CHNOLA Pediatric ED - School of Medicine

You are assigned to Children’s Hospital for the month of_________________.
Orientation: Dr. Mangat is the Director ( ). The ER # is 8969474 and the main # is 899-9511.
Schedule: One of the Pediatric Chief Residents (Heidi Murphy
or Emily Klepper will contact you prior to starting the rotation to
obtain your schedule requests. Shifts are 8 hours and you will work 15-16 shifts in a
month, following the schedule of the LSU faculty.
Directions: Children’s Hospital is located at 200 Henry Clay Avenue, in Uptown
New Orleans, near Audubon Park and Tulane University. Take Henry Clay Avenue off St.
Charles Avenue and Magazine Street toward the river and Children’s Hospital will be on
the right as you approach the Mississippi River.
Conference: You are required to attend EM conference and journal club.
Extras: All procedures must be recorded on New Innovations. Each resident is
required to give an EM based presentation during the month. The pediatric Chief
Resident will give you the date.
Supervision: Provided by PER faculty.
Evaluations: Compiled and pooled from evaluations of the PER faculty.
Meals: Lunch is provided by Children’s Hospital.
LSU Emergency Medicine Residency Program
Children’s Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department Rotation
What follows are the goals and objectives for the CHILDRENS’ Pediatric ED rotation, that
will range from a 2 week to 1 month rotation, as assigned by the Program Director. The
rotation will take place at the CHILDRENS’ Hospital in the Pediatric ED. The year of
training is PGY3.
The educational objectives of the CHILDRENS’ Pediatric ED rotation are to:
1) Gain expertise in the recognition and management of pediatric emergencies.
2) Gain expertise in pediatric resuscitation, including Pediatric Advanced Life
Support, emergent intubation, fluid administration, and drug dosages.
3) Become familiar with the management of non-emergent pediatric conditions
which commonly present to the Emergency Department.
4) Gain expertise in the performance of routine procedures such as venipuncture
and arterial puncture.
5) Become familiar with pediatric medication dosages.
The clinical and didactic experiences used to meet those objectives included daily
patient care in the CHILDRENS’ Pediatric ED, along with bedside teaching. The rotating
resident is encouraged to attend lectures available at CHILDRENS’ pertaining to the care
of the pediatric patient. This rotation experience is part of the greater pediatric
emergency medicine curriculum, also including PALS provider and instructor certification
and weekly didactics (part of the overall didactic curriculum).
The feedback mechanisms and methods used to evaluate the performance of the
resident include an end of rotation global evaluation. Immediate feedback may also be
given to the resident, and any significant problems will be discussed during the rotation
with the LSU EM administration.
The resources and facilities in the institution that will be available to each resident
include computer access to Up To Date and the LSU Library services, including current
texts in pediatrics and emergency medicine. There is a rent free, secure apartment
available during the rotation for resident use. The residents will have access to the
resources of the hospital including medical texts, medical records and cafeteria.
The clinical experiences, duties and responsibilities the resident will have on the
rotation: Residents will act as a part of the Emergency Medicine team in a community
pediatric hospital under the supervision of a staff physician. The residents will
participate in the initial management of emergency department patients, to include
pediatric trauma and general medical patients.
The relationship that will exist between emergency medicine residents and faculty on
the service: The overall goals of resident education and patient care will govern the
relationship between faculty and residents. Residents will receive 24 hour supervision
while on the rotation. All patient care and medical charts will be reviewed and signed by
the ED faculty prior to patient discharge.
Duty hours for this rotation will not exceed an average of 60hrs/week, and will include 1
in 7 days off.
This rotation summary has been reviewed and agreed to by the service director and LSU
Program Director.
Children’s ED: Specific Competency Based Goals & Objectives:
1. While in the pediatric ED at Children’s Hospital, the resident will demonstrates skill in
“Data Gathering” that includes appropriate focused history and physical exam and
ordering and interpretation of ancillary tests (* PC, MK, ICS, PR)
2. While in the pediatric ED at Children’s Hospital, the resident will demonstrate skills in
“Problem Solving” that includes appropriate and complete differential diagnosis for an
undifferentiated pediatric ED patient. Appropriate organization of data collection in
relation to patient management decisions. (* PC, MK, PBL)
3. While in the pediatric ED at Children’s Hospital, the resident will demonstrates skills in
“Patient Management” that includes a basic treatment plans and timely recognition of
complicated pediatric ED patients. (* PC, MK, SBP)
4. While in the pediatric ED at Children’s Hospital, the resident will demonstrate skill in
“Medical Knowledge” appropriate for level of training that demonstrates a basic fund of
medical knowledge and the ability to seek the scientific basis for their patient care
decisions (*MK, PBL)
5. While in the pediatric ED at Children’s Hospital, the resident will demonstrate technical
proficiency in “Procedural Skills” consistent with level of training that includes
supervised suturing, abscess I&D, dislocation reductions, ultrasound, pediatric medical
and trauma resuscitations,conscious sedation, intubations, central venous access and
arterial access. (*PC)
6. While in the pediatric ED at Children’s Hospital, the resident will demonstrate
appropriate “Interpersonal and Communication Skills” that includes effective
information exchange with patients, their families, and professional associates.
Demonstrates appropriate conflict resolution skills. (*ICS, PR)
7. While in the pediatric ED at Children’s Hospital, the resident will demonstrate
appropriate “Professionalism” that includes introduces self to patient and/or family.
Respectful of patient’s privacy and confidentiality (*PR)
8. While in the pediatric ED at Children’s Hospital, the resident will demonstrates an
understanding of a “Systems-Based Practice” that includes understanding basic
resources available for care of the pediatric ED patient. (*SBP, PC)
9. While in the pediatric ED at Children’s Hospital, the resident will demonstrate “Practice
Based Learning and Improvement” skills that includes use of appropriate information
resources (ie, texts, online web sites, etc.) for care of patient (* PBL, PC)