State and Local Government Review Which county official is elected rather than appointed? A) COUNTY REGISTRAR B) COUNTY CLERK C) COUNTY COMMISSIONER D) COUNTY ROAD SUPERVISOR What is the LARGEST budget expenditure for the state of Georgia? EDUCATION Which of the following cannot be taxed in Georgia? a) LOANS b) RENT c) DIVIDENDS d) SALARY What are the requirements in Georgia that must be met in order to be able to vote? a) MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE. b) MUST BE REGISTERED. c) MUST BE A CITIZEN AND A GEORGIA RESIDENT. crisis, which spending area cannot be completely eliminated, according to Georgia law? a) OPERATIONS b) TRANSPORTATI ON c) EDUCATION What is the maximum number of counties allowed in Georgia? 159 An amount of money spent by a government for some specific purpose. WHAT IS AN EXPENDITURE? A city with its own government. WHAT IS A MUNICIPALITY? A government that is created for a single purpose or to perform one specific job. WHAT IS A SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICT a tax placed on a worker’s wages or salary. WHAT ARE INCOME TAXES? What type of government is the Gwinnett County Public School system? SPECIAL PURPOSE How does a city receive its power? FROM A CHARTER GRANTED BY THE STATE County governments are created by the state legislature to carry out state laws and programs. WHAT ARE THE FUNCTIONS OF COUNTY GOVERNMENTS? When it comes to revenue what do State, County, Municipalities have in common? ALL THREE CAN COLLECT SALES TAX. The mayor services as a IN A CITY figurehead GOVERNMENT WHERE THE CITY COUNCIL MAKES THE MAJOR DECISIONS, WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE Georgia’s sources of income are what ???? SPECIAL FEES COLLECTED BY STATE AGENCIES LOTTERY FUNDS SALES TAXES INCOME AND PROPERTY TAX They are Georgia’s largest source of income! IN GEORGIA, INCOME TAXES ACCOUNT FOR WHAT? What percent of Georgia’s revenue comes from sources other than income taxes? LESS THAN 50 PERCENT On what is the largest percentage of state funds spent? EDUCATION major decisions= the council IN A “WEAK” MAYORCOUNCIL TYPE OF CITY GOVERNMENT, WHO MAKES THE MAJOR DECISIONS? In a council/manager type of city government, the city council hires a manager to run the day-to-day business and operations. HOW DOES A CITY MANAGER GET HIS/HER JOB? A council-manager system and a mayor-council system are examples of which type of government? CITY An elected Board of Commissioners THE LEADERSHIP OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT IN It is Georgia’s LARGEST source of budget revenue!!! WHAT IS SO SIGNIFICANT ABOUT THE Any type of money (income) that the government receives. WHAT IS STATE REVENUE? Marta is what type of government? . SPECIAL-PURPOSE FORM OF GOVERNMENT It is the largest source of revenue for county governments in Georgia. WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF PROPERTY TAXES? In city government, which executive is hired rather than elected? CITY MANAGE R Everyone in Georgia lives within a county. WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT COUNTY POPULATIONS IN GA? major decisions= the mayor IN A “STRONG” MAYORCOUNCIL TYPE OF CITY GOVERNMENT, WHO MAKES THE MAJOR DECISIONS? What do we call an amount of money spent by a government for some specific purpose? EXPENDI TURE What is the LARGEST budget expenditure for the state of Georgia? EDUCAT ION Which term describes a city with its own government? MUNICIP ALITY Are airport & seaport authorities included in Specialpurpose district forms of government? YE S What is a tax placed on a worker’s wages or salary? INCOME TAX Which type of government receives its power from a charter? CITY Which form of government is created by the state legislature to carry out state laws and programs? COUNT What are the three levels of Government that collect sales tax. STATE COUNTY MUNICIPAL In which type of city government does the mayor make the major decisions? “STRONG” MAYOR-COUNCIL In which type of city government does the city council make the major decisions, with the mayor serving as a figurehead? “WEAK” MAYORCOUNCIL Where does Georgia’s largest source of income come from? INCOME TAXES What do we call a government that is created for a single purpose or to perform one specific job? SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICT In which type of city government does the city council hire a manager to run the day-to-day business and operations? COUNCILMANAGER A council-manager system and a mayor-council system are examples of which type of government? CITY An elected Board of Commissioners is an example of which type of government? COUNT Y What is the state of Georgia’s LARGEST source of budget revenue? STATE INCOME TAX What is any type of money (income) that a government receives called? REVEN UE The Gwinnett County Public School system is an example of which type of local government? SPECIAL PURPOSE What is the largest source of revenue for county governments? PROPERT Y TAXES Which government executive is hired rather than elected? CITY MANAGE R Everyone in Georgia lives under which form of local government? COUN TY What is the LARGEST budget expenditure for the state of Georgia? EDUCAT ION Which county official is elected rather than appointed? A) COUNTY REGISTRAR B) COUNTY CLERK C) COUNTY COMMISSIONER D) COUNTY ROAD SUPERVISOR What is the LARGEST budget expenditure for the state of Georgia? EDUCAT ION Which of the following cannot be taxed in Georgia? a) LOANS b) RENT c) DIVIDENDS d) SALARY What are the requirements in Georgia that must be met in order to be able to vote? a) MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE. b) MUST BE REGISTERED. c) MUST BE A CITIZEN crisis, which spending area cannot be completely eliminated, according to Georgia law? a) OPERATIONS b) TRANSPORTATI ON c) EDUCATION What is the maximum number of counties allowed in Georgia? 159