Parent Information Year 6

Welcome to the Year Six
Parent Information
Mrs Lynette Camilleri-Blemings
Miss Jodie Olive
Mr Mathew Mills
Monday 2nd February 2015
A Prayer for Parents….
Loving Lord,
Look upon our School Family:
Those with whom we journey each day,
Help us to strengthen and support each other
For the Christian education of the young.
Extend our vision
And work in us each day
The miracle of touching hearts amongst all to whom you
send us.
God in our midst,
Renew us in faith and commitment,
And continue to inspire us With your spirit.
Students will participate in a daily Religion
The four strands which will be covered are:
 Morality
 Prayer
 Beliefs
 Sacraments
This term we will be covering Sacraments.
The focus being on the Liturgical Calendar and Liturgical Seasons.
Prayer Assemblies and Liturgies
6C Prayer Assembly – Thursday 5th February (Week 2)
6C Liturgy – Friday 6th March (Week 6)
6O Liturgy – Friday 27th March (Week 9)
All for Year 6 will attend Parish Mass - Friday 13th March (Week 7)
You are welcome to attend all assemblies and liturgies
Australian Curriculum
Language (knowing about the English language)
Literature (understanding, appreciating,
responding to, analysing and creating literature)
Literacy (expanding the repertoire of English
This term the students will construct:
News Report
News Report Oral Presentaion
Persuasive Letter – Letter of Request
Each assessment piece will be introduced with a criteria
sheet to outline the task.
The requirements will be broken down during class with
time provided to create a draft copy.
 Regular reading opportunities of a variety of texts
 Whole class and guided reading
 Stamina reading
 Reading Comprehension (text book)
 Modelled writing and guided writing
 Students write a variety of texts –
texts types, free writing, writing on demand, reading response
 Weekly spelling focus – spelling words in conjunction with
Spelling Rules text book
 Weekly grammar and punctuation focus
Australian Curriculum
Number and Algebra
 Measurement and Geometry
 Statistics and Probability
Daily mental computation
Problem solving and investigations
Real world scenarios
Hands on learning
- Maths Plus 6
There are a variety of teaching methods used to teach
various concepts. The textbook is used to reinforce
concepts taught.
It is expected that all students show
working methods when solving algorithms.
Students are taught the correct processes
and setting out for different algorithms.
Australia as a Nation
 Inquiry based learning.
 Key figures and events
leading to Australia’s
 Stories of migrants.
 Contributions of individuals
and groups to the
development of Australian
Australian Curriculum
Science Understanding.
Science as a Human Endeavour.
Science Inquiry Skills.
Earthquake Explorers
Inquiry based learning
Links to English text type –
news report
Natural hazards and natural disasters
Earth’s composition –
Layers of the Earth and
the tectonic plates
Effects of earthquakes
Measuring earthquake intensity
Designing an earthquake resistant building.
A Diverse and Connected World
Inquiry based learning
Location of countries
Difference in economic,
demographic and social
characteristics between
countries across the world
Cultural diversity in the world
Australia’s connections with
other countries
Geography Investigation
Investigation: How do people’s connections to places affect their perception of them?
Peruse travel brochures and decide on a country that you would like to visit, based on the
information and pictures presented in the travel brochures alone. This task requires you to
investigate your country from different perspectives in order to answer to question, ‘Is my chosen
country really a great destination?’
Specialist Lessons
Computer Studies - Mr Max Martin
 6C – Wednesday 10:25 – 11:25 (odd week)
 6O – Tuesday 10:25 – 11:25 (odd week)
 6M – Wednesday 12:25 – 1:25 (odd week)
Physical Education – Mr Russel Smith
 6C – Tuesday 1:55 – 2:55
 6O – Wednesday 9:55– 10:55
 6M – Tuesday 12:25 – 1:25
Music – Miss Stephanie Quinlan
 6C – Thursday 12:55 – 1:25
 6O – Friday 12:25 – 12:55
 6M – Thursday 12:25 – 12:55
Support Personnel
Miss Paula Scanlan – School Counsellor
Mrs Donna Clarke – Learning Support
Mrs Shelly Baker – School Librarian
Mrs Roslyn Horsfall – Instrumental Music
Homework will be
distributed on a Friday
and students are
expected to hand in all
homework on the
following Thursday
Ian Lillico Homework
Grid – compulsory and
optional requirements
Parents are asked to
sign their child’s activities
Book work expectations
demonstrated to
Weekly spelling and
number facts focus
tested each Friday
School Diaries
Each child has a school diary.
Develop organisational skills.
Prepare the students for the routine of
high school.
Time management.
Students take their diaries home on a daily basis
and must return them to school each day.
School Website and
Class Pages
Access the latest news and events, the
school newsletter, tuckshop menu and class
pages (including homework sheet).
Search ‘St Patrick’s Emerald’
To access class pages, click on the
‘Student Portal’ icon.
School rules Year 4 – Year 6
At St Patrick’s School we will strive to:
Treat all people with respect and consideration in the way we
act in our school.
Achieve our best in all set tasks and consider others’ right to
Use school and personal property and equipment carefully
and responsibly.
Maintain pride in ourselves by wearing our uniforms
Important Information
Bookwork policy
Neat, legible and appropriately organised.
Includes homework book.
Issued 2nd and 4th term
Interviews will be conducted at the beginning of Term 2.
Can be requested at any time throughout the year.
Please arrange an appropriate time for meetings.
Year Six Leaders
All Year Six students are presented with a
leadership badge.
Year Six School and House Captains –
Speeches Week 2
Wednesday 9:15am – Boys
Thursday 9:30am – Girls
All captains announced on assembly Friday
14th February 2014
Year Six Leaders
Peer Support Leaders beginning Term 3
Involvement in Mini Vinnies – social justice
program for primary school students.
Year Six Camp
Canberra and Sydney
Term 3
Second last week 7th – 12th September
Approximate costs $950
Fundraising ideas – see Belinda Whittaker
Thank you for making the time
to join us tonight.
Please feel free to move to your child’s classroom
to talk with your child’s teacher:
6C – Mrs Lynette Camilleri-Blemings
6O – Miss Jodie Olive
6M – Mr Mathew Mills