EATING DISORDERS RNSG 2213 Topics in this Presentation Covered: Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Not Covered: Overeating and Binge Eating Disorders Obesity and Bariatrics Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa: Incidence and Characteristics Females, 90% (male numbers are growing) Affects 3.7% of women Less common than bulimia 6 to 20% die as a result of the illness Higher death rate than any other psychiatric disorder Anorexia Nervosa Characteristics, cont’d Onset: adolescence to early adulthood age of onset is decreasing often insidious occurs during important life transitions No loss of appetite Deliberate Weight loss Cultural Factors and Influences Weight and Shape very important in US culture Unrealistic ideals: “culture of thinness” e.g. computer graphics make thin models even thinner Beauty Queens 1920s 2008 Cultural Factors & Influences, cont’d Epidemic of obesity and dieting Preoccupation with fitness thinness = self-control DSM IV-TR Criteria for Anorexia Nervosa Refusal to maintain normal weight Intense fear of gaining weight, even if underweight Body image disturbances In female adults or adolescents, absence of at least 3 consecutive menstrual cycles Types are: Restricting and Binge/Purging Psychosocial and Family Factors Fears of becoming adult or independent Rigid, competitive, perfectionistic Anxious, compulsive and obsessive the eating disorder is a way to have control Compliant “people pleasers” Psychosocial and Family Factors, cont’d Correlates with childhood sexual abuse Family characteristics that correlate with anorexia: over-controlling or rigid emphasis on appearance may have unusual eating habits Food-Related Behaviors in Anorexia Nervosa Restricting intake, fasting Hoarding food Highly avoidant of certain foods Preoccupation with calories, meals, recipes, etc. Preparing/serving elaborate meals for others Rituals before and during eating become compulsions Many characteristic behaviors of Anorexia Nervosa are associated primarily with low weight/starvation symptoms How Anorexics Get Rid of the “Weight” Use of laxatives and enemas Exercise Purging Behavior in Anorexia Purgers and vomiters Eat normally in a social situations Amount of food eaten is not excessive Purge if no success with severe restricting (Not on the test) Physical Assessment: Metabolic Consequences Anorexia: More Metabolic Consequences GI: slowed peristalsis, delayed gastric emptying Feel full much longer Reproductive: loss of menses, loss of libido development of secondary sex characteristics Osteopenia or Osteoporosis: bone mass loss may be irreversible Other Physical Assessment Data Muscle wasting, weakness and fatigue Dehydration Pitting edema Electrolyte imbalance: secondary to laxative, enema or emetic abuse and from starvation Hypocalcemia, hypokalemia Anorexia: Complications Heart failure, life threatening arrhythmias Cardiac ventricular dilation Decreased thickness of the ventricular wall Decreased oxygenation of cardiac muscle Renal failure Metabolic alkalosis or acidosis Complication of Treatment: Re-feeding Syndrome Severe Fluid Shifts from too rapid re-introduction of food Cardiovascular, neurological and hematologic complications Interventions: Refeed slowly Close supervision of physical status Nursing Diagnosis: Critical thinking Write a nursing diagnosis for each of these consequences of Anorexia Nervosa: 1) Hides food and is dishonest about intake 2) Heart Rate is persistently 48 bpm 3) Uses laxatives several times a week to achieve wt. loss Nursing Diagnosis: Critical thinking Some possible choices Ineffective coping or 1b) R/F nutrition less than body requirements r/t dishonesty about intake and compensatory behaviors 2) R/F falls r/t hypotension 3a) Fluid volume deficit r/t laxative overuse 3b) Constipation (or Diarrhea) r/t altered gastric motility 1a) Mental Health Problems Associated with Anorexia Anxiety If perceives loss of control over eating will lose weight by any means, e.g. exercising, laxatives, enemas or emetics Sexual dysfunctions, low sex drive Feelings of helplessness, inadequacy Obsessive-compulsive Disorder Mental Health Disorders Associated with Anorexia Nervosa, cont’d Major Depression (Dx and tx only after weight gain is established) Substance abuse: laxatives and enemas rather than alcohol or illegal drugs Personality disorders Neurobiology of Anorexia High levels of serotonin SSRIs are not effective If used should not be started until weight restoration is established Bulimia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Age of onset: adolescence to young adulthood Primarily in women 4% of young adults Symptoms overlap with Anorexia, making diagnosis difficult Bulimia Characteristics Often develops after period of dieting Weight loss NOT a characteristic sign of bulimia Purging develops as a way to compensate for massive amounts of food eaten Restrictive eating...bingeing…purging cycle Binge Eating Episode Precipitated by feelings of lack of control or anxiety Often done in secret High calorie-High carbohydrate intake Consumed in less than 2 hours Become addicted to the “high” experienced when eating Purging = Compensatory Behavior for Binge Eating May use manual stimulation, laxatives, and/or emetics Over time, self-induced vomiting occurs with minimal stimulation Post-purging: sense of relief, calm Consequences and Complications of Purging Electrolyte imbalances Metabolic Acidosis Metabolic Alkalosis Cardiomyopathy Enlarged salivary glands Erosion of dental enamel Russell’s sign Pancreatitis Etiology: Psychosocial and Family Factors in Bulimia Depression, low self-esteem Shame: will hide the excessive eating Associated family characteristics: Mood disorders Lack of nurturing food is a form of self-nurturing Substance abuse Family conflict or disorganization evidence Bulimia is a response to chaos Etiology: Neurobiology of Bulimia Lowered serotonin activity Binge eating raises levels of serotonin Treat with SSRI, particularly fluoxetine (Prozac) Management of Eating Disorders Goals for client with Anorexia Nervosa Increase weight to 90% of average body weight for height Increase self-esteem Decrease need for perfection (provided by thinness) Goals for client with Bulimia Stabilize weight without purging Management of Eating Disorders, cont’d Both Anorexia and Bulimia: Inpatient treatment for medical stabilization and dietary management Long-term outpatient tx. addresses psychosocial issues Interventions: Starvation Phase of Anorexia Assess labs: Monitor intake/output Assess for cardiovascular, neurological complications Refeed slowly; careful dietary supervision Intravenous lines and feeding tubes if client refuses food Nurse Patient Relationship Anorexia Nervosa Usually forced into tx. Tx means loss of control over eating Nurse is the enemy Bulimia Nervosa More likely to want help: break the cycle More likely to enter treatment of their own volition Tendency to manipulate Hide the degree of the problem Critical Thinking: Nursing Interventions Give rationales for interventions listed on next slide Some Interventions for Eating Disorders Do not confront denial, but encourage feelings identification Honesty Collaborate TEACH patient about their disorder Assist to identify positive qualities Eat with the client Set appropriate limits Encourage decision making concerning issues other than food Behavior modification: Patient input Rewards for weight gain Psychopharmacology Anxiolytics when re-feeding is occurring SSRI for Bulimia Equally effective for depressed and nondepressed patients Psychotherapy for Anorexia Use antidepressant for co-morbid severe depression Milieu Management Orient to program and goals of treatment Warm nurturing environment Convey an understanding of their fears Close observation during and after meals Do we let these patient go to the rest room alone? Should we let them go to their room right after a meal? Nonjudgmental confrontation of eating disordered behavior CONSISTENCY Encourage the patient to talk to staff when they feel the need to purge Milieu Management, cont’d Dietitian: individual planning and consultation Weighing protocols Group Therapy Which groups would be best for clients with eating disorders? Art Therapy & Expressive Arts Meditation & Relaxation Movement Therapy Other Interventions Family Involvement: teaching and family therapy Follow-up therapy (outpatient)