Warm Up—Word Analysis Strand Don't forget to

Warm Up—Word Analysis
[Don’t forget to copy down the agenda and Learning Goal!]
Sample CAHSEE Question (Copy Question and answer choices):
The storm took a malignant turn as the day wore on, it was the
worst storm the coast had seen in years.
Which word BEST replaces the word malignant in the sentence above?
Warm Up—Word Analysis
[Don’t forget to copy down the agenda and Learning Goal!]
Sample CAHSEE Question
Maria had invited Sarah to join her family on their annual vacation. They spent
two weeks making plans. A week before vacation however, Maria’s mother
informed that Sarah could no longer join them because a cousin was joining
them instead. Maria dreaded facing Sarah with the bad news. When the
doorbell rang, Maria painted on a smile with difficulty and ran downstairs to let
Sarah in.
In the last sentence, what does the phrase painted on a smile mean?
A. Drew a picture on her cheek
B. pretended to look happy
C. put on makeup
D. looked sad
Today’s Learning Goal—
Periods 1 & 6
I will identify the characteristics of word
analysis questions and learn how words are
formed in order to analyze common word
parts by completing sections of my Word
Analysis Packet.
Today’s Learning Goal—Period 3
I will be able to identify common word roots,
prefixes, and suffixes by completing the
worksheets in my word analysis packet and I
will apply my creative knowledge of
etymology by participating in the “Harry
Potter Challenge.”
Word Analysis Packet
• ..\ELA
Testing Strategies for the Word
Analysis Strand
• Activate Prior Knowledge
– Have you heard the word before?
– What does the word make you think of?
• Context Clues (Denotative vs. Connotative)
– Denotative = Dictionary Definition
– Connotative = Definition changes with context
• Positive, Negative, or Neutral
– Does the surrounding context make the word sound like it has a positive,
negative, or neutral meaning?
• Thumb-Over
– Place your thumb over the word and try and replace the word with one of
your own before guessing
The Harry Potter
• You will be provided a list of word roots, prefixes,
and suffixes.
• You will create your own spells for a wizard duel.
• Example:
– Impedimenta—spell to trip, freeze, bind, or knock
someone backward.
– Roots— “Ped”= foot/feet. Latin “impedimentum” and
“impedire” meaning to “shackle the feet”
Instructions: “Harry Potter
Work to come up with at least 5 spells (these will be turned in at
the end of class)
When time, each person will write their BEST spell on a single
sheet of paper that includes
Spell’s Name
Description of spell’s purpose/effects
Sides of the classroom will compete in the duel by physically
hurling spells at their opposite opponents
When time called, each side will read the spells they’ve suffered.
Exit Reflection
In a brief paragraph, describe ONE testing
strategy that can help you with the word
analysis strand on the CAHSEE.
Exit Reflection
Choose one word from the word study worksheets
we completed today and break down its definition by
word parts.
• Write out the word and circle its parts
• In a complete sentence, explain how its definition is
representative of its parts.