Alien and Sedition Acts

XYZ Affair
Activity 1
Group 1: Live BindersReadingsXYZ
Group 2: Live BindersReadingsMore XYZ
One Paragraph Summary (At Least 3 Sentences):
Positives Affects On Our Country
Negative Consequences On Our
America remained neutral in the war between France and Britain. Should the US
have chosen sides in this conflict? Why or why not?
Alien and Sedition Acts
Activity 2
Read Together: Live BindersReadingsAlien and Sedition
Analyze: Live BindersReadingsMore Alien and Sedition
One Paragraph Summary (At Least 3 Sentences):
Review all 4 laws made by the Alien and Sedition Acts. Tell whether you agree or
disagree with each law and why.
What is unconstitutional (against the constitution) about any of the laws?
War of 1812
Activity 3
Read Together: Live BindersReadingsWarhawks “Causes of 1812”
When is it right to go to war?
When is it wrong to go to war?
Why do countries go to war? Give 2 good reasons and 2 bad reasons.
Was the United States right to declare war on Great Britain? Why or why not?
Read Together:
Live BindersReadings Causes/Events/Results 1812
Live BindersReadingsWar of 1812 Reading/Questions
1. Intro:
List the significant outcomes and events of the War of 1812.
2. Background of the War:
List the causes of the War of 1812.
Complete the timeline in listing events that you read about in chronological order:
1812181318143. The Peace:
1) What did the treaty accomplish?
2) Was there a clear winner to the war of 1812? How so?
3) What were the positive results (for the US) of the war?
Read: Live Binders”1812 Perceptions”
Compare and contrast the three versions of the War of 1812 (American, British,
Canadian). How are they the same and different?
Manifest Destiny
Activity 4
Read: Live BindersReadings”Manifest Destiny” and “Manifest Destiny PDF”
View the map:
1. What 2 ideas led to many governmental decisions that made it easy for people to
move into the western territories?
2. What was the Northwest Ordinance?
3. Look at the map. How many modern-day states came from land acquired from
the Louisiana Purchase?
4. What did Thomas Jefferson want the explorers to find in their expedition of the
land he purchased?
5. Define Manifest Destiny.
6. What was a positive outcome of the Gold Rush?
7. What was a negative outcome of the Gold Rush?
8. How does the idea of Manifest Destiny relate to our definition of Imperialism?
Louisiana Purchase
Activity 5
Read: Live Binders”Louisiana Purchase” and “Louisiana Purchase PDF”
Use the Map:
1. How did the United States acquire the Louisiana Territory?
2. From who did the United States acquire the Louisiana Territory?
3. How many present day-states were part of the Louisiana Purchase?
4. One of the most significant parts of acquiring the Louisiana Territory was taking
ownership of the Mississippi River. What is so important about owning and
controlling the Mississippi River?
Essential Learning:
What are the positive rewards of the Louisiana Purchase?
What are the negative consequences of the Louisiana Purchase?
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Activity 6
Read: Live BindersReadings”Lewis and Clark Expedition” and “Lewis and Clark
1. Why did President Jefferson plan for the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
2. How long was the expedition?
3. What was the outcome of the expedition?
Essential Learning:
What are the positive rewards or the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
What are the negative consequences of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
Monroe Doctrine
Activity 7
Read: Live BindersReadings”Monroe Doctrine” and “Monroe Doctrine PDF”
1. What was the problem before the Monroe Doctrine?
2. What was the solution, or what did the Monroe Doctrine say?
3. The United States was allies with Great Britain at this time. How do you think
Europe would have responded if they did not have this friendship?
Essential Learning:
What are the positive rewards of the Monroe Doctrine?
What are the negative consequences of the Monroe Doctrine?
Trail of Tears
Activity 8
Read: Live BindersReadings”Trail of Tears” and “Trail of Tears PDF”
1. Why were Native American tribes removed from their land?
2. Why did Native American tribes not want to leave their land?
Essential Learning:
What were the positive rewards from the Trail of Tears?
What were the negative consequences from the Trail of Tears?
War With Mexico
Activity 9
Read: Live BindersReadings War With Mexico
1. What argument caused the United States and Mexico to go to war?
2. What present day states were acquired as a result of the war?
Essential Learning:
What were the positive rewards from the War With Mexico?
What were the negative consequences from the War With Mexico?
Was it right or wrong for the United States to go to war with Mexico?
Gold Rush
Activity 10
Read: Live BindersReadingsGold Rush
1. Why were people from all over the world “rushing” to California in 1849?
2. Did a lot of miners become rich?
3. What was the “American Dream” in the 19th century?
Essential Learning:
What were the positive rewards of the Gold Rush?
What were the negative consequences of the Gold Rush?