Chapter 4 Bank Reconciliation

Reconcile your checking account
Create bank reconciliation reports
Find errors during reconciliation
Correct errors found during reconciliation
Make corrections when QuickBooks
automatically adjusts the balance in a bank
Handle bounced checks
Reconcile credit card accounts and record a
bill for later payment
Online Banking
Bank account should be reconciled each
To reconcile a bank account:
◦ Select the Banking menu, and then select Reconcile
and select account
◦ Check Beginning balance should match the bank
beginning balance
◦ Enter statement date, Ending balance, service
charge and Interest earned
Match each line with the bank statement:
◦ Match the deposits and other credits
◦ Match the checks and other withdrawals on the
bank statement
Difference field should be 0.00 when finished
Click Reconcile Now
To pause reconciliation, click Leave
Click here if you want to
see only transactions
before the statement
ending date.
The difference
here must be 0.00.
After a successful reconciliation you can
◦ Reconciliation Summary report
◦ Reconciliation Detail report
Select Previous Reconciliation Report displays:
◦ Select Summary or Detail option
◦ Click Display to view the report
◦ Click Print to print the report
The Beginning Balance Field error:
◦ One or more reconciled transactions were voided,
deleted, or changed since the last reconciliation
◦ A user removed the checkmark from one or more
reconciled transactions in the account register
since the last reconciliation
Incorrectly Recorded transactions
◦ Discrepancy between a transaction in QuickBooks
and a transaction on the bank statement
Option 1: Use the Reconciliation
Discrepancy Report
◦ Review the report for any changes to cleared
◦ Enter the corrections
Option 2: Undo the Bank Reconciliation
◦ In the Begin Reconciliation window, select the
bank Account and click Locate Discrepancies
◦ Click Undo Last Reconciliation
If you made the error
◦ Make the correction
If the bank made an error
◦ Enter a transaction in the bank account register
to adjust your balance for the error
To void a check, double-click the
transaction in the Reconcile window, select
the Edit menu and select Void Check and
then return to Reconcile window
QuickBooks automatically makes a reversing
entry using the date of the current bank
statement and same account that you used
on the original transaction
The two transactions cancel each other out
If the difference is not zero when you click
Reconcile Now in the Reconcile window:
◦ A transaction is created in the bank account for the
◦ The transaction is coded to the Reconciliation Discrepancies
expense account
To Correct the problem:
◦ Delete the transaction that is coded to Reconciliation
◦ Undo the Last Reconciliation
◦ Perform the bank reconciliation again correctly
Bounced checks are also know as NSF (nonsufficient funds)
Add two new transactions to your bank
account register:
◦ one for the amount of the check that bounced
◦ one for the fee charged by the bank
To charge your customers a service fee for
processing their NSF check, enter an Invoice
for the customer
Enter transaction in the bank account register
and code it to Bank Service Charges using the
actual date that the bank charged your
If your vendor charges an extra fee for
bouncing a check, enter a Bill (or use Write
Checks) and code the charge to the Bank
Service Charge account
Credit card accounts should be reconciled
every month
After the reconciliation of credit cards,
QuickBooks asks if it should:
◦ Write a check for payment now
◦ Enter a bill for payment later
If you don’t want to pay the whole amount
due on a credit card, edit the original Bill to
match the amount you actually intend to
Processing Transactions Online
Reconcile your checking account
Create bank reconciliation reports
Find errors during reconciliation
Correct errors found during reconciliation
Make corrections when QuickBooks
automatically adjusts the balance in a bank
Handle bounced checks
Reconcile credit card accounts and record a
bill for later payment
Online Banking