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Time Management and Planning Skills “It is vain to do with more what can be done with less” – William of Occam, the originator of Occam’s razor Pareto’s law states that 80 percent of our output is generated by 20 percent of our efforts. Imagine if you could work less and gain more ground weekly than you have been able to make up in the past few years. Time management is the key to this personal management skill. All of the awesome and productive workers that I have met successfully manage their time. You could probably work less and be much more at peace with yourself with some quality time-management training. Having time management skills is simply having the ability to recognize and solve time management problems. It is as the old adage says, to never put off for later what can be done right now. You can develop this personal management skill by keeping a calendar and beginning to schedule everything. You heard right, everything. This includes scheduling your free time and the time it takes to get from one meeting to another. Think about what happens when your scheduled meeting ends at 3:00pm and your next appointment is scheduled for 3:00pm. You are either going to leave the first meeting early or you will be late to your next appointment. You failed to schedule travel time between the meetings. When you take the time to plan your day’s activities and practice the discipline of following your daily plans you will develop the ability to start and finish projects when you are supposed to. You will also become much more adept at estimating how long a project or a task will take to accomplish. In addition, whatever you do, do not procrastinate. Procrastination is the number one offender against your ability to manage time.