

Nombre ____________________________________ Clase ____________ Fecha ________

Día de entregamiento ______________ Mi Nota ___________ / 20 puntos

Español 2 Escritura de Repaso

¿Quién soy yo?

Who am I? Talk about yourself in as much detail as possible. Refer to your ¿Cómo eres? prompt as a guide. Please keep the following in mind:

Include a baby picture of yourself

U se ¿Quién soy yo? as the title

Type final copy using Times New Roman or Arial Font size 12

Double-space the entire document

Grading Rubric



 paragraphing

 flow


 Your writing is organized and easy to follow


 Transition words


Demonstrates control of:

 Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation

 Verb conjugation

 Word order and sentence structure

 Level appropriate grammar


 You included a variety of transition words

 Your writing has few mistakes in grammar and vocabulary

 Minor errors

 Your writing includes many details

 You used a variety of current and past vocabulary


 Most of your writing is organized and easy to follow

 You included some transitions words

 Your writing has some mistakes in grammar and vocabulary

 Minor errors with occasional significant errors


 Some of your writing is organized and easy to follow

 Your transition words are limited/repetitive

 Your writing has many mistakes in grammar and vocabulary

 Significant errors that do not interfere with comprehension


 Your writing is disorganized and hard to follow

 You did not include transition words

 Your writing has significant mistakes in grammar and vocabulary

 Number of errors interferes with comprehension

 Your writing includes some details

 You used a smattering of current and past vocabulary

 Your writing is limited or repetitious in detail

 Your writing demonstrates an insufficient use of vocabulary

Grading Scale A (18

– 20)

B (16

– 17 )

C (14

– 15)

D (12

– 13)

Not yet (11


Inserting Symbols

 The easiest way to add accents or Spanish punctuation to a word document is to go to Insert, Symbol and choose one of the following:

á, é, í, ó, ú, ñ, ¿, ¡

 Choose “More Symbols” if the first pull down menu only shows 10 or 15 symbols.

Setting the Proofing Language

In order to avoid having every word in your prompt underlined in red, follow these steps:

From the top menu select Review

Select Language

 select Set Proofing Language

Choose Spanish (International Sort)

Select OK

Microsoft will now automatically check your work!
