Vocabulary for Unit 2

Vocabulary for Unit 1:
Analyze – to examine closely and carefully
I should
Element – an essential or characteristic
write these
down. . .
part of something
Infer – to conclude from evidence
Sequence – a continuous or connected series
Structure – mode of building or organization
Schema – the background information you carry with you on
any subject
Inept – lacking in necessary skill or ability
Increment – something added or gained
Optimal – most desirable or satisfactory
Trepidation – fear or uneasiness about the future
Vocabulary for Unit 2:
1. Cite: Quote (a passage, book, or author) as evidence an
I should
argument or statement
write these
down. . .
2. Conclude: arrive at a judgment or opinion by reasoning
3. Evident: Plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood
4. Contrast: Compare in such a way as to emphasize differences
5. Synthesis: The combination of separate elements into a whole
6. Essay: a piece of writing narrowly focused on a particular subject
7. Resonate: Reminding or suggesting images, memories, and emotions
8. Transcend: go beyond the range or limits of something; to surpass
(a person or an achievement)
9. Garner: gather or collect (something, especially information
or approval)
10. Nourish: provide with the food or other substances necessary
for growth, health, and good condition
Vocabulary Sentences for Unit 2:
1. Write an original, short sentence (no more than 12 words) using
each vocabulary word (one sentence per word).
2. Each sentence must be about the articles and stories we have been
reading about Seabiscuit.
Highlight or underline your vocabulary word.
3. Highlight
4. Each sentence must demonstrate your understanding of the word:
Incorrect: Pollard is Inept , and he likes chocolate.
(**Problems: I have no idea whether you know the word
inept or not from this sentence; also, it’s not about what we
Correct: Red Pollard was Inept because he allowed Rosemont
to win the race.
5. For your sentence, underline your subject once, and your verb twice.
6. Due Friday, September 27th, Test: Monday, Spetember 30th
Vocabulary for Unit 3:
I should
Emphasize: give special importance or prominence to (something)
write these
speaking or writing
down. . .
Relevant: Closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand
Significant: Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention;
Source: A person who provides information; A book or document used
to provide evidence in research
Differentiate: Identify differences between (two or more things or
Thesis: a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be
maintained or proved
Petrified: So frightened that one is unable to move; terrified; literal:
Turned to stone
Inherent: Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or
characteristic attribute
Saunter: Walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort
Inexplicable: Unable to be explained or accounted for
Vocabulary Sentences for Unit 3:
1. Write an original, short sentence (no more than 12 words) using
each vocabulary word (one sentence per word).
2. Each sentence must be about expository writing.
Highlight or underline your vocabulary word.
3. Highlight
4. Each sentence must demonstrate your understanding of the word:
Incorrect: Pollard is Inept , and he likes chocolate.
(**Problems: I have no idea whether you know the word
inept or not from this sentence; also, it’s not about what we
Correct: Red Pollard was Inept because he allowed Rosemont
to win the race.
5. For your sentence, underline your subject once, and your verb twice.
6. Due Tuesday, October 8th, same day as your test.