Nouns and Pronouns - Waukee Community School District Blogs

Nouns and Pronouns
A noun is…
a person, place, thing, or idea
o person: Andrew Jackson
o place: Waukee Middle School
o thing: pencil, class, phone
o idea: freedom, love, liberty
A noun can be…
common - a generic term for something specific
● cat, dog, school
proper - a specific term or name for something
● Snuggles, Bently, Waukee Middle School
Nouns and Pronouns
A pronoun is…
• A word that takes the place of a name (proper
noun) or common noun
o Andrew Jackson = he or him
o pencil = it
o Sally = she or her
o the basketball team = they or them
Verbs and Verb Phrases
A verb...
tells what the subject does
It can be mental (prefer) or physical
A verb phrase…
• 2+ words that explain what the subject is
doing or the state of being
- She is running across the street.
• is
• am
• are
• was
• were
• be
• being
• been
• has
• have
• had
List of linking verbs
Subject and Predicates
The complete subject is…
all the words that tell whom or what the
sentence is about
The simple subject is…
• the main word in the complete subject
The complete predicate is…
• the verb and all the words that tell what the
subject is or does
• The simple predicate is…
• the main verb in the predicate
Adjectives and Adverbs
An adjective is…
a word that describes a noun or a
An adverb is…
• a word that describes a verb, adjective,
or another adverb
any noun that is proper
- Names of people, places, or things.
¨DO NOT capitalize common nouns
- Name a general item or person
When giving directions you WILL NOT capitalize the
Drive west to get to my childhood house.
When saying a location you WILL capitalize the direction
- My parents live out West.
¨When there is a title in front of a name, like Uncle Tom or
President Obama, you will capitalize the title and the name.
- I went to my Uncle Tom’s cabin this summer.
¨However, if there is not a specific name attached to the title it
will not be capitalized.
-I went and visited the president.
¨When you have the title of a piece of writing, capitalize the first
word of the title and then any principal word – nouns, verbs,
adjectives, adverbs, and so on
¨You WILL NOT capitalize articles in titles.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
the name of school subjects only when
you are referring to a specific course
look forward to history class.
am taking History II at the community college.
the same time, you will ALWAYS capitalize a
language whether it is a specific class or not.
am going to Spanish class.
-I love
going to English.
Commas in a series
In a list
● Use a comma with 3 or more items (series) joined
with “and” or “or”
Double adjectives/adverbs
● Use a comma to separate two or more
adjectives/adverbs next to each other
● Put a comma between the day and the year
● Put a comma between the city and the state
Dialogue Punctuation
Dialogue punctuation:
-Use quotation marks around the actual words
someone is saying
- Capitalize the first word of the dialogue
- Quotes are separated from dialogue tags with
-Note: Periods and commas go INSIDE quotations marks unless
the tag is before the dialogue then the comma is outside of the
quotation mark.
Start a new paragraph every time you
change speakers.
Verb Tense: What’s what?
Past: Tells action that happened in the past
◦I gave, I ran, I jumped
Present: Tells action that is happening right now
◦I give, I run, I jum
Future: Tells action that will be happening
◦I will give, I will run, I will jump
Within the same paragraph the verbs
need to be in the same tense
Clauses (Independent and
Dependent clause – incomplete thought
• After the game
•Independent clause – complete thought
(subject, predicate, doesn’t need more info)
* After the game, we went to get pizza.
Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions help to create complex
sentences. They help to answer the question “Then
Some Subordinating conjunctions:
A - as
U - unless
A - although B - because
A - after
B - before
W - while
I - if
W - when
S - since
Subordinating Conjunctions
- If a sentence begins with an
AAAWWUBBIS word, it signals a comma
will be needed.
Example: After we left the park, the wind
storm knocked over some of the trees.
- If the AAAWWUBBIS word/phrase is not at
the beginning of the sentence, you will not
need a comma.
Example: The wind storm knocked over
some trees after we left the park.
FANBOYS, Coordinating Conjunctions
- FANBOYS are conjunctions used to join
words or groups of words.
- Can be used to create a compound subject
or predicate
- If you have two complete thoughts
(independent clauses), they can be joined
with a comma and a FANBOYS conjunction.
FANBOYS conjunctions and Semi Colons
Watch out! Both sides must be an independent clause
(complete thought- subject and predicate).
* Use a comma ONLY if:
* The sentence has a FANBOYS
* Each side has a subject & a predicate
* Each side is a complete idea
• Using a comma WITHOUT a FANBOYS results in a
comma splice.
• SEMI COLON: If you have two complete thoughts
(independent clauses), they can be joined together
with a semi-colon.
Active and Passive Voice
What is “voice”?
* Describes the relationship between the action of
the verb and the subject or object of the
* It says WHO does WHAT in the sentence
Voice can be either passive or active
Active and Passive Voice
• Active voice verbs are used when the subject is
acting in a sentence.
• Example: Cindy steered the boat.
•“Passive voice” verbs are used when the subject is
being acted upon in a sentence.
B is done [by A].
•Example: The mountain’s peak was reached by Ed Danvers.
Types of Sentences
A simple sentence is one independent clause
Some students like to study in the mornings.
A compound sentence is two independent
clauses put together
I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English.
A complex sentence is one independent clause +
a dependent clause OR a dependent clause +
one independent clause.
- Because Juan and Arturio play football every afternoon, they are quite tired
when then get home.
Appositives and Middle-Branch Clauses
- An appositive is a noun or pronoun — often
with descriptive words — set beside another
noun or pronoun to explain or identify it.
- if it’s non-essential information then the
appositive phrase needs to be surrounded
by commas.
- When there is an essential information
contained in the appositive, then you don’t
need commas.
Apostrophe to Show Possession
Always put an ’s after any singular noun that
shows possession.
⬜ It doesn’t matter if there is an s at the end of
the word or not.
• If you have two nouns that own the same thing,
you can just put an ’s after the last name.
• But if the two nouns own separate things, you
must put an ’s after each noun.
• If you have a noun that is plural, you will add s’
Direct and Indirect quotations
Direct quotes are the exact words that were
- He said, “Don’t do that!” He said that
“everyone should stay inside.”
Indirect quotations are the paraphrased version
of the quote being used
- He said that he didn’t want you to come
Subjective Case
Subjective case is when the pronoun is used as
the subject in the sentence. The subjective
form is I when referring to I or me.
Objective case is when the pronoun is used as
the object of something that is happening to.
The objective case of I and me is me.
Tips to help figure it out:
*Always put the other person first if there are two
subjects or objects – that’s just common courtesy!
*To figure out if you are in subjective or objective take the
other person out
Who vs. Which vs. That
Who = people(Tierney is the only one who got the
right answer.)
Which = things(My bike, which has 10 speeds, is for
That = people or things (He is the one person that
can help you.)
A vs. An and Then vs. Than
A = before words beginning with a consonant sound
(Market Avenue is a one-way street.)
An = before a word beginning with a vowel sound
(An oryx is a large antelope.)
Then = at that time (If the baby is awake by four
o’clock, then we will leave)
Than = amount/comparison(Great Danes are
larger than Dobermans.)
When to Spell Out Numbers
- Spell out numbers that can be written in one
or two words
- Use numerals for numbers that would be
written in three or more words
- Never start a sentence with a numeral
- Spell out numbers used to indicate order
- If you have multiple numbers in a sentence,
write them all as whatever the first one is.
Hyphen Rules
- Rule #1: Hyphenate numbers from twenty-one
to ninety-nine, Hyphenate fractions
- Rule #2: Hyphenate two or more words when
they are used as one word
- Rule #3: Hyphenate words that would be
mispronounced easily because of prefixes
Rule #4: Use a hyphen when a word is omitted.
These omitted words would be words like
through, to, or and.