Ender's Game Chapters 6-10 Study Guide

Enders Game Chapters 6-10 Questions
Chapter 6 – The Giant’s Drink
1. What is the purpose of the "Giant's" Game? How should Ender evaluate his success at this
game? Is he a murderer?
The point of the game was to evaluate the children and to find out what how they would act in that
situation. Ender made himself believe that he was just like Peter and he said that he was a
murderer. He isn’t actually a murderer though because he only killed the Giant for self-defence.
Chapter 7 – Salamander
1. What did Alai say to Ender? Why is the exchange between Alai and Ender so important?
Alai said “Salaam” to Ender. This exchange between Alai and Ender is important because Alai
showed sympathy which shows that he is a true friend to Ender.
2. What is the "just living" mentioned in this chapter? Is it true that Ender has never done this? What
does Ender want out of life? How would you feel if you were he?
The "just living" mentioned in this chapter means that you’re living your life the way you want to,
without anything to do. It means you have no standards to meet and life is simply enjoyable. It's true
that Ender has never done this because he is always training. What Ender wants out of his life is to
be happy. If I was him I would want to just live and be happy. The last thing I would want to do is be
at battle school.
3. How did Petra help Ender? How is Petra’s friendship a hindrance to Ender?
Petra helped Ender by practicing with him and training him during spare time. Petra’s friendship is a
hindrance to Ender because Petra is an outcast and if Ender is working with her, then he is more
likely to become an outcast as well.
4. What does Ender learn about leadership and tactics from Bonzo?
What Ender learned about leadership and tactics from Bonzo is that if you're strict and stern
with your directions, people will fear you and do what you say more often.
Chapter 8 – Rat
1. Graff says, “Ender Wiggin is ten times smarter and stronger than I am.” Explain what this quote
This quote means that Ender was very smart, and although Graff thought he was smarter, Ender
always outsmarted him. Also, Ender is a lot smarter than he realizes.
2. What is significant about the quote: “So teach me.” “So learn.”
This significance of this quote is that there are things that you can’t learn from others. Some things
you need to learn and figure out on your own. A good thing about this is that way you don’t expect
someone to be there to help you out, and then get disappointed when they’re not there anymore.
3. Why is Ender’s response to an attack so significant?
It’s good because it proves that he would make a good commander. He knows how to instruct the
other boys what to do and how to do it safely.
4. What did the scene with the snake and Peter’s reflection represent?
It represented that Ender thought he was like Peter but didn’t want to be like him.
5. How does the game know?
The game knows because they follow Ender’s actions at the Battle School and they know all the
information from when he had the monitor so it knows that Ender didn’t want to be anything like
6. Discuss the importance of the last paragraph of this chapter.
The importance of the last paragraph of this chapter is that Ender felt like he was being used and he
didn’t feel important to anyone. He also hated how every time he would hurt someone he felt like
Chapter 9 – Locke and Demosthenes
1. There is a real battle, internally and unspoken, between Peter and Valentine. Who is manipulating
whom? Who really has the power?
Valentine has the power.
2. Why is Ender still angry?
Ender is still angry because all he does is train everyday so he never has fun.
Chapter 10 – Dragon
1. What kind of leader was Ender? Why was he this kind of leader?
Ender was a good leader. He was strict on how he wanted things done and people listened to him
2. What did Ender do to Bean, and why?
Ender acted like Bean was the best soldier ever and he did that because that’s how people treated
him so that’s how he learned to be.
3. What does the word Salaam mean?
4. What is important about the end of this chapter? Was Ender’s reaction a mistake by the Battle
School teachers, or was it the reaction they wanted?
At the end of this chapter Ender realized that no one can be trusted. This was the reaction that the
Battle School teachers wanted because you can’t trust anyone at the Battle School.