Are computer and video games a harmless form of escapism or do

Are computer and video games a harmless form of escapism or do they make young people too aggressive and
can become addictive?
Video and computer games are nowadays very popular form of entertainment mostly for modern young generation.
In fact, children may spend many hours a day playing various online games. Does this fact have any possible effect
on their future social interactions or psychological development?
Playing aggressive shooting games might have a negative impact on psychological processes of young children.
Possibly, they would not be able to distinguish between the reality and fiction presented in the games after playing
them for many hours a day. This leads directly to the inappropriate aggressive solutions of daily problems.
Moreover, they may become socially isolated because of spending long periods of time inside a house without any
contact with their friends or family members.
On the other hand, playing computer games can be presented also as a passive relaxation. Moreover, online games,
which are played with other real people, could be a part of socialization with friends in the same age or similar. The
children have to cooperate with each other and make group solutions based on their communication. Furthermore,
playing games might lead to feelings of happiness when the child wins a particular match.
To sup up these possible positive and negative effects, I think that playing computer games in not such harmful
experience for the children if their parents take the risks reasonably and would not let their children play the games
for a long time.
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