Sorting of Sediments and Deposition

Sorting of Sediments and
Agents of Deposition
• The agents of erosion are also agents of
• Depositional rate depends on sediment size,
shape and density.
• Depositional rate also depends on
characteristics of the depositional agent.
Agents of Deposition
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Settling Rate Vs. Velocity
Settling Rate
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Settling Rate Vs. Density
Settling Rate
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Settling Time Vs. Rate
Settling Rate
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Settling Time
Horizontal Sorting
As the stream enters the lake or an
ocean, the stream velocity decreases
and sediments are deposited.
Vertical Sorting
Region of maximum stream velocity changes when
streams bend or turn. There is an interface between
regions of erosion and deposition…
Vertical Sorting
Vertical Sorting
•Vertical sorting can occur as a single depositional
event in still water or a series of events as when a
stream’s velocity decreases through the seasons
allowing particles to settle in a Vertical Sorting
Latest layer
Later layer
Earliest layer
Vertical Sorting
Named for the
Greek letter
Mississippi Delta
• Sediment-laden
river water mixes
with cold, deepsea currents,
creating a
nutrient rich zone
where both salt
and freshwater
fish flourish.
Deposition by other agents of erosion
• Wind-• -
Crossbeds in a Sand Dune
Unsorted Sediments
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Final Question
• What are the factors that affect the settling
rates of sediments?
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