First In Math- Power Point Guide

Where students go for Deep Practice
Application of FIM Features:
Assess fluency levels
Address fluency needs
Assess problem solving
Practice problem solving
Determine student fluency
level with the four operations.
Includes whole numbers,
fractions, integers, and
Students build fact fluency
with whole numbers,
fractions, integers, and
Students complete 36 word
problems drawn from nine
math domains targeted to
specific Grade Levels.
Practice targeted to
specific Grade Levels and
Mathematical Domains.
Skill Building and Problem Solving
Skill Sets
Bonus Games
K2 World
Grade level focus (1 – 8) from
single-step addition to multi-step algebra.
Students develop procedural fluency by
building equations.
Develop skills with Time, Money, Length,
Distance, Weight, Area, and Perimeter.
Skill building games provide Deep Practice
and a seamless gradient of challenge .
Modules become accessible as students
complete the first game of any Skill Set .
For students in Grades K, 1, or 2. Prenumeration activities, number lines, shape
and pattern recognition.
Assess Fluency Levels with JUST THE FACTS
Assess fluency
with With Whole
Numbers 0-12
Assess fluency
with With Whole
Numbers 0-9
JUST THE FACTS (continued)
Students are presented
with randomly selected
math facts.
Correct responses appear
green, incorrect turn purple;
unanswered facts remain
gold when time expires.
Address Fluency Needs with PRACTICE GYMS
Students practice the four
operations with Whole Numbers,
Fractions, Decimals, and Integers
Students work on one fact at a time.
Proficiency is demonstrated by correctly
answering 12 facts in 60 seconds. A silver
star indicates success.
Assess Problem Solving with WHAT DO YOU KNOW
Practice Problem Solving with KNOW AND SHOW
• Modules for Grades
3&4, 5&6, 7&8
• Questions/choices mirror
standardized tests
• Students can use pencil
and paper, if necessary,
since games are not
• Glossary of math terms
is provided
Click Assessment Reports link from Teacher Homepage
to monitor student progress
Use this menu to view
different modules, such as
JTF, the Gyms, Know & Show
Click STUDENT NAME while viewing JTF assessment
to see specific fact acquisition
Two Views of WDYK Assessments:
WDYK graph presents
whole class snapshot
WDYK Report presents individual
student performance
Select Gyms Detail from the Assessment Page menu to view
the specific facts each student has mastered.
Select a K&S module to see overall Know & Show completion
Click a category to see which
domain of math is covered.
Sample problem provided.
Use Teams Goals to track activity, fluency and
Problem-solving throughout the year
FIM GOALS for 2013-14
Students use My Goals to track activity, fluency and
test-prep throughout the year
Recognize Achievement from Teacher Homepage
Player Homepage keeps students motivated
Current student data
displayed in real-time
Skill level changes as
students accrue
stickers (all powered
by math achievement)
FIM GOALS for 2013-14
First In Math®
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