Faculty: Professional Development Plan, Example

Faculty Professional Growth Plan 2011-12
"Academic employees are encouraged . . . to participate in activities which will promote
professional growth, maintain the quality of educational offerings and enhance the individual’s
contribution to the general welfare of the college . . . [E]ach academic employee is required to
develop and review individually with his or her immediate supervisor a personalized professional
growth plan which (1) relates to his or her present or future instructional assignment and
professional interests, and (2) supports College goals and objectives."
- section 8.70, Negotiated Agreement, Tacoma Community
College and TCC Federation of Teachers, 2006
The intent of the written plan is to focus on instructor’s thoughts on their professional growth and
to be a basis for discussion with the Dean, in part so the Dean can be an informed advocate and
support for the teacher’s development activities. If an unanticipated professional development
opportunity arises during the academic year, meet with your Dean to discuss it.
Think about the classes you teach or will teach in the near future, the needs of your program or
department, changes and initiatives at TCC, new approaches to engendering learning, and new
developments in your discipline. Think about four broad areas of faculty work: teaching and
learning, curriculum relevance, governance and service, and community involvement. What do
you feel you need to learn, and how would you like to improve in the coming year to enhance
your effectiveness as a member of the TCC faculty?
Keep this plan simple. In section I, cut and paste from the previous year’s plan. Summarize last
year’s results in a paragraph. Describe your rationale for the new year in a paragraph or two.
Limit your learning goals to a small, achievable number. Limit the means for each goal to a small
number of realistic strategies.
Full-time Faculty : List a minimum of 3 relatively concrete and relevant-for-you improvement
goals which you can reasonably achieve in the next twelve months.
Adjunct Faculty : If you intend to request dollars for professional growth related to your TCC
instruction, please develop a plan which reflects one or two relevant-for-you learning
goals which you can reasonably achieve in the next twelve months.
Professional-technical Faculty : the state-required professional development plan for
professional-technical certification covers three years (initial certification) or five years
(standard certification); this TCC plan addresses activities for one year. Revisit your
current professional-technical professional development plan - from it copy relevant
activities for this new academic year and paste them into section II of this TCC plan.
Complete the following form (an expandable table in MS Word). Print a copy for yourself and email the plan to your Instructional Administrator no later than Friday, September 20, 2011.
Name of Faculty Member
I. Summary of your Professional Growth Plan for last year, 2010-11
List (copy and paste) your learning objectives for last year, 2010-11.
1. Enhance knowledge about electronic health record, 5010, & 1-10, and HITECH (Health
Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act).
2. I would like to focus on development of our Professional Practice Experience Sites for our
HIM program.
3. I would like to gain more knowledge and or training about Quality Matters.
Briefly summarize the professional learning activities you undertook during last year and the learning you
For the academic year 2010 – 2011 my first learning objective was to enhance my knowledge about the
EHR, 5010, and the various governmental acts such as HITECH. I was able to meet this goal by
participating in 2 conferences at Bellevue College in October of 2010. Despite the fact that TCC did not
reimburse me for these two conferences I went ahead and attended them anyway. I found this
information to be very valuable in my HIM 210 class and it was also helpful in explaining to my PPE
students the important changes that were taking place in many of the health care facilities that they
completed their PPEs in.
My second objective was to meet with each PPE site. I am happy to say that I did accomplish that goal by
visiting all the sites before and after my students completed their PPEs. I was able to secure new
contracts with the University of Washington and Group Health Cooperative. Furthermore, I was able to
reconnect with established sites after a long absence from sending students out to complete their PPEs. I
am very pleased thus far with the improvement that I have made on behalf of the HIM program in
establishing a connection with the health care organizations in our community to ensure that our students
are able to have hands on application and experience in the HIM arena.
My last objective was to gain more knowledge on QM. Unfortunately, I feel that I did not meet this goal
as I did not have the opportunity to take part in any sessions that were directly tied to QM. Although, I
did review various articles that I receive via email on QM and I did try to incorporate many suggestions
from these online articles into my classes throughout the year.
In addition I presented at the 2010 Pierce County Health Career Day. This was a wonderful opportunity
to introduce high school students to the career possibilities in HIM. Many of the students expressed an
interest in finding out more about the HIM profession. This is certainly an excellent community event to
participate in and I would encourage other professional/technical programs to participate.
I continue to work towards enhancing my HIM skills and ensure that I stay actively involved in the HIM
community in Tacoma and Seattle. I enrolled myself and once again paid out of pocket for training to
become a certified I10 Trainer. This will provide our program with two full time faculty that are trained in
I10 which will be part of our regular curriculum as we move I9 to the legacy system it will become for
HIM professionals I have successfully passed the I10 Train the Trainer assessment this September. I am
the President-Elect for Tacoma Health Information Management Association and therefore participate in
the community. In January I will become the President and I feel this will be an excellent time for me to
work with the community of HIM professionals and also let them know that TCC is here for them when
many HIM professionals will be looking for training in ICD-10-CM and PCS.
II. Professional Growth Plan for this year, 2011-12
Rationale : Think about the four broad areas of faculty work: teaching and learning, curriculum relevance,
governance and service, and community involvement. Why are you choosing to focus your growth this coming
year on the topics and means you are planning?
I have chosen the below goals for 2011 – 2012 academic year because I feel that all my goals tie directly
into the mission of TCC by addressing the first concept by creating an atmosphere of learning. Having
classes that are certified as “Quality Matters” helps students learn in an environment this IS providing
meaningful and relevant learning in the HIM program. Furthermore, it is my opinion it creates
consistency in our program which allows all students to achieve equity when taking the HIM classes. I
feel this gives the students the opportunity to be successful in our program.
The second and third goals also address the concept of learning but taking this concept to the community
by engaging the community. Our program (meaning Char and I) have long had the desire to present to
our HIM community on the national level. I feel this is an excellent opportunity for us to share best
practices with other HIM educational programs and to promote the TCC HIM program.
The third goal addresses the immediate needs of the community of HIM professionals by providing them
ICD-10-CM & PCS modules to train their personnel. ICD-10-CM & PCS training will be very expensive
for health care organizations.
Improvement Goals : what
skills/info would you like to learn,
what skills would you like to
What means and methods
(strategies) will you employ to
learn? What assistance do you
need? If working collaboratively,
identify the name of other
1. I would like to have at least 2
classes meet Quality Matters
(QM) criteria.
Work with eLearning in
developing a QM class content
for HIM 210 and 215.
End of 2012
2. Develop presentation to
present to Assembly On
Education (AOE) on Best
Practices for an RHIT Program
I plan to work with my chair
and develop a presentation that
instructs other RHIT program
chairs and faculty on best
practices for development,
modification, and
enhancements for online
programs specific to HIM.
July 2012
In collaboration with my chair I
plan to help create ICD-10-CM
End of 2012
3. Work with HIM chair to
develop and train HIM
completion date
List (retain) the
faculty role
appropriate for
this goal (delete
the others)
teaching &
teaching &
teaching &
professionals in ICD-10-CM
and PCS.
and PCS training materials for
HIM professionals in the
community. Our goal is to
create an online module that
will allow HIM facilities to train
staff in ICD-10-CM and PCS. I
believe this ties into the colleges
mission by
Learning means or strategies could include reading journals or books; participating in a faculty
reading/discussion group or a faculty learning community; enrolling in a class; participating in a
workshop, seminar, webinar, conference, or summer institute; creating & conducting a presentation for a
state or national conference; serving on a state or national task force; conducting a research or field
project or an Instructional Innovation Grant; creating a product, such as writing a paper or book for
publication; completing a sabbatical; being mentored; working as an intern or in a back-to-industry
practicum; and a variety of other means.
The TCC Professional Development Coordinator maintains a rolling list of state, regional and national
workshops & conferences.