to andclickon“FREEBOOKBONUSES”toreceiveyourfree“net worthtrackingsheet.” TheWealthFiles-145 WealthFile#14 Richpeoplemanagetheirmoneywell. Poorpeoplemismanagetheirmoneywell. Thomas Stanley, in his best-selling book, The Millionaire NextDoor, surveyed millionaires from across North America andreported on who they are and how they attained their wealth.The results can be summarized in one short sentence: “Richpeoplearegoodatmanagingtheirmoney.”Richpeopleman agetheirmoneywell.Poorpeoplemismanagetheirmoney. Wealthypeoplearenotanysmarterthanpoorpeople;theyjust have different and more supportive money habits. As wediscussed in Part I of this book, these habits are primarilybasedonourpastconditioning.Sofirst,ifyou’renotman agingyourmoneyproperly,youwereprobablyprogrammednottomanagemoney.Second,there’sabetterthangood chanceyoudon’tknowhowtomanageyourmoneyinaway that’s easy and effective. I don’t know about you, butwhere I went to school, Money Management 101 wasn’toffered. Instead we learned about the War of 1812, which ofcourseissomethingIuseeverysingleday. It may not be the most glamorous of topics, but it comesdown to this: the single biggest difference between financialsuccess and financial failure is how well you manage yourmoney.It’ssimple:tomastermoney,youmustmanagemone y. Poor people either mismanage their money or they avoidthe subject of money altogether. Many people don’t like tomanagetheirmoneybecause,first,theysayitrestrictstheir 146-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind freedom,andsecond,theysaytheydon’thaveenoughmoneytom anage. As for the first excuse, managing money does not restrictyourfreedom— tothecontrary,itpromotesit.Managingyourmoney allows you to eventually create financial freedom sothatyouneverhavetoworkagain.Tome,that’srealfreedom. As for those who use the “I don’t have enough money tomanage” rationale, they’re looking through the wrong end ofthetelescope.Ratherthansay“whenIhaveplentyofmoney,I’ll begintomanageit,”therealityis“whenIbegintomanageit,I’llhav eplentyofmoney.” Saying “I’ll start managing my money as soon as I getcaught up” is like an overweight person saying “I’ll start ex-ercising and dieting as soon as I lose twenty pounds.” It’sputtingthecartbeforethehorse,whichleadstogoingnowhere.. .or even backward! First you start properly handlingthemoneyyouhave,thenyou’llhavemoremoneytohandle. IntheMillionaireMindIntensiveSeminar,Itellastorythathits mostpeoplerightbetweentheeyes.Imagineyou’rewalking along the street with a five-year-old. You come acrossan ice cream store and go inside. You get the child a singlescoop of ice cream on a cone because they don’t have anycups. As the two of you walk outside, you notice the conewobbling in the child’s tiny hands and, all of a sudden, plop.Theicecreamfallsoutoftheconeontothepavement. The child begins to cry. So back you go into the store, andjust as you’re about to order for the second time, the childnotices a colorful sign with a picture of the “triple scooper”cone.Thechildpointstothepictureandexcitedlyscream s,“Iwantthatone!” TheWealthFiles-147 Nowhere’sthequestion.Beingthekind,loving,andgenerousp ersonthatyouare,wouldyougoaheadandgetthischild the triple scooper? Your initial response might be “sure.”However,whenconsideringthequestionalittlemoredeep ly,mostofourseminarparticipantsrespond,“No.”Becausewhy wouldyouwanttosetthechilduptofail?Thechildcouldn’teven handle a single scoop, how could the child possiblyhandleatriplescoop? Thesameholdstruewhenitcomestotheuniverseandyou.We live in a kind and loving universe, and the rule is “Untilyoushowyoucanhandlewhatyou’vegot,youwon’tgetany more!” WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Untilyoushowyoucanhandlewhatyou’vegot,youw on’t get anymore! Youmustacquirethehabitsandskillsofmanagingasmallamou ntofmoneybeforeyoucanhavealargeamount.Remember, we are creatures of habit, and therefore the habitofmanagingyourmoneyismoreimportantthantheamount. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: The habit of managing your moneyismoreimportantthantheamo unt. Sohowexactlydoyoumanageyourmoney?AttheMillionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, we teach what manybelieve tobeanamazingly simple and effectivemoney man- 148-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind agement method. It’s beyond the scope of this book to goover every detail; however, let me give you a couple of thebasicssoyoucangetstarted. Open a separate bank account designated your FinancialFreedomAccount.Put10percentofeverydollaryourec eive(after taxes) into this fund. This money is only to be used forinvestments and buying or creating passive-income streams.The job of this account is to build a golden goose that laysgolden eggs called passive income. And when do you get tospend this money? Never! It is never spent—only invested.Eventually,whenyouretire,yougettospendtheincomef romthe fund (the eggs), but never the principal itself. In this way, italwayskeepsgrowingandyoucannevergobroke. One of our students, named Emma, recently told me herstory. Two years ago Emma was about to claim bankruptcy.Shedidn’twantto;however,shefeltshehadnoothero ption.She was in debt beyond what she could handle. Then sheattended the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar and learnedaboutthemoneymanagementsystem.Emmasaid,“Thisi sit.ThisishowI’mgoingtogetoutofthismess!” Emma, like all the participants, was told to divide hermoneyintoseveraldifferentaccounts.“That’sjustgreat,”shet houghttoherself.“Idon’thaveanymoneytodivideup!”Butsince she wanted to try, Emma decided to divide up $1 amonthintotheaccounts.Yes,that’sright,only$1amonth. Based on the allocation system we teach, using that onedollar, she put ten cents into her FFA (Financial FreedomAccount).Thefirstthingshethoughttoherselfwas“Ho wtheheck am I supposed to become financially free on ten cents amonth?” So shecommittedtodoublingthatdollareverymonth.Thesecondmo nthshedividedup$2,the TheWealthFiles-149 third month $4, then $8, $16, $32, $64, and so on until thetwelfth month was $2,048 that she was dividing up eachmonth. Then, two years later, she began to collect some amazingfruits from her efforts. She was able to put $10,000 directlyinto her Financial Freedom Account! She had developed thehabit of managing her money so well that, when a bonus checkof $10,000 came her way, she didn’t need the money foranythingelse! Emma is now out of debt and on her way to becoming financially free. All because she took action with what she’dlearned,evenifitwasonlywith$1amonth. Itdoesn’tmatterifyouhaveafortunerightnoworvirtuallynothi ng. What does matter is that you immediately begin tomanage what you’ve got, and you’ll be in shock at how soonyougetmore. I had another student at the Millionaire Mind IntensiveSeminar say, “How can I manage my money when I’m bor-rowing money to live on as it is?” The answer is, borrow anextradollarandmanagethatdollar.Evenifyouareborrowingor finding just a few dollars a month, you must manage thatmoney, because more than a “physical” world principle is atplay here: this is also a spiritual principle. Money miracles willoccur once you demonstrate to the universe that you canhandleyourfinancesproperly. In addition to opening a Financial Freedom bank account,create a Financial Freedom jar in your home and depositmoney into it every day. It could be $10, $5, $1, a single penny,orallyourloosechange.Theamountdoesn’tmatter;thehab itdoes. The secret again is to place daily “attention” on yourobjective of becoming financially free. Like attracts like,moneyattractsmoremoney.Letthissimplejar 150-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind become your “money magnet,” attracting more and moremoneyandopportunitiesforfinancialfreedomintoyourlife. Now, I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve heard the advicetosave10percentofyourmoneyforlongterminvesting,butitmaybethefirsttimeyou’veheardthatyoumu sthaveanequal and opposite account specifically designed for you to“blow”moneyandplay. One of the biggest secrets to managing money is balance.On one side, you want to save as much money as possible soyou can invest it and make more money. On the other side,you need to put another 10 percent of your income into a“play” account. Why? Because we are holistic in nature. Youcannotaffectonepartofyourlifewithoutaffectingtheothers. Some people save, save, save, and while their logical andresponsibleselfisfulfilled,their“innerspirit”isnot.Eventually this “fun-seeking” spirit side will say, “I’ve had enough. Iwantsomeattentiontoo,”andsabotagetheirresults. Ontheotherhand,ifyouspend,spend,spend,notonlywillyou never become rich, but the responsible part of you willeventuallycreatethesituationwhereyoudon’tevenenjoythet hings you spend your money on, and you’ll end up feelingguilty.Theguiltwillthencauseyoutounconsciouslyovers pend as a way of expressing your emotions. Althoughyou might feel better temporarily, soon it’s back to guilt andshame.It’saviciouscycle,andtheonlywaytopreventitistolea rnhowtomanageyourmoneyinawaythatworks. Your play account is primarily used to nurture yourself— todo the things you wouldn’t normally do. It’s for the extraspecial things like going to a restaurant and ordering a bottleoftheirfinestwineorchampagne.Orrentingaboat TheWealthFiles-151 fortheday.Orstayinginahighclasshotelforanextravagantnightoffunandfrolic. Theplayaccountruleisthatitmustbespenteverymonth.That’s right! Each month you have to blow all the money inthat account in a way that makes you feel rich. For example,imagine walking into a massage center, dumping all the moneyfrom your account on the counter, pointing to the massagetherapists, and saying, “I want both of you on me. With the hotrocksandthefrickin’cucumbers.Afterthat,bringmelunch!” LikeIsaid,extravagant.Theonlywaymostofuswillevercontin ue to follow our saving plan is by offsetting it with aplayingplanthatwillrewardusforourefforts.Yourplayaccountisalsodesignedtostrengthenyour“receiving”muscle.It also makes managing money a heck of a lot more fun. Inaddition to the play account and the financial freedom account, I advise that you create four more accounts. The otheraccountsinclude: 10 percent into your Long-Term Savings for SpendingAccount 10 percent into your Education Account50 percent into your Necessities Account10percentintoyourGiveAccount Again,poorpeoplethinkit’sallaboutincome;theybelieveyou havetoearnafortunetogetrich.Again,that’smalecowmanure!Thefactisthatifyoumanageyourmoneyfollowingt his program, you can become financially free on a relativelysmallincome.Ifyoumismanageyourmoney,youcan’t becomefinanciallyfree,evenonahugein 152-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind come. That is why so many high-income professionals— doctors, lawyers, athletes, and even accountants—are basicallybroke, because it’s not just about what comes in, it’s aboutwhatyoudowithwhatcomesin. One of our attendees, John, told me that when he firstheardaboutthemoneymanagementsystem,hethought,“Ho w boring! Why would anyone spend their precious timedoing that?” Then later during the seminar he finally realized ifhe wanted to be financially free someday, especially soonerthan later, he too would have to manage his money, just liketherich. Johnhadtolearnthisnewhabitbecauseitdefinitelywasn’tnatu ral for him. He said it reminded him of when he wastraining for triathlons. He was really good at swimming andcycling;however,hehatedtherunning.Ithurthisfeet,knees,a nd back. He was stiff after every training session. He wasalways out of breath and his lungs burned every time, even ifhe wasn’t going fast! He used to dread running. However, heknewthatifhewastobecomeatoptriathlete,hehadtolearntorun andacceptitaspartofwhatittooktosucceed.WhereasinthepastJo hnavoidedrunning,henowdecidedtoruneveryday.Afterafewm onths,hebeganenjoyingrunningandactuallylookedforwardtoit eachday. This is exactly what happened to John in the arena ofmoney management. He started out hating every minute of itbut grew to actually like it. Now he looks forward to gettinghis paycheck and dividing it into the different accounts! Healsoenjoyswatchinghowhisnetworthhasgonefromzerotoov er$300,000andisgrowingdaily. It comes down to this: either you control money, or it willcontrolyou.Tocontrolmoney,youmustmanageit. TheWealthFiles-153 WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Eitheryou controlmoney,oritwillcontrol you. I love hearing seminar graduates share how much moreconfident they feel around money, success, and themselvesoncetheybeginmanagingtheirmoneyproperly.Theb estpartis that this confidence transfers into other parts of their livesand enhances their happiness, their relationships, and eventheirhealth. Moneyisabigpartofyourlife,andwhenyoulearnhowtogetyou rfinancesundercontrol,allareasofyour lifewillsoar. DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Iamanexcellentmoneymanager.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Open your Financial Freedom bank account. Put 10percentofallyourincome(aftertaxes)intothisaccount.This moneyisnevertobespent,onlyinvestedtoproducepassivein comeforyourretirement. 2. CreateaFinancialFreedomjarinyourhomeanddepositmone y into it every day. It could be $10, $5, $1, a singlepenny, or all your loose change. Again, this will put dailyattentiononyourfinancialfreedom,andwhereattentiong oes,resultsshow. 154-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind SuccessStoryfrom ChristineKloser From: Christine KloserTo:T.HarvEker To put it simply, after attending T. Harv Eker’s MillionaireMind Intensive, my relationship with money completelychanged, and my business grew by 400 percent within oneyear. Most importantly, my husband and I finally “got” howimportant it was to save the first 10 percent of our incomeevery month, no matter what. Now, I’m happy to say, we’vesaved more in the few years after attending Harv’s programthanwehadintheprevious fifteenyears! Plus, the techniques we learned for solving money issuesin our relationship has kept us “money argument” free eversince. Harv’smoneymanagementsystemiseasytofollowand works! Toyoursuccess. 3. Open a play account or have a play jar in your homewhereyoudeposit10percentofallyourincome.Along with your play account and your financial freedomaccount, open four more accounts and deposit thefollowingpercentagesintoeach: 10percentintoyourLongTermSavingsforSpendingAccount 10percentintoyourEducationAccount TheWealthFiles-155 50percentintoyourNecessitiesAccount10per centintoyourGiveAccount 4. Whatevermoneyyouhave,beginmanagingitnow.Donot wait another day. Even if you only have a dollar.Managethatdollar.Taketencentsandputitintoyou rFFAjar,andanothertencentsandputitintoyourplayjar. This action alone will send a message to theuniversethatyouarereadyformoremoney.Ofcourseify oucanmanagemore,managemore. WealthFile#15 Richpeoplehavetheirmoneyworkhardforthem. Poorpeopleworkhardfortheirmoney. If you’re like most people, you grew up being programmedthat you “have to work hard for money.” Chances are good,however,thatyoudidn’tgrowupwiththeconditioningthati twas just as important to make your money “work hard foryou.” No question, working hard is important, but working hardalonewillnevermakeyourich.Howdoweknowthat?Takeal ook in the real world. There are millions—no, make thatbillions—of people who slave away, working their tails off alldayandevenallnightlong.Aretheyallrich?No!Aremostofthe m rich? No! Are a lot of them rich? No! Most of them arebroke or close to it. On the other hand, whom do you seeloungingaroundthecountryclubsoftheworld?Whospendsth eir afternoons playing golf, tennis, or sailing? Who spendstheir days shopping and their weeks vacationing? I’ll give youthreeguessesandthefirsttwodon’tcount. 156-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Richpeople,that’swho!Solet’sgetthisstraight:theideathatyouh avetoworkhardtogetrichisbogus! The old Protestant work ethic states “a dollar’s work for adollar’s pay.” There’s nothing wrong with that adage exceptthat they forgot to tell us what to do with that “dollar’s pay.”Knowingwhattodowiththatdollariswhereyoumovefrom hardworktosmartwork. Rich people can spend their days playing and relaxing because they work smart. They understand and use leverage.They employ other people to work for them and their moneytowork forthem. Yes, in my experience, you do have to work hard for yourmoney. For rich people, however, this is a temporary situation.For poor people, it’s permanent. Rich people understand that“you” have to work hard until your “money” works hardenough to take your place. They understand that the more yourmoneyworks,thelessyouwillhavetowork. Remember,moneyisenergy.Mostpeopleputworkenergyin and get money energy out. People who achieve financialfreedom have learned how to substitute their investment ofworkenergywithotherformsofenergy.Theseformsincludeot herpeople’swork,businesssystemsatwork,orinvestmentcapital at work. Again, first you work hard for money, thenyouletmoneyworkhardforyou. Whenitcomestothemoneygame,mostpeopledon’thavea clue as to what it takes to win. What’s your goal? When doyouwinthegame?Areyoushootingforthreesquaremealsaday , $100,000 a year in income, becoming a millionaire,becoming a multimillionaire? At the Millionaire Mind IntensiveSeminar, the goal of the money game we teach is to “neverhavetoworkagain...unlessyouchoose TheWealthFiles-157 to,”andthatifyouwork,youwork“bychoice,notbyneces-sity.” In other words, the goal is to become “financially free” asquicklyaspossible.Mydefinitionoffinancialfreedomissimple: it is the ability to live the lifestyle you desire without having toworkorrelyonanyoneelseformoney. Notice there is a good chance that your desired lifestyle isgoingtocostmoney.Therefore,tobe“free,”youwillneedtoearn money without working. We refer to income withoutwork as passive income. To win the money game, the goal isto earn enough passive income to pay for your desired lifestyle.Inshort,youbecomefinanciallyfreewhenyourpassivei ncomeexceedsyourexpenses. I have identified two primary sources of passive income.The first is “money working for you.” This includes investmentearningsfromfinancialinstrumentssuchasstocks,bonds,T bills,moneymarkets,mutualfunds,aswellasowningmortgageso rotherassetsthatappreciateinvalueandcanbeliquidatedforcash. The second major source of passive income is “businessworking for you.” This entails generating ongoing incomefrom businesses where you do not need to be personallyinvolved for that business to operate and yield an income.Examples include rental real estate; royalties from books,music, or software; licensing your ideas; becoming a fran-chisor; owning storage units; owning vending or other types ofcoinoperatedmachines;andnetworkmarketing,tonamejustafew.Ital soincludessettingupanybusinessunderthesunormoon that is systematized to work without you. Again, it’s amatterofenergy.Theideaisthatthebusinessisworkingandprod ucingvalueforpeople,insteadofyou. 158-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Network marketing, for example, is an amazing concept.First,itdoesn’tusuallyrequireyoutoputupalotofupfrontcapital. Second, once you’ve done the initial work, it allowsyoutoenjoyongoingresidualincome(anotherformofinco me without you working), year after year after year. Trycreatingthatfromaregularnine-to-fivejob! I can’t overemphasize the importance of creating passiveincome structures. It’s simple. Without passive income you cannever be free. But, and it’s a big but, did you know that mostpeople have a tough time creating passive income? There arethree reasons. First, conditioning. Most of us were actuallyprogrammed not to earn passive income. When you weresomewhere between thirteen and sixteen years old and youneeded money, what did your parents tell you? Did they say,“Well, go out there and earn some passive income?” Doubtful!Mostofusheard,“Gotowork,”“Gogetajob,”orsometh ingto that effect. We were taught to “work” for money, makingpassiveincomeabnormalformostofus. Second, most of us were never taught how to earn passiveincome. Inmyschool,PassiveIncome101wasanothersubjectthatwas never offered. This time I got to take woodworking andmetalworking(noticebothstillentailed“working”)andmake the perfect candleholder for my mom. Since we didn’t learnaboutcreatingpassiveincomestructuresinschool,welearne ditelsewhere,right?Doubtful.Theendresultisthatmostofusdon’ tknowmuchaboutit,andthereforedon’tdomuchaboutit. Finally, since we were never exposed to or taught aboutpassive income and investing, we have never given it muchattention. We have largely based our career and businesschoicesongeneratingworkingincome.Ifyouunderstoo d TheWealthFiles-159 from an early age that a primary financial goal was to createpassiveincome,wouldn’tyoureconsidersomeofthosecare erchoices? I’m always recommending to folks choosing or changingtheir business or career to find a direction where generatingstreams of passive income is natural and relatively easy. This isespecially important today because so many people work inservice businesses where they have to be there personally tomakemoney.There’snothingwrongwithbeinginapersonalser vicebusiness,otherthanthatunlessyougetonyourinvestment horse pretty soon and do exceptionally well, you’llbetrappedintoworkingforever. By choosing business opportunities that immediately oreventually produce passive income, you’ll have the best ofbothworlds— workingincomenowandpassiveincomelater.Refer back a few paragraphs to review some of the passivebusinessincomeoptionswediscussed. Unfortunately,almosteveryonehasamoneyblueprintthatis set for earning working income and against earning passiveincome. This attitude will be radically changed after you attendtheMillionaireMindIntensiveSeminar,whereusingexper iential techniques, we change your money blueprint sothat earning a massive passive income is normal and naturalforyou. Rich people think long-term. They balance their spendingon enjoyment today with investing for freedom tomorrow.Poor people think short-term. They run their lives based onimmediategratification.Poorpeopleusetheexcuse“HowcanI think about tomorrow when I can barely survive today?” Theproblem is that, eventually, tomorrow will become today; ifyou haven’t taken care of today’s problem, you’ll be saying thesamethingagaintomorrowtoo. 160-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind To increase your wealth, you either have to earn more orlive on less. I don’t see anyone putting a gun to your headtelling you the house you have to live in, the kind of car youhave to drive, the clothes you have to wear, or the food youhavetoeat.Youhavethepowertomakechoices.It’samatterof priorities. Poor people choose now, rich people choosebalance.Ithinkaboutmyin-laws. For twenty-five years my wife’s parents owned a varietystore,alow-endversionofa7Elevenandalotsmaller.Mostof their income came from the sale of cigarettes, candy bars,ice cream bars, gum, and sodas. They didn’t even sell lotterytickets in those days. The average sale was less than a dollar. Inshort,theywereina“penny”business.Still,theysavedmostof those pennies. The didn’t eat out; they didn’t buy fancyclothes; they didn’t drive the latest car. They lived comfortablybutmodestlyandeventuallypaidofftheirmortgagea ndevenbought half of the plaza the store was located within. At theage of fifty-nine, by saving and investing “pen-nies,”my father-in-lawwasabletoretire. Ihatetobetheonetohavetotellyouthis,butforthemostpart, buying things for immediate gratification is nothing morethanafutileattempttomakeupforourdissatisfactioninlife. Moreoftenthannot,“spending”moneyyoudon’thavecomesfro m “expending” emotions you do have. This syndrome iscommonly known as retail therapy. Overspending and theneed for immediate gratification have little to do with theactual item you’re buying, and everything to do with lack offulfillment in your life. Of course, if overspending isn’t comingfrom your immediate emotions, it arises from your moneyblueprint. According to Natalie, another of our students, her parentsweretheultimatecheapskates!Theyusedcouponsforeve ry TheWealthFiles-161 thing. Her mother had a file box full of coupons all sorted bycategory. Her father had a fifteen-year-old car that was rusting,andNataliewasembarrassedtobeseeninit,especiallywh enher mom picked her up from school. Anytime she got in thecar,Natalieprayedthatnoonewaslooking.Onvacation,herfa mily never stayed in a motel or hotel; they didn’t even fly,but drove eleven days across the country and camped thewholeway,everyyear! Everything was “too expensive.” The way they acted, Nataliethoughtherparentswerebroke.Butherdadearnedwhatshe believed was a lot of money at the time, $75,000 a year.Shewasconfused. Because she hated their stingy habits, she became the opposite.Shewantedeverythingtobehighclassandexpensive.Whenshemovedoutonherownandstartedm akingherownmoney,shedidn’tevenrealizeit,butinaflash,sheha dspentallthemoneyshehad,andthensome! Natalie had credit cards, membership cards, you name it.Sherackedupallofthemtothepointwhereshecouldn’tevenpay theminimumsanymore!That’swhenshetooktheMillionaireMi ndIntensiveSeminar,andshesaysitsavedherlife. AttheMillionaireMindIntensive,duringthesectionwherewe identify your “money personality,” Natalie’s whole worldchanged. She recognized why she had been spending all hermoney. It was a form of resentment toward her parents forbeing so cheap. It was also to prove to herself and the worldthat she wasn’t cheap. Since the course, with her blueprintchanged,Nataliesaysshenolongerhastheurgetospend hermoneyin“stupid”ways. Natalie related she was recently walking through a mall andnoticedthisgorgeouslightbrownsuedeandfurcoat 162-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind hanging in the window display of one of her favorite stores.Immediately her mind said, “That coat would look great onyou,especiallywithyourblondhair.Youneedthat;youdon’tha veareallynice,dressywintercoat.”Soshewalkedintothestore,an dasshewastryingiton,shenoticedthepricetag, $400. She had never spent that much on a coat before. Hermind said, “So what, the coat looks gorgeous on you! Get it.You’llmakethemoneyuplater.” This is where she says she discovered how profound theMillionaire Mind Intensive is. Almost as soon as her mindsuggestedthatshebuythecoat,hernewandmoresupportive mind “file” came up and said, “You’d be much better offputting that four hundred dollars toward your FFA account!What do you need this coat for? You already have a wintercoatthat’sokayfornow.” Before she knew it, she was putting the coat on hold untilthe next day instead of buying it right there in the moment asusual.Sheneverwentbacktogetthecoat. Natalie realized that her mental “material gratification” fileshad been replaced with “financial freedom” files. She wasn’tprogrammed to spend anymore. She now knows it’s fine totake the best of what her parents modeled for her and savemoney, and at the same time, to treat herself to nice thingswithherplayaccount. Nataliethensentherparentstothecoursesotheycouldbemore balanced as well. She’s thrilled to report, they now stay inmotels(nothotelsyet),theyboughtanewcar,andinlearningho w to make their money work for them, they’ve retired asmillionaires. Natalie now understands that she doesn’t have to be as“cheap”asherparentsweretobecomeamillionaire.Butshe TheWealthFiles-163 also knows that if she spends her money unconsciously asbefore, she’ll never be financially free. Natalie said, “It feelsamazingtohavemymoneyandmymindundercontrol.” Again,theideaistohaveyourmoneyworkashardforyouas you do for it, and that means you have to save and investrather than make it your mission in life to spend it all. It’salmost funny: rich people have a lot of money and spend alittle,whilepoorpeoplehavealittlemoneyandspendalot. Long-term versus short-term: poor people work to earnmoney to live today; rich people work to earn money to payfortheirinvestments,whichwillpayfortheirfuture. Rich people buy assets, things that will likely go up in value.Poorpeoplebuyexpenses,thingsthatwilldefinitelygodow ninvalue.Rich peoplecollectland.Poorpeoplecollect bills. I’lltellyouthesamethingItellmykids:“Buyrealestate.”It’s best if you can purchase property that can produce positivecashflow,butasfarasI’mconcerned,anyrealestateisbett erthannorealestate.Sure,realestatehasitsupsanddowns,butin the end, be it five, ten, twenty, or thirty years from now, youcan bet it will be worth a heck of a lot more than it is today,anditcouldbeallyouneedtogetrich. Buy what you can afford now. If you need more capital togetinvolved,youcanpartnerwithpeopleyoutrustandknowwel l. The only way to get in trouble with real estate is tooverextend yourself or have to sell in a down market. If youheedmyearlieradviceandmanageyourmoneyproperly,theli kelihoodofthishappeningwillbeextremelyslimandlikelynone. As the saying goes, “Don’t wait to buy real estate, buyrealestateandwait.” 164-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Since I gave you a previous example involving my inlaws,it’sonlyfairIgiveyouanexampleinvolvingmyownparents. My parents weren’t poor, but they barely made the middleclass. My dad worked extremely hard and my mom wasn’tphysicallywell,andsoshestayedhomewithuskids.Myda dwas a carpenter and recognized that all the builders whoemployed him were developing land they had purchased yearsand years ago. He also recognized they were all fairly rich. Myparents too saved their pennies and eventually had enough tobuyathreeacreparceloflandabouttwentymilesoutsidethecity in which they lived. It cost them $60,000. Ten years later, adeveloper decided he wanted to build a strip mall on thatproperty. My parents sold for $600,000. Less their originalinvestment,that’sanaverageearningsof$54,000ayearfr omtheirinvestment,whilemydadearnedonlyabout$15,000toah ighof$20,000ayearfromhisjob.Ofcoursetheyareretirednow and live quite comfortably, but I guarantee that withoutthe purchase and sale of this property, they would have beenliving by the skin of their teeth. Thank goodness my fatherrecognized the power of investment and especially the value ofinvestinginrealestate.NowyouknowwhyIcollectland. While poor people see a dollar as a dollar to trade forsomethingtheywantrightnow,richpeopleseeeverydollarasa “seed” that can be planted to earn a hundred more dollars,which can then be replanted to earn a thousand more dollars.Think about it. Every dollar you spend today may actually costyou a hundred dollars tomorrow. Personally, I consider eachofmydollarstobeinvestment“soldiers,”andtheirmissionis “freedom.” Needless to say, I’m careful with my “freedomfighters”anddon’tgetridofthemquicklyoreasily. TheWealthFiles-165 WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Rich people see every dollar as a “seed”that can be planted to earn a hundredmore dollars, which can then be replantedtoearn a thousandmore dollars. The trick is to get educated. Learn about the investmentworld.Becomefamiliarwithavarietyofdifferentinvest mentvehicles and financial instruments, such as real estate,mortgages,stocks,funds,bonds,currencyexchange,thewhol egamut.Thenchooseoneprimaryareainwhichtobecomeanexpe rt. Begin investing in that area and then diversify intomore,later. Itcomesdowntothis:poorpeopleworkhardandspendalltheir money, which results in their having to work hardforever. Rich people work hard, save, and then invest theirmoneysotheyneverhavetoworkhardagain. DECLARATION:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “Mymoneyworkshardformeandmakesmemoreand moremoney.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Geteducated.Takeinvestmentseminars.Readatleastoneinv estmentbookamonth.ReadmagazinessuchasMoney,Forbes, Barron’s,andtheWallStreetJournal.I’mnotsuggestingyoufoll owtheiradvice,I’msug- 166-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind gesting yougetfamiliarwithwhatfinancialoptionsareoutthere. Thenchooseanarenatobecomeanexpertinandbeginin vestinginthatarea. 2. Changeyourfocusfrom“active”incometo“passive”incom e. Listatleastthreespecificstrategieswithwhichyoucouldcre ateincomewithoutworking,ineithertheinvestmentorthebu sinessfield.Beginresearchingandthentakeactiononthese strategies. 3. Don’twaittobuyreal estate.Buyrealestateandwait. WealthFile#16 Richpeopleactinspiteoffear.Poorpe opleletfearstopthem. Earlier in this book we discussed the Process of Manifestation.Let’s review the formula: thoughts lead to feelings, feelingsleadtoactions,actionsleadtoresults. Millions of people “think” about getting rich, and thousandsandthousandsofpeopledoaffirmations,visualizations,and meditationsforgettingrich.Imeditatealmosteveryday.Yet I’ve never sat there meditating or visualizing and had a bagof money drop on my head. I guess I’m just one of thoseunfortunate ones who actually has to do something to be asuccess. Affirmations, meditations, and visualizations are all wonderfultools,butasfarasIcantell,noneofthemonitsownisgoing to bring you real money in the real world. In the realworld, you have to take real “action” to succeed. Why is actionsocritical? Let’sgobacktoourProcessofManifestation.Lookat TheWealthFiles-167 thoughts and feelings. Are they part of the inner world orouter world? Inner world. Now look at results. Are theypart of the inner or outer world? Outer world. That meansactionisthe“bridge”betweentheinnerworldandtheout erworld. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Action is the “bridge” between the inner worldandthe outer world. Soifactionissoimportant,whatpreventsusfromtakingtheacti onsweknowweneedtotake? Fear! Fear, doubt, and worry are among the greatest obstacles,not only to success, but to happiness as well. Therefore, one ofthebiggestdifferencesbetweenrichpeopleandpoorpeopleisth atrichpeoplearewillingtoactinspiteoffear.Poorpeopleletfearst op them. Susan Jeffers even wrote a fantastic book about this, entitled Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. The biggest mistake mostpeople make is waiting for the feeling of fear to subside ordisappearbeforetheyarewillingtoact.Thesepeopleusuallywa itforever. OneofourmostpopularprogramsistheEnlightenedWarrior Training Camp. In that training, we teach that a truewarrior can “tame the cobra of fear.” It doesn’t say kill thecobra. It doesn’t say get rid of the cobra, and it certainlydoesn’tsayrunawayfromthecobra.Itsays“tame”thecobra . WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Atruewarrior can“tamethe cobraof fear.” 168-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind It’simperativetorealizethatitisnotnecessarytotrytogetrid of fear in order to succeed. Rich and successful peoplehave fear, rich and successful people have doubts, rich andsuccessful people have worries. They just don’t let thesefeelings stop them. Unsuccessful people have fears, doubts,andworries,thenletthosefeelingsstopthem. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: It is not necessary to try to get rid of fearinorder to succeed. Because we are creatures of habit, we need to practice actinginspiteoffear,inspiteofdoubt,inspiteofworry,inspiteofunce rtainty,inspiteofinconvenience,inspiteofdiscomfort,andevent opracticeactingwhenwe’renotinthemoodto act. I remember teaching an evening seminar in Seattle, and neartheend,IwaslettingpeopleknowabouttheupcomingthreedayMillionaireMindIntensiveSeminarbeingheldinVancouver .Thisonefellastandsupandsays,“Harv,I’vehadat least a dozen of my family and friends attend the course,and the results have been absolutely phenomenal. Every oneofthemistentimeshappierthanbefore,andthey’reallonthero ad to financial success. They all said it was life changing, andif you were holding the course in Seattle, I’d definitely cometoo.” I thanked him for his testimonial and then asked if he wasopen to some coaching. He agreed and I said, “I have onlythreewordsforyou.”Hecheerfullyreplied,“Whatarethey?” TowhichIterselyresponded,“You’refrickin’broke!” ThenIaskedhimhowhewasdoingfinancially.He TheWealthFiles-169 sheepishly replied, “Not too good.” Of course I replied, “Nokidding.” I then began ranting and raving at the front of theroom: “If you are going to let a three-hour drive or a three-hourflightorathreedaytrekstopyoufromdoingsomethingyouneedandwanttodo,th enwhatelsewillstopyou?Here’sthe easy answer: anything! Anything will stop you. Not becauseofthesizeofthechallengebutbecauseofthesizeofyou! “It’s simple,” I continued. “Either you are a person who willbe stopped, or you are a person who won’t be stopped. Youchoose. If you want to create wealth or any other kind ofsuccess,youhavetobeawarrior.Youhavetobewillingtodowhat ever it takes. You have to ‘train’ yourself to not be stopped byanything. “Getting rich is not always convenient. Getting rich is notalwayseasy.Infact,gettingrichcanbeprettydamnhard.Butso what?Oneofthekeyenlightenedwarriorprinciplesstates,‘If you are willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard. Butif you are willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.’ Richpeopledon’tbasetheiractionsonwhat’seasyandconvenient; that way of living is reserved for the poor and most of themiddleclass.” WEALTHPRINCIPLE: If you are willing to do only what’s easy,life will be hard. But if you are willing to dowhat’shard, lifewill beeasy. Thetiradewasover.Thecrowdwassilent. Later,thefellawho’dstartedtheentirediscussioncameupandt hankedmeprofuselyfor“openinghiseyes.”Of 170-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind course he registered for the course (even though it was inVancouver), but what was really funny was overhearing himonthephoneasIwasleaving,ferventlygivingtheexactsames peech I had just given him to one of his friends on the otherend of the line. I guess it worked because the next day hecalledinwiththreemoreregistrations.TheywereallfromtheEa stCoast...andtheywereallcomingtoVancouver! Now that we’ve addressed convenience, what about discomfort? Why is acting in spite of discomfort so important?Because“comfortable”iswhereyou’reatnow.Ifyou wanttomovetoanewlevelinyourlife,youmustbreakthroughyou rcomfortzoneandpracticedoingthingsthatarenotcomfortable. Let’s suppose you are currently leading a level 5 life and youwant to move to a level 10 life. Level 5 and below are withinyour comfort zone, but level 6 and above are outside your box,in your “uncomfort” zone. Meaning, to get to a level 10 lifefrom a level 5 life, you will have to travel through youruncomfortzone. Poorpeopleandmostofthemiddleclassarenotwillingtobeunc omfortable.Remember,beingcomfortableistheirbiggest priority in life. But let me tell you a secret that only richand highly successful people know: being comfortable is highlyoverrated. Being comfortable may make you feel warm, fuzzy,and secure, but it doesn’t allow you to grow. To grow as apersonyouhavetoexpandyourcomfortzone.Theonlytimeyou can actually grow is when you are outside your comfortzone. Let me ask you a question. The first time you tried something new, was it comfortable or uncomfortable? Usuallyuncomfortable.Butwhathappenedafterward?Themore TheWealthFiles-171 youdidit,themorecomfortableitbecame,right?That’showit goes. Everything is uncomfortable at the beginning, but ifyou stick with it and continue, you will eventually movethroughtheuncomfortzoneandsucceed.Thenyouwillhav ea new, expanded comfort zone, which means you will havebecomea“bigger”person. Again,theonlytimeyouareactuallygrowingiswhenyou are uncomfortable. From now on, whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating back into your old comfortzone, pat yourself on the back and say, “I must be growing,”andcontinuemovingforward. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: The only time you are actually growingiswhen you areuncomfortable. If you want to be rich and successful, you’d better getcomfortable with being uncomfortable. Consciously practicegoing into your uncomfort zone and doing what scares you.Here’s an equation I want you to remember for the rest ofyourlife:CZ= WZ. Itmeansyour“comfortzone”equalsyour“wealthzone.” Byexpandingyourcomfortzone,youwillexpandthesizeof your income and wealth zone. The more comfortable youhave to be, the fewer risks you will be willing to take, the feweropportunities you will take advantage of, the fewer people youwill meet, and the fewer new strategies you will try. Do youcatch my drift? The more comfort becomes your priority, themorecontractedyoubecomewithfear. Onthecontrary,whenyouarewillingtos-t-r-e-t-chyourself,youexpandyouropportunityzone,andthisallows 172-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind youtoattractandholdmoreincomeandwealth.Again,whenyouh avealarge“container”(comfortzone),theuniversewillrush to fill the space. Rich and successful people have a bigcomfort zone, and they are constantly expanding it to be abletoattainandholdmorewealth. Nobody ever died of discomfort, yet living in the name ofcomfort has killed more ideas, more opportunities, more actions,andmoregrowththaneverythingelsecombined.Comfort kills! If your goal in life is to be comfortable, Iguarantee two things. First, you will never be rich. Second, youwill never be happy. Happiness doesn’t come from living alukewarmlife,alwayswonderingwhatcouldhavebeen.Happin ess comes as a result of being in our natural state ofgrowthandlivinguptoourfullestpotential. Try this. The next time you are feeling uncomfortable,uncertain,orafraid,insteadofshrinkingandretrea tingbacktosafety, press forward. Notice and experience the feelings ofdiscomfort, recognizing that they are only feelings—and thatthey do not have the power to stop you. If you doggedlycontinueinspiteofdiscomfort,youwilleventuallyreac hyourgoal. Whether the feelings of discomfort ever subside doesn’tmatter. In fact, when they do lessen, take it as a sign to in-crease your objective, because the minute you get comfortable,you have stopped growing. Again, to grow yourself to yourfullestpotential,youmustalwaysbelivingattheedgeofyour box. And because we are creatures of habit, we must practice. Iurge you to practice acting in spite of fear, practice acting inspite of inconvenience, practice acting in spite of discomfort,andpracticeactingevenwhenyou’renotinthemood. TheWealthFiles-173 By doing so, you will quickly move to a higher level of life.Along the way, make sure you check your bank account, be-cause,guaranteed,thatwillbegrowingquicklytoo. At this point in some of my evening seminars I ask the audience, “How many of you are willing to practice acting inspite of fear and discomfort?” Usually everyone puts his or herhand up (probably because they’re scared to death I’m goingto “pick” on them). Then I say, “Talk is cheap! Let’s seewhether you mean it.” I then pull out a wooden arrow with asteelpointedtipandexplainthatasapracticeforthisdiscipline,you’reg oingtobreakthisarrowwithyourthroat.Ithendemonstratehowth esteelpointgoesintothesoftpartofyour throat, while another person holds the other end of thearrow against their outstretched palm. The idea is to walkstraight into the arrow and break it using only your throatbeforeitpiercesthroughyourneck. At this point most people are in shock! Sometimes I pickonevolunteertodothisexercise,sometimesIhandoutarrowst oeveryone. I’vedone audiences whereovera thousandpeoplearebreakingarrows! Canthisfeatbeaccomplished?Yes.Isitscary?Youbet.Isit uncomfortable? Absolutely. But again, the idea is that fearand discomfort do not stop you. The idea is to practice, totrain yourself to do whatever it takes, and to act in spite ofanythingthatmightbeinyourway. Domostpeoplebreakthearrow?Yes,everyonewhowalksinto it with 100 percent commitment breaks it. However, thosewhowalkintoitslowly,halfheartedly,ornotatall,don’t. After the arrow exercise I ask people, “How many of youfoundthearroweasiertobreakphysicallythanwhatyour 174-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind mind made it up to be?” All agree it was actually a lot easierthantheythoughtitwouldbe.Whyisthisso?Herecomesone ofthemostimportantlessonsyouwilleverlearn. Yourmindisthegreatestsoap-operascriptwriterinhistory.It makes up incredible stories, usually based in dramas anddisasters, of things that never happened and probably neverwill. Mark Twain said it best: “I’ve had thousands of problemsinmylife,mostofwhichneveractuallyhappened.” One of the most important things you can ever understandis that you are not your mind. You are much bigger and greaterthanyourmindalone.Yourmindisapartofyoujustasyourh andisapartofyou. Here’s a thought-provoking question: What if you had ahandthatwasjustlikeyourmind?Itwasscatteredallovertheplace , it was always beating you up, and it never shut up. Whatwould you do with it? Most people answer something like“Cutitoff!”Butyourhandisapowerfultool,sowhywouldyou cut it off ? The real answer of course is you’d want tocontrol it, manage it, and train it to work for you instead ofagainstyou. Training and managing your own mind is the most important skill youcould ever own, in terms of both happiness and success, and that’sexactlywhatwe’vebeendoingwiththisbookandwillcontinuet odowithyoushouldyouattendoneofourliveprograms. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Training and managing your own mind is the mostimportant skill you could ever own, in terms of bothhappinessand success. TheWealthFiles-175 How do you train your mind? You start with observation.Noticehowyourmindconsistentlyproducesthough tsthatarenot supportive to your wealth and happiness. As you identifythose thoughts, you can begin to consciously replace thosenonempowering thoughts with empowering ones. Where doyou find these empowering ways of thinking? Right here, inthis book. Every one of the declarations in this book is anempoweringandsuccessfulwayofthinking. Adopt these ways of thinking, being, and attitudes as yourown. You don’t have to wait for a formal invitation. Decideright now that your life would be better if you chose to thinkin the ways we’ve been describing in this book, instead ofthrough the self-defeating mental habits of the past. Make adecisionthatfromnowon,yourthoughtsdonotrunyou,youruny ourthoughts.Fromnowon,yourmindisnotthecaptainof the ship, you are the captain of the ship, and your mindworksforyou. Youcanchooseyourthoughts. You have the natural ability to cancel any thought that isnot supporting you, at any time. You can also install selfempowering thoughts at any time, simply by choosing to focusonthem.Youhavethepowertocontrolyourmind. As I mentioned earlier, at one of my seminars one of myclosestfriendsandbestsellingauthorRobertAllensaidsomething quite profound: “No thought lives in your headrent-free.” Whatthatmeansisthatyouwillpayfornegativethoughts.You will pay in money, in energy, in time, in health, and inyourlevelofhappiness.Ifyouwanttoquicklymovetoanewleve l of life, begin dividing your thoughts into one of twocategories—empoweringordisem- 176-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind powering. Observe the thoughts you have, and determine ifthey are supportive to your happiness and success or notsupportive.Thenchoosetoentertainonlyempoweringthough ts while refusing to focus on disempowering ones.When a nonsupportive thought bubbles up, say “Cancel” or“Thankyouforsharing”andreplaceitwithamoresupportivewa y of thinking. I call this process power thinking, and markmy words, if you practice it, your life will never be the sameagain.Thatisapromise! So what is the difference between “power thinking” and“positive”thinking?Thedistinctionisslightbutprofound.To me, people use positive thinking to pretend that everything isrosy,whentheyreallybelievethatit’snot.Withpowerthinking, we understand that everything is neutral, that nothinghas meaning except for the meaning we give it, and that we aregoingtomakeupastoryandgivesomethingitsmeaning. Thisisthedifferencebetweenpositivethinkingandpowerthin king. With positive thinking, people believe that theirthoughtsaretrue.Powerthinkingrecognizesthatourthought sare not true, but since we’re making up a story anyway, wemight as well make up a story that supports us. We don’t dothisbecauseournewthoughtsare“true”inanabsolutesense,bu tbecausetheyaremoreusefultousandfeelaheckofalotbetterthan nonsupportiveones. Before we leave this section, I must warn you—do not attempt the arrow-break exercise at home. The exercise has tobe set up in a specific way or you could hurt yourself as well asothersaroundyou.Atourprogramsweuseprotectiveequipmen t. If you have an interest in these types of breakthroughexercises,seethedescriptionoftheEnlightened TheWealthFiles-177 WarriorTrainingCamponourWebsite.Thisprogramwillgive youallyoucanhandleandmore! DECLARATIONS:Placeyourhandonyourheartandsay... “I act in spite of fear.”“Iactinspiteofdou bt.”“Iactinspiteofworry. ” “Iactinspiteofinconvenience.”“Ia ctinspiteofdiscomfort.” “IactwhenI’mnotinthemood.” Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Listyourthreegreatestworries,concerns,orfearsregardingm oneyandwealth.Challengethem.Foreach,write down what you would do if the situation you fearactually happened. Could you still survive? Could youmakeacomeback?Chancesarethattheanswersareyes.N owquitworryingandstartgettingrich! 2. Practice getting out of your comfort zone. Intentionallymakedecisionsthatareuncomfortableforyou.Sp eaktopeopleyounormally wouldn’tspeakto,askfor araiseinyourjoborraiseyourpricesinyourbusiness,wakeupan hourearliereachday,walkinthewoodsatnight.TaketheEnligh tened Warrior Training. It will train you to beunstoppable! 3. Employ“powerthinking.”Observeyourselfandyourthou ghtpatterns.Entertainonlythoughtsthatsup- 178-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind portyourhappinessandsuccess.Challengethelittlevoiceinyourhe adwheneverittellsyou“Ican’t”or“Idon’twantto”or“Idon’tfeelli keit.”Don’tallowthisfear-based,comfortbasedvoicetogetthebetterofyou.Makeapactwithyourselfthat whenever the voice tries to stop you from doingsomethingthatwouldbesupportivetoyoursuccess,youwilld oitanyway,toshowyourmindthatyouaretheboss,notit.Notonly willyouincreaseyourconfidencedramatically,buteventually this voice will get quieter and quieter as itrecognizesithaslittleeffectonyou. SuccessStoryfromAndrewWilton Harv, My name is Andrew Wilton and I am eighteen years old. Ihavejustcompletedmyfirstyearofuniversity.IattendedtheMilli onaireMindIntensivetwoyearsagoandIhavebeenusingthetech niquesIlearnedthereeversince. This past February for reading week, while my friendswereworkingorvisitingtheirfamilies,usingthemoneythat I had saved through your methods, I was able to spend tendaysonthesoutherncoastofSpain.What anexperience! Iwouldn’thavehadthefinancialfreedomtogowhereverI wanted and do whatever I wanted if I hadn’t implementedthestrategiesIlearnedattheMMI. Thankyou,Harv. TheWealthFiles-179 WealthFile#17 Richpeopleconstantlylearnandgrow.Poo rpeoplethinktheyalreadyknow. At the beginning of my live seminars, I introduce people towhat I call “the three most dangerous words in the Englishlanguage.” Those words are “I know that.” So how do youknow if you know something? Simple. If you live it, you knowit.Otherwise,youheardaboutit,youreadaboutit,oryoutalk aboutit,butyoudon’tknowit.Putbluntly,ifyou’renotreallyrich and really happy, there’s a good chance you still havesomethingstolearnaboutmoney,success,andlife. As I explained at the beginning of this book, during my“broke”days,Iwasfortunatetogetsomeadvicefromamultimillionaire friend who had some compassion for my plight.Remember what he said to me: “Harv, if you’re not as suc-cessful as you’d like to be, there’s something you don’t know.”Fortunately, I took his suggestion to heart and went frombeinga“know-it-all”toa“learn-itall.”Fromthatmomenton,everythingchanged. Poor people are often trying to prove that they’re right.Theyputonamaskasifthey’vegotitallfiguredout,andit’sju st some stroke of bad luck or a temporary glitch in theuniversethathasthembrokeorstruggling. One of my more famous lines is “You can be right or youcanberich,butyoucan’tbeboth.”Being“right”meanshaving to hold on to your old ways of thinking and being. Unfortunately,thesearethewaysthatgotyouexactlywhereyouare now. This philosophy also pertains to happiness, in that“youcanberightoryoucanbehappy.” 180-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind WEALTHPRINCIPLE: You can be right or you can be rich,but you can’t be both. There’s a saying that author and speaker Jim Rohn uses thatmakes perfect sense here: “If you keep doing what you’vealways done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.” Youalready know “your” way, what you need is to know some newways. That’s why I wrote this book. My goal is to give yousome new mental files to add to the ones you already have.New files mean new ways of thinking, new actions, andthereforenewresults. That’s why it’s imperative you continue to learn and grow.Physicistsagreethatnothinginthisworldisstatic.Everything alive is constantly changing. Take any plant. If a plantisn’tgrowing,itisdying.It’sthesamewithpeopleaswellasallot herlivingorganisms:ifyouarenotgrowing,youare dying. One of my favorite sayings is by author and philosopherEric Hoffer, who said, “The learners shall inherit the earthwhile the learned will be beautifully equipped to live in a worldthatnolongerexists.”Anotherwayofsayingthatis,ifyou’re notcontinuouslylearning,youwillbeleftbehind. Poor people claim they can’t afford to get educated due tolack of time or money. On the other hand, rich people relatetoBenjaminFranklin’squote:“Ifyouthinkeducationisexp ensive, try ignorance.” I’m sure you’ve heard this before,“knowledgeispower,”andpoweristheabilitytoact. WheneverIoffertheMillionaireMindIntensiveprogram,Ifind itinterestingthatit’susuallythepeoplewhoare TheWealthFiles-181 the most broke who say, “I don’t need the course,” “I don’thave the time,” or “I don’t have the money.” Meanwhile, themillionaires and multimillionaires all register and say, “If I canlearnjustonenewthingormakeoneimprovement,it’sworthit. ”Bytheway,ifyoudon’thavethetimetodothethingsyouwant to do or need to do, you’re most probably a modernslave. And if you don’t have the money to learn how to besuccessful,youprobablyneeditmorethananyone.I’msorry,b utsaying“Idon’thavethemoney”justdoesn’tcutit.Whenwillyou havethemoney?Whatisgoingtobedifferentayearortwoyearsorf iveyearsfromnow?Here’stheeasyanswer:nothing! And you’ll be saying the exact same words again atthattime. The only way I know for you to have the money you want istolearnhowtoplaythemoneygameinsideandout.Youneedto learn the skills and strategies to accelerate your income, tomanage money, and to invest it effectively. The definition ofinsanity is doing the same thing over and over and expectingdifferentresults.Look,ifwhatyou’vebeendoingwere working, you’d already be rich and happy. Anything else yourmind conjures up as a response is nothing more than anexcuseorjustification. I hate to be so in your face about it, but the way I see it,that’smyjob.Ibelieveagoodcoachwillalwaysaskmoreofyout hanyouwillaskofyourself.Otherwise,whytheheckdoyouneedo ne?Asacoach,mygoalistotrainyou,inspireyou,encourageyou,c oaxyou,andhaveyouobserve,infulllivingcolor, what is holding you back. In short, to do whatever ittakes to move you to the next level in your life. If I have to, I’llrip you apart and then piece you back together in a way thatworks.I’lldowhateverittakestomakeyoutentimeshappieran dahundredtimesasrich.Ifyou’relooking 182-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind forPollyanna,I’mnotyourguy.Ifyouwanttomovequicklyandpe rmanently,let’scontinue. Success is a learnable skill. You can learn to succeed atanything. If you want to be a great golfer, you can learn how todoit.Ifyouwanttobeagreatpianoplayer,youcanlearnhowto do it. If you want to be truly happy, you can learn how todo it. If you want to be rich, you can learn how to do it. Itdoesn’t matter where you are right now. It doesn’t matterwhere you are starting from. What matters is that you arewillingtolearn. Oneofmybetterknownquotesis“Everymasterwasonceadisaster.”Here’sanexa mple.Awhileago,IhadanOlympicskierinmyseminar.WhenIm adethatstatement,hestoodupand asked to share. He was adamant, and for some reason Ithought he was going to vehemently disagree. To the contrary,he told everyone the story of how when he was a kid, he wastheworstskierofallhisbuddies.Howtheysometimeswouldn ’t call him to go skiing with them because he was soslow. To fit in, he went to the mountain early each weekendand took lessons. Pretty soon he not only kept up with hisbuddies,hesurpassedthem.Hethengotinvolvedintheracingcl ub and learned from a top-ranked coach. His exact wordswere “I might be a master skier now, but I definitely startedout as a disaster. Harv’s absolutely right. You can learn tosucceed at anything. I learned how to succeed at skiing, andmynextgoalistolearnhowtosucceedwithmoney!” WEALTHPRINCIPLE: “Everymasterwasoncea disaster.” —T.HarvEker TheWealthFiles-183 No one comes out of the womb a financial genius. Everyrichpersonlearnedhowtosucceedatthemoneygame,ands ocan you. Remember, your motto is, if they can do it, I can doit! Becoming rich isn’t as much about getting rich financially asabout whom you have to become, in character and mind, toget rich. I want to share a secret with you that few peopleknow: the fastest way to get rich and stay rich is to work ondeveloping you! The idea is to grow yourself into a “successful”person.Again,yourouterworldismerelyareflection ofyourinnerworld.Youaretheroot;yourresultsarethefruits. There’sasayingIlike:“Youtakeyourselfwithyouwher-ever you go.” If you grow yourself to become a successfulperson, in strength of character and mind, you will naturally besuccessful in anything and everything you do. You will gain thepower of absolute choice. You will gain the inner power andability to choose any job, business, or investment arena andknow you’ll be a success. This is the essence of this book.When you are a level 5 person, you get level 5 results. But ifyou can grow into a level 10 person, you will get level 10results. Heedthiswarning,however.Ifyoudon’tdotheinnerworkonyo urself,andsomehowyoumakealotofmoney,itwouldmost likely be a stroke of luck and there’s a good chance you’dlose it. But if you become a successful “person” inside and out,you’ll not only make it, you’ll keep it, grow it, and mostimportant,you’llbetrulyhappy. Rich people understand the order to success is BE, DO,HAVE. PoorandmiddleclasspeoplebelievetheordertosuccessisHAVE,DO,BE. 184-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Poor and most middle-class people believe “If I have a lot ofmoney,thenIcoulddowhatIwantandI’dbeasuccess.” Rich people understand, “If I become a successful person, Iwill be able to do what I need to do to have what I want, includingalotofmoney.” Here’s something else only rich people know: the goal ofcreating wealth is not primarily to have a lot of money, thegoal of creating wealth is to help you grow yourself into thebestpersonyoucanpossiblybe.Infact,thatisthegoalofallgoal s, to grow yourself as a person. World-renowned singerand actress Madonna was asked why she kept changing herpersona, her music, and her style every year. She respondedthat music was her way to express her “self ” and that rein-venting herself each year forces her to grow into the kind ofpersonshewantstobe. In short, success is not a “what,” it’s a “who.” The goodnewsisthat“who”youareistotallytrainableandlearnable.Is houldknow.BynomeansamIperfectorevenclosetoit,butwhen I look at who I am today as opposed to who I wastwenty years ago, I can see a direct correlation between “meand my wealth” (or lack of it) then and “me and my wealth”now.Ilearnedmywaytosuccessandsocanyou.That’swh yI’minthetrainingbusiness.Iknowfrompersonalexperiencethat virtually any person can be trained to succeed. I wastrained to succeed, and now I’ve been able to train tens ofthousandsofotherstosucceed.Trainingworks! I’vefoundthatanotherkeydifferencebetweenrichpeopleand poor and middle-class people is that rich people are expertsin their field. Middle-class people are mediocre in their field,and poor people are poor in their field. How good are you atwhat you do? How good are you at your job? How good areyouatyourbusiness?Doyouwantatotally TheWealthFiles-185 unbiased way of knowing? Look at your paycheck. That willtellyoueverything.It’ssimple:togetpaidthebest,youmustbethebes t. WEALTHPRINCIPLE: Togetpaidthebest,youmustbethebest. Werecognizethisprincipleintheprofessionalsportsworldeve ry day. Generally, the best players in every sport earn themost.Theyalsomakethemostmoneyonendorsements.Thiss ameprinciplealsoholdstrueinboththebusinessandfinancialwor lds.Whetheryouchoosetobeabusinessowner,a professional, a network marketing distributor, whether you’rein commissioned sales or a salaried job, whether you’re aninvestorinrealestate,stocks,oranythingelse,allthingsbeingeq ual:thebetteryouareatit,themoreyou’llearn.Thisisjustanotherr easonwhybeingacontinuouslearnerandenhancingyourskillinw hateverarenayouareinisimperative. On the topic of learning, it’s worth noting that rich peoplenot only continue to learn, they make sure they learn fromthose who have already been where they themselves want togo. One of the things that made the biggest difference for mepersonallywaswhomIlearnedfrom.Ialwaysmadeitapointtol earnfromtruemastersintheirrespectivefields—notthosewho claimed to be experts, but those who had real-world resultstobackuptheirtalk. Rich people take advice from people who are richer thanthey are. Poor people take advice from their friends, who arejustasbrokeastheyare. Irecentlyhadameetingwithaninvestmentbankerwho 186-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind wanted to do business with me. He was suggesting I placeseveral hundred thousand dollars with him to get started. Hethen asked me to forward him my financial statements so hecouldmakehisrecommendations. Ilookedhimintheeyeandsaid,“Excuseme,butdon’tyouhavet hisbackward?Ifyouwantmetohireyoutohandlemymoney,woul dn’titbemoreappropriateforyoutoforwardmeyour financial statements? And if you’re not really rich, don’tbother!” The man was in shock. I could tell that no one hadeverquestionedhisownnetworthasastipulationforinvesting withhim. It’s absurd. If you were going to climb Mount Everest,would you hire a guide who’s never been to the summit before,orwoulditbesmartertofindsomeonewho’smadeittothetop severaltimesandknowsexactlyhowtodoit? So, yes, I am absolutely suggesting you put serious attentionand energy into continuously learning and, at the same time, becautiousofwhomyouarelearningandtakingadvicefrom.Ifyo ulearnfromthosewhoarebroke,evenifthey’reconsultants, coaches, or planners, there’s only one thing theycanteachyou—howtobebroke! By the way, I highly recommend you consider hiring apersonalsuccesscoach.Agoodcoachwillkeepyouontrackin doing what you’ve said you want to do. Some coaches are“life”coaches,meaningtheyhandlethegamutofeverything, while other coaches have specialties that might include personal or professional performance, finances, business, relationships, health, and even spirituality. Again, find out yourprospectivecoach’sbackgroundtoensurethecoachhasdem onstratedsuccessinthearenasofimportancetoyou. Just as there are successful paths to climbing Mount Everest,thereareprovenroutesandstrategiesforcreatinghigh TheWealthFiles-187 income,fastfinancialfreedom,andwealth.Youhavetobewilling tolearnthemandusethem. Again, aspartofour MillionaireMind MoneyManagementmethod, I strongly suggest that you put 10 percent of yourincomeintoanEducationFund.Usethismoneyspecificallyfor courses, books, tapes, CDs, or any other way you chooseto educate yourself, whether through the formal educationsystem,privatetrainingcompanies,orpersonalized,oneononecoaching.Whatevermethodyouchoose,thisfundensuresyou will always have the wherewithal to learn and grow insteadof repeating the poor person’s refrain of “I already know.”The more you learn, the more you earn . . . and you can takethattothe bank! DECLARATION: Place your hand on your heart and say...“Iamcommittedtoconstantlylearningandgrowing. ”Touchyourheadandsay... “Ihave amillionairemind!” MILLIONAIREMINDACTIONS 1. Commit to your growth. Each month read at least onebook, listen to one educational tape or CD, or take aseminaronmoney,business,orpersonaldevelopment.You r knowledge, your confidence, and your success willsoar! 2. Considerhiringapersonalcoachtokeepyouontrack. 3. AttendtheMillionaireMindIntensive.Thisamazingeve nt has transformed the lives of thousands andthousandsofpeopleandwilltransformyourlifetoo! “SoWhattheHeckDoIDoNow?” S owhatnow?whatdoyoudo?wheredoyoustart? I’vesaiditbefore,andI’llsayitagainandagainandagain:“Talk is cheap.” I hope you enjoyed reading this book, butmore important, I hope you use its principles to dramaticallyenhance your life. In my experience, however, reading alonewillnotmakethedifferenceyouarelookingfor.Readingisa start,butifyouwanttosucceedintherealworld,it’sgoingtobeyour actionsthatcount. In Part I of this book, I introduced the concept of yourmoney blueprint. It’s simple: your financial blueprint willdetermineyourfinancialdestiny.Makecertainyoudoeachoft heexercisesIsuggestedinthearenasofverbalprogramming,mod eling, and specific incidents, in order to begin changingyour blueprint to one that supports financial success. I alsoencourage you to do the declarations I suggested each andeveryday. InPartIIofthisbook,youlearnedseventeenspecificwaysthat rich people think differently from poor and middleclasspeople.Irecommendyoucommiteachofthese 190-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind “wealth files” to memory by repeating their declarations daily.Thiswillroottheseprinciplesintoyourmind.Eventuallyyo uwill find yourself looking at life and especially money verydifferently.Fromthereyouwillmakenewchoicesanddecisi ons and create new results. To speed up this process,makesureyoudotheactionexercisesgivenattheendofea chofthewealthfiles. These action exercises are imperative. For change to bepermanent, it must occur on a cellular basis—your brain’swiring must be remade. This means you have to put the materialintopractice.Notjustreadaboutit,notjusttalkaboutit,andno tjustthinkit,butactuallydoit. Beware of the little voice in your head saying something like“Exercises, schmexercises, I don’t need or have time forexercises.” Notice who is doing the talking here? The condi-tioned mind, that’s who! Remember, its job is to keep youright where you are, in your comfort zone. Don’t listen to it.Dotheactionexercises,doyourdeclarations,andwatchyourlif eskyrocket! Ialsosuggestyourereadthisbookfrombeginningtoendatleast onceamonthforthenextyear.“What?”yourlittlevoicemight be screaming. “I’ve already read the book, why do Ineed to read it over and over again?” Good question, and theanswer is simple: repetition is the mother of learning. Again,the more you study this book, the faster the concepts willbecomenaturalandautomaticforyou. Besuretovisitwww.millionairemindbook.comandclickon “FREE BOOK BONUSES” to receive several valuablegiftsthatinclude: • Aprintablelistofdeclarationssuitableforframing • TheMillionaireMind“thoughtoftheweek” “SoWhattheHeckDoIDoNow?”-191 • TheMillionaireMind“actionreminder” • TheMillionaireMind“networthtrackingsheet” • Aprintoutofyour“CommitmenttoWealth” AsIstatedearlier,Ilearnedmywaytosuccess,sonowit’smytur ntoassistothers.Mymissionisto“educateandinspirepeopletoliv eintheir‘higherself’basedincourage,purpose,andjoyversusfear ,need,andobligation.” Iamtrulyblessedtohaveseminars,workshops,andcampsthat transform people’s lives quickly and permanently. I’mthrilledtohavebeenabletohelpover250,000peoplebecomer icher and happier. From my heart to yours, I invite you toattend the three-day Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar. Thisevent will take you to an entirely new level of success. Thecourse is where we actually change your money blueprint rightonthe spot. Inoneincredibleweekendyouwillbreakthroughwhateveris holding you back from reaching your full financial potential.You will walk out of the program with a brand-new outlookon life, on money, on your relationships, and on yourself.Many attendees count the Millionaire Mind Intensive as one ofthe most important experiences of their life. It’s fun, it’sexciting,andit’spackedwithprofoundknowledgeandessenti al financial skills. You will meet hundreds of likemindedpeoplefromallovertheworld,manyofwhomcouldbeco me business associates and lifelong friends. This course issocrucialforyoutoattendthat,foralimitedtime,thepublisherso fthisbookandIhavedecidedtoprovideascholarship to you and a family member to attend the coursefreeasourguests.That’sright,bothofyoucomefree! 192-SecretsoftheMillionaireMind Seethefollowingpagesformoredetailsaboutthisoffertoyou. Well, that’s it for now. Thank you for spending your precious time reading this book. I wish you tremendous successand true happiness, and I look forward to meeting you inpersonsoon. Foryourfreedom, T.HarvEker SPECIALBONUSOFFER T. Harv Eker’s ThreeDayMillionaireMindIntens ive SeminarFree! As a thank-you for purchasing Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T.Harv Eker is offering a scholarship for you and a familymember to attend the three-day Millionaire Mind IntensiveSeminar as hiscomplimentaryguests.That isatotalvalueof $2,590—forfree! These guest seats are available to purchasers of T. HarvEker’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind published by HarperBusiness.ThecoursemustbecompletedbyJuly1,2006,andthis offer is made on a space-available basis. All seating is firstcome,firstserve.Toassureyourspot,pleaseregisterimmedia At the Millionaire Mind Intensive weekend program, youwillexpandupontheinsightsprovidedinthisbookbylearning : • Howtopermanentlychangeyourmoneyblueprintfornat uralandautomaticsuccess. 194-SpecialBonusOffer • Astep-bystepprocessforwinningthemoneygame,sothatyouneverhav etoworkagain...unlessyouchooseto. • Rarelyrevealedhigh-incomeandwealth-creationstrategies. • Howtoquadrupleyourspeedtofinancialfreedom. • Theworld’seasiestandmosteffectivemoneymanagementmethod. • Thehabitsoftrulywealthypeople. • Theunderlyingcauseofalmostallfinancialproblems. • Twelvewaystoearnpassiveincomesoyoucanmakemone ywhileyousleep. • Howtoreleaseyourhiddenemotionalblockstowealth. • Howtorecognizeyour“moneypersonality”soyoucanbuildo nyourstrengthsandovercomeyourweaknesses. Bytheendofthecourse,youwillhavetheinnercapacitytocreat e wealth and, more important, to keep your wealth andgrow it. Best of all, the same inner strategies that work tocreate success with money work to enhance your inner peaceandhappinessaswell. Whether you are currently a millionaire, middle-class, orbroke, if you’re not 100 percent satisfied with your income,yournetworth,oryourlevelofhappiness,andyouknowy ouhavemorepotentialthanyourresultsareshowing,thenregister for the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar today. Thiscourse will change your life. Register now at SpecialBonusOffer-195 TheMillionaireMindSeminarislifechanging.Iurgeeveryoneofmystudentstoattendthispowerfulcourse.Itisincre dible.” —RobertG.Allen, New YorkTimesnumberonebestsellingauthor,NothingDownRealEstateandMultipleStreamsofIncome,coauthor,T heOneMinuteMillionaire “HarvEkerisoneofthemostextraordinarytrainersintheworldtoday! Harv’sexperientialtechniquesaretransformational,andhecreatesamaz ingresultseverytimehespeaks!” — MarkVictorHansen,cocreator,ChickenSoupfortheSoul ®,morethan70millionso ld;coauthor,TheOneMinuteMillionaire “T.HarvEkerisanelectrifyingspeaker! He has the ability to transfix an audience, motivateandenlightenthem,andgivetheminformationinaw ay thattheyabsorbitfully.I’veseenandheardalotofspeakers;noneareas dynamicasT.HarvEker!” — JayConradLevinson,authoroftheGuerrillaMarketingbookseries,morethan1 4millionsold SHARETHE WEALTH Themarkoftruewealthisdeterminedbyhowmuchonecangiveaway. —T.HarvEker Thisbookteachesyoutoobserveyourwaysofthinkingandtochall enge your limiting, nonsupportive thoughts, habits, andactionswithregardtomoney.Thereasonwestartwithmoneyi s that money is one of the biggest areas of pain in mostpeople’s lives. But there’s a bigger picture to consider. You see,once you start recognizing your nonsupportive ways aroundfinances, this awareness will transfer into every other part ofyourlife. Thegoalofthisbookhasbeentoassistyouinraisingyourconsci ousness.Again,consciousnessisobservingyourthoughtsandact ions,sothatyoucanoperatefromtruechoiceinthepresent,rathert hanactingonthebasisofprogrammingfrom the past. It is about the power to respond from yourhigher self rather than to react from your fear-based, “lower”self.Inthiswayyoucanbethebestyoucanbeandfulfillyo urdestiny. But you know what? The essence of this transformation isnot just about you. It is about the entire world. Our world isnothing more than a reflection of the people who make it up.Aseachindividualraiseshisorherconsciousness,the 198-SharetheWealth worldraisesitsconsciousness— movingfromfeartocourage,fromhatredtolove,andfromscarcity toprosperityforall. Itisthereforeuptoeachofustoenlightenourselvessothatwema yaddmorelighttotheworld. If you want the world to be a certain way, then start withyoubeingthatway.Ifyouwanttheworldtobeabetterplace,st artwithyoubeingbetter.ThatiswhyIbelieveit’syourdutytogrow yourselftoyourfullestpotential,tocreateabundanceand success in your life; for in doing so, you will be able tohelpothersandaddtotheworldinapositiveway. I therefore ask you to share this message of consciousnessand empowerment with others. Get the message of this bookout to as many people as possible. Commit to telling at leastonehundredofyourfriends,family,andassociatesaboutitor consider getting it for them as a life-changing gift. Not onlywill they be introduced to powerful financial concepts, theywilllearntoobservethewaytheythink,raisetheirconsciousn ess, and in turn raise the consciousness of theplanet. It would also be incredible for them to join you at theMillionaire Mind Intensive Seminar. It is truly a blessing tohaveyourfriendsandfamilysharethisextraordinaryexperienc e with you. My dream is that one book, one course,onepersonatatime,wecanchangetheworldforthebetter.I askforyoursupportinmakingthisdreamareality. Thankyou. RECOMMENDEDRESOURCES PeakPotentialsPrograms MillionaireMindIntensiveSeminar—3Days The world-famous Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar willtransform your financial life forever. You will learn how to winthemoneygamesothatyouneverhavetoworkagain,aswellast oresetyour“moneyblueprint”sothatfinancialsuccessisnaturala ndautomaticforyou. MillionaireMindEveningandTeleclasses The principles of the millionaire mind are taught in eveningseminars in several cities across North America as well as byteleclass. For details and schedule go to www.millionairemindbook.comorcall1-888-623-7424. EnlightenedWarrior TrainingCamp—4 ⁄Days 2 1 Thedefinitionofanenlightenedwarrioris“onewhoconquersones elf.”Inthishigh-intensityprogramyouwilllearnhowtoaccess your true power at will and succeed in spite of anything.Bytheendofthiscampnothingwilleverstopyouagain! Wizard Training—4 ⁄2Days 1 Learntomanifestwhatyouwantwitheleganceandgrace.AtWiza rd Training you will learn to live as the “eye of thestorm,”calm,centered,andpeacefulinspiteofanything. 200-RecommendedResources MindofSteel,HeartofGold—6Days This program is the next level of both the Warrior and theWizard. Here you will learn to dance easily and effortlesslybetweenthesetwopowerfulenergies.Thiscampisop enonlytograduatesofbothEnlightenedWarriorandWizardTrai ning. LifeDirections—3Days The objective of this program is for you to have money withmeaning. In Life Directions you will discover your true missionaswellascreateavehiclethatexpressesthismissioninawayth atishighlysuccessfulintherealworld.It’sanabsolutemustforany onewantingclarityandfocus. Train the Trainer Certification—4 ⁄Days 2 1 Earn $20,000 a weekend teaching what you love. That’s exactlywhatyou’lllearntodoatTraintheTrainer.Learneverythin gyou need to be successful in the training business, includingchoosing the right topic, designing an incredible program,using accelerated-learning technologies, and marketing forsuccess. By the end of this course you will be a “hot” trainerandknowexactlyhowtobecomearichonetoo. TraintheTrainerII—5Days ThisprogramisthenextlevelofTraintheTrainerandfocuseson using your full authenticity within the amazing Trainertools that are taught. The program is open only to Train theTrainerCertificationgraduates. RecommendedResources-201 MillionaireSchool—4Days Making your money work hard for you is one of the key elements of wealth. At Millionaire School you will learn the A– Z’softheinvestmentworldinawaythatissimpleandeasytounder stand.You’llalsobeintroducedtoinvestmentopportunitiesthatar eusuallyonlyinthedomainsoftherich. GuerrillaBusinessSchool—5Days At Guerrilla Business School you will learn how to createwealth quickly in any business you choose. You will learn howto create million-dollar ideas, street-smart financing, maverickmarketingmethods,realworldnegotiationstrategies,andmuch,muchmore. WealthandWisdom—3Days Ourannualextravaganzagathersmanyofthetopauthorsandtrain ers in the world, who come together all in one place toteachhowtocreatemoremoney,love,andhappinessinyourlife. TheWorld’sGreatestMarketingSeminar—5Days Marketing is by far the most important skill you can own whenit comes to high-speed success in business. The World’sGreatest Marketing Seminar is exactly what it says, the mosthandson,experiential,effective,andintensivemarketingprogramonth eplanet.Infivedaysyouwillbecomeamarketinggenius.Period! 202-RecommendedResources SuccessTracsCoaching—Ongoing The best athletes in the world all have one thing in common:great coaching. SuccessTracs is a one-on-one coaching systemdesignedtomakecertainyousucceedinallareasofyourlife .The objective is simple: for you to at least double your income,double your time off, and double your speed to financialfreedom.Yourresultswillastoundevenyou! Forfulldetailsoneachoftheselifechangingprograms, orcall1-888-623-7424. HomeLearningPrograms Many of the programs described above are available on CDsso you can learn while you drive or in the comfort of your ownhome. For full details go to or call1-888-623-7424. SpeakingEngagements T. Harv Eker has been called “the most electrifying speaker onthe planet.” His message conveys the perfect blend of street-smart success strategies with enlightened wisdom, humor, andfun. Audiences are sky-high during his trainings, yet his lessonslastalifetime. To have T. Harv Eker or one of our Millionaire MindMasterTrainersappearliveatyournextevent,emailspeaker@peakpotentials.comorcall1-888-623-7424. INDEX abundance,62 accelerated learning techniques,15Acres of Diamonds (Conwell),89– 90actions,16,18,19,20,45,47,49,52, 53,80,84,166,189–92 inexercises,61–62,65,72,78,85,94, 101,105–6,110–11,122–23,129, 137,144,153,165–66,177–78, 187,190 admiration,88,93–94 affirmations, 16,166 agreements,132 Allen, Robert,89–90, 175 ambivalence,66–68,71 anger, 30–31 arrow-breakexercise,173–74,176 attention,60,143,149 attention-seekingbehavior,60 automaticresponses,19,50–51 awareness,24,25,34,39,45,51 Bach,Richard,75 Baines,RhondaandBob,48bank accounts,148–52,187 bankruptcy,148 “Be, Do, Have,” 183– 84beliefs,10,45,104–5,124,134 empowering, 47,88 limiting,21–22,23,46–47,56–57,66, 88,135,137 seealsothoughtsbenefits, 128 blame,55,59,61 “blamegame,”55 borrowing,26,149 breakups,38 businessownership,124,126–29 Chamitoff,Deborah,37 change,45,53 declarationsfor,15–17 elementsof,24 reconditioningand,24–47 stepsfor,25,34,39 character,10,107,183 choices,45,50,110 see also decisionscoaching,181 –82,186 comfort zone, 42, 170–72, 190comfortzone=wealthzone(CZ= WZ),171–72 commission,124,127 commitment,65–72,169,173 ambivalencevs.,66–68,71 rationalizingvs.,66 roleofuniversein,67–68,71 complaining,58–60, 61 conditionedmind,19,112,190 conditioning,45,46,102,126,134, 135,136,145,155,158,162 influenceson,18–40 modelingand,20,25–34, 95,100, 189 204-Index conditioning(cont.) parental,18,21–23,25–28,29,30, 33–34,35,97,103,111–12 punishmentand,111–12 andreconditioning,20,24– 40specificincidentsand,20, 34–40,102,189 verbalprogrammingand,20– 25,189 confidence,79 consciousness,45,46 consultancy,128 contracting,128 convenience,169 Conwell,RussellH.,89– 90,91costofliving,140 courage,191 “crap”magnet,58–59 criticism,100culture,19 CZ=WZ(comfortzone=wealthzon e),171–72 decisions,23,45,49–51,71,79, 160,169,175,190 andcommitment,69 seealsochoices declarations,15–17,175,189,190 inexercises,17,25,34,39,47,61, 65,72,77–78,85,94,100,105, 110,121,129,137,144,153,165, 177,187 demand,73 dharma,75 disassociation,24,25,34,39 discomfort,170– 71,173disempoweringtho ughts, 175–76 seealsolimitingbeliefsdistributorshi ps,127–28 doinghabits,53 doubts,167 downers,96–98 duality,9 dutytoothers,73–78,105,118–19 seealsophilanthropy EducationAccount,151 EducationFund,187effects, seeresults ego,60,74,75,100,108 either/orthinking,131–37 emotionalworld,14 emotions,22,150 see also feelingsempoweringbelief s,47–88 empoweringthoughts,87–88, 175–76 seealsodeclarationsenergy,10,15,81, 96,133,143 negative,58,98,107 poisonous,98 positive, 156–57 EnlightenedWarriorTraining,81,1 10,167,169,176–77 “enteringthecorridor,”82– 83entrepreneurs,26,75,139 envy,86–94,95 admirationvs.,86,93–94 experts,91, 165,184–85 extravagance,151 fears,9,31,32,45,46,74,75,78,124, 135,191 actioninspiteof,166–78 feelings,18,19,20,47,49,52,166,167 seealsoemotions;specificfeelingsFe eltheFearandDoItAnyway (Jeffers),167 Felicien,Perdita,99 FFA (FinancialFreedom Account),148– 50,162 Index-205 financialdestiny,17–18 financialfreedom,11,30,145,150–53, 157,162–63,164 Financial Freedom Account(FFA),148–50,162 FinancialFreedomjar,149– 50financialfunnel,139 financialgarden,23 financialplanner,143–44 financialpotential,11,41,191fi nancialsuccess: cause andeffect in,12– 15fullpotentialfor,11,41 financialthermostat,11,43–44 financialwarriors,110 focus,80–81,109,143 four factors of net worth, 138– 42fourquadrantsofexistence,13– 14Franklin,Benjamin,180 freedom,36,110,133 seealsofinancialfreedom“ freedomfighters,”164 fruits, 12–13, 31 Fuller, Buckminster, 75 generosity,93,119,136 GiveAccount,151 goals,16 expansive,73–78,80– 81highvs.low,64–65 of middle class, 63– 64obstaclesand,81 ofpoor,62–63,64 God,55,76,113 see also higher powergratitude,120,1 21 GreatDepression,28,29 greed,20,22,91,93,119 guilt,150 habits: money,145,147,149,152 personal,9,32,45,53,119,168,172, 175 seealso conditioning; specifichabitsHansen, Mark Victor, 89–90happiness,12,31,46,51,121,133– 34, 141,153 “Have,Do,Be,”183–84 high-and-mightysyndrome,103 higherpower,67,80 see also God; universehigherself,31,10 8,191 Hoffer,Eric,180 Hunawisdom,93 immediategratification,140,159,160 inaction, 72,84 income,43,139 incomeceiling,125 initiative,78–85 opportunitiesvs.obstaclesin,78–82 see also taking actioninner laws ofmoney, 9–10 innerworld,9–10, 12–15,95, 108,120, 167 insecurities,32,46 intention,powerof,29–30,63,68,82 investments,41–42,43,46,139,140, 148,155–66 invisibleworld,seeinnerworldinvolveme nt,15 Jeffers,Susan,167 JonathanLivingstonSeagull(Bach),75jo y,191 judgment,100 206-Index justification,56–57,59,61,79,119,181 kindness,136 kiss-of-deathsyndrome,42 Kiyosaki,Robert,104 Kloser,Christine,154 LawofAttraction,58,67La wofIncome,72 lawofintention,54leaders hip,104 leverage,36,126,128 lifecoaches,186 limitingbeliefs,21–22,23,46–47, 56–57,66,88,137 seealsodisempoweringthoughtsL ong-TermSavingsforSpending Account,151 long-termthinking,159,163 lottery,54 lotterywinners,11 love,57,60–61,121,136 luck,80,183 takingactionvs.,54,80 marketplacevalue,73 materialgratification,162 meditations,166 mentalcontrol,seemental management mentalmanagement,174–76 mentalprocesses,49–51 seealsomindsets;thoughtsmentaltraining,174– 76 mentalworld,14 Midastouch,42 middle-classmoneymentality,51– 52millionairemind,11,109 Millionaire Mind “action reminder,”191 MillionaireMindIntensiveSeminar,19,2 4,34,38,41,45,66,68,87,88–89, 102,114,117,119,140,141,146, 147,148,149,156,159,161,162, 168,174,180,191 Millionaire Mind Money Managementmethod,148–52,187 Millionaire Mind“net worthtrackingsheet,”191 MillionaireMind“thoughtoftheweek, ”24,190 Millionaire Next Door, The (Stanley),145 mindbank,29 mind-sets: ofrichvs.poorandmiddleclass,51– 52,54,62,65,73,78,86,95, 101,106,111,123,131,137,145, 155,166,179 willingnesstochange,52– 53see also mental processes;thoughts mind’smoneyfiles,seewealthfilesmis sions,seedutytoothers modeling,20,25–34,95–96,100,189 stepsforchangein,34m oney: ambivalence about, 66–68, 71genderandattitudestoward,35– 37importanceof,56–57,133 misconceptionsabout,20,22,41, 118,123–24,131,132–33,155–56 negativeconnotationsof,20,21,31, 35,66,86–88,89–90,91 Index-207 assourceofconflictinrelationships,36 –40 moneyblueprint,9–48,100,109,140, 159,160,161,189,191 business success and, 42– 43formationof,18–40 goalsof, 40–48 identificationof,17–18 importanceof,10–17 inrelationships,36–40 reprogrammingof,20–40 money game, 62–65, 156, 181highvs.lowgoalsin,62– 65 moneymagnet,120,150 moneymanagement,145– 55moneymanagementmethod, 148–52,187 money mentality,49–53 in decision making, 49– 51richvs.poorandmiddleclass, 51–52 “moneypersonality,”161 moneysupply,135–36 mortgage,141,157 Murray,W.H.,71 NecessitiesAccount,151 need,191 negativeenergy,96–98,107,116 negativity,87–88 negotiations,132 networkmarketing,74,127–28,158 networth,43,137–44,152 determining,138 four factors of, 138– 42tracking of, 142–43, 191vs.workingincome,138 networthfactors,138–42 net worth objective, 143Nita, Sean, 130nonempoweringthoughts, see disempoweringthoughts not-doinghabits,53 nurturing,119,150–51 obstacles,78–82,107–8, 110 One MinuteMillionaire,The (Hansen andAllen),89– 90opportunities,78–82,84,171 opportunityzone,171 optimism,78–79 outerlawsofmoney,9 outerworld, 9,12–15, 95, 108,120, 167 overspending,160–61 parentalinfluences,18,21–23,25–28, 29,30,33–34,35,97,103,111–12, 126,132–33 Parkinson’sLaw,142 partners,38–93,163 passiveincome,139,157–59 through“businessworkingforyou,”15 7–58 through“moneyworkingforyou,”15 7 vs. working income, 158– 59passive-incomestreams,148 peace,31,96 Peak PotentialsTraining,53,101, 131 peoplepleasers,60 percentage, 126, 127 personalcharacteristics,9–10,32–33, 41–42 of thewealthy,91 seealsoindividualcharacteristics 208-Index personalgrowth,45,96–98,106–8, 170–71 continuing,179–87 nonsupportive influenceson, 96– 98,169–73 in problemsolving,106– 8inretaining wealth,109 personalhistories,34–40 personal service businesses, 125– 26personal success coaches, 186perspective,131–37 of“either/or”vs.“both,”131–37 ofmoneyvs.happiness,131,133–34 ofself-worth,113–15pessimism,78– 79 philanthropy,41,92–93 see also duty to othersphysicalworld,1 4 planesofexistence,seefourq uadrantsofexistence “play” account, 120, 150–51,162 pleasure,36 poormoneymentality,51– 52positiveenergy,96–98 positivethinking,176 powerofintention,29–30,63,68,82 powerthinking,176 practice, 172–73 “printout,”14 problem-orientation,109–10 problemsolvers,75 problemsolving,106–11 through personal growth, 106– 8ProcessofManifestation,18,19–20,49, 166–67 “program,”14 programming,seeconditioningpromotion, 101–6 ofproducts,servicesandideas,10 3–5 Promotion (Cont),resentmentof, 102–3 of self, 103, 104Protestantworkethic,1 56punishment,111–12 purpose,191 quality,73 quantity, 73 rainy day saving, 29– 30rationalizing,seejustification “Ready,fire,aim!,”81,84 realestate,163–64 rebellion,30,33 receiving,151 difficultywith,111–23 andgiving,115–16 reconditioning,20,24–40,51 seealso conditioningrejection,102–3 relationships,36–40,153 remuneration,123–30 results-based,123,126,128 salary-based,123,126,128–29 time-based,123,124,125–26 resentment,30,86–88,93 residualincome,158 responsibility,54–62,69,79,80 vs.victimhood,54–61 results,12–15,18,19,20,47,49,143, 166,190 causes and,12–15 retailtherapy,160 retirement,148 ReturntoLove,A(Williamson),76Rich Dad,PoorDad(Kiyosaki),104rich money mentality, 51– 53risks,70,71,78,79,124,171 Index-209 Rohn, Jim,180 roots,12–13,31 Rosemary,Jim,77 sacrifice,70,71 saving,21,29–30,41,43,81,139–40 security,32,62,123–24,126 “seeds,”164 self-mademillionaires,11 self-worth,31–33,111–23 anddifficultywithreceiving,111– 23low,111–12 and net worth, 112recreatingof,114– 15 selfasdeterminerof,113– 14,127selling, see promotion servicebusinesses,159 shame,150 short-termthinking,159,163 simplification,139,140–41,160 socialassociations,91–94,95–101 solution-orientation,109 specificincidents,20,34– 40,102,189stepsforchangein,39 spending,41,43,81,140 spirituality,91,97,136,149,150se e also God; higher power;innerworld;universe spiritualworld,14 sports,98–99,185 stalling,79,84 Stanley,Thomas,145 steadypaycheck,123,126 stress,31, 59 subconsciousmind,16,18,22–23, 68–69,112 survival,49,62 takingaction,189–92 seealsoactions;initiativetalents,7 5 “tamingthecobraoffear,”167tax benefits,128 taxes,127 taxwrite-offs,127 television,87,98 thinkingbig, 73,75–77 thinkingsmall,73,74,76 thoughts,18,19,20,46,47,49,52,88, 166,167 empowering vs. disempowering,175–76 negative vs. empowering, 87– 88see also beliefs; mental processes;mind-sets tools, 14, 44–45,109 toxicsituations,98 Trump,Donald,11,51 trust,89–90 uncomfortzone,170–71 understanding,24,25,34,39 universe,71,82,91,116–17,120,121, 147,149,172,179 up-and-downincomepattern,26–28,40 value,73,75,97,135–36 extolling one’sown,101– 5verbalprogramming,20–25,189 steps for change in, 25victimhood,54–61,86, 108,118, 126 blameand,55 complainingand,58–60 justificationand,56–57 210-Index visibleworld,seeouterworldvisual izations,166 wanting, three levels of, 69wealthfiles,19,38,49–187,190 wealthzone,171–72 Wilde,Stuart,10 Williamson,Marianne,76 Wilton,Andrew,178 Winfrey,Oprah,87 WizardTraining,96 workingincome, 138,139, 159 working smart, 156World War II, 29worries,9,10,167 “yo-yo”model,seeup-anddownincomepattern ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Writingabookappearstobeanindividualproject,buttherealityis that if you want it to be read by thousands or hopefully millionsofpeople,ittakesanentireteam.I’dfirstliketothankmywife, Rochelle, my daughter, Madison, and my son, Jesse. Thank youfor allowing me the space to do what I came here to do. I’d alsolike to thank my parents, Sam and Sara, as well as my sister, Mary,andbrother-inlaw,Harvey,foryourunendingloveandsupport.Next, a huge thank you to Gail Balsillie, Michelle Burr, ShelleyWenus, Robert and Roxanne Riopel, Donna Fox, A. Cage, JeffFagin,CoreyKouwenberg,KrisEbbeson,andtheentireteamatP eakPotentialsTrainingforallyourhardworkanddedicationtomakin g a positive contribution to people’s lives as well as makingPeakPotentialsoneofthefastestgrowingpersonaldevelopm entcompaniesin theworld. Thankyoutomybrilliantbookagent,BonnieSolow,foryourongo ing assistance, encouragement, and for leading me throughthe ins and outs of the book business. Another big thankyougoestotheteamatHarperBusiness:publisherSteveHanselman, who had the vision for this project and put so much time andenergy into it; my wonderful editor, Herb Schaffner; marketingdirector Keith Pfeffer; and publicity director Larry Hughes. Aspecial thanks goes to my colleagues Jack Canfield, Robert G.Allen,andMarkVictorHansenforyourfriendshipandcontinueds upportfromthebeginning. Finally, I am deeply grateful to all of the Peak Potentialsseminarattendees,supportstaff,andjointventurepartner s.Withoutyou,therewouldbenolife-changingseminars. Aboutthe Author Using the principles he teaches, T. HARV EKER Went fromzero to millionaire in only two and a half years. Eker ispresidentofPeakPotentialsTraining,oneofthefastestgrowing success training companies in North America. Withhisuniquebrandof“streetsmartswithheart,”Eker’shumoro us,“cut-tothechase”stylekeepshisaudiencespellbound.Peoplecomefromall overtheworldtoattendhissold-out seminars, where crowds often exceed 2,000 peopleforaweekendprogram.Sofar,Eker’steachingshavetouch edthe lives of more than a quarter million people. Now, for thefirst time, he shares his proven secrets of success in thisrevolutionarybook.Readitandgrowrich! Don’t miss the next book by your favorite author. Sign PraiseforT.HarvEkerand SecretsoftheMillionaireMind “T. Harv Eker gives us a blueprint and the tools to build ourhouseofwealth,fromtheinsideout,soitwillstandthetestoftim eandcircumstance.” —Dr.Denis Waitley,author,Seedsof Greatness “T.HarvEkerisamasteratmakingtheroadtorichessimple.Finall y, his powerful principles are available in this amazingbook.” —MarciShimoff,coauthor,ChickenSoupfortheWoman’sSoul “Studythisbookasifyourlifedependedonit...financiallyitmay!” —AnthonyRobbins,theworld’s#1peakperformancecoach “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is the bible for creating wealth in apractical way. T. Harv Eker dispels the myths and makesmillionaire secrets accessible to every person. Devour thisbook!” —JillLublin,best-sellingauthor, NetworkingMagicandGuerrillaPublicity “HarvEkerisoneofthemostextraordinarytrainersintheworld today! Harv’s experiential techniques are transforma-tional, and hecreates amazing resultsevery timehe speaks!” —MarkVictorHansen,cocreator, ChickenSoupfortheSoul®,morethan70millionsold; coauthor,TheOneMinuteMillionaire Credits Designed by RLF DesignJacketdesignbyMuccaD esign Copyright The offer on page 193 is open to all purchasers of Secrets of theMillionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. Original proof of purchase isrequired. The offer is limited to the Millionaire Mind Intensiveweekendseminaronly,andyourregistrationinthesemi narissubject to availability of space and/or changes to programschedule.ThecoursemustbecompletedbyJuly1,2006. Thevalueofthisfreeadmissionforyouandacompanionis $2,590, as of February 2005. Corporate or organizationalpurchasers may not use one book to invite more than twopeople. While participants will be responsible for their traveland other costs, admission to the program is complimentary.Participants in the seminars are under no additional financialobligation whatsoever to Peak Potentials Training or T. HarvEker. Peak Potentials Training reserves the right to refuseadmission to anyone it believes may disrupt the seminar, andto remove from the premises anyone it believes is disruptingtheseminar. This book is not intended to provide personalized legal,accounting, financial, or investment advice. Readers areencouraged to seek the counsel of competent professionalswith regard to such matters as interpretation of the law,properaccountingprocedures,financialplanning,andinve stment strategies. The Author and Publisher specificallydisclaim any liability, loss, or risk which is incurred as aconsequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and applicationofanyofthecontentsofthiswork. SECRETSOFTHEMILLIONAIREMIND.Copyright© 2005 by Harv Eker. All rights reserved under International andPan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of therequiredfees,youhavebeengrantedthenon-exclusive,non- transferablerighttoaccessandreadthetextofthise-bookonscreen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted,downloaded,decompiled,reverseengineered,orstoredinorintroduce d into any information storage and retrieval system,inanyformorbyanymeans,whetherelectronicormechan ical, now known or hereinafter invented, without theexpresswrittenpermissionofPerfectBound™. PerfectBound™andthePerfectBound™logoaretrademarksof HarperCollinsPublishers,Inc. AdobeAcrobateBookReaderFebruary2005ISBN0-06083194-4 Library ofCongressCataloging-inPublicationDataEker,T.Harv Secretsofthemillionairemind:masteringtheinnergam eofwealth/T.HarvEker.