Contributors of American Freedom and Rights Declaration of

Contributors of American Freedom and Rights
Declaration of Independence, Slavery, and Women’s Right stood up as an importance issues that
matters in the United States the most between the 18th and the 19th century. Thomas Jefferson,
Lloyd Garrison, and, Elizabeth Stanton were the most influential people to show a great
influence regarding to their ideas in building a good foundation in which the American people
can rely on; that becoming an independence can grow the lowest point that the nation had gone
through, it can improve through politically, socially and intellectually power in which any
individual can use to pursuit his or her voice in speaking against limitation of women and slavery
right. Another, declaring independence can bring freedom and human progress to the people.
However, most the people were inspired by their great contribution in helping to make United
States a country of opportunity; which people of difference generations by generations can see
and be inspire, criticize, and also progress in different roles like; being enable to go to school,
using their own voice to inspire others, great jobs for unemployment and also gained freedom
and equality for every human being.
First, Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United States. He is best known as
the author of the Declaration of Independence, (“all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness.”) That brings benefit in different kinds of races; white, black and Hispanic,
the right to live; (human being have the right not to accuse or kill another human being,)
freedom;( by using your voice to speak against what you see to be wrong, make your own
decision, freedom of religious; ability to choose any God of your choice and worship,) and the
right to demanded a good government that will not destroy the people’s right i.e. life, liberty, and
happiness, instead a new government should lay a foundation to build up those right, and the
nation would again individual progress (human progress;) everlasting freedom and opportunity
to all the people living in the society.
Likewise, the (DECLARATION OF INDENPENDENCE,) was declared in 1776, by
Jefferson for many purposes and reasons, in order to revolt against the King of England (George
King III). The king was passing laws to the colonist; (the 13th American colonists) without
informing them in other word, He passes taxes to the colonist without the colonist approval; he
violated the United States right from becoming independence. Example, listed on the document!
Thomas Jefferson says (“He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with
manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. He has made our judges dependent on
his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount of their salaries. He has violating its
most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him,
captivating and carrying them into slavery in an another hemisphere.”) Jefferson stood up to
contribute to the American freedom and speak against by proving in his document that the King
had torture and limit the rights of many people. In which he also declared it wasn’t fair for the
king to move or expand slave trade (African foreign trade) into the United States without their
The Colonist declared to be independence because the King was taking every human
being right away from them. It shows destruction, damages that wouldn’t have grown the people
right of life, liberty, and human progress, that is to say, advance in nature of a man would have
been impossible why? Because there is no opportunity to excel in life then to be free from the
King’s laws and empire.
Second, William Lloyd Garrison had a great influence on most of the people, when it
comes to Anti-slavery issue. He advocate Anti-slavery society, and he was based known has the
publisher of liberator; (a newspaper) which promote the emancipation of slave in American.
Garrison uses his own ideas and thoughts, when he organizes the National Anti-Slavery Society
Declaration of Sentiment, regarding to his document, he wanted to abolish the movement of
Anti-slavery to put an end to human slavery. In (p.272) he said “that no man has the right to
enslave or imbrute his brother,” Garrison believes men must not slave or punish any man like
them; instead they should set free. He argue in favor of Slavery, to show that slaves are human
they shouldn’t be treated unequal, rather they should have the right to live, be free and be
accepted into the society as part of the creature that God created and send to the world to
improve and progress as human. It is an opinion that; Garrison stood up to support the Antislavery issue because it is a crime; relating to bad character in which Christian like him
(Garrison) see it as a wrong behavior in the side of ‘God. Their masters wipe and punish them,
slaves them like cattle; is something that human being shouldn’t do to any human being.
And third, Elizabeth Stanton was a white American women, her voice inspire and
influence the women’s right. She led the Women Suffrage Movement, in which she argue in her
Declaration of Sentiment; using the same word from the document of Declaration of
Independence, “we hold this truth to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal;
that they endowed by their certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed”. Stanton speak up for right that women should had ,
by arguing that women’s right are limited by men, her own point was to show that women and
men are created equal and should have the same right and treated equally. Among men and
women in American society; she wanted women to had the right to vote, be educator, treated as
equally as men and be employed in order to progress and contribute to the nation improvement
Final analysis, Thomas Jefferson, William Lloyd Garrison and Elizabeth Stanton ,
contributed to American Society ,by making it a better place where every human can free and
progress. Jefferson contribution was the document that was written( the Declaration of
Independence ) to all American; men, women, white, black, Hispanic and even immigrant to had
equal right, which are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness to live in order to progress and build
a foundation for that generations to come, might use to develop the country even better than
before. Garrison contributes to Slavery right, in that slaves can be free and had equal right as the
white people. And Stanton also contributed to the right of women, to vote and work exactly as
the men for progress and development.