Wars of Religion

Wars of Religion
Why did wars of religion break out across Europe?
a. Protestant religion was …
b. Catholic rulers …
Wars of Religion: France (1561-1598)
a. Background
i. France about _________% Catholic
ii. Huguenots (French ___________________________) about 8%, but
concentrated in…
iii. King was …
iv. Noble families were _______________________
v. Regent = King’s mother, Cathereine de Medici
1. Regent =>
2. Tried to …
b. Beginning of War
i. Started in 1561 when Catholic army …
ii. Began ___________ years of war
iii. Question of war =>
c. Major events of war
i. St. Bartholomew’s Massacre (1572)
1. Royal forces hunt down, execute …
2. Over next 3 days, …
ii. Significance of Massacre
1. Protestants stopped viewing Catholic Church as misguided;
instead, …
2. No longer fighting to reform Church =>
3. Protestants became _______________________
4. Protestants wanted ________________________!
iii. Edict of Nantes (1598)
1. Protestant, Henry of Navarre, became …
2. Converted to Catholicism =>
3. Henry declared Edict of Nantes, granting …
a. _______________ publicly
b. Occupy …
c. Be admitted to _______________________
d. Administer …
Wars of Religion: Spain
a. Philip II (r. 1556-1598)
i. Zealous Catholic =>
ii. Spent his rule trying to …
b. Philip’s military actions
i. Battle of Lepanto (1571)
1. Naval battle against __________________________
2. Crushing defeat of Muslims =>
ii. Netherlands Rebellion (1567-1593)
1. Part of Spanish empire
2. Turned Calvinist and ___________________________
3. Rebellion lasted 25 years =>
iii. Attempted invasion of England (1587-88)
1. Why did Philip attack England?
a. Elizabeth I authorized attacks against …
b. English alliance with …
c. England sent weapons, troops, money to __________________
d. Elizabeth ordered execution of …
e. Elizabeth was _____________________________!
2. Spanish Armada (1588)
a. Philip sent 130 ships and…
b. Dutch, English fleet …
c. Spanish Fleet was forced …
d. Defeat of Armada was …
Thirty Years War (1618-1648)
a. Causes of war
i. Peace of Augsburg (1555) ended fighting in Holy Roman Empire (HRE) that
had started …
1. Under Peace of A, rulers could choose …
2. Also under Peace of A, no recognition of ______________________
ii. France felt threatened by …
1. Hapsburg ruler in ___________________________
2. Hapsburg ruler in ____________________________ who was also
____________________________ of HRE
iii. Spain was _________________________________________
iv. Sweden, Denmark (both Protestant countries) wanted …
v. Immediate cause of war: Defenestration of Prague =>
b. First European “World War” . . .
i. Protestant states =>
ii. Catholic states =>
iii. War fought mainly in ________________________ =>
1. Estimated population loss in HRE was …
2. Disease, starvation were …
c. Treaty of Westphalia (1648)
i. Ended war
ii. Affirmed that every state’s ruler within HRE …
iii. Recognized _________________________ right to exist
iv. Other effects of 30 Years’ War
1. Showed _____________________ weakness
2. France became …
3. Established modern European state =>