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The Diocese of Nottingham
Alvaston Street, Alvaston. Derby DE24 0PA
Telephone: (01332) 572154
LeadershipTeam: Dr E Field, J.Grattidge, C.Endsor, P. Harlow
5th January 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians and Pupils,
Happy New Year: On behalf of all the
staff may we wish all our pupils,
parents and their families a truly
blessed and very happy 2016.
Thank you: for your many cards and
your donations to CAFOD. We still
have some CAFOD money coming in
and the children will then choose
which World Gift they would like to
Crossing the Threshold: Father Mark
would like to thank the many parents
and pupils who attended the
Christingle Service and the Christmas
masses. The parishioners were
delighted to see so many Saint John
Fisher families in church.
Our next Crossing the Threshold event
will be on Tuesday 2nd February,
Candlemas day @ 6:30pm at
English Martyrs. The children will
have made a prayer wheel that they
will bring to the mass. Fr Mark would
love to see as many of you there as
Welcome: to both Jessica Willmott
who joined our office team in
November and Frank Webster who
has taken on the new role as Premises
Maths Club – Calling all parents!
Professor Popenshtinken’s Magical
Maths": is a 6 week Maths club
‘where you can meet some crazy and
wonderful characters, and learn some
truly mind blowing maths tricks. You
will learn how to calculate impossible
numbers in your head, read minds,
play maths learn how to calculate
impossible numbers in your head, read
minds, play maths sport and solve
unbelievable puzzles - all with the
power of maths. It is designed to boost
your child's confidence and to better
engage them with Maths.
Whether or not you think you are
interested do please come to this
assembly on the Thursday 7th
January 2016 at 2:45 pm and see
what is on offer.
Each week will have a fun theme —
here is a special sneak peek at the first
four weeks in KS2:
• Week One: Become a Maths
• Week Two: Meet the Maths Genius
• Week Three: Become a
• Week Four: Olympic Mathletics
This is maths, but not as you know prepared to have serious fun!
Parents!! The club is fun, exciting, fast
paced and also highly educational (but
don't tell the children).
The club has received very favourable
reviews from other schools. It is £37
for six weekly sessions which is very
good value for what they are offering.
Initially, we are hoping to have enough
takers to run this club for KS2 starting
on Thursday 14thJanuary from 3.20 pm
to 4.20 pm.
They also run a KS1 Club and if there
is sufficient interest from KS1 parents
we will organise a KS1 Club also. If
you think you might be interested
please email or let
the office know. Thank you.
Maths training for Parents - 25.01.16
2:30pm: confused by all the new
methods in Mathematics and
wondering how you can help your
child? We are not surprised; the
curriculum seems to change on a
regular basis. Help is at hand however;
Mr Grattidge, assisted by one or two
teachers, will go through some of the
methods and suggest some ways you
can support your child in Mathematics.
Ten Ten Theatre – 14th January
2016: It is that time of year again and
we are delighted to welcome back the
Ten Ten Theatre. Parents' are
warmly invited to attend the
introductory session at 9:00am
which gives parents a flavours of what
the children will be watching. We have
received very positive feedback from
parents who have attended this
session in the past.
PE Kits: All children need their PE kits
in school please. Please ensure
everything is named.
•maroon shorts
•white PE shirt, embroidered or plain
•black pumps - for indoor wear
•Plain black, navy or grey
tracksuit/leisure suit,
Swimming Year 4: Starts Thursday
7th January. (see separate letter)
Year 3 Museum and Council House
Trip Tuesday 12th Jan– this is part of
the trip package for the class. Thank
you to those who have already paid
the full amount. Any outstanding
monies are overdue – please could
this be paid immediately. Thank you.
C.Endsor, E.Field,
7th January – Magical Maths
Assembly @ 2:45pm All parents
7th January – Yr4 start swimming
13th January – Parent Lunch Yr3 @
14th January – Ten Ten Theatre Parent Session @9:15
29th January – 10:45am Parishioners
in school to help make prayer
wheels for Candlemas
29th January – Knowledge House
Mass @ 2:10pm
2nd February – Candlemas for
parents and children @ English
Martyrs @ 6:30pm
10th February – Ash Wednesday
Mass@ school @9:30am
12th February – Wisdom House
Mass@ school @2:10pm
12th February – Break up for Half