The Civil War

Blockade -
sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering
or leaving.
Anaconda Plan - North’s Plan to defeat the South during the Civil War
Border States - Slaves states that remained in the Union
Ally - a country that cooperates with another
Garrison – a body of troops stationed in a fortified place
Demoralize - to deprive of spirit, courage, discipline
The Civil War
The Blue & The Gray
The Blue and the Gray was
a television miniseries set
during the American
Civil War.
Told the story of how
the Civil War put family
against family.
Lincoln’s Dilemma
What event caused the Civil War
to begin?
Confederate forces fired on Fort Sumter
VA, TN, AK, NC join the Confederacy.
The Southern Capital is moved from
Alabama to Richmond. VA
Union must be
held together, by
force if necessary
ROBERT E. LEE leads the Confederate Army
Lee opposed secession, but did not believe the Union
should be held together by force.
Lincoln is left with less experienced
and less effective Generals.
Civil War Strategy
1)Blockade southern
2)Split the South in
3)Capture Richmond
1) Hold on until the
North gets tired.
2) Capture D.C.
3) Get aid from
France & England
Bull Run-1st Major Battle
• Neither were ready for battle.
• Union troops were
defeated and retreated.
Bull Run, Manassas, Virginia
The Confederate victory at Bull Run in Virginia
boosted Southern spirits and demonstrated to the
North that the war would not be easily won.
Secession Quick Check Review
1. Withdraw from the Union means
a. Secede
b. Ratify
c. Civil War
2. Southern States left the Union when _____ was elected.
a. Fillmore b. Lincoln
c. Douglas
3. The president of the Confederate States of America was
a. Jeff Davis
b. John Calhoun c. John Breckinridge
4. _________ was a slave state that stayed in the Union.
a. Georgia
b. South Carolina
c. Kentucky
5. Stephen Douglas is most closely associated with the idea of
a. popular sovereignty b. abolition
c. secession
6. T/F Lincoln believes secession was illegal.
7. The Capitol of the South was ______________.
8. _________ was chosen to lead the Confederate Army.
9. Which side used the Anaconda Plan as part of its strategy?
Textbook: Assignment
Page 362 Check Point Questions (2)
Page 363
Thinking Critically questions 1, 2
Page 365 Check Point Question
Weapons of Mass Destruction
"People who are anxious to bring on
war don't know what they are
bargaining for; they don't see all the
horrors that must accompany such
an event.“
– Thomas J. Jackson
Lincoln uses technology to gain an edge on the South.
A Soldier's Life
• Soldiers lived in harsh
conditions, with supply
shortages and bad food.
• Diseases and infections killed
more men than battle wounds
Civil War Military Leaders
Pierre Beauregard
Confederate General
ordered the attack on
Fort Sumter
George McClellan
Union General , President
Lincoln fired him
General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
Confederate General nicknames "Stonewall"
because he stood like a stone wall against the
Union Army at the first Battle of Bull Run
The South wins most early Battles!
Battle of Hampton Roads
After four hours of fighting, neither
The Monitor had prevented the Confederates
seriously damaged the other in
hopes of breaking the Union blockade.
their one day of fighting.
The battle of the Monitor and the Merrimack.
OF Antietam
Antietam: Sharpsburg, Maryland
• Bloody battle in Maryland resulted in a tie and
Robert E. Lee’s army has to retreat back into
Virginia. Lee attacked the north because he
needed a victory on northern soil.
Lincoln Fires McClellan
Makes Ulysses Grant
the head of the Union Army.
ROBERT SMALLS – Sails his way to freedom
Robert Smalls went on to serve with the Union during the war, and
beginning in 1868, in the South Carolina House of Representatives.
Robert Smalls was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives to
begin his first term in 1875.
Issued after the Battle of
Antietam: Freed all slaves
who lived in states still in
rebellion on Jan. 1, 1863
Emancipation Proclamation issued
after the Battle of Antietam
• Turned the war into
a Moral Issue.
• Kept European
countries from helping
the South.
• Allowed Blacks to
join the Union army
• Made the destruction of
slavery a Northern war
Frederick Douglass asks Lincoln to
let Blacks serve as soldiers.
At first, most leaders were against using Black soldiers….
By the end of the war, Lincoln believed that the use of Black
troops had been critical to the success of the Union forces.
The Story of the 54th Massachusetts Colored Regiment
The unit even fought to ensure equal pay for its
service. When the promise of a $13 monthly
wage equal to white regiments was cut to $10,
the 54th regiment refused payment unless they
would receive what they'd been promised. As a
result, they received no pay for 18 months.
• Both tragic and uplifting, thisThe
is Union
in their
story of the Civil War's first failed
attack on
volunteer company. Based on
letters of Colonel Robert Shaw of the
Federal Army, who volunteered to lead
the company.
At the Battle of Chancellorsville
the South won, but Stonewall Jackson
is accidently killed.
– Without the cavalry reinforcements, Confederate troops
are crushed by the Union forces; as Pickett’s Charge
fails. The South loses 28000 men in the 3 day battle.
– Battle of Gettysburg: Turning Point of the Civil War
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
Lincoln’s Vision
• Lincoln says
“all men America
are created equal.”
“one indivisible nation,” not a
collection of sovereign states.
people, by the people and for the people
shall not perish from this earth.”
Lincoln believed the Civil War was
fought to fulfill the promise of the
Declaration of Independence
and was a 2nd American Revolution.
What was Lincoln’s vision in
the Gettysburg Address?
1. Preserving the Union
2. Abolishing Slavery
EVENTS of the Civil War….QUICK CHECK
1. What were the 2 speeches written by Lincoln?
2. Who wrote the Gettysburg Address?
3. The South the Union declared a win in this battle?
a. Gettysburg
b. Chancellorsville c. Antietam
4. Who convinced Lincoln to allow Blacks to join the Army?
a. Frederick Douglass b. Robert E. Lee c. Harriet Tubman
5. Part of the Union strategy was to ______ southern ports.
6. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which freed all
the slaves. TRUE/FALSE
7. Who was killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville?
a. Lee
b. Jackson
c. George McClellan
8. Gettysburg was the major turning point of the Civil War
9. Who won the Battle of Gettysburg? a. North
b. South
10. The Black Regiment whose story was told in the movie “glory” ____.
Vicksburg, Mississippi
Union Victory – Splits the Confederacy
Gives the Union control of the Mississippi River
The Civil War Drags on: Quick Check
1. What were the 2 war aims in the Gettysburg Address?
2. Stonewall Jackson was killed during the battle of ______.
3. The story of the 54th Mass. Regiment was told in the movie _____
4. What battle ended in a tie (but the North claimed victory)?
5. TRUE/FALSE --The war helped the southern economy.
6. ________ (speech) freed enslaved people only in areas that
were fighting the Union.
7. TRUE/FALSE – At first, most state leaders had no interest in
recruiting African American soldiers.
8. TRUE/FALSE – During the Civil War, thousands of soldiers
were killed in charges against new, more effective weapons.
9. Which battle was a turning point in the Civil War in 1863?
10. Which battle gave the Union control of the Mississippi River?
Gen. Grant unleashes
William Sherman on the South
We will burn
Make southern civilians feel the
pain of WAR.
General Sherman destroyed
Confederate railroad tracks,
supplies, and communication lines.
After GA, Sherman then started
North into South Carolina. There
his troops took particular pleasure
at destroying property at the sight
of what was considered the heart
of the rebellion- South Carolina.
Make southern civilians feel the
pain of WAR.
General Sherman destroyed
Confederate railroad tracks,
supplies, and communication lines.
Sherman’s March to the Sea
General Grant broke through at Petersburg and forced the
Confederates to burn Richmond. General Lee’s army
surrendered to Grant at Appomattox April 9, 1865.
The war officially ended on May 26, 1865.
A map of the final campaign in Virginia
Where did Lee surrender
to Grant?
I will offer you
terms of
After four years of arduous service
marked by unsurpassed courage and
fortitude the Army of Northern Virginia
has been compelled to yield to
overwhelming numbers and resources!
Lincoln’s view that the U.S was one
indivisible Nation had prevailed.
April 9, 1865 at Appomattox… Lee
surrenders to Grant
What four things did the
secession of the Southern
states trigger?
1. The Civil War
2. Northern victory
3. The Union restored
4. Emancipation of African-American
Key People
• Lincoln-U.S. President
• Jefferson Davis-Confederate President
Robert E. Lee-Confederate Gen.
• Ulysses. S. Grant-Union Gen.
• William T. Sherman-”March to the Sea”
• Clara Barton-angel of the battlefield
Nurse (Red Cross)
• Frederick Douglass-Former slave who
urged Lincoln to let Blacks fight in the
Union army.
What were the dates
of the Civil War?
Lincoln’s Plan
Lincoln believed Reconstruction was a matter
of quickly restoring legitimate state
governments that were loyal to the Union in
the Southern States.
– "With malice toward none; with charity for bind
the nation’s wounds…let us strive on to finish the work
we are do all which may achieve and cherish a
just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all
– Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan was lenient on the South.
– Since secession was illegal the South never really left the
Lincoln and Davis
At 10:13 p.m. John Wilkes Booth shoots the
president in the head. The nation mourns the
assassination of Lincoln.
April 14, 1865
Ford’s Theater
The End of the Civil War: Quick Check
The Civil War greatly affected the economy of VA. TRUE/FALSE
Where did Lee surrender to Grant?
________ means to destroy the South’s will to fight.
What two Southern cities did Sherman “burn” in Georgia?
________ carried out the destructive “March to the Sea”
_______ was called the “Angel Of The Battlefield.”
__________ was the President of the Confederacy.
Before taking Richmond…Grant defeated Southern forces in
__________, Virginia (about 20 miles south of Richmond).
9. TRUE/FALSE The Civil War started in 1860 and ended in
10. TRUE/FALSE Southerners burned Richmond…their own
Describing A Historical Event
Choose one of the following and write a
NEWSPAPER Article to Describe the Event..
Include a picture that relates to your Event.
• The Compromise of 1877
• The Civil War starts at Fort Sumter
• The Monitor vs. The Merrimack
• Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation
• The Supreme Court rules in Plessy v. Ferguson
• The Great Migration
• The “March to the Sea”
• Lee and Grant at Appomattox Court House
• The Death of Lincoln