Miller's Children Hospital


California State University, Long Beach

Department of Nursing


Healthcare of the Childbearing Family Clinical

Miller Children’s Hospital - Center for Women

Spring 2015

Pati Alvarez, RN, MSN, CNS (Friday PM)

Judith Gaw, RNC-OB, MSN, WHNP (Friday)

Maura Magee, RN, MSN (Monday, Thursday)

Rachael Martinez, RN, MSN,CNS (Monday PM, Thursday PM)


Healthcare of the Childbearing Family Clinical

Miller Children’s Hospital Center for Women

Instructor: Pati Alvarez, RN, MSN, CNS

Clinical: Friday

Office Hours: By appointment

Cell Phone: (310) 508-0504

E-mail: through beach board

Instructor: Judith Gaw, RN, MSN, WHNP

Clinical: Monday, Thursday

Office Hours: By appointment

Cell Phone: (949) 436-2719

E-mail: through beach board

Instructor: Maura Magee, RN, MSN

Clinical: Monday, Thursday

Office Hours: By appointment

Office on 2 nd floor of research building

Cell phone: (714) 651-9025

Office Phone: (562) 933-9475


Instructor : Rachael Martinez, RN, MSN, CNS

Clinical: Monday PM, Thursday PM

Office Hours: By appointment

Office on 2 nd floor of research building

Cell phone: (562) 706-8953

Office Phone: (562) 933-9485


Clinical Site

Miller Children’s Hospital

Center for Women 2 nd Floor

2801 Atlantic Avenue

Long Beach, California 90806

Labor and Delivery (562) 933-2711

Post Partum (562) 933-2761

Nursery (562) 933-2765

Fetal Diagnostic Center (563) 933-2712

Post Conference

Attendance at post conference is mandatory. Post conference times and locations vary and will be announced.

You are expected to arrange your workload to finish in sufficient time to attend promptly. If a delivery is to occur, prior arrangements may be made with your instructor to arrive late. Once the instructor leaves the floor, your role will be as an observer only (no patient contact) and you must leave the hospital by the end of the clinical day.

Conference time will be utilized for discussion of daily clinical experiences, patient diagnoses and pertinent nursing interventions, case studies prepared by clinical instructors, as well as, evaluation of professional nursing role issues. Student presentations will also occur during this hour.

Clinical Preparation:

Due to the nature of this rotation, no student patient assignments can be made until the day of clinical. You will be assigned a nurse to follow and report to. A schedule of your daily assigned clinical areas will be provided.

You are expected to come to clinical prepared for your assigned area.

You are expected to read the appropriate chapters in the text that will familiarize you with the nursing skills required for that clinical area.

 You will also prepare a “generic” care plan for your assigned area prior to the clinical day.

You are expected to wear your uniform with your CSULB ID patch and name tag.

Clinical Dress Code

You are expected to wear you uniform and photo ID badge for clinical every day. Those assigned to L&D are required to change into scrubs. Student lockers are available in the L&D area only and are shared by the students in L&D.

Nails are to be clean and moderate length-no nail polish

Strong perfume or body scents are prohibited

Hair is to be neat and “professional”.

If your instructor deems your appearance to be unprofessional, you will be asked to correct it immediately. If this becomes an ongoing problem, it may be interpreted as violations of the critical behaviors and result in a grade of fail.

Unfortunately, there are no lockers for students in the postpartum/newborn area. Please limit belongings to a clipboard with your care plans and items (pen, keys, money) that you can keep in your pocket.

Contact Clinical Instructor

Contact your clinical instructor anytime if:

questions or concerns arise o your instructor is needed for medication verification and or procedures o opportunities arise for you to observe a procedure off your assigned unit o a delivery is pending

Medications and Procedures

Prior to passing any medications or performing any procedure, you will be required to review it with your instructor. Once you have demonstrated the appropriate knowledge and proficiency to work independently, you will be released to work under the guidance of your assigned RN.

Remember that you are not licensed to practice independently, and all medications must be cosigned by either your instructor or assigned RN.

Infant Security

Due to precautions related to infant security, you must wear your photo ID badge at all times in the clinical area. If you do not have a “pink background” on your name badge please notify your instructor.

You may transport infants from L&D only when accompanied by a hospital employee.


There is a cafeteria in the basement, a coffee shop in the lobby and the “Zebra Café” in the plaza outside of the hospital. You are allowed a 30 minute lunch and a 15 minute break. Any student who abuses these time allowances will have 20 points deducted from her/his evaluation. If the unprofessional behavior continues, it will be interpreted as a violation of the critical behaviors and result in failure of the course.

Labor and Delivery: 2



Arrive by 0645 in locker room to get scrubs and change. Please be out of the locker room

by 0655 so the staff may change. Your instructor will get scrubs the from scrub station and

assign a student to collect student scrubs and return them at the end of the shift.

Meet instructor in Women’s waiting room or area designated by your instructor at 0655, then

proceed to assigned area.

(Locker room door code 3-2-1-1)

Female Lockers:

Lockers are for all student use. Do not leave items in lockers from one week to the next.

Locker number



137 138 139 140 141 142


143 144 145 146 147 148


149 150 151 152 153

Combination 1361 1371 1381 1391 1402 1412 1422 1432 1442 1452 1463 1473 1484 1496 1505 1515 1525 1535

AM students please use 136-144. PM students please use 144-153.

Male Locker (In physician lounge)

#20 39-29-15

□ The staff receives group report that ends by 7:15am. Your assignment will be given to you by

your instructor after report.

□ Introduce yourself to the RN assigned to your patient.

□ Patient care activities to include vitals, fetal heart tracing, contraction pattern

 analysis, coaching, comfort measures, voiding, pain relief measures, preparation of room for delivery, prepare infant warmer, test emergency equipment, assist with pushing, assist with maternal and newborn recovery and assign APGAR scores.

Report any abnormal observations immediately to RN.

Be assertive, helpful and involved. This is not observation only!

This is not a spectator sport. There will be no viewing of the delivery process from the foot of the bed or cruising for deliveries. You each have your own patient.

Dinner/lunch break when you and your nurse agree.

Charting with your nurses’ permission only and their co-signature.

No IV push medications or vaginal exams

During delivery, it is an OSHA and unit requirement that you wear gloves and a mask/face shield. They are provided on the unit. Should you inadvertently get splashed in the eye, notify your instructor immediately.


L&D Unit: 2



Bring Intrapartum and NB management plans, fetal monitoring notes, and report sheets:

Intrapartum Handoff Form

Newborn Handoff Form

L&D Flowsheet- Document assessment a minimum of once every hour

Give report to your instructor daily using the handoff forms

You will wear your uniform with name badge to the hospital and change into surgical scrubs once you are there.

Postpartum Unit: 2


Floor, 2 East, South, and West

Bring Postpartum and NB management plans and report sheets:

Postpartum Handoff form

Newborn Handoff form

Wear your uniform and LBMMC badge with the pink background at all times.

Assignments will be made by the instructor and/or team leader.

Introduce yourself to the RN and listen to report.

You may take your meal after your patients are fed and as approved by the RN.

Patient care activities include vitals for mother/baby, physical assessments for mother/baby, bathing and linen changes, patient education, assisting with baby care and breast feeding. You may help discharge a patient with the nurse.

Report any abnormal observations immediately to RN.

 Review all medications with RN prior to obtaining medications from the medication PYXIS.

Describe to your instructor the 5 rights prior to passing medications each day.

Give report to your instructor daily using the handoff forms 

Documentation-Chart the following on the EPIC system.

There are separate charts for both the mother and newborn

OB and Newborn Daily Assessment

I&O Graphic Sheet-Mother and Newborn

Vital Sign Graphic Sheet-Mother and Newborn

Educational Assessment and Outcome Record-Mother and Newborn

Document medications in EPIC-Mother and Newborn

* Document breast feeding time, amount, and/or LATCH score in newborn chart.

* Lactation Consultants are available for lactation support on the mother-baby unit. You may have an opportunity to observe her work with your client.

Leadership: Team Leader on Mother/Baby Unit

Each student will have the opportunity to observe and function in the role of team leader on the Postpartum Unit. On the assigned day, she will:

 Read the chapter on leadership located under Content on the Beachboard clinical site.

Show up at 6:30 (14:30 for PM clinical) to make assignments with the day charge nurse and/or your instructor.

Develop student assignments for the day and communicate with them throughout the day.

Help orient new students who are on the unit for the first time.

Gather an end-of-shift report from students. Report to your instructor using the Team Leader report and worksheet prior to post conference around 1:30 pm (22:00 for PM shift).

Since you will also have a patient assignment, you must follow all instructions outlined under the Mother/Baby section above.

Transition Nursery or Baby Nurse

: 2 nd floor (if available)

Bring Newborn Management Plan and Newborn Handoff Report

Do a 3 minute hand scrub

You will be assigned to a nurse

Be on the unit ready to start at 7:00 am (1500 for PM shift)

Introduce yourself to the RN and listen to report

Follow the transitional nursery nurse-observe and get involved as the RN directs you!

Be prepared to give NB medications and do the newborn transitional care

Be prepared to answer questions regarding your patient care on any given day

Study the newborn assessment form in the syllabus. You will be performing a full newborn assessment for your instructor during the semester. The time and date will be determined by your instructor.

Baby baths may not be done until the infant has a temperature of 98 degrees

Remember to wash hands and clean off stethoscope between infants.


Newborn Daily Assessment

I&O Graphic Sheet

Vital Sign Graphic Sheet

Educational Assessment and Outcome Record

Document medications in Epic

* Document Breast feeding LATCH score in newborn chart.

Antepartum Unit: (PSCU) 2nd Floor, Behind L&D

Bring your Antepartum Report Worksheet and Antepartum Shift Assessment.

You will be assigned to a patient/nurse on the board. Introduce yourself to RN for that patient.

Review patient chart.

Patient care activities to include vitals, strip review, contraction pattern analysis, medications, comfort measures, daily care measures and education.

Review all medications with RN prior to obtaining medications from the medication PYXIS.

Describe to your instructor the 5 rights prior to passing medications each day.

Report any abnormal observations immediately to RN.

Be assertive, helpful and involved. This is not observation only.

Dinner/lunch break when you and your nurse agree


Antepartum/OB Daily Assessment

I&O Graphic Sheet

Vital Sign Graphic Sheet

Educational Assessment and Outcome Record

Document medications in Epic

Fetal Diagnotic Unit : 2


floor, near L&D

Bring worksheet!!

(PM students will be assigned to another unit)

Fetal Diagnostic opens at 8:00 am. Instructor will assign you activities from 7:00-8:00am.

 Wear your uniforms with patch and ID badge.

 Introduce yourself to the nurse

Patient care activities include: Practicing Leopold’s maneuvers, application of external fetal monitors and interpretation of fetal monitor strips; Assessment of factors that pose a risk to the pregnancy (mother and fetus); Observations of ultrasounds, and high risk pregnancy management.

Report any abnormal observations to RN immediately.

Get involved as the RN directs you.

Turn in the Worksheet per instructors directions (15 points)

Go to post conference at 2:00 pm

Things the student may NOT do:

IV push medications

Increase pitocin

Take newborns from nursery out to the mothers for the initial ID check

Vaginal Examination
