AP Biology, Mrs. Stahl

AP Biology, Mrs. Stahl
Constructing Models- Second Quarter Project
Recreating a Cell Membrane, Prokaryotic Cell, and Eukaryotic Cell
Worth- Each model is worth 100 points, for a total of 300.
Objective: For the student to recreate a 3-D model of a cell membrane, prokaryotic cell
(bacteria), and eukaryotic cell (either a plant or animal cell). Also included with this project, a
colorful booklet needs to be made that accurately represents the functions related to the specific
cell / cell part. Please plan accordingly. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! If you plan on making
paper mache, play dough, etc you need to make sure you give yourself enough time for it to
harden and dry correctly so that it won’t fall apart. Please make the replicas colorful, vibrant, and
be creative. For helpful hints and other examples, simply Google search it or look on Pinterest.
Requirements: All structures must be labeled.
a. Cell Membrane- The cell membrane must accurately resemble a phospholipid bilayer
with the accompanying parts:
i. Hydrophilic heads and Hydrophobic tails
ii. Carbohydrate chains, glycoproteins, glycolipids, channel proteins,
cholesterols, peripheral proteins, integral proteins, and carrier proteins.
b. Prokaryotic Cell- Prokaryotes are the simplest organisms with very little internal
structure; this is why they can replicate so fast. Use page 63 in your textbook as a
reference. Your model must include:
i. Cell wall, cell membrane, flagella, pili, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and a
nucleoid (DNA).
c. Eukaryotic Cell- Choose either a plant or animal cell to replicate. Each organelle must
be accurately represented. Use page 66 and 67 in your textbook as a reference.
i. Each model must include all of the organelles with the correct labels:
Cell wall (plant only)
Central Vacuole (plant only) Chloroplast (plant only)
Centrioles (animal only)
Lysosomes (animal only)
Cell membrane
Nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear pores, nuclear membrane
Smooth and Rough ER
Golgi apparatus
Flagella (animal)
Cilia (Animal only)
Intermediate filament
Due Dates: Cell Membrane and Prokaryotic Cell- December 12th and the Eukaryotic CellDecember 18th