The Scarlet Letter Mini-Projects: Chapters 1-12 Assignment

Mini-Projects for The Scarlet Letter
Chapters 1-12
40 points
Due Friday, 11/5 (A-day)
Directions: Choose one of the following mini-projects to complete after reading Ch. 1-12
of The Scarlet Letter. As you have a free choice, you should choose a project you are
interested in and that you will work hard at completing thoughtfully.
1. Five paragraph essay:
Choose one of the topic options. Essay should be at least one page, double-spaced,
and 12-point Times New Roman font. Essay should include an introduction, three
body paragraphs, and conclusion. You must include textual support from the book
with your response.
a) The power struggle between Hester and the Puritan authorities.
b) Compare/Contrast: Pearl and the Puritan children of Boston.
c) Symbolism in the novel so far. What things seem to be symbolic of something
d) Hester Prynne: Fit or Unfit Parent?
e) Compare/Contrast: Chillingworth's outward actions with his true inner intentions.
2. Design a "scarlet letter" for yourself or some famous person. Remember the scarlet
letter represents a brand – your “scarlet letter” does not have to be a literal interpretation.
Design and draw a well-planned letter (or brand). Your drawing should be on unlined
paper (computer paper size or similar) and should be thorough and demonstrate effort.
Then, write a one-page, typed, double-spaced summary explaining what the letter would
represent and the effect it would have on the person wearing it. Be sure to describe the
letter in detail in your summary (as though the reader of your summary can’t see your
letter). You may also compare/contrast your letter with the scarlet letter in the book.
Grade based on content (15 points), creativity/effort (15 points), and conventions (10
3. Find three (3) newspaper articles that remind you of something in the novel The
Scarlet Letter. Cut out each article and attach it to a sheet of paper. Then write a onepage, typed, double-spaced summary explaining what the article is about and what the
connection is to the novel. You must include textual support from the book (at least one
per article).
4. Choose a character (Hester, Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, Pearl) and choose a scene
from chapters 1-12. Select two (2) pieces of music (appropriate) that would show that
character's state of mind at that point of the story. Write a one-page, typed, double-spaced
summary explaining each song’s connection to the character’s state of mind. Include
textual support (at least two). Be prepared to play the music for the class and explain.