Yetholm and District Community Council Meeting

Yetholm and District Community Council Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting held in Yetholm Youth Hall
Tuesday 29th September 2015 at 7:00PM
Present: Russell Taylor (Vice Chair), Mike Marsh, Ann Marsh, Stephen Broomfield, Shane Black (SAB), Paul
Robson, Sue Rose, Angela Walker, Charles Brooker, Cllr Nicol, Cllr Mountford
Apologies: Susan Stewart (Chair), Natasha Gray (Secretary), David Redpath,
Members of the Public: Two
Apologies for Absence: As Above. In the absence of SS and NG, Russell Taylor chaired
the meeting and Mike Marsh took the minutes.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted and signed by the Vice Chair.
Matters Arising/Outstanding
3.1 Tennis Club Money: AW reported that the bank still requires further evidence regarding DR
signatures. Ongoing.
3.2 Village Shop (front area): SS spoke further with the Maltby's and paperwork will be
looked over again and feedback given. Ongoing.
3.3 Picnic Benches: Awaiting contact from SBC. Ongoing.
3.4 Potholes: NG to chase this up with Ronnie Pattenden, SBC. Awaiting update.
3.5 Playpark Fence: SM is now taking this forward. Ongoing.
3.6 Kirk Yetholm Garages: RT contacted the Community Assets Branch of the Scottish
Government's Environment with regards to buying site. Plot could be purchased if there
was sufficient community support. Potential grant funding available from SBC provided
there was a community benefit for usage.
3.7 Trees: PR contacted SBC and discussed the tree situation and reasons for cutting some
branches. No Further Action.
3.8 Cars: It was suggested that confirmation be sought on the use of the land up the Back
Lane. SM will follow this up.
3.9 Euan Gibson had raised concerns that the area in front of the garage, where his mother NG
recently suffered an accident, has not yet been progressed by SBC. SM advised him that
Ronnie Pattenden attended a site meeting following this incident and agreed that the
area will be patched until funding is available for a complete re-surface. NG will email
Ronnie to check on timescales. Awaiting update.
3.10 SAB asked whether Grafton Bank would be getting green and yellow street signs, as per
the rest of the village, as they still have a black and white one.
3.11 DR asked whether a permanent flashing sign could be looked into in order to reduce
speeding in the village. AN gave DR contact details and he will look in to this further.
Awaiting update.
3.12 Street Lighting. The street lights meet the official standards. There is still an ongoing
issue with the lights on Woodbank Road. There are now gaps in the coverage as the
spread of light is not sufficient. Along the Main Street the issue is that some of the light
is affected by overhanging tree limbs. SM will pass on the council’s concerns.
3.13 RT advised that he had been informed of subsidence of the pathway along by the
graveyard which is becoming increasingly dangerous. NG will include this in her email
to Ronnie Pattenden. Awaiting update.
Members of the Public – Issues and/or Concerns
Members of the Public raised the following issues/concerns:
Sunday Bus Service. Transport from Yetholm to Kelso is via the Demand Responsive
Taxi service. However they will only take single phone calls and not one person phoning
as a group. The timetable in the bus shelter needs to be updated. AN will follow this
Activities for older teenagers. None present available. Informed that there is potential
for them to run their own club and should contact Cheviot Youth for advice and
guidance. Further possibilities are helping with the Yetholm Show and Bonfire Night.
Woodbank Road Issues. The issue of gritting Woodbank Road ends was a problem. RT
advised that there was a resilience group who when possible could assist with gritting.
There was still a drainage issue at the Deanfield Road end of Woodbank. SM will follow
this up.
Romany Marsh Pond. Potentially within 10 years the pond could disappear unless
something was done with the reed beds. PR will speak with James Wauchope
Speeding in the village was a concern. Any sightings of potential speeding should be
reported to the police.
Police Report - Community Beat Officer (PC Suzanne Howgego)
Police report received.
Police Scotland have received reports of unwanted cold callers in the Jedburgh, and
Lauder area where males had been offering to sell second hand goods and offering to
carry out maintenance work. In addition there has been a report of a Black Seat Toledo
motor vehicle stolen in the Jedburgh area. They took the opportunity to remind the
community of the importance of securing your property whether house, car or
outbuilding. Doorstep criminals are cunning, creative and often very convincing.
Anyone can be fooled, as these people are professional con artists. However, the over
60’s are often specifically targeted. We DO NOT recommend dealing with cold-callers
for property maintenance, home repairs or sale of goods.
Festival Committee Report
Next festival committee meeting will take place on 27th October.
Portfolio Presentations
Business, Housing and Planning - Shane Black
Planning. Two planning applications received - no objections raised.
Business. Progressing and hoping for a meeting at the end of October. There is
potential for the old sheds in Kirk Yetholm to become business storage units. SAB will
contact the present owner to ascertain their future use for the sheds.
Finance - Angela Walker
Income thus far is £1845 with expenditure of £914.61 and the total in the bank is
currently £8227.01; though the majority of this money is ring-fenced for action. Another
cheque was received from the Rag Bag collection.
Yetholm Resilience Group - Russell Taylor (Vice Chair)
SBC will be starting their Winter Campaign shortly. There will be training and planning
meetings with the first one expected at the end of October. It has been reported that
the long term weather forecast is for a mild winter! The resilience group is still under
represented in Kirk Yetholm.
The new website format is progressing and RT looking at ways to transfer the data.
Education - Stephen Broomfield
The flashing 20mph signs at the school are now working. There is also a rolling
program to update the lights throughout the Borders.
Grants - David Redpath
No Update.
Pavillion Repairs/Bonfire - Paul Robson
Work has begun on the Pavillion. One issue is the boarding needs replacing. PR
suggested to complete the entire frontage but would require further funding. It was
agreed in principle this should happen from the allocated ring fenced money but would
need a further quote. AN suggested that for Phase two of the refurbishment (internal
fittings) there was the possibility of grants from SBC. PR to speak with DR.
Bonfire planning is underway. Times will be published when the dropping of materials
for the bonfire would take place and include a list of items that are unsuitable.
Utilities- Charles Brooker
CB contacted Scottish Water and they are investigating the problem with raw sewage in
heavy rainfall. CB departed the meeting at 7:55pm
Health and Social Services - Mike Marsh
Two training sessions have been delivered by the Scottish Ambulance Service taking
place on 23rd and 30th September. A total of 26 local residents attended the training.
Tourism - Ann Marsh
Tea Towels/Aprons/Notelets raised £119 this month. More notelets may need to be
ordered soon.
Projects- Sue Rose
2017 Calendar. SS has advertised this proposal and requested pictures be forwarded for
a competition.
Chair, Public Events and Website Liaison - Susan Stewart
No update
Scottish Borders Councillors Update
SM gave an update on the Integrated Sport and Cultural Trust. Councillors are to
consider the report on 7th October.
AN advised there has not been any further progress on the new Kelso High School.
Additional Correspondence
 Cheviot Area Forum Minutes (16 September).
 Reply from Marco Biagi MSP.
 Unfinished Business. A National Parks Strategy for Scotland.
 Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade, Australia regarding an infamous Kirk Yetholm
local from the late 1700’s.
 Community Councils Network and AGM and annual conference 2015. SS to
 SBC Neighbourhood Operations Review. Community Council to dispute figures
regarding toilet usage.
The meeting closed at 9.05pm
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 27th October 2015 in Yetholm Youth Hall at 7:00pm and will
incorporate the Festival Committee meeting at 7.30pm.