BAB 7 - Simponi

As the soil, however rich it may be, cannot be
productive without cultivation, so the mind
without culture can never produce good fruit.
Seneca (Roman Senator, c. 60 b.c.–c. a.d. 37)
Effective Knowledge Management
•80% -Organizational culture and human factors
•20% -Technology
Lingkungan budaya organisasi memiliki peran
penting dalam menentukan apakah yang
terjadi terhadap manajemen pengetahuan di
dalam organisasi tersebut.
Dalam istilah antropologi, budaya merujuk
pada nilai-nilai, kepercayaan dan kode
praktis yang mendasari yang membentuk
suatu komunitas. Contoh : kebiasaan
masyarakat, self-image/ citra diri anggotaanggotanya, dan hal-hal yang membuatnya
berbeda dari masyarakat lain adalah
Media budaya adalah interaksi sosial, jaringan
komunikasi yang membentuk komunitas.
Beberapa pengertian budaya organisasi :
(1) Morgan (1977),culture as “an active living
phenomenon through which people jointly create and
recreate the worlds in which they live” (p. 141).
For Morgan, the three basic questions cultural
analysts must answer are:
1. What are the shared frames of reference that make
organization possible?
2. Where do they come from?
3. How are they created, communicated, and
(2) Schein (1999), “organizational culture is a pattern
of basic assumptions—invented, discovered, or
developed by a given group as it learns to cope with
its problems of external adaptation and internal
integration—that has worked well enough to be
considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new
members as the correct way to perceive, think and
feel in relation to those problems” (p. 385).
Morgan (1977) found that some key elements of
organizational culture include:
1. Stated and unstated values.
2. Overt and implicit expectations for member behavior.
3. Customs and rituals.
4. Stories and myths about the history of the group.
5. Shop talk—typical language used in and about the
6. Climate—the feelings evoked by the way members
interact with one another,with outsiders, and with
their environment, including the physical space they
7. Metaphors and symbols—may be unconscious or
embodied in other cultural elements.
Although every organization has its own culture,
strong or weak, most organizations do not create
their culture consciously. Culture is created and
ingrained into people’s lives unconsciously.
Organizational culture, therefore, may be
thought of as the manner in which an organization
solves problems to achieve its specific goals and to
maintain itself over time. Moreover, it is holistic,
historically determined, socially constructed, and
difficult to change (Hofstede et al., 1990).
Goffee and Johns (2000), for example, identified four types of
organizational culture, which they created by using two
dimensions. The first dimension, sociability, is a measure for
A high sociable culture indicates that people within the culture
tend to be friendly to each other without expecting something in
return. Sociability is consistent with a high people orientation, high
team orientation, and focus on process rather than outcomes.
Solidarity, the second dimension, measures the task orientation.
High solidarity means that people can work well together
toward common goals, even when they have personal disputes or
This classification scheme produces four types of organizational
communal, networked, mercenary, and fragmented
(see Table 7-1).
A communal culture can give its members a
sense of belonging, though it also is taskdriven. Leaders of this culture are usually very
inspirational and charismatic. The major
negative is that they often exert too much
influence and other members are rarely vocal.
In a networked culture, members are treated as
friends and family.
People have close contact with each other and
love each other. They are willing to help each
other and share information. The disadvantage
of this culture is that people are so kind to each
other that they are reluctant to point out and
criticize the poor performance.
A mercenary culture focuses on strict goals.
Members are expected to meet the goals and to get
the job done quickly. Since everyone focuses
on goals and objectivity, there is little room for
political cliques. The negative is that those with
poor performance may be treated inhumanely.
In a fragmented culture, the sense of belonging
to and identification with the organization is
usually very weak. The individualists constitute
the organizations, and their commitment is given
first to individual members and task work. The
downside is that there is a lack of cooperation.
In summary, organizational culture :
1. Establishes a set of roles (social identities).
2. Establishes a set of role expectations (traits,
competencies, and values) associated with each
3. Establishes the status or value/worth to the reference
group of each social identity.
4. Provides values, cognitive schema, and mental
models to influence how individuals behave with
respect to the various groups or communities they
find themselves a member of (microculture), as well
as with respect to the organizational culture as a
How is culture developed, reinforced, and changed?
It is often said in organizations that “we need to
change the culture around here.”
What is usually meant is that someone desires a
behavioral change, such as employees paying
more attention to customers, or that they want
managers to come to meetings on time, or some
other set of behaviors.
Virtual organizations face additional challenges such as:
• No formalization, with each organization following its
own norms, styles, and ideas.
• No shared values, beliefs, ideas, or norms.
• No frameworks or policies that guide individuals
working in the organization. The communication
between the members of virtual organizations is so
limited and is conducted through channels so
impersonal (the computer) that the scope for
developing a shared sense of belonging or a climate in
the organization is almost nonexistent.
The following are some recommendations for bringing
about the cultural change needed for KM to succeed:
1. Clearly define desired cultural outcomes.
2. Assess the current cultural state.
3. Diagnose the existing culture with respect to desired
knowledge-sharing behaviors.
4. Assess tolerance to change.
5. Identify change enablers and barriers.
6. Assess the maturity level of KM within the organization.
7. Identify KM enablers and barriers.
8. Conduct a gap analysis to yield a map on how to get from
where the organization is currently to where it would like
to be culturally.