Eric Harwell Growth and Development ANSC 590 Fall 2008 Serves several purposes: Basis of all movement of the body. Examples: Locomotion Digestion Vision Circulation And many other biological activities These are accomplished by the ability of muscle to contract and relax. In the body, two vital functions include: Conversion of chemical energy into mechanical. (not very efficient, ≥75% lost as heat) Maintenance of body temperature. Other functions of muscle in the body include: Communication via voice related structures Various body gestures and movements Muscle is converted to meat. Excellent source of protein and many other nutrients In developing countries, meat animals contribute significantly to the quality of the human diet. Optimizing muscle growth for meat production is a major goal of the meat industry. Although many other animal tissues are used for consumption, skeletal muscle is the most significant component of animal production. Three types Classified by their microstructure and means in which they are stimulated. Tissues contain unique set of proteins capable of interacting by sliding past each other (contraction) Smooth, Involuntary Arteries, veins, gastrointestinal tract Striated, Involuntary Cardiac muscle Striated, Voluntary Skeletal muscle Skeletal Muscle Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle Many shapes and sizes Examples: Semimembranosus is one of the largest muscles in the animal. Lower leg flexor muscles are 10,000 times lighter than semimembranosus. Semitendonosis muscle is long cylindrical muscle. Massater muscle in jaw is circular shape. Large cells bundled together in large network of connective tissue. Merge with each other to transmit greater contractile force to provide movement. Connective Tissue: Basis of all structural integrity of muscles. Several layers : Epimysium: outer most layer of connective tissue. Seperates muscles into distinct units. Provides avenues for nerves and blood vessels to enter/exit muscles. Connective Tissue: Perimysium: contain a number of smaller muscle fiber bundles. Several bundles encased within the epimysium layer. **intramuscular fat, marbling, is deposited between these bundles. Connective Tissue: Endomysium: surrounds muscle fibers within each perymisial bundle. Considered the major component of meat tenderness and changes with age. Lies adjacent to the muscle cell membrane. Encased in the endomysium layer. Multinucleated fiber is the basic cellular structure of muscle or meat. May extend the entire or partial length of the muscle. Cell Membrane Sarcolemma Similar functions to other cell membranes of other cell types. Unique to sarcolemma: Small invaginations spaced along surface of the cell which act as communication channels. The “inner making” of the skeletal muscle cell. Unique microfilamentous organelles of muscle fibers. Highly organized structures running entire length of the cell. Bathed in cytoplasm, which is rich in protein. Muscle cells contain 1,000-2,000 myofibrils. Smallest contractile unit of the muscle. Repeated structure represents the organization of myofibrils. made of many proteins that are directly involved in contraction. that regulate interactions of filaments that are required to stabalize the lattice work structure of the cell. A sarcomere is measure from Z-line to Z- line and mark the boundary or adjacent sarcomeres. ~~ 10,000 sarcomeres make up a myofibril. Aligned across entire muscle fiber, altering light and dark banding patterns are readily apparent microscopically. Straited appearance is the hallmark of skeletal and cardiac muscle. Length of sarcomere is related to tenderness Shorter= greater overlap of thick and thin filaments= tougher meat. Longer= less overlap of thick and thin filaments= tender meat. Illustrated Structure of a sarcomere: A- Band: Dense area in the middle, where thick filaments are located. H- Zone: small area within the A-band where thin filaments terminate from each half of the sarcomere, and only thick filaments are present. I- Band: consists of Z-line and thin filaments from adjacent sarcomeres. Shortens during contraction as a result of sliding filaments. Actin and myosin Myosin: Most abundant contractile protein. Occupies 80-87% of volume of muscle fibers. Is the “real” power component of muscle contraction because its unique structure allows it to pull actin filaments together. Actin: Second most abundant contractile protein. Consists of nearly 20% of total myofibrillar protein. broken down is made of G-actin and F-actin. binds to myosin to form actomyosin and contract. ACTIN MYOSIN