Bacon's Rebellion

Bacon's Rebellion
Debate Simulation
Objective: To understand the causes of Bacon’s Rebellion as well as the significant, and long-lasting,
effects of the rebellion.
Questions to consider while reading your documents and preparing your statements.
What was the "real" cause (or causes) of Bacon's Rebellion?
What were the differences (if any) between Bacon's and Berkeley's response to the Indian
Were the measures Bacon's group took warranted; were the Indian attacks so serious as to
merit his actions?
Would Berkeley's measures have been effective if given the chance?
How did Bacon justify his actions and the "Indian policy" of his followers?
What attitudes toward the Indians were shown by the documents, and what do these attitudes
reflect about the English ideas of their culture? What is the role of violence in their perceptions?
To what degree are Bacon's and Berkeley's actions attributable to personal self-interest or to
principles and ideals? To what "higher authority" (or principles of morality and justice) did each
appeal in order to justify his actions?
How would you assess the behavior of Governor Berkeley throughout the whole incident? (Was
he consistent and reasonable, or erratic and irrational?)
Is Bacon a more, or less, commendable figure than Berkeley?
What did the Rebellion accomplish? Did Berkeley and his followers appear to have learned a
lesson from the uprising (e.g. did they propose any reforms)?
A Summary of the Issues
Virginia in the late 17th century was no longer a small frightened enclave of European "civilization" amid
a howling wilderness. But even though it was a settled and prosperous community, Virginia was
experiencing all the social stresses of an expanding society. Due to a substantial growth in production
and to some of the restrictions on exports imposed by the Navigation Acts of the 1660's, tobacco prices
were depressed after 1670 and took an even sharper down-turn in 1675. Tobacco growing, as practiced
in the 17th century, exhausted the soil in only a few years, so planters were constantly concerned about
opportunities for expansion into the virgin lands on the frontier. However, control of these lands
remained in the hands of the Crown, far away in England. Planters large and small in Virginia saw a
threat to their economic and social opportunities (land was a source of social status as well as wealth)
when the King granted huge tracts to court favorites in London or to "undeserving" cronies of the
Governor. Many of these grants also bestowed certain tax exemptions on the owners, to the annoyance
of taxpaying farmers.
To complicate matters there was an increase of violent conflict between the white settlers on, or near,
the frontier and the Indians beginning in the mid-1670's The constant push westward of the English in
Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New York had driven many tribes southward to the Virginia frontier. Here
competition for food and for trade with the English among the Indians led to increased friction between
the tribes and between them and neighboring whites. Desperation led to anger and to sporadic raids
and thefts against white farmers. This was followed by violent retaliation and thus further conflict.
In the face of these complex and serious problems, the colonial government in Jamestown seemed inept
and negligent to the majority of "plain citizens" and to many of their more prosperous neighbors.
Despite Berkeley's long tenure as governor and the complacency of his political establishment, political
institutions of the period were undergoing many troubling changes. Young men "of promising fortunes"
grew impatient with the lack of attention they experienced at the hands of the Berkeley clique; soon
they began to challenge the established authorities. The prosperity of the 1660's and the expansion of
colonial officialdom resulting from the Navigation Acts made political office quite profitable. The
prevailing assumptions of the times sanctioned an office holder making some personal gain from his
position, but by the mid- 1670's, some settlers concluded that the Berkeley establishment had taken too
much for too long. Instances of local friction increased the level of political tension. Residents of the
counties resented the Governor's interference with and manipulation of their sheriffs and magistrates.
At the same time the smaller farmers were growing impatient with the domination of local government
by a few wealthy families. In a more mature political system these conflicts might have been resolved
peacefully, but Virginia's political institutions at this time were new and changing; roles, duties and
rights were only vaguely defined. In an atmosphere of social, economic, and political uncertainty
explosive issues could lead to open rebellion.
Directions: Within the next few days you will be debating the issues surrounding Bacon’s Rebellion,
focusing on the cause(s) and effects of the rebellion. You will be assigned a person or group to
represent in the debate. When reading your documents and background ALWAYS consider your side of
the argument and focus on the questions presented above. During the debate you will be graded on
your contribution to the discussion.
Roles: Bacon, Berkeley, western farmers, rich landowners, colonial representatives, Indians.
Documents for
Bacon’s Rebellion
From The History and Present State of Virginia, published in 1705 by Robert Beverly (the son of
the Robert Beverly referred to in some of these documents).
The occasion of the Rebellion is not easy to be discovered. But 'tis certain that there were many
things that concurred towards it. For it cannot be imagined, that upon the Instigation of Two or
Three Traders, as some pretent to say, the whole Country would have fallen into so much
distraction; in which People did not only hazard their Necks by Rebellion: But endeavored to
ruin a Governour, whom they all entirely loved and had unanimously chosen; a Gentleman who
had devoted his whole Life and Estate to the Service of his Country; and against whom in Thirty
Five Years Experience there had never been one single Complaint... So that in all Probability
there was something else in the Wind, without which the Body of the Country (would have)
never been engaged in that Insurrection.
Four things may be reckoned to have been the main Ingredients towards his intestine
Commotion. First, the extreme low Price of Tobacco, and the ill usage of the Planters in the
Exchange of Goods for it, which the Country, with all their earnest Endeavours, could not
remedy. Secondly, the Splintering [of] the Colony into Proprieties, contrary to the original
Charters; and the extravagant taxes they were forced to undergo, to relieve themselves from
those Grants. Thirdly, the heavy restraints and Burdens laid upon their Trade by Act of
Parliament in England. Fourthly, the Disturbance given by the Indians. . . .
From a petition of grievance submitted to the Royal Commissioners by the Inhabitantt of Surry
County in March or April 1677 (note the date).
That great quantities of tobacco was levied [ed. note, since there was a shortage of hard currency
in Virginia, taxes were usually paid with specified amounts of tobacco] upon the poor
Inhabitants of this Colony for the building of houses at James City which were not habitable by
reason [of their not being] finished.
That the 2 [shillings] per hogshead Imposed by the act for the payment of his majesty's officers
and other public debts thereby to ease his majesty's poor subjects of their great taxes: we humbly
desire that an account may be given thereof.
That it has been the custom of County Courts at the laying of the levy to withdraw into a private
Room by which means the poor people not knowing for what they paid their levy did always
[wonder] how their taxes could be so high.
We most humbly pray for the future the County levy may be laid publickly in the Court house.
That we have been under great exactions of sheriff's and Clerk's fees for these several years. The
assembly having assertained [only] some fees and left the rest to ... the County Courts, we most
humbly pray that for the future all clerks and sheriff's fees may be [recorded and accounted for]
and a great penalty laid upon [those who refuse to comply].
That contrary to the laws of England and this Country... sheriffs have usually continued [in
office] two years...we humbly pray that for the future that no person may continue sheriff above
one year.
From a petition of grievances from the citizens of Isle of Wight County (on the frontier) to the
Royal Commissioners dated March 5, 1677 (note the date).
Also we desire that there may be a continual war with the Indians that we may have once done
with them.
Also we desire that every man may be taxed according to the tracks of land they hold.
We desire you [to call our Burgesses] to account and examine the collectors for the collecting of
the 2 [shilling] and 2 [pense] a hogshead, which hath been this many years received but to what
use it is put we the poor, ignorant inhabitants knows [not] ...
We desire to know for what we do pay our Levies every year and that it may no more be laid in
private but that we may have free liberty to hear and see every particular for what it is raised, and
that there may be no more [allotments] be given to no particular persons what soever neither in
public or private. . .
Whereas there are some great persons both in honor rich in Estate and have several ways of gains
and profit are exempted from paying Levies and the poorest inhabitants being compelled to pay
the great taxes which we are burdened with.
From the History of Bacon's and Ingram's Rebellion written by an unknown resident of
Virginia'during the period. The author shows a first hand familiarity with the people and course
of events in the Rebellion. The manuscript is a contemporary account.
... For in a very short time they (the Indians] had, in a most inhumane manner murdered no less
than 60 innocent people, no ways guilty of any actual injury done to these ill disarming, brutish
heathens.... they daily committed abundance of unguarded and unrevenged murders upon the
English; which they perpetrated in a most barbarous and horrid manner. By which means
abundance of Frontier Plantations became either depopulated by the Indian cruelties, or deserted
by the Planters fears, who were compelled to forsake their abodes, to find security for their lives;
which they were not to part with, in the hands of the Indians; but under the worst of torments.
For these brutish and inhumane brutes, least their cruelties might not be thought cruel enough,
they devised a hundred ways to torture and torment those poor souls with, whose wretched fate it
was to fall into their unmerciful hands.
From Beverly's History.
This Addition of Mischief [Indian attacks on white frontier settlements] to Minds already full of
Discontent, made People ready to vent all their Resentment against the poor Indians. There was
nothing to be got by Tobacco; neither could they turn any other Manufacture to Advantage; so
that most of the poorer Sort were willing to quit their unprofitable Employments, and go
Volunteers against the Indians.
At first they flocked together tumultuously, running in Troops from one Plantation to another
without a Head; till at last the seditious Humour of Colonal Nath. Bacon, led him to be of the
Party. . . .[He] harangued them publickly. He aggrevated the Indian Mischiefs, complaining, that
they were occasioned for want of due Regulation of the Trade. He recounted particularly the
other Grievances and Pressures they lay under; and pretended that he accepted their Command
with no other Intention, but to do them and the Country Service, in which he was willing to
encounter the greatest Difficulties and Dangers. He farther assured them, he would never lay
down his Arms, till he had revenged their Sufferings upon the Indians, and redressed all their
other Grievances.
From a letter written by Nathaniel Bacon's wife to her sister in London, June 29, 1676.
Dear Sister,
I pray God keep the worst Enemy I have from ever being in such a sad condition as I have been
in since my (previous letter to you), occasioned by the troublesome Indians, who have killed one
of our Overseers at an outward plantation which we had, and we have lost a great stock of cattle,
which we had upon it, and a good crop that we should have made there, such plantation Nobody
durst come nigh, which is a very great loss to us.
If you had been here, it would have grieved your heart to hear the pitiful complaints of the
people, the Indians killing the people daily the Governor not taking any notice of it for to hinder
them, but let them daily do all the mischief they can; I am sure if the Indian were not cowards,
they might have destroyed all the upper plantations and killed all the people upon them; the
Governor so much their friend, that he would not suffer any body to hurt one of the Indians; the
poor people came to your brother to desire him to help against the Indians, and he being very
much concerned for the loss of his Overseer, and for the loss of so many men and women and
children's lives every day, he was willing to do them all he good he could; so he begged of the
Governor for a commission in several letters to him, that he might go out against them, but he
would not grant one, so daily more mischief done by them, so your brother not able to endure
any longer, he went out without a commission. The Governor being very angry with him put out
high things against him, and told me that he would most certainly hang him as soon as he
returned... The fight [with the Indians] did continue nigh a night and a day without any
intermission. They did destroy a great many of the Indians, thanks be to God, and might have
killed a great many more, but the Governor were so much the Indians' friend and our enemy, that
he sent the Indians word that Mr. Bacon was out against them that they might save themselves.
From the petition of grievances from citizens of Isle of Wight County.
... We having a long time lain under great oppressions, and every year being more and more
oppressed with great taxes, and still do load us with greater and unnecessary burdens; it was
enacted by the Governor and assembly for the building of forts back in the woods upon several
great men's Lands, under pretense of security for us against the Indians, which we perceiving and
well knowing that their pretense was no security for us, but rather a ruin to the country, which
was the cause of our [up]rising with intents to have our taxes Lowered, not that we rose in any
ways of Rebellion against our most [dear] Sovereign Lord the King as by our actions may
appear, for we no sooner rose. But we sent in a petition ani our grievance to Sir William
Berkeley, who was not at home butthe Lady Berkeley promised that she would acquaint his
Honor with our business, and by her request or command, we every man returned home...
From Beverly's History.
[Nathanial Bacon had received a good education in England] and had a moderate Fortune. He
was young, bold, active, of an inviting Aspect, and powerful Elocution. In a Word, he was every
way qualified to head a giddy and unthinking Multitude. Before he had been Three Yars'in the
Colony, he was, for his extraordinary Quialifications, made one of the Council. And in great
Honour and Esteem among the People.
From N. Bacon's account of the Indian troubles, June 18, 1676.,
By an Act of State, it was provided for the better security of the country, That no Trade should
be held with the Indians, notwithstanding which our present Governor monopolized a trade with
the Indians and granted licenses to others to trade with them for which he had every 3rd skin
[beaver or fox pelt], which trading with the Indians has proved so fatal to these parts of the
world, yet I fear we shall be all lost for this commerce having acquainted the Indians ... with our
manner of living and discipline of war, has also brought them generally to the use of Fire Arms
with such dexterity, that ourselves often hire them to kill Deer....
Things standing in this posture, they have entered into general bloody war... the murders and
depradations they have committed here are horrible and continual, laying a great part of the
country desolate, and forcing the inhabitants to fly from their dwellings to their ruin; the
Governor, who from the Neighbor Indians receives this tribute and benefit by the trade, still
protecting them for these many years against the people and tho the complaints of their murders
have been continual yet he hath connived at the great men's [Indian chiefs?] furnishing them with
ammunition (which by the Law is death) and the sad effects thereof. Now the Governor having
placed me here in a place of trust, I thought it my duty to discharge my conscience in it, by
introducing a looking after the welfare of the people here, they being poor, few, and in scattered
habitations on the Frontiers and remote part of the country, nigh these Indians ... ; I sent to the
Governor for a commission to fall upon them, but being from time to time denied, and finding
that the country was basely for a small and sordid gain betrayed, and the lives and fortunes of the
poor inhabitants wretchedly sacrificed, resolved to stand up in this ruinous gap, and rather
expose my life and fortune to all hazards than basely desert my post and by so bad an example
make desolate a whole country in which no one dared to stir against the common Enemy...
Upon this I resolved to march out upon the Enemy with which volunteers I could then get, but by
so doing found that I not only lost the Governor's favor, but exposed my very life and fortune at
home as well as abroad... ; but considering the necessity, I still proceeded, and returned with a
greater victory from sharper conflict than ever yet has been known in these parts of the world....
Editor's Note: In Sept. 1676 news of Bacon's uprising reached England. The Crown removed
Gov. Berkeley from office and recalled him to London. In Oct. the King appointed a commission
to investigate the rebellion, and in Feb. 1677 the Commissioners,. their assistants, and several
hundred troops arrived in Virginia. The Commissioners received petitions of grievances, sworn
testimony from private citizens, and reports from local officials. The final report entitled A True
Narrative of the Late Rebellion in Virginia, By the Royal Commissioners 1677, was presented to
the King's Privy Council in Oct. 1677.
From the Royal Commissioners' Narrative.
... Bacon had got over the [James] River with his Forces and hastening away into the woods,
went directly and fell upon the Indians and killed some of them [which] were some of our best
Friends .... the people [would notl understand any distinction of Friendly Indians and Indian
Enemies, for at that time it was impossible to distinguish one nation from another, they being
deformed with paint of many colours...
So the common cry and vogue of the Vulgar was, away with these Forts, away with These
distinctions, we will have war with all Indians ... we will spare none.
Testimony given by Mrs. William Bird, neighbor of the Bacon's (early 1677?)
[She stated] that before ever Mr. Bacon went out against the Indians, there were said to be above
two hundred of the English murdered by the barbarous Indians, and posts [messages] came in
daily to the Governor, giving notice of it, and yet no course was taken to secure them, till Mr.
Bacon went out against them. And that [Mrs. Bird's] husband had 3 men killed by the Indians
before Mr. Bacon stirred, which was made known to the Governor, who notwithstanding was so
possessed to the contrary that he would not believe it to be any other than a mere pretence, for to
make war against the Indians, and that the 3 men were alive and well, and only shut up in a
chamber to make the world believe they were murdered. She further affirmed that neither Mr.
Bacon nor any with him had injured any English man in their persons or Estates, and that the
country was generally well pleased with what they had done, and she believed most of the
council also, so far as they durst show it.
Excerpt from a letter written by William Sherwood, member of the House of Burgess and
appointed Attorney General for the colony in 1677, to Sir Joseph Williamson, a member of the
King's Privy Council in London. The letter is dated June 1, 1676.
... a nation of Indians called [Susquahannas] having killed some of the Inhabitants of this
Country were pursued and several destroyed by the English and Sir Wm. Berkeley our honorable
Governor (who hath had long experience of war with the Indians) that he might provide for the
safety of this Country caused our Assembly... to...enact that forts should be built at the heads of
several rivers, being the most way for security of our frontier plantations, but as no good Law
can be so made to please all men, especially the rude sort of people, one Mr. Nathanial Bacon a
person of little ekperience and but of two years [residence] in the country, thinking himself wiser
than the law, hath stirred up a great number of indigent and dissatisfied persons to obstruct the
proceedings upon the acts of Assembly, raising forces [and] Marching in warlike posture, in
terror of his Majesty's good subjects, the intent of which so near as all sober men Judge, is the
subversion of the Laws and to Level all [ed. note - to level meant to "reduce" society to a
democracy, impose political and social equality] , this Mr. Bacon being styled by the rabble their
General ... he having entered into Oaths to stand by them and notwithstanding the great care of
our Governour and his several proclamations.... This Country hath had thirty four years'
experience of the valour, conduct, Justice and Impartial proceedings of our honourable
Governor, who hath endeavoured the General good of the Country, by spending his estate
amongst us, yet he and all authority ... are by the rabble condemned.
From the Royal Commissioner's Narrative.
[At the beginning of 1676] the assembly met to consult for the Safety and defense of the Country
against the Incursions and destructions of the Indians...What care the Assembly took to prevent
these massacres was only to build Forts at the heads of each River and on the Frontiers and
confines of the Country, for erecting of which and maintaining Guards on them a heavy levy
[tax] was laid by act of Assembly on the People; throughout the country universally disliked, as
being a matter from which was expected great charge [cost] and little or no security to the
Inhabitants. The Situation of the Virginia Plantations being [surrounded] with thick woods,
swamps and other cover, by the help of which the enemy might at their Pleasure make their
approaches undiscovered... Their sculking nature being apt to use these advantages. The
unsatisfied People finding themselves still liable to the Indian cruelties...gave out in Speeches
that they were resolved to Plant tobacco rather than pay the tax for maintaining of Forts, and that
the erecting of them was a great Grievance, Juggle and cheat, and of no more use to them than
another Plantation with men at it, and that it was merely a Design of the Grandees to engross all
their tobacco into their own hands. Thus the sense of this oppression and the dread of a common
approaching calamity made the giddy-headed multitude mad and precipitated them upon that
rash overture of Running out upon the Indians-themselves, at their own voluntary charge.. . only
they first by Petition humbly craved leave or commission to be led by any commander as the
Governor should please to appoint...But instead of Granting this Petition the Governor by
Proclamation under great Penalty forbad the like Petitioning for the future.
This made the People jealous that the Governor for the lucre of the Beaver and other trade etc.
with the Indians, rather sought to protect the Indians than them. Since after public Proclamation
prohibiting all trade with the Indians (they complain) he privately gave commission to some of
his Friends to truck with them, and that those persons furnished the Indians with Powder, Shot
etc., so that they were better provided than his Majesty's Subjects.
From History of Bacon's... Rebellion.
It seems, in the first rise of the War, this Gentleman [Bacon] had made some overtures unto the
Governour for a Commission, to go and put a stop to the Indian proceedings. But the Governour,
at present, either not willing to commence the quarrel (on his part) till' more suitable reasons
presented, for to urge his more severe prosecution of the same, against the heathen: or that he
doubted Bacon's temper, as he [Bacon] appeared Popularly inclined; a constitution not consistent
with the time, and the peoples dispositions; being generally discontented, for want of timely
provisions against the Indians, or for Annual impositions [taxes] laid upon them, too great (As
some said) for them to bear, and against which they had some considerable time complained,
without the least redress. For these, or some other reason, the Governour refused to comply with
Bacon s proposals.
From the Royal Commissioners Narrative.
[Nathanial Bacon was] of a most imperious and dangerous hidden Pride of heart, despising the
wisest of his neighbors for their Ignorance and very ambitious and arrogant. But all these things
lay hid in him till after he was a councillor (on the Governor's Council], and until he became
powerful and popular.... [The] Forwardness of Bacon [to lead the attack on the Indians with or
without a commission' greatly cheered and animated the People, who looked upon him as the
only Patron of the Country and preserver of their Lives and Fortunes.
For he pretended and boasted what great Service he would do for the country, in destroying the
Common Enemy, securing their Lives and Estates, Liberties, and such like frauds he subtily and
Secretly insinuated by his own Instruments over all the country, which he seduced the Vulgar
and most ignorant People to believe (two thirds of each county being of that Sort) So that their
Whole hearts and hopes were set now upon Bacon. Next he charges the Governor as neglegent
and wicked, treacherous and incapable, the Laws and Taxes as unjust and oppressive....
Editor's Note: Thomas Mathews was a merchant-planter who was a prominent, but not politically
involved, citizen of Virginia in 1676. He owned some property in the frontier counties which
were attacked by Indians. He served as a representative from his county in the House of
Burgesses in 1676, and was also a member of the Reforming or Baconian Assembly in the same
year. His narrative, entitled The Beginning Progress and Conclusion of Bacons R.bellion in
Virginia in the Years 1675 and 1676 was completed in 1705 from personal notes, or so the
author maintains, kept during the period.
From Mathew's Beginnings ... of Bacon's Rebellion.
These (people] at the Heads of James and York Rivers (having now most People destroyed by
the Indian Flight thither from the Patomack [River]) grew impatient at the many Slaughters of
their Neighbors and rose for their own Defense, who chosing Mr. Bacon for their Leader sent
often times to the Governour, humbly beseaching a commission to go against those Indians at
their own Charge which his Honour as often promised but did not send; The Mysteries of these
delays were Wondered at and which I never heard any could Penetrate into, other than the effects
of his Passion, and a new occasion of Avarice,. to both which he was (by the common Vogue
[opinion]) more than a little Addicted...
From a description of a battle between the English and the Indians written by one of the
participants, May 1676.
Nathaniel Bacon, Esqr. being their General, the number of his men, two hundred and eleven.
We found the Indians in all places unwilling to assist us against the common enemy (the
Susquehanna), they having received orders to the contrary from the Right Honorable the
Governor, so that we were forced to go quite out of our way Southward, to get of the Nottoways
and Mayherrings what assistance We could who at last amounted but to 24 men; during which
time our provisions were much wasted...We entered Island [where "friendly" Indians had built a
fortified camp] Hoping to find some small relief to the Weary and faint, We had made our
agreement that the Mannekings and Annelectons should at a sign given, cut off the
Susquehanocks, being in number but 30 men, besides Women and children, this accordingly was
effected and the prisoners by the King [of the friendly Indians] brought in and several of the
Susquahanocks by them put to death we again complained to the King for Want of provisions),
and demanded the expected supply, but having viewed the Battle posture of our Men, who were
in great discontent, many of them leaving the Island at the very instant and returned home the
King began to alter his [plans] and desired us to stay six days, and went from us gathered
together all his Indians manned all his forts, and lined the other side of the River thick with men,
so that we neither will attack them, nor depart the Island, without some danger ... in this posture
things stood, when by a Watch word from the other side of the River, they began and killed one
of our men, which we quickly repaid them, firing in at all their men (inside the fort) so thick that
the groans of Men, Women and Children were so loud, that with all their howling and singing,
could not hinder them from being heard. Immediately we fell upon the Men, Women, and
Children [outside the fort], and disarmed and destroyed them all ... what we did in that short time
[a two day’s "battle"] and the poor condition we were in, was to destroy the King of Susquahan,
the King of Ouhe, and the Mannekin King, with 100 men, besides what died unknown to us: The
king's daughter we took prisoner, with some others ... what we reckon most material, is that we
have left all nations of Indians, where we have been engaged in a civil war amongst themselves,
so that with great ease we hope to manage the advantage to their utter ruin and destruction.
From History of Bacon's... Rebellion.
The Governour could not [tolerate] this insolent deportment of Bacon.... instead of seeking
means to appease his [the Governor's] anger they [members of the Governor's Council] devised
means to increase it, by framing specious pretences, which they grounded upon the boldness of
Bacons actions, and the peoples affections. They began (some of them) to have Bacons merits in
mistrust, as a Luminary that threatened an eclipse to their rising glories. For though he was but a
young man, yet they found that he was master and owner of those [qualities] which constitute a
Complete Man, wisdom to apprehend and descretion to choose. By which embellishments, (if he
should continue in the Governours favor) of Seniors they might become juniors, while their
younger [collegue], through nimbleness of his wit, might steal away that blessing [benefits of
high public office], which they accounted their own by birthright. This rash proceeding of
Bacon, if it did not undo himself, by his failing in the enterprise, might chance to undo them
[members of the Council] in the affections of the people; which to prevent, they [sought] to get
the Governour in the mind to proclaim him a Rebel; as knowing that once being done... it must
breed bad blood between Bacon and Sir William [Berkeley], not easily to be purged. For though
Sir William might forgive what Bacon had acted; yet it might be questionable whether Bacon
might forget what Sir William had done.
From "The Declaration and Remonstrance" issued by Gov. Berkeley in late May 1676. The
proclamation denounced Bacon as a rebel for setting out against the Indians without a
commission, and for continuing these actions despite orders from the Governor to cease.
... about the year 1660, Col. Mathews the then Governor died, and then in consideration of the
service I had done the Country, in defending them from, and destroying great numbers of
Indians, without the loss of three men in all the time that war lasted, and in [consideration] of the
equal and uncorrupt Justice I had distributed to all men, Not only the Assembley, but the
unanimous votes of all the Country concurred to make me Governor...
... perhaps I have erred in things I know not of, if I have I am so conscious of human frailty, and
my own defects, that I will not only acknowledge them, but repent of and mend them; and not
like the Rebel Bacon persist in error only because I have committed [the error] and tells me in
[several] of his letters that it is not for his honor to confess a fault, but I am of the opinion that it
is only for devils to be incorrigable...
Now, my friends, I have lived 34 years among you, as uncorrupt and diligent as ever [a]
Governor was; Bacon is a man of two years among you, his person and qualities unknown to
most of you...
... if Mr. Bacon can show one precedent or example where such [actions] in any Nation whatever
was approved of, I will mediate with the King. ..and excuse him [Bacon]; but I can show him a
hundred examples where brave and great men have been put to death for gaining Victories
against the command of their Superiors.
Lastly... I would have preserved those Indians that I knew were hourly at our mercy, to have our
spies and intelligence to find out our bloody enemies, but as soon as I had the least [bit of
information] that they were also trecherous enemies, I gave out commissions to destroy them
To conclude, I have done what was possible both to friend and enemy, have granted to Mr.
Bacon three pardons, which he has scornfully rejected, [intending more to subvert than... to
maintain the Laws, by which only, and [with] God assisting grace and mercy, all men must hope
for peace and safety....
From Mathews' Beginnings ... of Bacon's Rebellion....
[After their "battle" with the Indians] they returned home where Writts were come up to Elect
Members of an Assembly, When Mr. Bacon unanimously chosen for One [seat], who coming
down the River was Commanded by a Ship with Guns to come aboard, where waited Major
Hone the High Sheriff of James Town ready to Seize him, by whom he was Carried down to the
Governor and by him received with a Surprizing Civility in the following Words "Mr. Bacon
have you forgot to be a Gentleman?" "No, may it please your Honour," Answered Mr. Bacon;
"Then," replied the Governor, "I'll take your Parole," and Gave him his Liberty.
[The day following Bacon's arrest and release during the opening session of the Assembly] the
Governour stood up and said "if there be joy in,the presence of the angels over one sinner that
repenteth, there is joy now, for we have penitent sinner come before us. call Mr. Bacon;" then
did Mr. Bacon upon one knee at the Bar, deliver a Sheet of paper Confessing his Crimes, and
begging Pardon of God the King and the Governour, Whereto (after a short Pause) He Answered
"God forgive you, I forgive you"...When Colonel Cole (one of the Council) said, "and all that
were with him;" "yea," said the Governour "and all that were with him," Twenty or more Persons
being then in Irons Who taken Coming down in the same and other Vessals with Mr. Bacon.
About a Minute after this the Governour, Starting up from his Chair a Third time said, "Mr.
Bacon! if you will live Civily but till the next [session of the] Quarter Court, I'll promise to
restore you again to your Place [on the Governor's Council]."
From the Royal Commissioner's Narrative.
Bacon feigns a most deep sense of shame and sorrow for his Guilt, and expresses the greatest
kind of obligation to Gratitude towards the Governour imaginable. And to make it look the more
real and sincere drew up an humble Submission for and acknowledgement of his so late crimes
and disobedience, imploring thereby the Governor's Pardon and Favor...
After a short while [Bacon] was sent for in again and had his pardon confirmed to him, Is
restored into favor and readmitted into the [Governor's] council, to the wonder of all men.
From History of_Bacon's ... Rebellion.
... in the morning, before his [Bacon's] trial, he was, in his Enemies hopes, and his Friends fears,
judged for to receive the Guardian due to a Rebel, (and such he was proclaimed to be) and ere
night, [he was] crowned the Darling of the Peoples hopes and desires, as the only man fit in
Virginia, to put a stop unto the bloody [depredations] of the Heathen; [but] with in two or three
days, the peoples hopes, and his desires, were both frustrated by the Governours refusing to sign
the promised Commission. At which being disgusted, [Bacon] begged leave of the visit his Lady [wife] ... he said, had informed him, [that she] was indisposed ...
which request the Governour (after some contest with his own thoughts) granted, contrary to the
advice of some about him who suspected Bacons designs, and that it was not so much his Lady's
sickness, as the distempers of a troubled mind, that caused him to draw to his own house, and
that this was the truth, with in a few days was manifested, when that he returned to Towne at the
head of 500 Men in Arms.
From a letter to Sir Jos. Williamson dated June 28, 1676 from William Sherwood.
Thursday [the] 22nd It was generally reported (and before night, confirmed) that Mr. Bacon was
marching hither with 500 men in Amrs, the Governour thereupon orders that four great Guns
should be drawn from the fort to sandy Bay....
Friday 23rd This morning all men [were] ordered to lay by their Arms...Mr. Bacon with at least
400 [on] foot, the scum of the Country, and 120 [on] horse entered the sandy Bay, there leaving a
party to secure the passage, then marched into Town... and draws his forces against the state
house, where the Governour council and Burgesses were setting, expecting this firey mans
actions, and first he sends one of his Captains requiring the Governour to send some of the
Council to him. . .[Bacon] demanded 1st that a commission should immediately be sent him as
General of all volunteers against the Indians: 2ndly to know how the 1000 men ordered by the
Assembly to be raised should be paid, if by Levy, the declared they would not submit to it, all
crying out No Levies ... The Governor went to him saying for prevention of the [spilling] of
Christian blood let you and I decide this controversy by our swords, come along with me; Mr.
Bacon answered that was not his business, he came for redress of the peoples grievances. ...[the
Governour] said to him his hand should be cut off rather than he would consent to [grant the
commission]; he [Bacon] swore his usual oaths he would have it, upon which... these proposals
were sent to the Burgesses to consider ... who debating longer than he thought fit, Mr. Bacon
comes under the window of the house, calls to them saying, you Burgesses I expect your speedy
result, his soldiers mounting their Guns ready to fire; Immediately (for in this minute if not all
night have been in a flame) the Burgesses make it their request to the Governour to Issue forth
such a commission....
Saturday 24th This morning the forced commission was delivered to Mr. Bacon, and some time
after Capt. Gardner [who arrested Bacon a few days before] coming to Town, was secured by the
Soldiers, and Mr. Bacon went into the house of Burgesses with his guard requiring 1st, that
several persons who had been active in obeying the Governour's Commands should be made
uncapable of all offices, 2nd, that being informed the Governour had writ[ten] to his Majesty
desiring Aid for suppressing the tumults here and declaring Mr. Bacon a Rebel, It should be
discovered whether it was [true], and publicly contradicted by the Governour, Council and
Burgesses.... These demands were sent to the Governour who declared he would rather suffer
death than condescend to the [demand] but considered the Ruin that threatened, the Governour
was requested by the Burgesses to grant whatever Bacon demanded ... Now raggtagg and bobtail
carry a high hand, a Guard is set upon the Governour and the rabble are appointing new
Sunday 25th This day the house of Burgesses met to prepare business to Mr. Bacon's dispatch...
now he gives out he will punish some of the Councilors, many persons are forced to lie
obscurely; yet we were in hopes they would have marched out of Town in that they had the
commission, and not loose time, [some frontier counties] being left without any forces whilst
they were Lording it over us... But about Noon comes the sad news that the Indians had this
morning killed 8 persons at the head of Chickahomony [river] and in New Kent [county] ... on
Monday morning Mr. Bacon with his men marched out of Town....
From the Royal Commissioners' Narrative.
[After the commission was granted and the oath administered] there was also an act of Indemnity
passed to Bacon and his party who committed the offenses on the assembly, and a Public Letter
of applause and approbation of Bacon's actions... signed by the Governour and assembly. Which
upon the breaking up of this Session, were sent [out] and read among the Ignorant People who
believed thereby that all was well and nothing coming forth of a long time to quash, contradict or
disown this Commission, Indemnity, Letter granted to Bacon... they were the more easily
inclined to swallow so fair a bait not seeing Rebellion at the end of it, and most men grew
ambitious of the service as thinking it both safe and for the Public good as having the
approbation of the Governour and assembly, at least there yet appeared nothing to the contrary
nor of a good while after.
From the Royal Commissioners' Narrative.
While the Governour was in the Upper Parts [near the frontier] to wait Bacon's return [to arrest
him] the people below began to draw into arms, and to declare against the Forts. He [the
Governor] to appease the commotion of the People... comes immediately back to his own house,
and caused ... the Forts to be forthwith dismantled, and dissolving the assembly that enacted the,
gave the country a free new election, which new assembly were to be for the Settlement of the
then distracted condition of Virginia.
At this new election (such was the Prevelency of Bacon's Party) that they chose instead of
Freeholders [men of property], Free men that had but lately crept out of the condition of Servants
(which were never before Eligible) for their Burgesses and such as were eminent abettors to
Bacon, and for faction and ignorance fit Representatives of those that chose them.
From a letter to Henry Coventry, one of King Charles II's Secretaries of State, written by Sir
William Berheley dated Feb. 2, 1677 (the day Berkeley sailed for England).
[No sooner was Bacon's Commission signed] but that all his Rabble verily believed I had
resigned all my power to their New General and Bacon himself made them believe he thought so
too and accordingly fell to work confiscating and Plundering diverse good mens' houses .... And
hearing that Bacon intended to make me and Sir Henry Chicheley prisoners, and perhaps deal
more severely with us, for he had proclaimed us both Traitors [to] his rebellious Army, I went to
Sir Harry's house pursuading him to retire with me to Accomack [county] which place I
understood continued Loyal (and indeed half of it was so) ... But now, Sir, begins God's Virible
mercies to shine upon me, for though I went to Accomack but with [only] four Gentlemen, yet I
had in three days at least forty Gentlemen of the best quality in Virginia that came over to me,
many of them with their wives and children and left their estates to the Repine of Bacon's
Barbarous Soldiers.
From T. Mathews Beginnings... of Bacon's Rebellion...
We [heard an] Account that General Bacon was Marched with a Thousand Men into the Forest to
Seek the Enemy Indians, and in a few days after our next News was, that the Governour had
Summoned together the Militia of Glocester and Middlesex Counties to the Number of twelve
Hundred Men, and proposed to them to follow and Suppress that Rebel Bacon; whereupon arose
a Murmuring before his face "Bacon, Bacon, Bacon," and all Walked out of the field, Muttering
as they went, "Bacon, Bacon, Bacon," leaving the Governour and those that came with him to
themselves, who being thus abandoned [sailed] over Chesepeake Bay 30 Miles to Accomac
where are two Counties of Virginia.
Mr. Bacon hearing of this came back part of the Way, and sent out Parties of [mounted soldiers]
Patrolling through every County, Carrying away Prisoners all whom he Distrusted might any
more molest his Indian Prosecution, yet giving liberty to such as Pledged him their Oaths to
return home and live quiet; the Copies or Contents of which Oaths I never Saw, but heard were
very Strict, tho' little observed.
The Governour made a 2nd attempt coming over from Accomac with what men he could procure
in Sloops and Boats, forty miles up the River to James Town, which Bacon hearing of, Came
again down from his Forrest Pursuit, and... [landed on] the Penninsula there in James Town, He
Stormed it and took the Town ... But the Governour with most of his followers fled back, down
the River...
Here resting a few days [Bacon's men] Concerted the Burning of the Town, wherein Mr.
Laurence and Mr. Drummond owning the Two best houses, set fire each to his own house, which
Example the Soldiers following Laid the whole Town (with Church and Statehouse) in Ashes,
Saying, The Rogues should harbour no more there.
On these [repeated] Molestations Bacon Calls a Convention at Middle Plantation [later to
become Williamsburg] 15 miles from James Town in the Month of August 1676, Where an Oath
with one or more Proclamations were formed, and Writs by him Issued for an Assembly; The
Oaths or Writts I never Saw but One Proclamation Commanded all Men in the Land on Pain of
Death to Join him, and retire into the Wilderness upon Arrival of forces expected from England,
and oppose them until they should propose or accept to treat of an Accommodation...
From The Humble Remonstrance and address of The Inhabitants of Charles City County within
his Majesty's Colony of Virginia - a petition of grievances presented to the Royal Commissioners
in May 1677.
These we humbly confess,were the greatest seducements [Berkeley 's arbitrary rule and unjust
taxation, his neglect of an adequate Indian defense; etc.] that provoked most of us at first to take
up arms only against the ... barbarous enemies the Indians...
But after that grand Imposter Bacon had by these and many other specious pretences allowed
many of us to join with him in the forcing [of] his commission. And that Sir.Wm. Berkeley not
only permitted the levying and raising [of] the thousand horses and foot [soldiers] but with great
numbers of volunteers in several parts, but [several] of his council and all magistrates ...assisted
therein (as by the pretended act in June they were enjoined) without any declaration or
prohibition of Sir Wm. Berkeley to the contrary for the space, of one month or more, until such
time that Bacon was by these means furnished with the power of the whole country, or the
greatest part thereof, And was then arrived to that height of fierceness and cruelty he afterwards
exercised over us.
We then as unable to resist his will and commands... as his Honor had been in granting his
commission... and for fear of death were all of us forced to do what we did in opposing Sir Wm.
Berkeley's power, raised for suppressing the Rebellion...
From the Royal Commissioners' Narrative.
Bacon goes up again to the [frontier] where he bestirs himself lustily in order to [conduct] a
speedy march against the Indians, in prosecution of his first pretentions which were against the
Occannechees and Susquahannocks ... he marched to pursue the Pamunkey Indians... although it
was well known to the whole country that the Queen of Pamunkey and her People had never at
any time betrayed or injured the English. But among the Vulgar it matters not whether they be
Friends or Foes, So [long as] they be Indians.
They marching ... at random (yet hoping and aiming still to find them out) at last met with an
Indian Path against which led them to a main Swamp, where several nations of Indians lay
encamped... [After a day's march Bacon's party] falls upon the Pamunky Indians, who lay
encamped beyond a small branch of [the] swamp... As the onset was given they did not at all
oppose, but fled, being followed by Bacon and his Forces killing and taking them Prisoners, and
looking for Plunder...
Excerpts from "Nathaniel Bacon, His Manifesto Concerning the Present Troubles in Virginia,"
which was composed and issued during the July 1676 "convention" held at Middle Plantation.
We appeal to the Country itself what and of what nature their Oppressions have been or by what
Cabal and mystery the designs of many of those whom we call great men have been transacted,
but let us trace these men in Authority and Favor to whose hands the dispensation of the
Country's wealth has been committed; let us observe the sudden Rise of their Estates and see
what sponges have sucked up the Public Treasure and whether it hath not been privately
contrived away by unworthy Favourites and Juggling Parasites whose tottering Fortunes have
been repaired and supported at the Public charge...
Another main article of our Guilt is our open and manifest aversion to all, not only the Foreign
but the protected and Darling Indians...they have been for many years enemies to the King and
Country, Robbers and Thieves and Invaders of his Majesty's Right and our Interest and Estates
Another main article of our Guilt is our Design not only to ruin and extirpate all Indians in
General but all Manner of Trade and Commerce with them...
Another article of our Guilt is to Assert all those neighbor Indians as well as others to be
outlawed, wholly unqualifying for the benefit and Protection of the law...
Excerpts from "The Declaration of the People" composed and signed by Nathaniel Bacon and
issued during the July "convention."
For having upon specious pretences of Public works raised unjust Taxes upon the Commonality
for the advancement of private favourites and other sinister ends...
For having wronged his Majesty's Prerogative and Interest by assuming the monopoly of the
Beaver Trade.
By having in that unjust gain Bartered and sold his Majesty's Country and the lives of his Loyal
Subjects to the Barbarous Heathen.
For having protected, favored and Emboldened the Indians against his Majesty's most Loyal
For having, when the Army of the English was Just upon the Track of the Indians ... expressly
Countermanded and sent back our Army.
For having...against the Consent of the People... raising and effecting a Civil War and
distractions...thereby calling down our Forces, from the defense of the Frontiers...
Of these the aforesaid Articles we accuse Sir William Berkeley as guilty ... and as one who hath
Traitorously violated and injured his Majesty's Interest here...
And we do further demand, that the said Sir William Berkeley with all the Persons in this List ed.
note, the list contained 19 names, mostly intimates of Berkeley and members of the Governor's
Council; Robert Beverly and William Sherwood were included in this list] be forthwith delivered
up, or surrender themselves, within four days... or otherwise we declare that in whatsoever
house, place, or ship, any of the said Persons shall reside, be hide or protected, We do delcare
that the Owners, masters or Inhabitants of the said places to be Confederates, and Traitors to the
People, and the Estates of the, as also of the aforesaid Persons to be Confiscated. This we the
Commons of Virginia do declare desiring prime Union among ourselves ... And Let not... the
Faults or Crimes of the Oppressors divide and separate us, who have suffered by their
From a conversation between Bacon and John Goode that took place in September 1676. Goode
wrote down what was said and reported the discussion to Governor Berkeley in January 1677.
Bacon: There is a report that Sir Wm. Berkeley has sent to the King for two thousand Redcoats
[English soldiers], and I do believe it may be true; Tell me your opinion, may not five hundred
Virginians beat them, we having the same advantages against them the Indians have against us?
Goode: On the contrary, I think five hundred Redcoats may either subject [subdue] or ruin
Bacon: You talk strangely; Are we not acquainted with the country, so that we can lay in
[ambush]? Can we not hide behind trees to render their discipline of no avail? Are we not as
good or better shots than they?
Goode: They can accomplish what I said without hazard or coming into such disadvantages by
taking opportunities of landing where there is no opposition, firing our houses and fences,
destroying our cattle, preventing trade and cutting off supports.
Bacon: We can prevent their making any progress in such mischiefs.
Goode: You see, sir, that in a manner all the principal men in the country, who disliked your
proceedings, will, may you be sure, make a common cause with the Redcoats.
Bacon: I will see to it that they do not have the opportunity.
Goode: Sir, you speak as though you design a total defection from the King and our native
Bacon: Why, have not many princes lost their dominions so?
Goode: [There] have been such people as have been able to subsist without their prince. The
poverty of Virginia is such that the major part of the inhabitants can [scarcely survive] one year
without supplies from England. You may be sure that the people who so fondly follow you,
when they come to feel the miserable want of food and clothing, will be in great haste to leave
Bacon: I know, of nothing; with which this country could not in time supply itself, save
ammunition and iron, and I believe the King of France or the States of Holland would be glad to
trade with us.
Goode: Sir, our King is a very great Prince and his amity is infinitely
more valuable to these countries than any advantage they could reap from Virginia. They will not
provoke his displeasure by supporting rebels here. Besides, your followers do not think
themselves engaged against the King's authority, but merely against the Indians.
From Governor Berkeley's letter to Henry Coventry.
... within a week [after Berkeley fled to Accomack] Bacon sent a ship with two hundred men
under the Command of one [named] Bland and Captain Carver with a joint commission to take
me and all my friends and Bring us to him dead or alive. . . [Carver was tricked by Berkeley's
men and captured, which] put all the soldiers into our hands who having not Victuals for eight
hours surrendered themselves and Arms took the Oaths of allegiance and Supremacy. ...However
this action gave the Loyal party a great reputation in the country and now the fear of me made
many declare for the King who never after dared go back to Bacon... [E]levated with this success
we resolved with all speed to make for James-Town ... where we found five hundred of Bacons
men, but our numbers being trebled in the opinion of the Enemy and I issuing out a Proclamation
pardoning all the Common soldiers that would lay down their Arms and all officers but Bacon,
[William] Drummond and [Richard] Lawrence, though they would not lay down their Arms Yet
the same night we arrived at James-Town they all fled to Bacon, who was about fifty miles from
us, ...without shooting one Gun at us...
But, Sir, twice Bacon's forces [would have] not been able to hurt us if our officers and soldiers
had had Courage or loyalty, but there was a want of both in both, for the common soldiers
mutinied and the officers did not do their whole duty to suppress them, but some of them, as I
afterwards found, did all they could to foment the mutiny.
One night having rode from Guard to guard and from quarter to quarter all day long to encourage
the soldiers, I went to bed about six at night. I was no sooner lain down but there came three or
four of the chief officers to me and told me I must presently rise and go to the ship, for the
soldiers were all mutinying and running away . . . . The next day came more officers to me and
represented to me again the necessity of my quitting the Town...
I no sooner quitted the Town but Bacon entered it, burned five houses of mine and twenty of
other Gentlemen and they say that a very commodious Church he set afire too, with his own
sacreligious hands...
From the Royal Commissioners' Narrative.
But so great was the Cowardice and Baseness of the [great majority] of Sir Wm. Berkeley's Party
(being most of them men intent only upon plunder or compelled and hired into his service) that
of all, at least there were only some 20 Gentlemen willing to stand by him, the rest (whom the
hopes or promises of Plunder brought there) being now all in haste to be gone, to secure what
[loot] they had gotten; so that Sir Wm. Berkeley ... was at last persuaded [and] hurried away
against his own Will to Accomack and forced to leave the Town to the mercy of the enemy.
From the Royal Commissioners' Narrative.
[After his forces put Jamestown to the torch) Bacon now begins to show a more merciless
severity and absolute authority than formerly, Plundering and imprisoning many and
condemning some by power of martial law.
Bacon finding that his Soldiers' Insolence growing so great and intolerable to the People (of
whom they made no due distinction) and binding their actings to reflect on himself, he not only
betake himself to a strict Discipline over his men but also to more moderate courses himself,
Releasing some Prisoners, Pardoning others that were condemned, and calling those to account
against whom any complaints came for seizures or Plundering their Estates without his order or
From a report by the Royal Commissioners entitled "A List of the names of those worthy
persons, whose services and sufferings by the late Rebel Nathaniel Bacon, Junior, and his party,
...during the late unhappy troubles in Virginia, And Particularly of such whose approved Loyalty,
constancy and courage hath rendered them most deserving of, his Majesty's Royal Remark..."
The list contained 45 names and a general statement about the many unnamed "other poor
Inhabitants" of James Town who lost home and possessions in the fire. Below is a selection of
individual cases.
Sir Henry Chichely, Barbarously Imprisoned and treated Bacon and his party for many months
and much [damage to] his Estate...
Col. Philip Ludwell, one that was constantly in the Governor's service, and was not only
plundered in his own Personal Estate, but also of the Estate of an Orphan committed to his trust...
Mr. Thomas Ludwell, Secretary of Virginia, whose stock was utterly ruined and taken away by
the late Rebel, though at the same time he was acting here in England (as the Country's agent, at
his own [expense] ...
Col. Daniel Parkes, then also n England, and one of the Treasurers for the country's money, who
was plundered (according to the computation we have made... of at least 1500 [pounds sterling]
Major Richard Lee, a Loyal discreet Person ... was Imprisoned by Bacon [for over] seven weeks,
at least 100 miles from his own home, whereby he received great [damage] in his health by hard
usage [ill treatment?] and very greatly in his whole Estate by his absence.
Col. John Smith sustained great losses by the Rebels, his stock and other estate being taken and
destroyed by them.
Mr. Charles Roane, one that had his dwelling House and other Houses Burned down to the
ground, and most part of his goods and provisions destroyed and carried away by a party of the
Rebels Commanded by Gregory Wolkate after Bacon's death.
Mr. Philip Lightfoote, a great Looser and sufferer both in Estate and person being both
Plundered and imprisoned by the Rebels.
From Gov. Berkeley's letter to Henry Coventry.
...But within three weeks after [Bacon seized and burned down James Town] the Justice and
Judgement of God overtook [Bacon]. His usual oath which he swore at least a Thousand times a
day was Goddamn my Blood, and God so infected his blood that it bred Lice in an incredible
number so that for twenty days he never washed his shirts but burned them.. To this God added.
the Bloody flux [ed. note, this was a severe case of dysentery Bacon probably contracted while
marching through the swamp in pursuit of the Pamunkey Indians] and an honest Minister wrote
this Epitaph on him:
Bacon is Dead I am sorry at my heart
That Lice and flux should take the hangman's part.
And now [it is] Right honorable that God has brought this most Atheistic man to his deserved
end, I must [summarize] the rest and say that Bacon being dead, the Rabble chose another
General which had been [a man named] Bland but he was out of their reach; continued the other
officers who soon disagreed among themselves, mistrusting one [to] the other. In the meantime
my soldiers Killed four of their most obstinate officers, two are dead in Prison, and fourteen
Executed. Their Lieutenant General first, and after, their General gave up all their men and Arms
into my hands and are pardoned. More than one hundred I had in prison before this surrender.
From the Royal Commissioners' Narrative.
After Bacon's Death one Joseph Ingram, a stranger in Virginia and came over but the year before
this Rebellion, under whose conduct the Faction began to fall into several parties and opinions,
which gave Sir Wm. Berkeley's party opportunity by these divisions to surprise the Rebels in
small Bodies as they sculked up and down the country.
After Ingram had [surrendered] to the Governor ... Lawrence, that notorious Rebel, fled... some
others were taken Prisoner after they had laid down their arms, and the rest went home in Peace.
About the 16th of January, 1677, the whole country had submitted to the Governor and the 22nd
he came home to his house at Green Spring, and had issued out new... summons for the
convening of a free assembly at his own house, the State house being ruined with the rest of
James Town.
From the Royal Commissioners "List of the names of worthy persons" victimized by Bacon.
Major Robert Beverley, clerk of the Assembly, a person very active... in surprizing and beating
up of Quarters and small Guards about the country, and as himself says (and we have no reason
to believe the only person that got by the unhappy troubles) in Plundering (without distinction of
honest mens Estates from others) as will be found when accounts are adjusted... and [he] was one
that had the confidence to say he had not plundered enough, so that the Rebellion ended too soon
for his purpose; Besides we ourselves have observed him to have been the Evil Instrument that
fomented the ill humors between the two Governors [Berkeley and Bacon] then on the place and
was a great occasion of their clashing and Difference.
From The Humble Remonstrance... of Charles City County.
And since your Honors are willing to be informed of such other matters (besides what seduced us
into the Rebellion...) ... we have of late feared that our representatives (of which for this country
in nine years time past there hath been very doubtful elections as we conceive) have been
overswayed by the power and prevelency of Sir Wm. Berkeley and his council (diverse instances
of which we conceive might be given and have neglected our grievances ...) we are moved
humbly to present the following to your Honors:
That besides the great quantities of Tobacco raised and paid for building of forts which were
never finished but suffered to go to ruin... great quantities of Tobacco have been raised upon us
his Majesty's poor Subjects... for erecting a [public] house for the use of the country which
Colonel Edward Hill [friend of Gov. Berkeley and one of his principal officers during the
Rebellion] received... and converted to his own use....
That on or about the 15th of January last past, when the late commotions were appeased and
quieted, the Colonel Edw. Hill without any warrant or authority unlawfully took upon him to
raise by impress a company of men within this country... whom he presumptuously did take upon
him to lead out of the county at his will and pleasure..
That the Col. Edw. Hill covetously minding to enrich himself by the ruin of diverse of us his
Majesty's subjects, hath endeavoured most arrogantly to smother, conceal and [invalidate] his
Majesty's late gracious proclamation of pardon, and by menaces and threats extorted diverse
compositions and Rewards from diverse of us (not to inform against them as he said and to
procure their pardon) namely from [ed. note, here the petition lists nine names]...although he
well knew the said persons and every of them were not only absolutely pardoned by the King's
proclamations as aforesaid but also by Sir Wm. Berkeley's proclamation likewise .... And the
more to terrify and frighten his Majesty's subjects... Edw. Hill by his interest and prevelency with
Sir Wm. Berkeley procures warrants to be to him directed from Sir Wm. Berkeley for seizing
and securing the persons and estates of diverse in this county that had (and that he knew had) laid
hold of and were pardoned by the Governor's and the King's proclamations...
That Edw. Hill contrary to his duty and trust in him reposed by the warrants aforesaid, converted
diverse of the goods by him seized for the use of the King to his own use...