Conformation-Dependent Ligand Regulation of ATP Hydrolysis by

Conformation-Dependent Ligand Regulation of ATP
Hydrolysis by Human KSP: Activation of Basal Hydrolysis
and Inhibition of Microtubule-Stimulated Hydrolysis by a
Single, Small Molecule Modulator
Lusong Luo,*,† Jeffrey D. Carson,† Kathleen S. Molnar,| Steven J. Tuske,|
Stephen J. Coales,| Yoshitomo Hamuro,| Chiu-mei Sung,§ Valery Sudakin,§
Kurt R. Auger,§ Dashyant Dhanak,‡ Jeffrey R. Jackson,§ Pearl S. Huang,§
Peter J. Tummino,† and Robert A. Copeland*,†
Department of Enzymology and Mechanistic Pharmacology, Oncology CEDD, Department of
Medicinal Chemistry, Oncology CEDD, and Department of Oncology Biology, Oncology CEDD,
GlaxoSmithKline, CollegeVille, PennsylVania 19426, and ExSAR Corporation, 11 Deer Park
DriVe, Suite 103, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey 08852
Received December 6, 2007; E-mail:;
Abstract: Human kinesin spindle protein (KSP)/hsEg5, a member of the kinesin-5 family, is essential for
mitotic spindle assembly in dividing human cells and is required for cell cycle progression through mitosis.
Inhibition of the ATPase activity of KSP leads to cell cycle arrest during mitosis and subsequent cell death.
Ispinesib (SB-715992), a potent and selective inhibitor of KSP, is currently in phase II clinical trials for the
treatment of multiple tumor types. Mutations that attenuate Ispinesib binding to KSP in vitro have been
identified, highlighting the need for inhibitors that target different binding sites and inhibit KSP activity by
novel mechanisms. We report here a small-molecule modulator, KSPA-1, that activates KSP-catalyzed
ATP hydrolysis in the absence of microtubules yet inhibits microtubule-stimulated ATP hydrolysis by KSP.
KSPA-1 inhibits cell proliferation and induces monopolar-spindle formation in tumor cells. Results from
kinetic analyses, microtubule (MT) binding competition assays, and hydrogen/deuterium-exchange studies
show that KSPA-1 does not compete directly for microtubule binding. Rather, this compound acts by driving
a conformational change in the KSP motor domain and disrupts productive ATP turnover stimulated by
MT. These findings provide a novel mechanism for targeting KSP and perhaps other mitotic kinesins.
The mitotic spindle has been identified as an important target
in cancer chemotherapy because of its critical role in cell
division. Microtubule-targeting drugs such as taxanes and vinca
alkaloids inhibit the mitotic spindle assembly by disruption of
microtubule dynamics. Despite the success of these classes of
drugs in the clinic, their clinical applications are limited both
by the development of resistance and by significant toxicities.
Inhibition of mitotic kinesins represents a promising alternative
strategy for antimitotic therapy.1–5 Mitotic kinesins are ATPdriven motor proteins that play critical roles in the transport of
cellular organelles and vesicles and in spindle pole separation
Department of Enzymology and Mechanistic Pharmacology,
ExSAR Corporation.
Department of Oncology Biology, GlaxoSmithKline.
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, GlaxoSmithKline.
(1) Bergnes, G.; Brejc, K.; Belmont, L. Curr. Top. Med. Chem. 2005, 5,
(2) Duhl, D. M.; Renhowe, P. A. Curr. Opin. Drug DiscoVery DeV. 2005,
8, 431–436.
(3) Jackson, J. R.; Patrick, D. R.; Dar, M. M.; Huang, P. S. Nat. ReV.
Cancer 2007, 7, 107–117.
(4) Miglarese, M. R.; Carlson, R. O. Expert. Opin. InVestig. Drugs 2006,
15, 1411–1425.
10.1021/ja710889h CCC: $40.75 © XXXX American Chemical Society
Published on Web 05/21/2008
and chromosome movement.6,7 Kinesin spindle protein (KSP
or hsEg5) is a particularly attractive antimitotic target in the
mitotic kinesin family. KSP generates the major plus-end
directed force for mitotic spindle assembly and is essential for
spindle pole separation during mitosis. A number of inhibitors
of KSP have been reported, including quinazolinone analogues
[Ispinesib (SB715992), and SB-743921], monastrol, S-trityl-Lcysteine, and dihydropyrazoles.5,8–14 All of these reported
inhibitors are suggested to bind to an allosteric binding pocket
formed by helices R2 and R3 and loop L5 of the protein. Recent
studies have shown that mutations in this binding pocket can
generate inhibitor-resistant, but otherwise catalytically competent
KSP motor protein.12,15,16 In particular, Ispinesib-resistant KSP
mutants D130V and A133D were generated in HCT116
colorectal tumor cells in the presence of Ispinesib analogues.12
Both mutations are located in the loop L5 binding pocket,
highlighting a potential mechanism of drug resistance for loop
L5 binding inhibitors of KSP. In this study, we report the
(5) Sakowicz, R.; Finer, J. T.; Beraud, C.; Crompton, A.; Lewis, E.;
Fritsch, A.; Lee, Y.; Mak, J.; Moody, R.; Turincio, R.; Chabala, J. C.;
Gonzales, P.; Roth, S.; Weitman, S.; Wood, K. W. Cancer Res. 2004,
64, 3276–3280.
(6) Miki, H.; Okada, Y.; Hirokawa, N. Trends Cell Biol. 2005, 15, 467–
(7) Kinbara, K.; Aida, T. Chem. ReV. 2005, 105, 1377–1400.
J. AM. CHEM. SOC. XXXX, xxx, 000
Luo et al.
characterization of a novel small molecule modulator of KSP.
This compound, KSPA-1, has drastically different effects on
KSP ATPase activity in the presence and absence of microtubules (MT). It increases the rate of ATP turnover by the KSP
motor domain without MT and conversely blocks the MTstimulated ATP turnover by KSP. KSPA-1 inhibits the proliferation of tumor cells and induces monopolar spindle formation,
which is the same phenotype observed for tumor cells treated
with allosteric inhibitors such as Ispinesib and monastrol. Kinetic
analyses and hydrogen/deuterium-exchange studies suggest that
this compound inhibits the microtubule stimulated ATPase
activity of KSP by driving conformational changes in the KSP
motor domain and disrupting MT-stimulated productive ATP
Materials and Methods
Materials. Pyruvate kinase/lactate dehydrogenase enzymes were
purchased from Sigma. The motor domain of wild-type KSP
monomer (amino acids 1-360) was expressed in Escherichia coli
BL21(DE3) as a C-terminal 6-his fusion protein following procedures previously described.5,17 Bacterial pellets were lysed with a
microfluidizer (Microfluidics Corp.) in lysis buffer [50 mM TrisHCl, 50 mM KCl, 10 mM imidazole, 2 mM MgCl2, 8 mM
β-mercaptoethanol, 0.1 mM ATP (pH 7.4)], and proteins were
purified using Ni-NTA agarose affinity chromatography, with an
elution buffer consisting of 50 mM PIPES, 10% sucrose, 300 mM
imidazole, 50 mM KCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 1 mM β-mercaptoethanol,
and 0.1 mM ATP (pH 6.8). KSPA-1 was identified from a highthroughput screen of the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) compound
collection and was synthesized by GSK scientists. Studies on
KSPA-1 were performed using solid material (>98% pure).
KSPA-1 was soluble up to 250 µM in PEM25 buffer [25 mM
PipesK+(pH 6.8), 2 mM MgCl2, 1 mM EGTA]. The solubility of
KSPA-1 was measured using UV-visible absorption spectroscopy.
Molecular modeling studies were carried out using MOE (Molecular
Operating Environment) (Chemical Computing Group).
Kinetic Characterization of KSP Activation and Inhibition
by KSPA-1. Steady-state analyses were carried out using a pyruvate
kinase-lactate dehydrogenase detection system that coupled the
(8) Cox, C. D.; Torrent, M.; Breslin, M. J.; Mariano, B. J.; Whitman,
D. B.; Coleman, P. J.; Buser, C. A.; Walsh, E. S.; Hamilton, K.;
Schaber, M. D.; Lobell, R. B.; Tao, W.; South, V. J.; Kohl, N. E.;
Yan, Y.; Kuo, L. C.; Prueksaritanont, T.; Slaughter, D. E.; Li, C.;
Mahan, E.; Lu, B.; Hartman, G. D. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2006,
16, 3175–3179.
(9) Skoufias, D. A.; DeBonis, S.; Saoudi, Y.; Lebeau, L.; Crevel, I.; Cross,
R.; Wade, R. H.; Hackney, D.; Kozielski, F. J. Biol. Chem. 2006,
281, 17559–17569.
(10) Cochran, J. C.; Gatial, J. E.; Kapoor, T. M.; Gilbert, S. P. J. Biol.
Chem. 2005, 280, 12658–12667.
(11) Maliga, Z.; Kapoor, T. M.; Mitchison, T. J. Chem. Biol. 2002, 9, 989–
(12) Jackson, J. R.; Auger, K. R.; Gilmartin, A.; Eng, W. K.; Luo, L.;
Concha, N.; Parrish, C.; Sutton, D.; Diamond, M.; Giardiniere, M.;
Zhang, S.-Y.; Huang, P.; Wood, K. W.; Belmont, L.; Lee, Y.; Bergnes,
G.; Anderson, R.; Brejc, K.; Sakowicz, R. A Resistance Mechanism
for the KSP Inhibitor Ispinesib Implicates Point Mutations in the
Compound Binding Site; Presented at the 17th AACR-NCI-EORTC
International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Philadelphia, PA, Nov, 2005; Poster C207.
(13) Cox, C. D.; Breslin, M. J.; Mariano, B. J.; Coleman, P. J.; Buser,
C. A.; Walsh, E. S.; Hamilton, K.; Huber, H. E.; Kohl, N. E.; Torrent,
M.; Yan, Y.; Kuo, L. C.; Hartman, G. D. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.
2005, 15, 2041–2045.
(14) Sarli, V.; Giannis, A. ChemMedChem. 2006, 1, 293–298.
(15) Brier, S.; Lemaire, D.; DeBonis, S.; Forest, E.; Kozielski, F. J. Mol.
Biol. 2006, 360, 360–376.
(16) Maliga, Z.; Mitchison, T. J. BMC. Chem. Biol. 2006, 6, 2.
(17) Luo, L.; Carson, J. D.; Dhanak, D.; Jackson, J. R.; Huang, P. S.; Lee,
Y.; Sakowicz, R.; Copeland, R. A. Biochemistry 2004, 43, 15258–
VOL. xxx, NO. xx, XXXX
production of ADP to oxidation of NADH.17 Absorbance changes
were monitored at 340 nm. All biochemical experiments were
performed in PEM25 buffer supplemented with 10 µM paclitaxel
for experiments involving microtubules. Inhibitor modality under
steady-state conditions was determined by measuring the effect of
inhibitor concentration on initial velocity as a function of substrate
Data Analysis. The IC50 values and K1/2 values reported are mean
values ( standard deviation from three independent measurements.
IC50 values were determined by fitting inhibition data to the binding
isotherm (eq 1), where V is the reaction velocity at different
concentrations of inhibitor I, Vo is the control velocity in the absence
of inhibitor, and n is the Hill Coefficient. K1/2,KSPA-1 activation values
were determined by fitting activation data to the binding isotherm
(eq 2), where V is the reaction velocity at different concentrations
of activator L, Vo is the control velocity in the absence of activator,
and n is the Hill Coefficient. Complete inhibition was observed at
saturating compound concentration for all IC50 determinations.
( )
Mode of inhibition data were fit globally, using the program GraFit,
to velocity equations for competitive (eq 3), noncompetitive (eq
4), uncompetitive (eq 6), and mixed inhibition (eq 5). An F test
was used to compare the goodness of the fits.
competitive inhibition: V )
noncompetitive inhibition: V )
mixed inhibition: V )
Km 1 +
Km 1 +
+S 1+
) (
Km 1 +
+S 1+
Ki ’
uncompetitive inhibition: V )
) (
Km + S 1 +
Mant-ADP Release Assay. To monitor 2′-/3′- O- (N′-methylanthraniloyl)-ADP (Mant-ADP) release, KSP protein was incubated
with an excess of Mant-ADP for 30 min at room temperature.
Unbound ADP was separated from the KSP protein by gel filtration
on a DG10 prepacked column (BioRad), equilibrated with PEM25
buffer. This KSP-Mant-ADP complex was diluted to 5 µM in
PEM25 with KSPA-1or DMSO and rapidly mixed in a stoppedflow apparatus with an equal volume of 2 mM ATP solution in
PEM25 (with or without 20 µM taxol-polymerized tubulin). Release
of Mant-ADP from KSP was monitored by fluorescence (excitation
wavelength, 360 nm; emission wavelength, 420 nm) versus time.
Resulting fluorescence change traces were fitted with exponential
decay curves to determine corresponding rate constants.
MT Binding Competition Assay. Five µM KSP and 5 µM MT
were incubated with 0-80 µM KSPA-1 for 30 min at room
temperature. These reactions were then subjected to ultracentrifugation for 45 min at 100000g. The supernatants and pellets were
separated and subjected to electrophoresis on a 4-12% Bis-Tris
SDS gel.
Proliferation Assays. Cells were plated in duplicate or triplicate
96-well plates (500 cells/well) and incubated overnight in growth
medium. Test compounds in DMSO stocks were serially diluted
in DMSO, diluted into growth medium, and then stamped into 96-
Ligand Regulation of ATP Hydrolysis
well plates containing cells. All plates included a DMSO control
and wells with no cells were used to subtract nonspecific background. A cell plate that was not exposed to compound was
harvested at the time of compound addition to serve as the time
zero (t ) 0) control. After cells were incubated with compound
for 72 h, plates were harvested and the cellular response was
determined with CTG (Cell Titer Glo, Promega). The extent of
cell proliferation was expressed as a function of cell growth for
the DMSO controls and concentration-response curves were fit
using XLFit (v4.2) in Microsoft Excel.
Hydrogen/Deuterium-Exchange (H/D-Ex) Analysis. The exchange reaction was initiated by mixing KSP solution (with and without
apyrase treatment, and with and without 600 µM KSPA-1) and PEM25
buffer with or without 600 µM KSPA-1 in D2O. In the exchange solution,
the final concentrations were: [KSP] ) 17 µM, [KSPA-1] ) (600 µM,
[ADP] ) (500 µM, [DMSO] ) 6%, and [D2O] ) 80%. The reaction
mixture was incubated at 4 ( 1 °C for varying incubation times (15, 50,
150, 500, and 1500 s). These functionally deuterated samples were then
subjected to H/D-Ex analysis along with control samples of nondeuterated
and fully deuterated protein (incubated in 100 mM TCEP in 80% D2O at
60 °C overnight). The detailed general operation procedures for H/D-Ex
are as described previously.18 Briefly, a 20 µL H/D-exchanged protein
solution was quenched by shifting to pH 2.5, 0 °C with 30 µL of 2 M
urea and 1 M TCEP.The quenched solution was immediately passed over
an immobilized pepsin column (104 µL bed volume) at 1 °C with 0.05%
TFA (200 µL/min) for 3 min with contemporaneous collection of
proteolytic products by a trap column. Subsequently the peptide fragments
were eluted from the trap column and separated by C18 column (Magic
C18, Michrom BioResources, Inc., Auburn, CA) with a linear gradient
of 13% to 40% B over 23 min (solvent A, 0.05% TFA in water; solvent
B, 95% acetonitrile, 5% water, 0.0025% TFA; flow rate 5-10 µL/min).
MS analyses were carried out with a Thermo Finnigan LCQ mass
spectrometer (Thermo Electron Corporation, San Jose, CA) with capillary
temperature at 215 °C. The centroids of probe peptide isotopic envelopes
were measured using an in-house-developed program in collaboration with
Sierra Analytics. The corrections for back-exchange were made employing
deuteration level (%) )
m(P) - m(N)
× 100
m(F) - m(N)
where m(P), m(N), and m(F) are the centroid value of partially
deuterated peptide, nondeuterated peptide, and fully deuterated
peptide, respectively.
Figure 1. Activation of the basal ATPase activity of kinesins by the
maleamide compound KSPA-1: (a) Chemical structure of KSPA-1. (b)
Increase of basal kinesin ATPase activity by maleamide compound KSPA1. The reactions contain 500 nM KSP (open circle), CENP-E (filled
diamond), or Kif15 (open triangle). The K1/2,KSPA-1 activation value was
determined by fitting the activity data to eq 2. (c) Representative titration
curve of KSPA-1 concentration vs inhibition of KSP-catalyzed ATP
hydrolysis (50 nM KSP at saturating MT). The IC50 value was determined
by fitting inhibition data to the standard binding isotherm (eq 1).
Table 1. Steady-State Kinetic Parameters for KSP Activities in the
Presence and Absence of KSPA-1
Identification of KSP Basal ATPase Activators. The identi-
fication of KSP mutations at the Ispinesib binding site that could
result in drug resistance led us to screen chemical libraries for
new inhibitors of KSP with distinct binding sites and enzymatic
modes of inhibition. One compound series, the maleamide
compounds, was identified from a high-through screen of the
GSK compound collection. The maleamide compounds were
found to activate ATP turnover by KSP in the absence of MT
and inhibit KSP ATP turnover in the presence of MT. One
representative compound, KSP activator-1 (KSPA-1, Figure 1a),
accelerates the basal ATP turnover rate circa 10-fold from 0.13
to 1.2 s-1 at 50 µM. The activation is compound-concentration
dependent and saturable (Figure 1b); for KSPA-1 with halfmaximal activation (K1/2,KSPA-1 activation) equal to 6.9 ( 0.7 µM.
Interestingly, the activation of basal ATP turnover was found
to be motor domain specific. No activation was observed for
(18) Hamuro, Y.; Coales, S. J.; Southern, M. R.; Nemeth-Cawley, J. F.;
Stranz, D. D.; Griffin, P. R. J. Biomol. Tech. 2003, 14, 171–182.
(19) Bai, Y.; Milne, J. S.; Mayne, L.; Englander, S. W. Proteins 1993, 17,
(20) Zhang, Z.; Smith, D. L. Protein Sci. 1993, 2, 522–531.
kcat (s-1)
Km[ATP] (µM)
kcat/ Km[ATP]
(s-1 M-1)
K1/2,MT (µM)
K1/2,KSPA-1 activation
MT + 30 µM
MT-free KSP
KSP + 50 µM
0.20 ( 0.01
30 ( 4
6.7 × 103
1.4 ( 0.1
46 ( 5
3.0 × 104
13 ( 1
14 ( 1
9.3 × 105
6.9 ( 0.7
0.27 ( 0.01 0.31 ( 0.01
4.4 ( 0.1
103 ( 14
4.3 × 104
CENP-E or Kif15 catalyzed basal ATP turnover (Figure 1b).
In the presence of MT, KSPA-1 inhibits KSP activity with an
IC50 ) 2.3 ( 0.3 µM (see Figure 1c for a representative titration
curve). No inhibition of other kinesins, including CENP-E and
Kif15 was observed. In addition, dilution experiments showed
that the activation and inhibition effects of KSPA-1 are rapidly
reversible (data not shown), which excludes the possibility of
covalent modification of KSP by KSPA-1.
Biochemical Mechanism of Action of Maleamide KSP
Activators. To understand the biochemical mechanism of basal
KSP activation, we examined the effects of KSPA-1 on both
the kcat and Km for KSP-catalyzed basal ATP hydrolysis reaction.
VOL. xxx, NO. xx, XXXX
Luo et al.
Figure 2. Mechanism of inhibition studies of KSPA-1. (a) Steady-state mode of inhibition studies by (left panel) varying the ATP concentration in the
presence of saturating MT (9 µM) with 24 µM KSPA-1 (open circle), 8 µM KSPA-1 (filled circle), 2.7 µM KSPA-1 (open square), and 0 µM KSPA-1 (filled
square); (right panel) varying the MT concentration in the presence of saturating ATP (200 µM) with 30 µM KSPA-1 (open circle), 10 µM KSPA-1 (filled
circle), 3.3 µM KSPA-1 (open square), and 0 µM KSPA-1 (filled square). (b) Cosedimentation analysis of KSP binding to microtubules in the presence of
varied concentrations (0 -80 µM) of KSPA-1.
In the presence of 50 µM KSPA-1, the kcat of KSP basal ATP
turnover increased 7-fold from 0.20 to 1.4 s-1, while the Km
remained largely unchanged (Table 1), suggesting that the
activation of basal KSP by KSPA-1 is mainly through an
increased rate of catalysis (kcat effect) but not better substrate
binding (Km effect). To understand better the mechanism by
which KSPA-1 inhibits the MT-stimulated ATPase activity of
KSP, we studied the mode of inhibition of KSPA-1 by steadystate kinetic analysis. The rate of MT-stimulated KSP-catalyzed
ATP hydrolysis in the presence of varying concentrations of
ATP and KSPA-1 were measured and the data were fit globally
using the program Grafit (Figure 2a). Statistic testing (F-test)
suggested that the data fit the best to a mixed-type mechanism
with apparent Ki ) 6 ( 1 µM. Similarly, the rate of MTstimulated KSP-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis in the presence of
varying concentrations of MT and KSPA-1 were measured at
saturating ATP concentration. The F-test results showed that
KSPA-1 is clearly not competitive with respect to MT and the
data fit best to a noncompetitive mechanism. In addition,
KSPA-1 inhibits a KSP mutant with its loop L5 replaced by
that of KHC (kinesin heavy chain, KHC-L5) with a Ki ) 1.2 (
0.3 µM (see Supporting Information) and the inhibition here is
also noncompetitive with respect to MT. This result contrasts
with the effect of Ispinesib and other loop L5-binding inhibitors
that display greatly attenuated affinity for the KHC-L5 relative
to wild-type KSP, confirming that KSPA-1 inhibits KSP via a
novel mechanism.12
Microtubule Binding Competition Assay. To further evaluate
whether KSPA-1 directly competes with MT for KSP, an MT
binding competition assay was performed. In this binding assay,
5 µM KSP and 5 µM MT were incubated with 0-80 µM
KSPA-1 for 30 min at room temperature, then subjected to
ultracentrifugation for 45 min and separated by SDS-PAGE.
As shown in Figure 2b, the amount of KSP in the supernatant
VOL. xxx, NO. xx, XXXX
was not affected by increasing KSPA-1, confirming that the
compound does not promote detachment of KSP from
Effect of KSPA-1 on ADP Release. It is known that the ratelimiting step of basal KSP ATP hydrolysis is ADP release and
that MT accelerates the KSP-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis reaction,
mainly by accelerating the rate of ADP release.10,21–23 MantADP is a fluorescent ADP mimetic that can be conveniently
used to spectroscopically follow the rate of nucleotide release
from enzymes like KSP. We first tested whether Mant-ATP
turnover could also be activated by KSPA-1. Using an assay
detecting inorganic phosphate formation, both Mant-ATP and
ATP reactions exhibited 8-9 fold activation by 50 µM KSPA1, suggesting that the Mant-moiety of the nucleotide does not
have an effect on KSPA-1 activation. KSPA-1 demonstrated a
concentration-dependent acceleration of the rate of Mant-ADP
release from KSP (see Figure 3 and Supporting Information).
At a concentration of 80 µM, KSPA-1 accelerated the MantADP release rate about 20-fold from 0.29 to 5.2 s-1 for MTfree KSP. In the presence of saturating MT, KSPA-1 has the
opposite effect on Mant-ADP release from KSP, actually
slowing the rate of nucleotide release by almost 3-fold (from
14.4 s-1 to 5.2 s-1). These results clearly demonstrate that
KSPA-1 augments basal ATPase activity by accelerating the
rate-limiting ADP release step. Conversely, the compound
inhibits MT-stimulated ATP turnover by decreasing the rate of
ADP release to a rate similar to that of KSP in the absence of
MT, presumably by diverting KSP to a nonproductive (or
minimally productive) conformation.
(21) Cochran, J. C.; Sontag, C. A.; Maliga, Z.; Kapoor, T. M.; Correia,
J. J.; Gilbert, S. P. J. Biol. Chem. 2004, 279, 38861–38870.
(22) Cochran, J. C.; Krzysiak, T. C.; Gilbert, S. P. Biochemistry 2006, 45,
(23) Cochran, J. C.; Gilbert, S. P. Biochemistry 2005, 44, 16633–16648.
Ligand Regulation of ATP Hydrolysis
Figure 3. Mant-ADP release rate with and without MT in the presence of
varied concentrations of KSPA-1.
KSPA-1 Inhibits Cell Proliferation by Inducing
Monopolar-Spindle Formation. KSPA-1 inhibits the prolifera-
tion of HCT116 cells with an IC50 ) 28.1 ( 0.8 µM (Figure
4a). The mitotic activity of KSP is required for mitosis and its
inhibition results in cell cycle arrest that is phenotypically
characterized by the formation of monopolar spindles.24 We
investigated the mechanism of KSPA-1 cellular antiproliferative
activity by evaluating the ability of the compound to induce
monopolar spindles using immunofluorescence staining. As
shown in Figure 4b, KSPA-1 induces monopolar spindle
formation and this phenotype is indistinguishable from that seen
with Ispinesib treatment of HCT116 cells. KSPA-1 compound
showed no cytotoxicity up to 100 µM.
Hydrogen/Deuterium-Exchange (H/D-Ex) of KSP Motor
Domain in the Presence of KSPA-1. Amide hydrogen/deuterium
exchange (H/D-Ex), coupled with proteolysis and liquid
chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis (LC-MS), is a
very sensitive tool to probe protein conformation/dynamics.18,25–27
Here, H/D-Ex was applied to measure the dynamics of KSP
under four different conditions: in the presence or absence of
ADP and in the presence and absence of KSPA-1 (summarized
in Table 2 and Supporting Information 4). Under all conditions,
100% KSP sequence coverage was achieved in H/D-Ex
The H/D exchange pattern of a protein provides data on the
dynamic properties of the protein in solution. Five segments
84-90 (helix R1), 95-99 (sheet β3), 157-160 (sheet β4),
257-263 (sheet β7), and 344-353 (helix R6) show less than
25% deuterium incorporation under all four tested conditions
(Supporting Information 4). These segments, which are colored
in blue in Figure 5a, are very close to each other in the X-ray
crystallographic structure of KSP (PDB:1Q0B) and form the
most stable core of this protein fold.28
In contrast, eight segments 4-21 (loop L1), 33-42 (β-turn),
54-69 (loop L2), 171-180 (loop L7), 214-227 (helix R3),
266-292 (loop L11), 305-316 (loop L12), and 354-368 (neck
linker) show more than 75% deuterium incorporation under all
four tested conditions (Supporting Information 4), indicating
that these are very dynamic and solvent exposed regions (Figure
5b). As observed in many other proteins, the most dynamic and/
or solvent exposed regions of the KSP motor domain are
unstructured or loop regions. While segment 214-227 is part
of helix R3 in the KSP-ADP structure, it is immediately adjacent
to the switch I region of KSP. The switch I region, near the
nucleotide-binding cleft, has been shown to dramatically alter
its conformation, changing from a small helix or helices to a
pseudo-β-hairpin in several other kinesin motor proteins.29,30
It is thus conceivable that the part of helix R3 preceding switch
I is structurally dynamic and could undergo conformational
changes during the ATP hydrolysis cycle. As with most other
kinesin motors, the structure of KSP motor protein resembles
an arrowhead with the nucleotide binding site at the wider end
Figure 4. (a) Inhibition of HCT116 cell proliferation by KSPA-1. The IC50 value was determined by fitting inhibition data to the standard binding isotherm
(eq 1). (b) KSPA-1 causes monopolar spindles in mitotic cells. Immunofluorescence staining [R-tubulin (green), chromatin (blue)] of HCT116 cells treated
for 16 h with 0.4% DMSO (control) or 30 µM KSPA-1.
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Luo et al.
Table 2. Difference in Average Deuteration Level of Each
Segment in KSP with and without KSPA-1 and/or ADPa
(1) difference
in H/D exchange
500 µM vs
0 µM ADP (%)
(2) difference
in H/D exchange
600 µM vs
0 µM KSPA-1 (%)
(3) difference
in H/D exchange
600 µM vs
0 µM KSPA-1
(500 µM ADP) (%)
Column 1 shows the difference in average deuteration level with
500 µM ADP versus without ADP; column 2 shows the difference in
average deuteration level with 600 µM KSPA-1 versus without KSPA-1
in the absence of ADP; column 3 shows the difference in average
deuteration level with 600 µM KSPA-1 versus without KSPA-1 in the
presence of 500 µM ADP. b The first two residues of each proteolytic
fragment lose most of the deuterium attached during the separation
step.19 Therefore, peptide 2-21 can give the deuteration level of
segment 4-21. This accounts for most of the gaps in the sequence.
The deuterium incorporation of segment 344-353 was obtained by the
subtraction of the deuterium incorporation in 354-368 from that in
of the arrowhead.31 The deuterium incorporation results show
that KSP motor protein has a rigid core consisting mostly of
central β-sheets occupying the narrower end of the arrowhead
(Figure 5). In contrast, the tail side of the arrowhead is more
dynamic and may undergo conformational changes during the
ATP hydrolysis cycle.
H/D exchange perturbations of KSP in the presence or
absence of ADP were measured (Table 2). Overall, the protein
has lower H/D exchange rates in most regions when ADP is
(24) Kapoor, T. M.; Mayer, T. U.; Coughlin, M. L.; Mitchison, T. J. J. Cell
Biol. 2000, 150, 975–988.
(25) Busenlehner, L. S.; Armstrong, R. N. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2005,
433, 34–46.
(26) Chalmers, M. J.; Busby, S. A.; Pascal, B. D.; He, Y.; Hendrickson,
C. L.; Marshall, A. G.; Griffin, P. R. Anal. Chem. 2006, 78, 1005–
(27) Hamuro, Y.; Coales, S. J.; Morrow, J. A.; Molnar, K. S.; Tuske, S. J.;
Southern, M. R.; Griffin, P. R. Protein Sci. 2006, 15, 1883–1892.
(28) Yan, Y.; Sardana, V.; Xu, B.; Homnick, C.; Halczenko, W.; Buser,
C. A.; Schaber, M.; Hartman, G. D.; Huber, H. E.; Kuo, L. C. J. Mol.
Biol. 2004, 335, 547–554.
(29) Marx, A.; Muller, J.; Mandelkow, E. AdV. Protein Chem. 2005, 71,
(30) Kull, F. J.; Endow, S. A. J. Cell Sci. 2002, 115, 15–23.
(31) Turner, J.; Anderson, R.; Guo, J.; Beraud, C.; Fletterick, R.; Sakowicz,
R. J. Biol. Chem. 2001, 276, 25496–25502.
VOL. xxx, NO. xx, XXXX
present, suggesting that the KSP motor protein domain is less
dynamic when ADP is bound. The segments that exchange
significantly slower (>10%) in the presence of ADP are
surrounding the three key regions for nucleotide sensing: the
P-loop, switch I and switch II regions. Segment 105-124, the
phosphate binding region (P-loop) of KSP, shows the most
notable decrease (63%) in deuterium incorporation in the
presence of ADP. The P-loop region is conserved in all kinesin
structures and forms most of the nucleotide binding pocket.
Almost all residues that have direct contact with ADP in the
KSP structure are located within the P-loop region. In addition
to the P-loop region, segments around the switch I and switch
II regions also show significant decreases in H/D exchange rates
(Figure 5b). The switch I and switch II regions are critical for
nucleotide sensing and force production. These regions are
proposed to consititute the main microtubule-binding elements
of kinesins.30,32,33 The decrease in H/D exchange in these
regions upon ADP binding suggests that the presence of ADP
allosterically reduces the dynamics of the switch II region.
In the absence of ADP, the binding of 600 µM KSPA-1 has
very little effect on the H/D exchange rates of KSP with the
only notable change being in segment 295-301 (helix R4) at
the switch II region. The 6% decrease in H/D exchange in this
segment indicates that this region is less solvent-accessible upon
KSPA-1 binding. In the presence of 500 µM ADP, several
regions of KSP show increases in deuterium incorporation with
600 µM KSPA-1 (Table 2). Three segments, 105-124 (P-loop),
295-301 (helix R4), and 305-316 (Loop L12), exchange
significantly faster in the presence of 600 µM KSPA-1 (Figure
5c). Interestingly, these segments and their surrounding regions
show significant reductions in H/D exchange when KSP binds
to ADP (Table 2). Taken together, these observations suggest
that the binding of KSPA-1 triggers conformational changes in
the P-loop region and switch II cluster, accelerating the release
of ADP.
KSP is a promising new target for antimitotic cancer therapy.
Its primary function in mitosis regulation and its absence in
postmitotic neurons portend that inhibitors of KSP may block
cancer cell proliferation without the neuropathic side effects
typical of taxane and vinca alkaloid therapies.1,3,14 Almost all
of the small-molecule inhibitors of KSP known to date bind to
an induced-fit pocket remote from the nucleotide binding pocket,
providing exquisite selectivity for inhibitors targeting this site.8,28
One exception is a marine natural product adociasulgate-2 (AS2). AS-2 was identified as an MT-competitive inhibitor of
conventional kinesin. It is a nonspecific kinesin inhibitor
targeting mitotic and nonmitotic kinesins including KSP, CENPE, RabK6, MKLP1, KHC, and KIFC1.34,35 AS-2 forms rodlike
aggregates with its sulfate groups exposed to aqueous solution
and thus mimics MT in kinesin motor protein binding.36
In this study, we identified a novel class of compounds that
can specifically inhibit KSP-MT complex catalyzed ATP
(32) Nitta, R.; Kikkawa, M.; Okada, Y.; Hirokawa, N. Science 2004, 305,
(33) Kikkawa, M.; Sablin, E. P.; Okada, Y.; Yajima, H.; Fletterick, R. J.;
Hirokawa, N. Nature 2001, 411, 439–445.
(34) Brier, S.; Carletti, E.; DeBonis, S.; Hewat, E.; Lemaire, D.; Kozielski,
F. Biochemistry 2006, 45, 15644–15653.
(35) Sakowicz, R.; Berdelis, M. S.; Ray, K.; Blackburn, C. L.; Hopmann,
C.; Faulkner, D. J.; Goldstein, L. S. Science 1998, 280, 292–295.
(36) Reddie, K. G.; Roberts, D. R.; Dore, T. M. J. Med. Chem. 2006, 49,
Ligand Regulation of ATP Hydrolysis
Figure 5. Stereoview of the modeled structure of KSP using the coordinates of crystal structure of KSP in complex with Mg-ADP (PDB: 1II6). The models
are generated by projecting the average deuterium incorporation to KSP in the presence or absence of ADP or KSPA-1 onto the KSP crystal structure. (a)
The segments with deuteration level <25% under all four different conditions are highlighted in blue and all the other segments are colored in orange.
(b) The segments with deuteration level>75% under all four different conditions are colored in magenta and all the other segments are colored in orange.
(c) The segments with significant change in deuterium incorporation (>9% change) in the presence of 600 µM KSPA-1 are highlighted in green and all the
other segments are colored in orange. For all structures, the molecule at the active site of the KSP motor protein is ADP-Mg2+.
hydrolysis. These compounds have differential effects on the
KSP ATPase activities in the presence and absence of MT.
KSPA-1, an exemplar of this class of compounds, accelerates
the basal KSP-catalyzed ATPase reaction circa 10-fold while
inhibiting the MT stimulated KSP-catalyzed ATPase activity
with a Ki ) 6 ( 1 µM. KSPA-1 also inhibits the Ispinesibresistant mutant KHC-L5 with a Ki ) 1.2 ( 0.3 µM, suggesting
that KSPA-1 does not target the loop5 binding pocket. Unlike
AS-2, KSPA-1 is very specific for KSP with no observable
activation or inhibition effects on any other kinesins. In addition,
KSPA-1 is noncompetitive with respect to MT and does not
compete for MT binding in the MT binding assay. Singleturnover studies show that KSPA-1 augments the basal KSPcatalyzed ATPase activity by accelerating the rate-limiting ADP
release step, similar to the mechanism of MT-stimulated ATP
hydrolysis. It is unclear whether KSPA-1 and MT trigger the
same “molecular switch” to accelerate ADP release.
To better understand the nature of KSPA-1 and KSP
interaction, we used H/D exchange coupled with proteolyzis
and mass spectrometry to study the solvent accessibility and
protein dynamics for KSP. This approach has been successfully
used to probe the interaction of KSP motor protein and several
known inhibitors of KSP, including monastrol, S-trityl-Lcysteine, and AS-2.34,37 We monitored the protein dynamics of
KSP with and without ADP and KSPA-1. We observed that
the nucleotide binding pocket and the loop regions are much
more dynamic than the central β sheets and surrounding R
helices (Figure 5a,b). Interestingly, ADP binding shows a
dramatic effect on the solvent accessibility and protein dynamics
of KSP (Figure 5c). Most regions have slower H/D exchange
in the presence of ADP, with the most noticeable effect observed
in the segments surrounding the key regions for nucleotide
sensing: P-loop, switch I, and switch II regions. These results
suggest that KSP is more rigid in the ADP-state compared to
the nucleotide-free state. While binding of ADP drives the KSP
into a rigid or “closed” state, binding of KSPA-1 has an opposite
effect on the protein dynamics of ADP-bound KSP (column 3
(37) Brier, S.; Lemaire, D.; DeBonis, S.; Forest, E.; Kozielski, F. Biochemistry 2004, 43, 13072–13082.
VOL. xxx, NO. xx, XXXX
Luo et al.
of Table 2). In particular, the P-loop and the switch II helix R4
and loop L12 regions show significantly increased solvent
accessibility upon binding to KSPA-1. These results, in conjunction with the results from kinetic analysis, suggest that
KSPA-1 activates the basal KSP activity by driving the KSP
protein from the “closed” ADP-state to a less rigid “open” state.
An increase in deuterium incorporation in two regions was
reported in a recent H/D Ex study of KSP in the presence of
AS-2.34 While the peptide 293-316 (helix R4 and loop L12)
identified in the AS-2 study is almost identical to the region in
which we observed significantly increased H/D-Ex (295-301
and 305-316 in Table 2), KSPA-1 binding induced no change
in H/D-Ex in the other region, 161-189 (β4-L7-β5-L8-β5R).
These results indicate that AS-2 and KSPA-1 both stimulate
increases in dynamic motions of ADP-bound KSP, but are
differentiated from one another by the specific details of the
protein segments affected by each compound. Further structural
studies are required to better understand the binding interaction
between KSP motor protein and KSPA-1 and the mechanism
of modulation.
KSP, like many other kinesins, uses the chemical energy of
ATP hydrolysis to generate force and move along microtubules.
The coupling of the chemical energy from ATP hydrolysis into
mechanical movement is a complex process that involves
conformational changes in different parts of the kinesin motor
domain, offering multiple opportunities to intervene in this
chemomechanical transduction pathway.5,8–14 The “loop L5
binders” such as Ispinesib (SB715992), monastrol, S-trityl-Lcysteine, and dihydropyrazoles5,8–14 block the KSP ATPase
activity by locking the enzyme in a KSP-ADP-inhibitor ternary
complex. AS-2, on the other hand, is a pan-kinesin inhibitor
that mimics MT in kinesin motor protein binding and competes
for MT binding. Recently, we reported a new family of ATPcompetitive inhibitors of KSP that bind at the R4/R6 interface
and likely interfere with the switch II-helix R4-helix R6-neck
VOL. xxx, NO. xx, XXXX
linker conformation relay.38,39 KSPA-1, a representative of the
maleamide KSP modulators, is a specific inhibitor of KSPATPase that inhibits the MT stimulated KSP ATPase acitivity but
increases the basal KSP ATPase activity. KSPA-1 does not
directly compete for MT binding and drives a conformational
change in the KSP motor domain to disrupt the productive ATP
turnover stimulated by MT. While previous reports have shown
that the same small molecule could function as a receptor agonist
or antagonist in the presence or absence of an auxiliary subunit,40
KSPA-1 represents the first specific small molecule modulator
that can activate an enzyme in one conformation while inhibiting
it in another. These findings exemplify the diversity of novel
mechanisms by which conformationally dynamic enzymes, such
as KSP, can be targeted by small molecule effectors of catalytic
Acknowledgment. We thank William F. DeGrado and S. Walter
Englander for helpful discussions regarding the use of hydrogen/
Supporting Information Available: Complete author lists for
refs 38 and 39. (1) Steady-state mode of inhibition study of
KHL-L5 mutant; (2) presteady-state experiment for Mant-ADP
release kinetics; (3) digestion/separation optimization of KSP;
4. KSP H/D-exchange results. This material is available free of
charge via the Internet at
(38) Parrish, C. A.; Adams, N. D.; Auger, K. R.; Burgess, J. L.; Carson,
J. D.; Chaudhari, A. M.; Copeland, R. A.; Diamond, M. A.; Donatelli,
C. A.; Duffy, K. J.; Faucette, L. F.; Finer, J. T.; Huffman, W. F.;
Hugger, E. D.; Jackson, J. R.; et al. J. Med. Chem. 2007, 50, 4939–
(39) Luo, L.; Parrish, C. A.; Nevins, N.; McNulty, D. E.; Chaudhari, A. M.;
Carson, J. D.; Sudakin, V.; Shaw, A. N.; Lehr, R.; Zhao, H.; Sweitzer,
S.; Lad, L.; Wood, K. W.; Sakowicz, R.; Annan, R. S.; et. al. Nat.
Chem. Biol. 2007, 3, 722–726.
(40) Menuz, K.; Stroud, R. M.; Nicoll, R. A.; Hays, F. A. Science 2007,
318, 815–817.