The Courts & Civil Liberties & Civil Rights Who’s protected And who are we protected against? Selective Incorporation Barron v. Baltimore1833 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Bill of Rights applied ONLY to the national gov’t. Gitlow v. NY 1925- the Supreme Court begins the process of incorporating MOST of the Bill of Rights to the th states through the 14 Amendment Due Process Clause 14th Amendment Due Process Clause“…nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law;…” First Amendment Speech & Press Schenck v. U.S.- 1919, Clear & Present Danger Rule Gitlow v. NY—incorporated Speech to the states Symbolic Speech— Tinker v.Des Moines School District & Texas v. Johnson First Amendment Speech & Press Prior Restraint- Near v. Minnesota & NY Times v. U.S. Libel & slander Obscenity First Amendment Establishment Clause Everson v. Board of Ed. Lemon v. Kurtzman Engel v. Vitale Abington School Dist v.Schempp First Amendment Free Exercise Clause Cantwell v. Connecticut Reynolds v. U.S. Oregon v. Smith Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah First Amendment Assembly & Petition Reasonable time & place rules Collins v. Smith- Skokie case NAACP v. Alabama Snyder v. Phelps- Westboro Baptist Church case Second Amendment Most recently incorporated Amendment—2010McDonald v. Chicago Third Amendment Protection against the quartering of soldiers in our homes- not incorporated Fourth Amendment Search & Seizure Mapp v. Ohio- Exclusionary Rule Exceptions Stafford v. Redding- strip search of 13 yr old for ibuprophen – unconst. Fifth, Sixth & Eighth Amendment Protections 5th- Miranda v. Arizona- selfincrimination Double Jeopardy 6th-Gideon v. Wainwright- right to counsel 8th- Cruel & Unusual Punishment Seventh Amendment Right to a jury trial in civil cases exceeding $20—not incorporated Ninth Amendment Rights beyond those in the Constitution—implied rights Griswold v. Conn Roe v. Wade 14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause— “…nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” 14th Amendment Equal Protection Clause Scott v. Sandford Plessy v. Ferguson Brown v. Board of Ed. University of Cal. v. Bakke Grutter v. Bollinger Other Cases Marbury v. Madison---Judicial Review McCulloch v. Maryland—national superiority over states & constitutionality of implied powers Gibbons v. Ogden- broad definition of interstate commerce Buckley v. Valeo—ruled that a candidate can use as much of their money in their campaign –based on 1st Amendment speech