parent engagement session – maths and english in year 7

2 December 2015
Dear Parent/Carer
Re: How we teach English and Maths in Year 7 - Parent Engagement Session
I am pleased to invite you to attend a session on how we teach English and Maths in Year 7.
English: Come and experience a typical Year 7 English lesson. Hear about what your child learns
in English and what skills we want them to use in all pieces of work. There will be the opportunity to
speak to our English staff. Join us in supporting your child with their English studies.
Maths: This will be an opportunity for you to experience how Mathematics lessons are delivered at
Caludon and experience some of the methodology we use to teach students. There will also be an
opportunity to learn about ways you can support your child at home, the extra resources that are
available and how to make the most of them.
I am sure that you will find these sessions interesting and useful to you in your role as parent/carer.
We will welcome your feedback on the night.
Tuesday 5 January 2016
6pm – 7pm
How we teach English and Maths in Year 7
In order to accommodate adequately those who wish to attend this session, it is important that we
have an indication of numbers. Could you please complete and return the slip below if you wish to
attend this session? Students may attend with a parent/carer. The deadline for return is
Wednesday 16 December; all slips need to be handed in to your child’s mentor/tutor, or the school
Yours faithfully
Mrs Rayns
Deputy Headteacher
How we teach English and Maths in Year 7 Parent Engagement Session
Tuesday 5 January 2016
Please return to reception by Wednesday 16 December 2015
Parent Name _______________
Name of student ________________Tutor Group______
Number in your family who will be attending session