St Clements School Achievement 2015 Data-206

Achievement at St Clement’s Primary School in 2015
St Clement’s School is a one form entry Parish school that includes the Total
Communication Centre, the Island’s Provision for profoundly deaf primary pupils. As an
inclusive school the figures for the children within the Provision are reported as part of
the overall outcomes for the school. The school celebrates a wide range of achievements
including musical, sporting and artistic successes.
Our school focuses on the achievement of all children and has high expectations of all
pupils. We measure academic achievement in the same way as schools across Jersey and
the U.K. Pupils’ achievement is measured in two ways: their progress and their attainment.
Progress measures how far the child achieves from their starting point. Attainment
measures how high they achieve. For example, a child with a low starting point may make
far more progress in their learning than a child who finishes the year with higher
attainment. Together, progress and attainment measures tell us how well children achieve
at school. At St Clement’s School one pupil represents nearly 5% within the figures for a
year group.
The context of our school
Progress and attainment in Reading, Writing and Mathematics have improved during the
last five years. In particular, end of Key Stage 2 results from July 2015 show that the
percentage of pupils attaining a level 4 in Reading, Writing or Maths are now exceeding
both Jersey and English data. During this period of improvement Reading has become a
particular strength of the school.
Key Stage 1:
Figures from July 2015 show that 96% of pupils reached the national expectation of a
Level 2 in Key Stage 1 teacher assessments in both English and Maths which is above
Island figures. Rates of progress across our Key Stage 1 classes are especially high. Data
from July 2015 shows that 96% of children made expected progress in Reading and
Maths and 93% in Writing. Many pupils exceeded expected progress targets. (69%
Reading, 54% Writing and 50% Maths).
Key Stage 2:
Three year averages show that attainment of pupils at the end of Key Stage 2 is above
Island figures for Reading, Writing and Maths. Figures from July 2015 show that 91% of
pupils reached the national expectation of a Level 4 in Key Stage 2 teacher assessments
in both English and Maths, which is higher than Island data. The vast majority of pupils
attending St Clement’s School make at least expected progress in Reading, Writing and
Maths. A significant proportion of pupils (65% Reading, 57% Writing and 57% Maths)
exceeded their expected progress targets.
Most children on the school’s Inclusion Register have made at least sound and in some
cases good progress in English and Maths throughout the year.