Latin IA

Latin IA
Final Exam Overview 2006
You will be responsible for:
Vocabulary- all through Chapter 16. As always, there are words in the book that we have
seen but have not used much. A good rule of thumb to follow is that if it has appeared on any of your
tests this year, it is likely to appear again!
Grammar - cumulative, but focus will be on Chapters 11-17, including Genitive Case,
Ablative Case, conjugating verbs in Present Tense and Imperfect Tense including irregular verbs
(sum, possum, volo, nolo, eo, fero), and neuter nouns. You must know the endings for Decl. 1-3,
including neuter, and how to use 1st-2nd Declension Adjectives.
History - You must know basic information about Roman history including the founding date
of Rome and the seven kings.
Translation - a somewhat long translation passage; from it you will translate most of it and
answer many different grammar and comprehension questions
e.g.: noun - case, number, gender, reason for case?
adjective - case, #, gender, modifies? verb - person, #, tense?
Specific sections on:
Imperfect Tense
Irregular verbs – sum and possum in present and imperfect
and eo, fero, volo, nolo in present and imperfect forms, imperative forms for nolo
Declining nouns - especially neuter ones
Noun-Adjective Agreement – 1st and 2nd Declension Adjectives
Uses of Ablative - means, manner, instr., time when/ww, with prepositions
Uses of Genitive - possession, family, full of/number of
Latin Sentence Composition - write a few sentences into Latin
Roman Life – multiple choice questions about the Roman Kings based on your reading
notes; study your notes! (not responsible for extra info on posters).
During the last week of classes we will review each of these and do practice work on them.
Don’t wait until the last minute to sign up for tutorial!
Get your notebook cleaned out. Save tests and quizzes from Ch 11-16.
Study a little vocabulary every day. You can’t re-learn it all in one night.