Build up to the War of 1812

APUSH Guided Notes 242-246
Madison’s Gamble
-James Madison, from _______, won the election of ____________, was inaugurated _______________________
-Non-Intercourse Act, (law that __________________________________________) expired in ________
-instead of continuing the embargo, Congress passed a bill known as Macon’s Bill Number 2
Macon’s Bill Number 2:
- Madison’s opinion on the bill:_________________________________________________________________
Napoleon Calls Madison’s Bluff
Macon’s Bill No. 2 offered a deal to England/France:
1. Whichever country repealed its commercial restrictions against America, the US would restore the
embargo (meaning, discontinue trade) with the other country
-example: if France stopped harassing American trade ships, the US would place an embargo
(discontinue trade) with ________________________
-August, 1810: French foreign minister implies that _______________________________________________
-forced America to re-instate the embargo on ______________________
How did Napoleon use the United States/Macon’s Bill No. 2 to combat Britain?(243)
-President Madison was forced to _______________________________________________
Tecumseh and the Prophet
-Madison was anti-war, but not all members of the ________________________ party were
-Congress filled with many __________________________ from the __________________
War hawks:
-Warhawks in the west wanted to deal with a renewed threat from the ______________________________________
-_________________________ and _____________________ were brothers and leaders of the ______________ tribe
-they organized a ___________________________________________________________________________
How did these Native Americans resist/reject the influence of white Americans? (244)
-War-hawks in ________________ were convinced that ______________ were fueling Indian attacks
-Fall 1811: ________________________ (Governor of ____________) attacked _________________________
at ________________________
-Results of this violent encounter:________________________________________________
-Battle was known as ___________________________________, made _________________ national
hero, forced natives in an alliance with ___________________________________
-When US and Britain eventually went to war in 1812, this is why natives sided with _________
-________________ultimately died in ______during the _____________________
Mr. Madison’s War
-War with Britain thought to be inevitable by ___________________________________________________
-______________________ were arming Native Americans
-____________________ of Tennessee, and other warhawks, argued that in order to solve the Indian
problems, America had to _______________________________
- Americans also wanted to go to war with Britain to take ______________ from their ally _________
-thought war would restore ____________________________
-Republicans believed that only a ______________________________________________ could show
that the American system of government was legitimate
-Madison asked Congress to declare war on ______________ (Results of vote:_______________________________)
-support for war came from ___________________________________________________________________
-resistance came from _______________________________________________________________________