School PowerPoint - Charles Pinckney Elementary


Mrs. Long’s & Mrs. Moore’s

Classroom Policies and Procedures


Room 204 & 309

Meet the Teachers

Mrs. Long

• I graduated from The College of New Jersey where I studied Elementary

Education and Psychology.

• I taught 5 th grade in NJ for

3 years and 3 rd grade in

Goose Creek. Last year was my first year teaching self contained 5 th grade at

Pinckney, and I LOVED it!

This will be my 6 th year teaching!

• I love to cook, bake, travel, read, paint, and scrapbook!

Mrs. Moore

• I graduated from Lynchburg College in Virginia with a degree in

Elementary Education.

• I then received by Master’s in Elementary Education from the

University of North Carolina in Charlotte where I completed a thesis on test anxiety in elementary students.

• I taught 4 th grade in North Carolina for 6 years.

• I moved here this July with my husband and 9 month old daughter!

• I enjoy traveling and spending time with my family.

Mrs. Dodds

Will be coteaching in the

Reading/ ELA Block and the Math / Science block providing support to several students.

Classroom Goals

• In the beginning of the year, the students discussed what they felt was important to ensure a successful year.

• We then compiled them into major goals, signed and posted them in our classroom.

Individual Self-Discipline

We encourage positive reinforcement in our classrooms.

Students are expected to follow the school rules and if they complete the week without needed to be spoken to more than twice they’ll receive a punch in their “earn and return” card on Friday. Once the

“earn and return” card is full they’ll turn it in for a reward. Students can earn more than one punch for being a good role model and participating in class!

Students generated a list of rewards in the beginning of school such as: wear slippers for a day, sit next to a buddy, prize jar, homework pass, etc.


there are consequences.

• First, two warnings are given, time to think about their choices, and change their behavior.

• Second, is walking laps at recess.

• Third, silent lunch.

• Fourth, silent lunch and fill out a Think Sheet and return WITH a Parent Signature.

or sent to the principals office.

Group Discipline

• Students will learn to work as a team to earn marbles for our class marble jar!

• Students earn class marbles when they are

ALL following directions or receive compliments from other teachers.

• Once the marble jar is full, the class can earn a prize such as Pajama day, Board Game

Day, Crazy Hat Day, Dance Party, etc. These rewards are made as a class and decided as a class.

Active-based Learning

We’re firm believers that students need to move around while learning. Students participate in brain breaks throughout the day to keep them engaged.

Mrs. Long’s classroom will also be receiving ONE active based learning table that students will be able to use and rotate their seats each day.


• Everyone lends a helping hand.

Students change jobs every week.

• Each student will have each job at least once during the school year.

• Students are permitted to use the bathroom twice a day. They must sign in and out.

Students are not permitted to use the bathroom during instruction or during a test unless it is an emergency.




• Students will have homework each night, Monday through


• Their agenda will be sent home every night and is to come back with them each day.

• Students are responsible for writing down their homework at the end of the day, then I’ll review and stamp it.

• Once their homework is completed, parents must sign the agenda.

Homework Folders

• Any information for parents will be put in the “Leave Home” side.

• Any work that needs to be returned will be in the “Bring

Back” side.

 This folder will also be sent home every night and is expected to be returned every morning.


• Expect Math and Reading HW Monday-Thursday

• Spelling homework will be assigned twice a week

• SS and Science homework will be assigned as needed.

• If a student misses a homework assignment, their homework is incomplete, or they forget to do their homework they must fill a homework slip. So that no student falls behind, the consequence for incomplete homework is to complete it during their lunch time.

• The homework slip is to be sent home, and signed by a parent.

Name:__________________Date:_____________ #:_____

My homework was: missing incomplete

Subject: ______________ Assignment: ______________

Reason: _________________________________________________


*Parent Signature: _________________________________________

Weekly Progress Report

• Every other Friday we will send home a packet full of quizzes or tests that your child has completed that week, their progress report with their grades, and a behavior and work habit report.

• The packet will be on the

“Bring Back” side and must be signed and returned regardless of grade the following Monday.

• Class work will be on the

“Stay Home” side of their folder.

Weekly Progress Report

Upcoming information:



Turns in work on time

Is prepared for class

Works neatly and organizes materials

All homework is complete


Talks quietly at the appropriate time

Stays on task

Follows classroom procedures

Listens carefully to directions and instruction

Makes a quick, quiet transition

Follows rules in line

Follows rules in special

Follows directions immediately

Adheres to dress code

PARENT INITALS- please sign each Friday

Please initial only when you receive grade reports

Please review this with your child and initial the last row each week. There may be times when we are unable to complete these forms. If that should happen, you will receive a note starting that weekly progress reports are not being sent home. Overdue work must be completed over the weekend and submitted Monday morning. Please feel free to write comments on the back of this card or you may email me. Thanks!

Quality of Work

• We ask that each and every student try their best on all assignments.

• Papers that are ripped, wrinkled, stained or illegible will not be accepted and must be redone and resubmitted.

• Plagiarizing will not be acceptable, and students will receive a zero.

Morning Procedure

Students are asked to come in in the morning and complete the following:

• Students order lunch

• Unpack and take out their HW from the night before and hand in any notes for me

• Sharpen 3 pencils for the day

• Begin their morning work- Doctor Reading & Math4Today

• Watch the morning news


• Monday through Friday, students will work in learning centers for about

40 minutes of the day during their Reading block.

• Students are separated into groups of four or five and work cooperatively in various centers.

• During this time, I meet with groups of students for guided reading groups.

This is to ensure that each student is reading at their personalized instructional level.

Independent Reading Log

• ALL students will be required to read a book of their choice (chapter book) at home 100 minutes a week (20 minutes a night). They will log the times and pages read in their Independent Reading Log.

• Students will also be required to write a letter to me in their Independent Reading Log each week reflecting and responding on what they have read.

• Independent Reading Logs will be collected once a week according to the schedule taped to the back of their log.

• Parents need to SIGN IRL to assure that 100 minutes was read.

IRL Format

1. Summary

◦ This is a summary of the part of the book that you read at home this week. If you read 40 pages, summarize that part for your response. This is only completed after all 100 minutes have been read.

2. Responding

• Choose one of the prompts to respond to based on the reading you completed for the week.

BOOK Title




IRL Format

# Pages Read




# of Minutes




Total: 100 min

3300 Thomas Cairo Blvd

Mount Pleasant, SC 29466

Dear Mrs. Long,

This week I read a book called Stacy. Stacy was not the smartest girl in her class, looking off her neighbors paper! Stacy thought about it, but she knew better, and completed the test on her own. After grades were handed out a couple days later she found out she right choice by doing the work herself.

I think the author intended to write this story to help influence students and the



Parent Signature: ______________________________________

Independent Reading Log

Due Dates

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1, 2, 3,

4, 5, 6

7, 8, 9,

10, 11, 12

13, 14, 15,

16, 17, 18

19, 20, 21,

22, 23, 24

25, 26, 27,

28, 29, 30


• The beginning of the year we’ll start with STEMS which are words that help with decoding the meaning. For example,

Bi- two – Bicycle, Biweekly

• Students will be given a unit of STEMS to drill and memorize. The unit also contains examples which are the spelling words for that week.

• Every two weeks the students will be tested on the spelling words and then the meaning of the STEMS, as well as the being able to use the spelling words correctly in context.

• STEMS will be cumulative as the weeks progress, therefore they will know all 50 STEMS by the end of the semester.

• Students should use Rolodex flashcards with the STEM on the front, and the definition and spelling word on the back.

Spelling HW

Schedule for STEMS

Week 1



Re-write spelling word 3 times each

Tuesday Wednesday

Spelling word stairs for each word


Week 2


Monday Tuesday

Write the STEM and meaning 3 times and write a sentence using 10 spelling words

Wednesday Thursday

Study hard!

Social Studies Topics

• War Divides a Nation

• An Expanding Nation

• Expansion Change

• Prosperity, Depression, and War

• Challenges at Home and Abroad

• Moving into the 21 st Century

Social Studies Interactive Notebook

Left Side:

WIO: Work it Out

This side is for the students to respond to the information learned and is done at the end of class to act as a summary.

Right Side:

WOW: Words of


This side is for information- notes, diagrams, vocabulary, graphic organizers, pasting of teacher handouts and answers to questions from readings.

The notebook will have a table of contents and will be graded quarterly for completeness and neatness.

Social Studies

Scholastic News is a GREAT program that keeps kids in the loop with current events happening now. It’s a fun interactive magazine that gets the students interested in non-fiction topics. I have some examples up here. The students LOVE reading these!! I’ve already ordered a class set for the year at $5 a magazine, and received the 1 st two issues! Thank you for those who have already donated!

The $3.00 cash donation is MUCH appreciated 


• Everyday we’ll start math with Math4Today, each day students will complete 4 short math problems and then we’ll review.

• On Monday I will tell students which 10 problems will be the most similar to the ones on the quiz on Friday.

• Monday through Thursday we’ll complete and review each problem.

• Friday will be the Math4Today quiz and most likely also the Assessment from what we learned that week, if not that week, the following Friday.

• Therefore, Friday will be Spelling and Math tests.


• This year we’re excited to start using a new math program, called My

Math by McGraw Hill.

• Students will be given an access ID written in their math book. This will allow students and parents to have access to math support at any time.

Please look for this and explore the resources at home with your child.


• Cells and Ecosystems

• Forces and Motion

• Mixtures and Solutions

• Weathering and Erosion

Writing Workshop

• This year we’ll cover many types of different writing styles!

• Students will be encouraged to write in their notebooks throughout the week to record anything!

• This will be their own journal to keep forever to document memories!

• If your child hasn’t already, an extra black and white composition notebook is needed for this.

Writing Workshop

• Students will decorate their writing notebook with pictures of themselves, family, and friends to represent any special memories that have been made. The pictures will help students draw on their own life experiences when writing.

• Mrs. Long’s homeroom has this assignment due on Tuesday!

Grading Parameters


Major Assessment 50%

Quizzes 40%

Class work 10%


Spelling 20%

Writing Process & Prompts 30%

Final Writing Pieces 50%

Major Assessment 40%

Quizzes 30%

Projects 20%

Class work 10%



Social Studies and Science:

Major Assessment 40%

Quizzes 30%

Projects 20%

Class work 10%

Uniform Policy

•All clothes must be solid navy blue, light blue, khaki, gray or red, or pink

•No bold letters or logos (other than the school logo). Logos must be less then one square inch

•No oversized jackets, coats, or shirts.

•No oversized trousers, pants, sweat pants, or shorts.

•Blue jeans are allowed but must be plain (no embellishment OR sequins).

•No halter or midriff bearing tops, or shirts/dresses with spaghetti straps.

•All shoes must have closed toe and socks must be worn.

•Sandals are not permitted.












Unpack & Morning Work

Morning News

Writing in Homeroom

1 st Block



2 nd Block


Snack & 2 nd Block

Pack up in HR and dismissal

SAIL Thursday Schedule

SAIL students gone 8:00-12:00




Unpack & Morning Work

Morning News

Morning Procedures

8:00-10:00 Block A

10:00-10:30 Block B

10:30-10:50 Recess

10:55-11:30 Lunch

11:30-12:00 Block B

12:00-12:40 DEAR or Library or Mystery Reader visit






Mrs. Moore and I have Library every other Thursday from

12:15-12:40. Students also have the opportunity to visit the library during Independent Reading at Centers with Mrs.

Long, as well as during recess.

Summer Reading Logs for Library are due tomorrow for the chance to win an i-pod mini! Just write down the book and

# of pages your child read on a piece of paper with their 1 st and last name!

Pick up the yellow flyer on your way out for more information on library!

How to be Involved:

• We love involving parents and family members in the classroom!

• Opportunities to be a part of the classroom: classroom helper (copies and filing), lunch buddy, room parents, mystery reader, or speaker during organized events throughout the year.

Check out our class websites!

• Go to the Charles Pinckney website

• Click: Directory

• Fifth Grade

• Kimberly Long and Maggie Moore ctory/fifth_grade/

• Here you can find updates on


as well as study guides.

• ( (Mrs. Moore’s website is under construction and will be up and running soon, you can find her homework on my site!!)


• We always love to hear from parents. Please feel free to contact us whenever you have a question or concern in any of the following ways:

• You can email us at :

• You can write a letter and have your child give it to us requesting a phone call ext. 26204 (Long) or 26309 (Moore)

• You can call and leave a message on our class voicemail box.

Contacting us:

Please be aware that we are very busy teaching throughout the day and only have a chance to look at our email from

7:00-7:10am, 12:40-1:30pm (special area), and after 2:45pm. If you need to contact us regarding an emergency throughout the day, it’s best to call the office!

Lend a Hand

We know the beginning of the year can be expensive buying loads of school supplies and sending in money here and there for school functions. But, teachers also appreciate a hand in helping the school year run smoothly with the basic classroom supplies. There’s a wish list on each desk if you can donate any of those items it would be much appreciated!!

Sign up to be a classroom helper or lunch buddy or mystery reader on your way out!!
