
MCTS Guide to Microsoft
Windows Server 2008
Applications Infrastructure
Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Chapter Nine
Configuring Windows Server 2008
Hyper-V Virtualization
• Define common terms associated with virtualization
• Describe the role virtualization plays in the
• Install and use the Hyper-V server role
• Create and work with Hyper-V virtual machines
• Configure virtual networks
• Work with virtual hard disks
• Manage and configure virtual machines
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
A Virtualization Primer
• Virtualization
– Process that creates a software environment to
emulate a computer’s hardware and BIOS
– Allows multiple OSs to run on the same physical
computer at the same time
• Virtual machine (VM)
– Virtual environment that emulates physical
computer’s hardware and BIOS
• Guest OS
– Operating system installed in a VM
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
A Virtualization Primer (cont’d.)
• Host computer and host operating system
– Physical computer and originally installed OS
• Hypervisor
– Virtualization software component that creates and
monitors the virtual hardware environment
• Type 1 hypervisor runs directly on the host computer’s
• Type 2 hypervisor is installed in a general purpose
host operating system, and host accesses host
hardware on behalf of the guest OS
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
A Virtualization Primer (cont’d.)
• Virtual disk
– Files residing on the host computer that represent a
virtual machine’s hard drive
• Virtual network
– Network configuration created internally by
virtualization software
• Snapshot
– Partial copy of a VM made at a particular moment
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Figure 9-1 Hyper-V architecture
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Figure 9-2 Hyper-V management console
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Virtualization in the IT Datacenter
• Type 1 hypervisors targeted mainly for production
virtualization in datacenters
• Applications for type 1 hypervisors
Consolidation of servers
Server Core installations
Test installations and upgrades
Test a preconfigured application
Test what-if scenarios
Live migration
Dynamic provisioning
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Hyper-V Installation
• Prerequisites for Hyper-V installation
– 64-bit version of Windows Server 2008 Standard,
Enterprise, or Datacenter Edition
– CPU must support virtualization extensions
– Free disk space at least equal to the minimum
requirement for the OS to be installed
– RAM at least equal to the minimum amount for
Windows Server 2008 plus the minimum amount for
the OS being installed
• Cannot install Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008
that is itself running as a virtual machine
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Hyper-V Licensing Considerations
• Must have proper license for the guest OS
• Windows Server 2008 with Hyper-V includes
licenses for virtual instances of Windows Server
– Standard edition includes one license for a virtual
instance of Windows Server 2008
– Enterprise edition includes licenses for four virtual
– Datacenter edition includes licenses for unlimited
virtual instances
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-1: Install the Hyper-V Role
on Windows Server 2008
• Log on to your Windows Server 2008 computer as
– If Server Manager doesn’t start, click the server icon
in the Quick Launch toolbar
• In the left pane of Server Manager, click Roles
• Click Add Roles in the Roles Summary pane on the
– In the Before You Begin window, review the
information, and then click Next
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-1: Install the Hyper-V Role
on Windows Server 2008 (cont’d.)
• In the Select Server Roles window, click to select
the Hyper-V check box, and click Next
• Read the information and click Next
• Select the check box next to the name of your
network adapter, and click Next
• Click Install, then Close, then Yes to restart your
• Log on after restart and click Close
• Click Roles in Server Manager’s left pane
• Close all open windows
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Creating Virtual Machines in Hyper-V
• Creating a virtual machine
– Start the New Virtual Machine wizard from Hyper-V
– Give the new VM a descriptive name
– Choose a location for the VM
– Assign the amount of memory this VM requires
– Configure networking
– Create a virtual hard disk
– Install an OS
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-2: Create a Virtual Machine
• Log on to your server as Administrator
• Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, click
Hyper-V Manager
• Click your server name in the left pane of Hyper-V
– In the Actions pane, click New, Virtual Machine
• Click Next
• Type VMTest in the Name text box, and click Next
• Verify the value in the Memory text box is 512MB
– Click Next
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-2: Create a Virtual Machine
• Click the Connection list arrow in the Configure
Networking window, and click your network
connection in the drop-down list
• Enter the virtual hard disk’s name, size, and
location, and click Next
• In the Installation Options window, click the Install
an operating system from a boot CD/DVD-ROM
option button, and click Next
• Click Finish
• Close all open windows
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-3: Install Windows Server
2008 on a Virtual Machine
• Log on to your server as Administrator
• Insert your Windows Server 2008 installation DVD
• If necessary, click Start, point to Administrative
Tools, and click Hyper-V Manager
• In the center pane, right-click the virtual machine
you created in Activity 9-2 and click Connect
• Click Action, Start from the menu
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Figure 9-3 A virtual machine before it’s started
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MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-3: Install Windows Server
2008 on a Virtual Machine (cont’d.)
• Installation is identical to Windows Server 2008
installation steps in Chapter 1, Activity 1-1
– Except press Ctrl-Alt-End instead of Ctrl-Alt-Delete
to log on
• Shut down the virtual machine after logging on
– Click Start, Shutdown
• Close all open windows
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Basic Virtual Machine Management
with Hyper-V Manager
• Virtual machine runs in the background
– Until you connect to it with Hyper-V Manager
• Can manage a VM remotely if the VM is configured
to communicate with the host network
• Hyper-V Manager layout
– Middle pane shows installed VMs
– Operations column
– Snapshots section
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Figure 9-4 Hyper-V Manager showing five virtual machines
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Basic Virtual Machine Management
with Hyper-V Manager (cont’d.)
• Methods of connecting to a VM
– Right-click the VM and click Connect
– Double-click the VM
– Select the VM and double-click its screen shot in the
bottom section
– Select the VM and click Connect in the Actions pane
• Virtual Machine Connection console toolbar icons
– Ctrl-Alt-Delete, start, turn off, shut down, save,
pause, reset, snapshot, revert
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Figure 9-5 The Virtual Machine Connection console
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-4: Work with Virtual
Machines in Hyper-V Manager
• Log on to your host server as Administrator
• Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click
Hyper-V Manager
• Right-click the virtual machine you created in
Activity 9-2 and click Connect
• If the VM was powered down, power it on by
clicking the Start toolbar icon in the connection
console or clicking Action, Start from the menu
– Go immediately to the next step
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-4: Work with Virtual
Machines in Hyper-V Manager
• While Windows is booting, close the connection
• Double-click the VM’s screen shot to open the
connection console to your VM
• After Windows finishes booting, click the Ctrl-AltDelete toolbar icon
• Enter the password for the Administrator account
• Close any open windows in the VM until only the
desktop is displayed
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-4: Work with Virtual
Machines in Hyper-V Manager
• Click Start, type notepad in the Start Search text
box, and press Enter to start Notepad
• Type your name in a new text document, then click
• Close the virtual machine console
– Open the VM by double-clicking it
– Start the VM by clicking the Start toolbar icon
• Save the Notepad file to your desktop as File1.txt
• Click the Snapshot toolbar icon
– Type the name BeforeDeletingFile1, then click Yes
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-4: Work with Virtual
Machines in Hyper-V Manager
• Minimize your VM, and note snapshot is listed
– Maximize your VM and delete the Notepad file
– Empty the recycle bin
• Click the Revert toolbar icon
• Click Revert when prompted, and the Notepad file
returns to the desktop
• Right-click the VM in Hyper-V Manager, and click
– Click the Shutdown button when prompted
• Close Hyper-V Manager
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Advanced VM Creation
• Other methods to create virtual machines
– Importing an exported VM
– Copying the virtual disk
– Converting a physical machine to a virtual machine
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Importing an Exported VM
• Virtual machines can be exported and imported
– To create one or more new virtual machines
• VM must be turned off to be exported
• Can choose option to only export the VM
– VM’s hard drive is not exported
• Exporting a VM does not change the original VM
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-5: Export and Import a VM
• Log on to your host server as Administrator
• Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click
Hyper-V Manager
• Click to select VMTest you created earlier
– In the Actions pane, under VMTest, click Export
– In the Export Virtual Machine dialog, click Browse to
select the Export Path
• In the Select Folder screen, click New Folder and
name it VMExport
– Click Select Folder
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-5: Export and Import a VM
• In the Export Virtual Machine dialog, notice the
checkbox labeled “Export only the virtual machine
– If you check the box, the VM’s hard drive data is not
exported, so leave it unchecked
– Click Export
• Hyper-V Manager Operations column shows
progress of the exporting operation
• Right-click VMTest and click Rename
– Type VMTest1
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-5: Export and Import a VM
• Click Import Virtual Machine in the Actions pane
– Click Browse
– Double-click VMExport and then click VMTest
– Click Select Folder
• Leave option to Reuse old virtual machine IDs
– Click Import
• Rename the new VM to VMTest2
• Close Hyper-V Manager
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Figure 9-6 Importing a VM
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Copying a Virtual Disk
• Steps to copy a virtual disk
– Shut down the VM currently using the virtual disk
before you copy it
– Copy the virtual hard disk from an existing VM to a
new folder or rename to leave in same folder
– Create a new VM and choose Use an existing virtual
hard disk option on the Connect Virtual Hard Disk
– Browse to the copied virtual hard disk
– Finish the New Virtual Machine wizard
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Convert a Physical Machine to a
Virtual Machine
• Tools to create a virtual machine from a physical
– Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager
• Has a Convert physical server wizard
– Download the free disk2vhd utility from
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Hyper-V Virtual Networks
• Types of Hyper-V virtual networks
No network at all
• Click Virtual Network Manager in the Actions pane
to create, delete, and modify virtual networks
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
External Virtual Network
• Binds a virtual network to one of the host’s physical
network adapters
– Virtual machine accesses a LAN connected to the
• One external network can be created per physical
network adapter
• Used when external computers must access the
VM or VM must have access to external network
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Figure 9-8 A host and VM connected
through an external virtual network
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-6: Work with External Virtual
• Log on to your host server as Administrator
• Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and click
Hyper-V Manager
• Click Virtual Network Manager in the Actions pane
– Click the virtual network listed under New virtual
• Click Remove to delete the virtual network, click
OK, and click Yes
• Open Network and Sharing Center and click
Manage Network Connections
– Close Local Area Connection Properties
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-6: Work with External Virtual
Networks (cont’d.)
• In Hyper-V Manager, click Virtual Network Manager
– Click New virtual network if necessary
– Click External if necessary
– Click Add to create a new external virtual network
• Type ExternalNet1 in the Name box under New
Virtual Network, click OK, click Yes
• Open the Network Connections screen and view
properties of Local Area Connection and Local
Area Connection 2
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Figure 9-11 The physical NIC bound to the virtual
switch protocol (left) and the new virtual NIC
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-6: Work with External Virtual
Networks (cont’d.)
• Right-click VMTest1 and click Settings
• Click Network Adapter in the left pane under
– Click ExternalNet1 in the right pane under the
selection arrow for network, and click OK
– Follow the same procedure for VMTest 2
• Start both VMTest1 and VMTest 2
– Ping the default gateway and you should be
– If not, may need to change settings on the VM
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-6: Work with External Virtual
Networks (cont’d.)
• Turn off the firewall on both VMs
Open Network and Sharing Center
Click Windows Firewall
Click Turn Windows Firewall on or off
Click Off
Click OK
• Verify that you can ping from VMTest1 to VMTest 2
and vice versa
• Close all open windows
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Internal Virtual Network
• Allows virtual machines and the host computer to
communicate with one another
• Does not provide VMs access to the physical
• Not bound to any of the host’s physical NICs
• Used in test and lab environments in which you
want the VMs to be isolated from the physical
network but able to communicate with the host
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Figure 9-12 An internal virtual network – only the
host can communicate with the virtual machines
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-7: Work with Internal Virtual
• Log on to host server as Administrator
• Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, click
Hyper-V Manager
• Click Virtual Network Manager in the Actions pane
– Click Internal, and click Add
• Type InternalNet1 in the Name box, click OK
• Open Network and Sharing Center and click
Change adapter settings
– Open the Properties of the new connection
– Close Local Area Connection 3 Properties
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-7: Work with Internal Virtual
Networks (cont’d.)
• Right-click Local Area Connection 3 and click
Status and then Details
– Write down the IP address
– Close all Windows except Network and Sharing
Center and Hyper-V Manager
• Click Windows Firewall, click Turn Windows
Firewall on or off, and click Turn off Windows
Firewall for each network location
– Click OK
– Close Windows Firewall
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-7: Work with Internal Virtual
Networks (cont’d.)
• In Hyper-V Manager, right-click VMTest1 and click
Under Hardware, click Network Adapter
In the Network selection box, click InternalNet1
Click OK
Close Windows Firewall and Network and Sharing
• Double-click VMTest1 to connect to it
– If the VM is not running, start it now
– Log on to VMTest1
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-7: Work with Internal Virtual
Networks (cont’d.)
• Open a command prompt on VMTest1 and type
ipconfig and press Enter
• Type ping host-address
• Start and connect to VMTest2 and determine its IP
– From VMTest1, try to ping VMTest2
– Ping will not be successful since they are no longer
connected to the same virtual network
• Connect VMTest2 to InternalNet1
– Ping VMTest2 from VMTest1 and vice versa
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Private Virtual Network
• VMs connected to the private virtual network
cannot communicate with the host computer
• Creating a private virtual network
– Does not create a new network connection on the
host computer
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Figure 9-13 An private virtual network – the host
does not communicate with the virtual machines
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Communicating Between Hyper-V
• Two different methods for isolating VMs in their
own private network while allowing access to other
private networks or an external network
– Create an external and private virtual network
(Figure 9-14)
– Create an internal virtual network and enable routing
on the host machine so that it routes between
internal and physical networks (Figure 9-15)
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Figure 9-14 Routing between a private and
external virtual network
Figure 9-15 Routing between an internal
network and the physical network
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Using Virtual LAN IDs
• Allow creating subnets, or broadcast domains, on a
single external or internal virtual network
• Enabling VLANs for a virtual network
– Click Enable virtual LAN identification for parent
partition checkbox on the Virtual Network Manager
– Physical NIC on the host must support VLANs
– Choose an ID number in the Virtual Network
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Working with Virtual Hard Disks
• File on a host computer with .vhd extension
• Virtual hard disks are more flexible than physical
• Three types of virtual hard disks
– Dynamically expanding
– Fixed size
– Differencing
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Creating and Modifying Virtual Disks
• Choose the type of disk in the New Virtual Hard
Disk wizard
• Disks are created in a default location unless you
specify a different path
• Can modify certain aspects of the disk using the
Edit Virtual Hard Disk wizard
• Disk editing options available
– Compact
– Convert
– Expand
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Creating and Modifying Virtual Disks
• Disk editing options available (cont’d.)
– Merge
– Reconnect
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-8: Create a Dynamically
Expanding Virtual Disk
• Log on to your host server as Administrator
• Open Hyper-V Manager, if necessary
• In the Actions pane, click New, Hard Disk
– On the Before You Begin screen, click Next
• On the Choose Disk Type screen accept the
default of Dynamically expanding and click Next
• On the Specify Name and Location screen, type
– Click Next
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-8: Create a Dynamically
Expanding Virtual Disk (cont’d.)
• On the Configure Disk screen, type 2 in the Size
box, and click Next
• On the Completing the New Virtual Hard Disk
Wizard screen, review options and click Finish
• Make sure that VMTest1 is powered off
– If it isn’t, shut down the VM now
– In Hyper-V Manager, right-click VMTest1 and click
• Click IDE Controller 0 (or the name of the controller
the first virtual disk is connected to)
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Activity 9-8: Create a Dynamically
Expanding Virtual Disk (cont’d.)
• Click Add, click Browse, click VMTest1-2.vhd and
click Open, click OK
• In Hyper-V Manager, double-click VMTest1 and
click the Start icon
– Logon to VMTest1 and click Start, Computer
• In VMTest1, click Start and type diskmgmt.msc,
press Enter, click OK
• Right-click the box next to Disk 1 and click New
Simple Volume
– Accept default options and close Disk Management
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-8: Create a Dynamically
Expanding Virtual Disk (cont’d.)
• Create a new folder on the E: drive and create a
new text file in the new folder
• Shut down VMTest1
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Activity 9-9: Convert a Dynamic Disk
to a Fixed Disk
• Log on to your host server as Administrator
• Open Hyper-V Manager, if necessary
• Right-click VMTest1 and click Settings
– Click the VMTest1-2.vhd Hard Drive and click Edit
• On the Choose Action screen, click Convert and
click Next
• On the Convert Virtual Hard Disk screen, click
Browse and type VMTest1-2Fixed.vhd and click
– Click Next
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Activity 9-9: Convert a Dynamic Disk
to a Fixed Disk (cont’d.)
• On the Completing the Edit Virtual Hard Disk
Wizard screen, click Finish
• When the conversion is finished, click Browse
– Click VMTest1-2Fixed.vhd, Open to attach the fixed
disk to VMTest1
– Click OK
• In Hyper-V Manager, double-click VMTest1 and
click the Start icon
– Logon to VMTest1, click Start, Computer
– Explore the E: drive to verify the files you created in
the last activity are still there
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Activity 9-9: Convert a Dynamic Disk
to a Fixed Disk (cont’d.)
• It is now safe to delete the old dynamic disk
(named VMTest1-2.vhd) if desired
– Shut down VMTest1
– Stay logged on to your server if you are going on to
the next activity; otherwise shut down your host
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Activity 9-10: Create a New VM and
Attach a Differencing Disk
• Log on to your host server as Administrator
• Open Hyper-V Manager, if necessary
• Right-click VMTest2 and click Settings
– Note the name and location of the virtual hard drive
attached to VMTest2
– Click Remove to detach the virtual hard disk from
– Click OK
• Open an Explorer window, browse to the location
of the virtual hard disk, rename as VMParent.vhd
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Activity 9-10: Create a New VM and
Attach a Differencing Disk (cont’d.)
• In Hyper-V Manager click New, Hard Disk, Next
• On the Choose Disk Type screen, click
Differencing, Next
• On the Specify Name and Location screen, type
VMTest2Diff.vhd, click Next
• On the Configure Disk screen, click Browse,
– Click Open, Next, Finish
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Activity 9-10: Create a New VM and
Attach a Differencing Disk (cont’d.)
• Repeat steps from prior slide but this time, type the
name VMTest3Diff.vhd
• In Hyper-V Manager, right-click VMTest2 and click
– Click IDE Controller 0 and click Add
• Click Browse and click VMTest2Diff.vhd, click
Open, OK
• Click New, Virtual Machine, Next
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
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Activity 9-10: Create a New VM and
Attach a Differencing Disk (cont’d.)
• Type VMTest3 in the Name box and click Next
– Click Next to accept the default amount of memory
– Choose InternalNet1 for the network connection and
click Next
• On the Connect Virtual Hard Disk screen, click Use
an existing virtual hard disk, click Browse
– Click VMTest3Diff.vhd, click Open, Next, Finish
• Start VMTest2 and VMTest3, and verify the size of
the differencing disk
• Shut down your VMs
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Pass-through Disks
• Physical disk attached to the host that is in the
offline state
• Can only be connected to a VM if it has been
initialized and set to offline status
• Works like a virtual disk except cannot use any disk
editing options on a pass-through disk
• Cannot take snapshots or use a differencing disk
• SQL servers and high-performance cluster servers
may benefit from the VM using a pass-through disk
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Managing Virtual Machines
• Additional features to manage and configure the
virtual environment
Virtual machine hardware settings
Integration services
Automatic start and stop actions
Managing snapshots
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Virtual Machine Hardware Settings
• Hardware settings that can be configured
– BIOS settings
– Modifying amount of memory allocated to a VM
– Virtual processor settings
• Most settings cannot be changed unless the VM is
powered off
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BIOS Settings
• Two options you can change
– Num Lock status on startup
– Boot order
Figure 9-21
BIOS settings
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Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Memory Allocation
• Configure the amount of memory a VM is allocated
from the host computer:
– When you create the VM
– Can also change the amount after the VM is created
• Account for memory needs of other VMs that will
run simultaneously
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Virtual Processor Settings
• Adjust how many virtual processors are assigned
to the virtual machine
– Up to the number of physical processors or
processor cores installed on the host computer
Figure 9-22
Virtual processor settings
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Integration Services
• Provide enhanced drivers for the guest OS
• Improve performance of IDE and SCSI devices,
network interface, mouse, and video devices
• Emulated drivers
– Used when Integration Services is not installed
• Examples of additional services
Operating system shutdown
Time synchronization
Data exchange
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Automatic Start and Stop Actions
Figure 9-24 Automatic Start Action
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Automatic Start and Stop Actions
Figure 9-25 Automatic Stop Action
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Managing Snapshots
• Can create up to 50 snapshots per VM
• Can revert your VM to any of the saved snapshots
• Once a snapshot is created, cannot change the
snapshot location for that VM
• Should always use Hyper-V Manager to delete
• Snapshots decrease the disk performance of the
virtual machine
• Snapshots must be deleted before expanding a
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Reverting to and Applying Snapshots
Figure 9-26 The snapshot Revert option
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Reverting to and Applying Snapshots
Figure 9-27 The snapshot Apply option
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MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
• Virtualization creates an emulated computer
environment that allows multiple OSs to run on the
same physical computer at the same time
• Key applications for virtualization include server
consolidation, testing, live migration, and dynamic
• VMs are created using Hyper-V Manager
• Three types of virtual networks exist
– External, internal, and private
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)
Summary (cont’d.)
• Three types of virtual hard disks can be created
– Dynamically expanding
– Fixed size
– Differencing
• A pass-through disk is an offline physical disk
attached to the host
• Many aspects of a VM’s physical environment can
be configured
– BIOS settings, memory allocation, and virtual
processor settings
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Applications
Infrastructure Configuration (Exam # 70-643)