INTRODUCTION TO HUMANITIES (HUM 1020) FALL 2015 “Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes!” -Leonardo DaVinci Instructor: Professor Melanie Osborn E-Mail: or Course Location: Online course Required Texts: Landmarks in Humanities by Gloria F. Fiero (3rd Edition) ISBN: 978-0-07-769560-6 Course Description: A basic introduction to humanities. Focuses on central concepts, historical development and fundamental nature of philosophy, architecture, music, religion and art. Concepts from such disciplines integrated with contemporary American culture. Course Objectives: 1. To think critically about the interrelated nature of history, art, literature and philosophy 2. To appreciate the universality of the human condition 3. To examine, affirm and challenge the thought patterns of our own era by understanding the past 4. To extend mastery of Valencia’s core competencies: a. Think: think clearly, critically, and creatively, analyze, synthesize, integrate and evaluate in many domains of human inquiry b. Value: make reasoned judgments and responsible commitments c. Act: act purposefully, effectively and responsibly d. Communicate: communicate with different audiences using varied means Online Course Environment An online course is a course in which all of the content is delivered online at Valencia using the college-approved course management system. Online courses can provide opportunities for students to attend anytime from anywhere; however, the online student must take responsibility for his or her own learning. In any distance education program, the capacity for self-directed learning is crucial. While instructors and fellow students can provide some support, the online distance learner is expected to provide the internal motivation to manage his or her own learning during the course of study and have a basic grasp of Internet navigation skills and word processing skills. Blackboard is used to deliver all instruction in this online course and the student is responsible to learn to use this delivery system. To assess your readiness for an online course, you are encouraged to take the self-assessment at Students should visit the course at least every 48 hours to remain up-to-date on communications from the instructor and fellow students. Other tips can be found at the end of this document. Evaluation: Cultural Event PaperStudents will write a reaction paper to a cultural event. The paper must be at least 500 words, typewritten, using 1 inch margins, and 10 Times New Roman font. The word count must be included either at the beginning or at the end of the paper. The paper is worth a possible 20 points. Plan to spend the first part of the paper describing what you saw, and the remaining space evaluating it and how it relates to an interdisciplinary study of civilization. No late papers will be accepted unless documentation is provided for an absence due to extenuating circumstances. Possible topics include: Visiting an art museum or gallery (Morse Museum in Winter Park, Orlando Museum of Art, etc.) Viewing a foreign film or independent film at Enzian in Maitland Attending a play, opera or symphony performance This is not an exhaustive list, so feel free to choose something else of interest to you as your topic. However, to ensure your idea is acceptable, please get approval from the instructor beforehand. I will go over options as we move throughout the semester and keep you up to date on events happening in and around Orlando. Feel free to bring ideas to me or events happening where you live! Online Discussions – Most weeks, a discussion question related to the topic that week will be posted on Blackboard. For each discussion, you must write your own response, read at least five posts from your peers, and reply to at least three. Your original post and all replies should be made by 6pm on Sunday of the due date. Do not wait until the due date to complete all posts and responses. In order for there to be a discussion you must post and participate in the discussion throughout the week and not wait until the last minute. Points will be deducted if you do not post on at least two different days. Please note: your responses to the discussion questions should be at least ONE to TWO paragraphs long. Offer legitimate feedback to other responses, do not just say “I agree” or “I do not agree.” TELL me and your classmates why you do or do not. Final Creative Project – Students will choose one item of interest from our readings or discussions, i.e. a specific person, incident, artwork, literary work, philosophy, etc. and using that specific item, will create their own retelling or interpretation. For example, the student can write a short play, a poem, or song lyrics describing the specific item that you have chosen. For instance, if you are interested in Picasso’s artwork “Les Demoiselles,” you could write a poem or song lyrics describing it in more detail, or how you reacted to the artwork. Or if you are really taken with Greek philosophy, you can write a short script of two characters discussing the views of Socrates or Plato and how this translates to you now in the 21st century. I want you to be as creative as possible and most importantly have fun and make this a representation of YOU. FINAL EXAM: There is only one final exam in this course where I will ask you to do the following: Students will use their weekly online responses and discussions to complete a 2 page paper which highlights what you have learned in the course. This SHOULD NOT be a cut and paste of your discussions and responses, this SHOULD BE an evaluation of your responses and a summarization of what you have learned from your readings, discussion questions and responses to your classmates. At the beginning of the semester, I will ask you, “What do you think it means to be human?” and this final paper should readdress this question and how your answer and perceptions of what it is to be human has changed or not changed and why. I’m giving it to you now so you’ll have the entire semester to take notes and think about this question throughout the course. Overall Grade Distribution: Online Discussions/Reading Responses 30 points each Final Exam 25 points Cultural Event Paper 25 points Creative Project 20 points ______________________________________________ TOTAL 100 points A 100-90 points D 70-60 points B 90-80 points F 60-0 points C 80-70 points Student Integrity and Academic Dishonesty All students are expected to behave with integrity. Plagiarism and cheating are unethical, and students caught engaging in such activities will be subject to disciplinary action, including loss of credit for an assignment or for the entire course, probation, suspension, or even dismissal. For further information, please refer to college policies published in the student handbook. Students with Disabilities Any student who has special needs (as defined by Services for Special Students) must tell the professor during the first week of class so provisions can be made. Please visit if you have any questions about your status. Other Information The withdrawal date for a W is NOVEMBER 13. Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the course. The instructor DOES NOT withdraw students under any circumstances. Disclaimer: This syllabus may be changed anytime at the discretion of the instructor. Students will be informed of any changes. This being a college-level course, the professor reserves the right to discuss and assign material that may contain adult content. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, please discuss with Professor Osborn. CLASS CALENDAR Please note: All assignments are due by Sunday at 6:00 pm on the date indicated ** There is a LOT of information and material covered in this text and we only have ONE semester, so I will be cutting a few chapters, but feel free to read this material on your own. Week 1 DUE 9/6 Review Syllabus Reading: Chapter 1 FYI: It's very important to complete this first discussion as this will let me know who has "checked in" for class this week. Not checking in equals not coming to class your first day. Doing the discussion questions not only affects your GPA but it lets me know who is "coming" to class every week! Tell us who you are! What are your interests, career paths, majors, favorite book, favorite move, song...and what do you love about history??? This first discussion will not be graded. :) Let's just get to know one another! Discussion Question: “What does it mean to be human?” Please write, in at least 100 words, what it you think it means to be human. CLASSICAL PERIOD Week 2 DUE 9/13 Ancient Greece Reading: Chapter 2 WATCH VIDEO- Engineering an Empire – The Ancient Greeks Reading Quiz 1 One discussion board Week 3 DUE 9/20 Greek Theatre: Reading: “Lysistrata” by Aristophanes ( Reading Response: In your opinion, what is the most important theme or message of Lysistrata? Why do you believe the theme or message you have selected is the most significant? Week 4 DUE 9/27 Ancient Rome Reading: Chapter 3 One discussion board MIDDLE AGES, RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE Week 5 DUE 10/4 The Early Middle Ages Reading: Chapter 5 One discussion board Video assignment: Life of the Medieval Serf: To be posted on BB Week 6 DUE 10/11 The Late Middle Ages Reading: Chapter 6 Powerpoint Presentation to be posted on BB One discussion board Video assignment: The Deadliest Warrior: Joan of Arc vs. William the Conqueror Week 7 DUE 10/18 The Renaissance in Italy Reading: Chapter 7 One discussion board VIDEO The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance Week 8 DUE 10/25 Reformation and Late Renaissance Reading: Chapter 8 One discussion board Week 9 DUE 11/1 Encounters: Contact and Clash of Cultures Reading: Chapter 9 One discussion board Video to be posted to BB Week 10 DUE 11/8 The Baroque Reading: Chapter 10 One discussion board ENLIGHTENMENT AND MODERNITY Week 11 DUE 11/15 The Enlightenment Reading: Chapter 11 One discussion board Week 12 DUE 11/22 Cultural Event Paper DUE Romanticism Reading: Chapter 12 Week 13 DUE 11/29 Materialism Reading: Chapter 13 One discussion board Week 14 DUE 12/6 Modernism Reading: Chapter 14 One discussion board Week 15 DUE 12/13 Creative project due Globalism Reading: Chapter 15 Final discussion board Week 16 DUE 12/20 FINAL EXAM Disclaimer: This syllabus may be changed anytime at the discretion of the instructor. Students will be informed of any changes. STUDENT CONTRACT- HUM 1020 I have read and understand all of the requirements, including but not limited to grading and attendance policies, outlined in the syllabus and agree to follow said procedure throughout the duration of the course. I have met all prerequisites necessary for this course. If I am confused about the requirements of a particular exam or project I will make every effort to contact the instructor and seek clarification on the matter as soon as possible. If I am absent it is my responsibility (not the Professor's) to acquire all pertinent information concerning assignments given in my absence. I will read the assigned text and come to class prepared to intelligently participate in class discussion. Signature__________________________________ Date ___________________ Online Course Expectations Technical Help Available 24/7: Call at 407-582-5600 or visit Course Description A fully online course conducted in an asynchronous format. This is an interactive course, not an independent study. How an Online Course Is Different from a Face-toFace Course It can feel overwhelming—especially in the first week. You’ve probably forgotten how ill-at-ease you felt when you first went to school, but taking an online class for the first time is very similar. It takes a while to learn your way around the “virtual campus”. It fits more easily into your schedule. However, since you will do most of your work at home, it requires more self-discipline in setting aside time to study and participate in the course’s learning activities. As in any course in which you want to do well, this course will take more time than you expect. All reminders of when things are due are electronic. If you don’t access the course regularly, you may miss key assignments and due dates. You will collect, reflect on, and respond to information that you have gathered. In an online course, responsibility for learning rests equally on participants and facilitators. It works best when you enjoy using technology and interacting with others online. What You Will Need to Be Successful Access to a computer with a high-speed connection. Basic computer skills, such as the use of word processing software, sending email with attachments, uploading and downloading files from external sources. A preference for visual or kinesthetic learning, because online learning is very visual and very “hands on the keyboard.” (If you don’t know your preference, take the online version of the Barsch Inventory to find out.) An open-minded attitude, personal honesty, and a willingness to share your knowledge and ideas with others. The belief that online learning is more convenient, but not easier than face-to-face learning. The belief that quality learning can happen anytime and anywhere. An interest in self-reflection. From: The Virtual Student by Palloff and Pratt Online Course Components (that you will find on the course website) My Expectations of You What You Can Expect From Me What Makes A Good Discussion Post Syllabus including a description of course, requirements, and expectations of participants, posted on course website. Course goals, or Learning Outcomes, linked to each course activity. Calendar, including all due dates. Web links for required, online reading. Narrated presentations. Threaded discussions. Assignments (or learning activities). Assessments in the form of quizzes. Course e-mail to facilitate communication among participants. Have access to computer equipment necessary to run course delivery platform (Blackboard). Active engagement in all course activities, readings and discussions. Access Blackboard at least every other day if not every day for the duration of the course. Complete all learning activities on time. Provide substantive feedback to peers Develop/refine materials you can use in your classroom. Practice professional ethics. Observe the Rules of Netiquette. Provide feedback- Complete an online evaluation of this course. Prompt responses to your questions and e-mails. Daily monitoring of course website. Thoughtful discussion facilitation (although I may limit my involvement so you spend more time in discussion with peers). Prompt action on technical problems within my control, such as broken links, file size, discussion settings, etc. Respect for your area of expertise, as well as for your ideas and opinions. Substantial- thoughtful, original, relevant and contributes to the overall learning of the group Thought-provoking- stimulates thinking and reasoning Timely- post early to give your peers time to respond, this contributes to a rich discussion Logical, concise and grammatical Conveys “your presence”- reinforce your conclusions with real life and professional experiences Tips For Success Questions? Perform the Browser Check on the Blackboard log-in page BEFORE beginning course work. Performing this tune-up ensures optimal performance. (Install Firefox browser for best visual display of online course.) Print a copy of the course syllabus and schedule. Keep it by your computer. Work offline if you prefer-print your assignments and read them offline, use a word processor to compose your work before posting them to the course. Check the course website and course email regularly. If you have a question, post it on the course discussion board. Often a colleague will have a good answer for you. Set aside specific times during the week to complete class activities. If not, your other work will expand to fill all the time you have. Expect electronic glitches/power outages and plan ahead. Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your work. If the course website has been working well for you, but begins to “act up,” contact the Blackboard Help Desk immediately (407582-5600). Maintain back-up copies of all of your coursework on a flash or jump drive. About the course: Post them in the Discussion area of the course under the topic for questions. Personal or private: E-mail me in Blackboard.