Title - Vocabulary or Sight Word War Card Game

Vocabulary or Sight Word “War” Card Game
Primary Subject - Language Arts
Secondary Subjects - All Subjects
Grade Level - K-6
This game is a fun way to reinforce sight words, vocabulary
or spelling words using the old card game "War". This game
also works well with social studies or science terms.
Write the words on Post-its and then attach to the backs of
playing cards. Just use as many cards as you have words.
Shuffle and divide the cards up equally amongst players.
Each player lays down a card, playing card side up.
Whoever has the highest number on their card has to say,
spell and use the word in a sentence (or define it, however
you choose).
Older kids like to do this really fast, and all ages enjoy just
the competition aspect of it!
Great for virtually ANY subject matter!