Cell Membrane/Cell Structure Worksheet

Cell Membrane/Cell Structure Worksheet
1. What type of molecule is the most abundant molecule in most types of membrantes?
2. The above molecule is an amphipatic molecule. What does this mean?
3. How are the phospholipid molecules arranged in a cell membrane?
4. What does the “fluid mosaic model” of the cell membrane propose as far as structure
of the membrane is concerned?
5. What is an “Integral Protein” and what would be the hydrophobic and hydrophilic
structure of this type of protein?
6. What are “Peripheral Proteins”, and what are their general functions?
7. Where are carbohydrate molecules located in association with the cell membrane?
8. What is the usual structure of the cell membrane associated carbohydrates and what is
their general function?
9. Protists, plants, fungi, and animals are all composed of _________________ cells.
10. Bacteria and the archaea have _____________________ cells.
11. Bacterial cells lack a nucleus but the DNA is concentrated in a region called the
12. What structures found in a eukaryotic cell are not found in a prokaryotic cell?
13. What is the structure of the cell membrane of a prokaryotic cell?
14. What do you find in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell?
15. What is the nucleolus composed of?
16. What is “chromatin”?
17. How is the structure of the nuclear membrane different from that of the cell
18. What is the function of ribosomes, where are they located in the cell (three places),
and what types of proteins to the different localized ribosmes produce?
19. What is the ER, what is the structure of the ER, and what is the ER membrane
contiguous with?
20. What are the two distinct types of ER?
21. What is the function of the smooth ER?
22. What is the function of rough ER?
23. What are the functions of the Golgi apparatus?
24. What is the structure of the Golgi apparatus?
25. The Golgi receives material from the _______________.
26. Can the Golgi manufacture biological molecules? If yes, explain.
27. How do vesicles that bud off of the Golgi “know” where to go?
28. What are Lysosomes, and what are the functions of Lysosomes?
29. What organelle produces Lysosomes?
30. What is the structure of a Mitochondrion?
31. What is the function of a Mitochondrion?
32. What is found inside a Mitochondrion besides membranes?
33. Are mitochondria found in all eukaryotic cells? How about in prokaryotic cells?
34. What types of filaments and tubules are found in the Cytoskeleton?
35. What are the functions of the Cytoskeleton?
36. What are Centrosomes and Centrioles, and their function?
37. What is the structure of a Centriole?
38. What is the structure of a cilium or a flagella?
39. What is a “Tight Junction”, what is a “Desmosome”, and what is a “Gap Junction”?
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