Romantic Atomic Love Affairs? ch?v=6nclUZoouHQ m/watch?v=L4w1Mp6Mc e4&feature=related Trivia: besides LSU, what university sings Hey Baby at games? 5 Love isn’t always romantic. Hotel Californian—Santa Barbara Atomic dating is more often needy, fast and brutal, the surroundings messy and cheap. Electrons exist in orbitals. We can think of these as Bohrbits…Standing Waves in 3 Dimensions. Of course 2-D is easier to see. Sand on a kettle drum! By this analogy, electrons would be where sand isn’t (sand sits at the nodes). 8 Bohrbits: More energy can afford more complexity. These are standing waves in three dimensions. 9 Crayola Periodic Table 1s 2s 3s 4s 2p 3p 4p 3d Coulomb's Law: opposites attract. q q F 2 r F - Slow, low-E electron Small radius - + Big radius Fast, high-E electron + Electron Configurations: how are electrons partitioned according to energy? Example: Calcium = 1s22s22p63s23p64s2 There are all kinds of mnemonic devices for this (see your textbook, and also the notes or ) but the easy solution is: Just follow the periodic table! But first a romantic (?) Southern riddle about Billy Joe and Annabelle Leigh* *With apologies to Edgar Allen Poe Mendeleev was even able to predict! One example: Eka-silicon (Ge) At.Wt. Color Density Predicted 1871 72 gray 5.5 Discovered 1886 72.6 gray 5.5 (g/cm3) Oxide Chloride B.P. Chloride (oC) EsO2 EsCl4 Under 100 GeO2 GeCl4 84 Meyer also saw periodicity. His version was physical—we can imagine it was size-based. But how do we know this??? Other things that repeat •Density •Boiling point •Melting point •Ionization energy (e.g., how hard to yank an electron away) •Which way do you think ionization energy goes? It is hard to steal electrons from the elements on the right side of the periodic table. 22 Electronegativity •Define: the "desire" an atom has for electrons •All atoms desire electrons—a matter of degree •Atoms at the very right of the table (with completely full shells) don't want to acquire more electrons. •Atoms near the right of the periodic table (with almost full shells) want electrons very badly. We say these atoms (like chlorine or fluorine) are electronegative. •Atoms on the left are glad (well, not too sad) to give them up. 1. The most electronegative atom is F. 2. Electronegativity is yet another thing that repeats. Major groups: most elements are metals! Group VIII are the Noble Gases •Too regal to react •All end in s2p6 *** •Example: Argon = 1s22s22p63s23p6 ***Except He (1s2) “We are not amused.” Group I and Group II = Metals Alkali metals, example Sodium not greedy at all—ready to lose electrons—its last electron was high-energy and “out there” ready to get stolen! Na = 1s22s22p63s1 Mg = 1s22s22p63s2 Group VII = Halides Example: Chlorine very greedy: Chlorine: 1s22s22p63s23p5 28 Transition metals: electrons galore, but not desperate to get rid of them—lots of protons to hold electrons where they are. example Iron: --Sea of electrons --certainly enough electrons to conduct electricity --but not desperate to get rid of them Fe: 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6 29 Nonmetals example Carbon: share and share alike C: 1s22s22p2 Si: 1s22s22p63s23p2 Metalloids example Silicon: can be "doped" to behave a little bit like metals; semiconductors Octet Rule: Chemistry often follows the rule of 8’s: Atoms try to end in s2p6 •Rule of 8's: the s2p6 configuration is very stable: noble gases •Atomic jealousy: every atom wants to look like s2p6--e.g., Na Na+1 •Why?---What is special about s2p6? Is there an easy answer? Who is more likely to encounter extraterrestrial life, you or one of these people? We repeat: electrons that are “out there” are more energetic…and more likely to be found by other atoms. - Slow, low-E electron + - Fast, high-E electron + Valence Electrons = Energetic, Outer Electrons The active electrons are called valence electrons. Inner shell electrons are “screened”—not so visible to alien atoms. Examples: Potassium has 19 electrons, but only 1 valence electron Carbon has 12 electrons, but only 4 valence electrons The number of valence electrons = the Group Number! Lewis Dot Structures show just the valence electrons By Octet rule, Chorine would rather be this anion: -1 Preview Cl2, O2, N2 examples Na & Br example Don’t worry, we’ll get LOTS more covalent examples later! Coulomb's Law: Can we explain Meyer’s size trends, ionization energies & electronegativity? F Compare Cl and Na Cl has q+ = 17 Na has q+ = 11 q q F 2 r Cl pulls harder on its electrons than Na. So….Cl will steal from Na…and put the electron in a smaller orbital, too, closer to nucleus. See? Cl is smaller. And Ar is smaller still. Then why does K get bigger again? More energy! K’s last electron has energy quantum number n=4 The last electron captured by the K nucleus was a fast, energetic one. The last electron placed determines what the atom wants to do. Types of Bonds: Quick Intro Ionic Bonds: back to the legend of Billy and Annabelle Leigh Define: An ion is an atom or molecule that carries a net charge. Cation = + ion (lost an electron) Anion = - ion (gained an electron) Anions attract Cations Billy Joe pulls a wig out of his pocket, gives to Annabelle Leigh. Then they can snuggle. Billy Joe Cation Annabelle Leigh Anion Why do ions form? Ions form generally because atoms . Na + Na + e Note balance of charge! No charge on left side of arrow. None on right. Why do ions form? Ions form generally because atoms . Cl + e- Cl Note balance of charge! -1 charge on left side of arrow. -1 on right. The public debt of the U.S. is calculated to the penny! March 1, 2005: $7,701,629,503,518.55 October 5, 2011: $14,837,099,271,196.71 Your share: about $47,400 It goes up by about $13/day/person 45 Electrons & Protons do an even better balancing act. Balance to better than… 1 : 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 + + Fcoulombic for 1% imbalance of charges would lift Earth in its own gravity (from Feynman Lectures) 46 Isoelectronic = Same Electronic Configuration Ne / + Na / ++ Mg 47 A Note About Notation Mg++ means the same thing as Mg2+ Either is very different from something like Mg2+ (not a normal form of magnesium) DOWN (SUBSCRIPTS) = how many atoms UP (SUPERSCRIPTS) = how many charges 48 Left subs/supers vs. Right subs/supers protons + neutrons 22 protons electronic charge 1 2 how many Na 11 49 Oxidation means losing electrons. We have seen cases where atoms give up electrons to form cations. This is an example of oxidation. Where do such electrons go? Reduction: gaining electrons 50 Example: chloride anion Consider the case where chlorine gets reduced (gains an electron) Cl = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 Cl + e- Cl- 51 Let’s do another, more highly charged, anion N = 1s2 2s2 2p3 Let it gain three electrons to become nitride: 52 Suppose we repeat with Mg and F Mg Mg2+ + 2e2e- + 2F 2FMg + 2F MgF2 It takes TWO Fluorines to soak up the TWO electrons from the ONE magnesium. Uh-oh….Here is our first atomic “three-way.” 54 One oxygen could serve same "soakup" function as 2 fluorides. Mg Mg2+ + 2e2e- + O O2_____________________________________ Mg + O MgO Magnesium Oxide 55 Let’s do Na and N Let’s do Ca and N 56 Na and N answer 3 Na 3Na+ + 3e3e- + N N3______________________________________ 3Na + N Na3N Sodium nitride 57 Ca and N answer Ca Ca2+ + 2e3e- + N N3Doesn't balance! Multiply top by 3 and bottom by 2 3 Ca 3Ca+2 + 6e6e- + 2N 2 N3___________________________________________ 3Ca + 2 N Ca3 N2 Calcium nitride 58 Here’s a trick for predicting ionic compounds from the periodic table (Life and Chemistry are both full of tricks!) •Count how many electrons the metal must lose to become like a rare gas. (2 for calcium). •Give this number to the nonmetal. •Count how many electrons the nonmetal must gain to •become like a rare gas. (3 for nitrogen) •Give this number to the metal. 59 What do Si and O make? What do Al and O make? What do Fe and O make? (uh-oh) 60 Breaking Ionic Bonds… …..can be as simple as adding water NaCl Na+ + ClH2O Sometimes, it is much harder…. e.g., Al2O3 61 Covalent Bonding is The Gray Area of Electron Accounting Not everything is black and white like the all or nothing electron transfer of ionic bonds. Ionic bonds can't explain molecules like Cl2. Both atoms in a Cl2 molecule want the electrons equally. ....But the octet rule still can! 62 Think of atoms like people: Ionic People Matching Set Oxygen, Fluorine Potassium, Cesium 63 Covalent People Silicon Carbon 64 65 Sample Covalent Bonding 66 Let’s do oxygen, O2 67 Oxygen Answer 68 2 covalent electrons in one orbital = 1 covalent bond 69 Do Nitrogen, N2 70 Q. Are we ready for complex covalent molecules yet? A. Almost. Astaxanthin, a member of the carotenoid family, is part of a nutritious diet—for lobsters and shrimp. These crustaceans bind astaxanthin to the protein β-crustacyanin, which changes the shape of the astaxanthin molecules, turning them a gray-blue color. Cooking releases the molecules, returning them to their original bright red color. cook 71 72 73 74 75