Quiz 6 Study Guide Chapters 12 13

Quiz 6 Study Guide Chapters 12 & 13
Chapter Twelve
Define social psychology.
Define social norms and give an example of a situation in which social norms influence behavior.
Identify the principles of person perception.
Identify the traits associated with the perception of physically attractive people.
Explain the concept: blaming the victim and give an example.
Discuss the self serving bias and give an example.
Define cognitive dissonance.
Define stereotyped thinking and give an example. Identify the problems associated with stereotyped thinking
is hard to change.
9. Identify the term ethnocentrism and give an example.
10. Define conformity and give an example. Identify the factors that increase or decrease conformity.
11. Discuss the results of Stanley Milgram's study. What factors decrease obedience to an authority figure?
12. Describe the case of Kitty Genovese and how the case influenced psychological research.
13. Discuss the bystander effect and give an example.
14. Describe deindividuation and discuss the conditions in which it occurs.
15. Define person perception and give an example. Explain how person perception affects our judgments about
other people.
16. Define the fundamental attribution error.
17. Define attribution.
Chapter Thirteen
1. Define the term stress.
2. Define health psychology.
3. Describe the social readjustment rating scale.
4. Define the term resilience.
5. Describe the gender difference regarding daily hassles.
6. Define acculturative stress.
7. Identify the fight or flight response and give an example of when it may occur.
8. Describe the role that Corticosteroids play in the stress response.
9. Describe the stages of the general adaptation syndrome.
10. Identify the relationship between shorter telomeres and health.
11. Discuss what social or life style issues may decrease the immune system.
12. Describe how cultural factors influence our need for a sense of control.
13. Define an optimistic explanatory style. And give an example.
14. Describe the characteristics of Type A behavior.
15. Give an example of emotion and problem focused coping.
16. Describe how physical active affects the stress response.
17. Describe the effects of caffeine and nicotine on the stress response.
18. Define mindfulness meditation.
19. Describe the effects of social isolation.