Starving for Success The Dangerous World of Eating Disorders Reproduced with permission (1) Amy Peterson MS RD Extension Educator Polk County Cooperative Extension Reproduced with permission (2) “Both bulimics and anorexics are obsessed with their weight, but bulimics believe they can’t stop eating and anorexics won’t start.”’ -- Bulimia/Anorexia – The Binge/Purge Cycle and Self-Starvation What Are Your Feelings About Food? Family traditions Preferences Stress Dieting Fasting Reproduced with permission (1) The Pursuit of Thinness Anorexia Nervosa Relentless pursuit of thinness Bulimia Nervosa Diet-binge-purge disorder Binge Eating Disorder Compulsive eating Reproduced with permission (2) The Histories and Mysteries of Eating Disorders Reproduced with permission (1) Who Gets Eating Disorders? Women account for 95% of those diagnosed: 1 out of 100 women between the ages of 10 and 20 have anorexia 4 out of 100 women have bulimia 50% of those with anorexia become bulimic Anorexia Nervosa…. Reproduced with permission (2) Legs to Die For A Song No Longer Sung Karen Carpenter Reproduced with permission (2) Someone with Anorexia … May refuse to maintain weight for age/height Weighs 85% or less of ideal body weight Denies weight loss at dangerous levels Is terrified of being fat or gaining weight Feels “fat” Becomes depressed, irritable, and withdrawn Exhibits peculiar behaviors and performs compulsive rituals Has strange eating habits and food diversions What Does the Mirror Show? Reproduced with permission (2) The Three Phases of Anorexia Before, During, and After Reproduced with permission (2) Bulimia Nervosa.… Reproduced with permission (2) Eating Without Tasting Someone with Bulimia… Binge eats Feels of out of control when eating Uses vomiting, laxatives, or exercise to try to prevent food absorption May shoplift May have promiscuous behavior May abuse alcohol/drugs, and/or credit cards Weight may be normal or near normal Cheerful, but often depressed, lonely, ashamed Carefree to Crisis What happened to being a child? Reproduced with permission (2) Dangers of Dieting LAXATIVES DIURETICS DIET PILLS DRUGS SYRUP OF IPECAC Reproduced with permission (2) Inside Myself, I Am .. Hiding my body and my mind… Reproduced with permission (2) Through the Looking Glass Eating Disorders from the Inside Out Icy hands and feet Swollen glands and puffy face Excess hair Dry, blotchy skin Anemia and malnutrition Fainting spells, sleep disruption Chronic constipation Muscle weakness Irregular heartbeat Loss of bone mass, fractures Kidney damage Liver damage Teeth and mouth problems Menstrual and fertility problems Weaken immune system Esophagus ruptures Binge Eating … Reproduced with permission (1) Dining with Depression Binge Eating vs. Overeating A binge episode usually includes at least three of the following behaviors: Eating much more rapidly than normal Eating until uncomfortably full Eating large amounts of food when not hungry Eating alone because of embarrassment about how much is eaten Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed or feeling guilty about eating Bad Effects of Binge Eating Tears in the stomach lining Stomach pain and bleeding Rupturing of the stomach Diabetes High blood pressure Heart attack and/or strokes Obesity Reproduced with permission (1) Trapped Forever? Reproduced with permission (2) Where Do You Find Help? Hospital emergency rooms Family physicians Trusted family members, friends, school counselors, or teachers Reproduced with permission (2) Successful Treatment Strategies Hospitalization Medication Dental work Individual counseling Group counseling Family counseling Nutrition counseling Support groups The Rewards of Recovery Awareness of cultural demands Good friendships Better problem-solving skills Involvement in outside activities Maintaining normal weight Regular menstrual cycles Diet of “normal” foods No food fears Improved relationships One Step at a Time… Reproduced with permission (2) Food for Thought… Reproduced with permission (1) Be a Friend … Let your friend know you think there is a problem Encourage him/her to seek professional help Don’t try to rescue or fix the problem, but DO give support and reassurance Reproduced with permission (2) What Are Healthy Eating Habits? Giving yourself permission to eat because you are happy, sad, or bored Eating three meals a day, or maybe just munching through the Food Pyramid Leaving some cookies on the plate because you know you can have some tomorrow Eating foods for enjoyment and enthusiasm Eating to satisfy hunger Being able to eat when you are hungry and continuing to eat until you are satisfied Being able to choose food you like and eat it and truly get enough of it – not just stop eating because you think you should Being able to use some control of your food selection to get healthy food, but not being so restrictive that you miss out on pleasurable foods Reproduced with permission (1) University of Nebraska Cooperation Extension cooperating with the Counties and the U.S. Department of Agriculture 2002 University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension educational programs abide with the non-discrimination policies of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.