Puritans - Cal State LA - Instructional Web Server

V. Puritanism
1. Unhappy with Reforms in English Church
2. Social unrest and increased Religious participation
a. change from Agricultural to Pastoral economy
b. thousands displaced
c. class conscience
i. could not question
3. opposed priesthood and monarchy - equality of believers
4. James I
a. divine rights of kings
b. closes House of Burgesses
c. a number of Puritans in Parliament
d. Persecution begins
5. Pilgrims seek Religious Freedom in Amsterdam (1608)
a. also known as separatists,
b. wanted to leave Church of England
6. North America and London Co. (1620)
a. Charter for rocky ground in north
i. intended to go to Chesapeake?
b. Mayflower Compact
c. 60 non puritans
i. all die off or leave
7. Charles I (1625)
a. banned Parliament 1629-1640
b. continues policies of his father
c. Great Puritan Migration (1630)
i. Puritans outnumber Pilgrims
8. Puritan beliefs
a. powerful vengeful God
b. man is depraved
c. extreme predestination - some elects others damned
i. no luck all God’s blessings or curse
e. signs demonstrate the elect
i. successful in calling
ii. conversion experience & expected from 15-17 yrs. old
iii. pious (devout) & self critical
H. New England
1. Dedham, Mass (1636) a common Puritan community
a. 30 families start, contract of beliefs & government
i. any new members have to agree with to same truth
b. assign land by consensus
i. 2 or 3 selectmen make decisions
ii. prominent have choice, larger lots
c. freeman vote
i. only elect become members
ii. 46 apply, 18 members in 3 years
2. Values (1630-1660s)
a. church and state united
i. church leaders run government - selectmen
a. Governor John Winthrop (1630s)
ii. religious crimes punished
iii. dissident religious opinion not tolerated
b. Education
i. first printing press in new world
ii. first compulsory elementary and secondary schools
iii. first college, Harvard (1636)
c. wealth put into family & community
i. Buildings a sign of successful community
ii. duty bound to be responsible & help others
3. Hiving Out
a. Roger Williams (1633)
i. separation of church and state
ii. complete removal from Church of England
iii. colonist illegally intruding on Indian land
iv. Exiled to England ?
v. Escapes to Narraganset Bay, Rhode Is.
b. Rhode Island Confederation
i. patent (1644)
ii. Charles II gives new charter (1663)
iii. freedom of religious opinion granted
iv. political offices elected inc. governor
c. Anne Hutchinson
i. in Boston challenges the inspiration of some preachers
ii. Antinomianism (stressed grace over individual efforts)
iii. daily communion with God possible
iv. tried for sedition, excommunicated and exiled (1637)
v. 6 months pregnant leaves for Portsmoth, New Hampshire
d. Other Settlements
i. John Weelwright & Antinomians to Exeter, NH
ii. Thomas Hooker (1636) to Hartford
I. The Commonwealth
1. Charles I taxes, no Parliament
2. Civil War (1642)
3. Oliver Cromwell and roundheads v. Charles and Cavaliers
4. Charles I executed (1649) but family escapes to France
5. Oliver Cromwell, Lord High Protector
a. good administrator
b. war with Dutch and wins their positions in North America
c. three sons unsuccessful
J. The Restoration
1. Charles II back & will not ban Parliament
2. New Englanders disillusioned
K. Puritan Decline
1. 2nd generation not as dedicated
2. Infant Baptism of member's children only
3. worried grandparents
4. "Half-way Covenant" formed at synod of 1662
a. baptism of children who are baptized not just members
b. 1/2 members could not take communion
c. 1/2 members could not vote in church matters
d. eventually they vote in civil matters
e. leads to decline of church