Healthy Families of the Southwest

Healthy Families of the Southwest Success Stories
Healthy Families can impact two generations, helping the parent learn parenting skills and providing
learning opportunities for their child. The program also works to encourage positive parent/child
relationships which can be a protective factor for at risk children.
1. One success story is of a mother and father who moved here from Ohio, with two boys. The
younger boy was the target child (meaning the youngest child) but services were provided to
both boys. Both had severe behavioral problems, speech problems and the target child had
developmental delays. Mother and Father lacked parenting skills, our Family Support Worker
(FSW) was able to identify the delay and refer the child to Early Intervention, provide many
hours of teaching parenting skills and knowledge, referred family to mental health treatment,
provided support and encouragement throughout four years. The older child was identified by
mental health provider with two disorders and was put on medication which helped the child to
succeed in preschool. The FSW provided transportation to mental health appointments while
also providing activities that helped to build the parent/child relationship, promoted early
learning and information on a variety of topics. Both boys are now in school and are doing well,
both boys’ speech improved, negative behaviors decreased and Mother is now working full
2. Prior to entering the Healthy Families program with her current pregnancy, this pregnant Mom
had several miscarriages. She was married to a drug dealer, who had introduced her to drugs,
did not have access to transportation or a job, and was estranged from part of her family
because of the drug dependency. She had tried several different rehabilitation programs and
was unable to stay committed and clean. After beginning home visits with this expecting Mom,
the Family Support Worker was able to provide support and encouragement with the Mom in
small steps such as keeping OB appointments, preparing the baby’s room, making healthy eating
choices, and keeping drug therapy appointments. The FSW built a strong relationship with Mom
and was present at the birth of her baby. She brought items to Mom and baby while in the
hospital and visited several times before the family returned home to make sure Mom had what
she and baby needed. Over the course of the next year, the FSW was able to provide
transportation for Mom and baby, to referrals that helped mom access community services and
continue her drug therapy. Mom began cleaning homes and cutting hair for neighbors, friends
and family and began saving her money. She enrolled in short-term, on-line college classes,
continued saving money to pay for drug therapy, and began building a resume. Mom applied as
a temp for an agency on a part-time basis and began working and saving her money while rebuilding her relationship with her family. Mom found the courage to leave her current residence
with her husband, since it was unsafe and not helping her to live a drug free life. Mom moved in
with her parents, met and visited with additional family members, and re-gained the trust she
had lost during her drug addiction. Mom requested information regarding legal options and
custody from her FSW as she continued to grow and become more self-sufficient. The FSW
provided developmental information, activities, and books to use with the baby and offered
referrals when necessary or requested. The FSW was approached by the maternal grandmother
who thanked her for the support that her daughter so desperately needed. She said she was
glad that it was FSW had been able to give her the confidence she needed to be a great mom,
and that the Mom had shared with her the high regard she had for FSW and the program and
what it meant to her. Mom continued to work and saved enough money to buy a car. Mom has
currently been working full time for over 6 months and is ready to put a down payment on a
house and move out on her own.