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UW Whitewater
Future Teacher Times
Student WEA
March 2, 2015
Volume 1, Issue 5
Month in Review
Inside this issue:
Guest Speaker: Nancy Stevens
Month in
On our February 3 meeting, Nancy Stevens came
to speak about the Wisconsin Foundations of
Coming up
Reading Test that many of our members will be
required to take before student teaching. She
presented some great information including when to Next meeting
take it, what it looks like, and the passing score. As preview
a recap, it is taken after taking the reading methods
courses. It consists of 100 multiple choice questions
and 2 open ended responses. The passing score is
240. Test takers can register online at
Tips Nancy Stevens presented for test takers were:
 Make a study plan and get a binder
 Gather all your Reading 360/461 resources (e.g. articles Leu and
Kinzer) and organize by test category
 Take the “MTEL Foundations of Reading Practice Test” (available
 Take it in its entirety and then score it
 Put the responses into the appropriate categories on the question
 Start with your “weakest area”
Froyo Night!
Our last meeting, February 16th consisted of members meeting at
Freshens to talk with the E-board about their positions.
Remember, we have many positions to run for. A list of them
and their descriptions are on the next page! Thank you to
everyone who came and showed interest in the positions
available! Stay tuned for more information regarding elections
in the upcoming meetings!
Spring 2015
Meeting Dates
Winther 2001
@ 6pm
 March 2
 March 16
 April 6
 April 20
Coming up
Volunteer Opportunities
Elections will be before you know it!
Here are the E-Board Positions to run for:
There are several upcoming
volunteer opportunities.
Remember all volunteer events are  March 10
 April 14
worth 1pt toward active SWEA
status. PATT meetings are held
once a month at Washington
at 6:30. You will be
fun events:
playing with children while their
 Family Movie Night- April 10th
parents are in meetings. These st
 Family Fun Night- May 1
dates are:
President-Elect: The president in training.
Learns what the president does and how to
organize meetings. Becomes the next
president after training. MUST BE
Vice-President: Helps the president out
and step up if the president is not
available. Makes grants and organizes two
Secretary: Take notes at meetings. Keep
up with the emails and helps with
community service.
Community Service: Connects to the
community of Whitewater and plans
programs for kids. For example, PATT
meetings at the Washington Elementary
Fundraiser: Fundraise money for SWEA
by thinking of creative ways to raise
money for example, bake sale.
Treasure: Keeps track of SWEA’s money.
Makes a budget and it is all online and
easy to do.
All School Read
Join SWEA on April 16th at Lakeview
Elementary for an all school read. This is a
program put on by Vice President, Melissa
Liegel. Children are invited to come with
their parents and read books to encourage
reading at home. This is a great event to
interact with kids. Look for signup sheets
at the next meetings! Points will be given
to volunteers!
Playful Learning Conference
SAVE THE DATE: April 24th-25th
SWEA has been working with several areas on
campus to put on the Playful Learning
Conference. This conference will present ways
of incorporating technology into the classroom.
This is a highly recommended event to attend!
More details to come!
News Blog Editor: Makes the newsletter
every month. Updates Facebook and
creates t-shirts.
Public Relations: Makes handouts for
SWEA members and posters to hang
around the campus.
Travel: Puts together a trip
Next Meeting Preview!
The next Student WEA meeting will be held Monday
March 16th at 6pm in Winther 2001.
We are hoping to hear from Edric Johnson. This is a can’t miss
Stay in touch with Student WEA!
UW-W Student Wisconsin Education Association
Email: swea@uww.edu, or contact an E-Team member 
Meeting Notes: