Summary Sheet 2012 13 Pupil Achievement

Summary Sheet - Pupil Achievement 2013
Achievement Overall is Good
Children enter the Early Years Foundation Stage with abilities generally in line with age related
expectations, make expected progress through the EYFS entering KS1 with standards broadly in line
with national averages.
On entry assessment indicated that pupils demonstrated higher levels of ability when they
started the Foundation Stage in PSED and PD, but lower levels on entry in Literacy,
Communication and Language and KUW
Pupils achievement at the end of the Summer 2013 exceeded national figures in CLL, PSED
and Literacy
Groups (boys, girls, SEN) made at least expected progress
Areas for improvement in FS
Continue to improve access to outside learning environments
Continue the good achievement of boys, particularly in CLL and PSED
Continue to embed Read Write Inc. and high quality phonics teaching
Continue to provide good quality opportunities to inspire writing
Key Stage 1
Standards of attainment are broadly in line with national expectations. This represents at least
expected progress over time from the starting point in line with national average on entry to school.
The Year 2 cohort achieved below national expectations in reading, writing and maths
although progress was above expected levels from their starting points. 48% of pupils in Year
2 cohort joined the school during the Key Stage
67% of pupils passed the Year 1 phonic screening test against a national figure of 69%. 13%
of this cohort have a Statement for Educational Need
Trends – Reading and writing attainment has fluctuated but in maths it has improved from
2010 – 2013
In 2013, progress in reading, writing and maths was above national expectations for all
groups in Year 1
Areas for improvement in Key Stage 1
Continue to improve achievement in reading
Increase the % of children achieving Level 3+
Improve the achievement in writing
Key Stage 2
Pupils’ achievement has exceeded national floor targets in the last three years. Standards of
attainment at the end of Key Stage 2 are better than national and consistently above in reading,
writing and maths. Pupils made above expected progress in reading, writing and maths. The
attainment and progress in reading is outstanding.
3 year average - the school is ranked in the top 1% of schools for pupils who make at
least 2 levels progress in reading. The 5 weakest groups all exceeded national
expectations for value added (FFT).
3 year average - the school is ranked in the top 12% of schools for pupils achieving Level
5+ in reading (FFT)
In 2013, that attainment at the end of KS2 was above national expectations and results
in grammar, spelling and punctuation, reading and maths placed the school in the
highest quintile
In 2013, progress from Key Stage 1 to the end of Key Stage 2 was significantly above
national and the school was placed in the highest quintile in reading, maths and writing
Areas for improvement
Continue to narrow the gap with national expectations in reading, writing and maths for
pupils in Year 3
Improve attainment in writing and maths to mirror that in reading
Continue to improve the attainment of boys (FFT data)