Unit 1: The Spanish Speaking World and Me (Week 1, 6 Weeks) Overarching Question Who am I and how do I connect to the Spanish-speaking world? Focus Questions 1. Who am I? 2. How do I introduce myself to others? 3. How do I find out about others? 4. Where in the world is Spanish spoken? 5. Who are some famous people from Spanish-speaking countries? 6. How do my values compare to those of the people who are from Spanish-speaking countries? Unit Abstract In this unit of study, students begin to learn how to communicate effectively about themselves in Spanish. Students understand as well as interpret meaning from information exchanged in conversation as they learn to meet, greet and say goodbye to others. In addition, students recognize the levels of formality in iSpanish and become aware of the social gestures associated with Spanish greetings. Furthermore, students learn to introduce themselves and to respond to questions about themselves. They also learn to ask questions about others. Through the study of self, the students gain knowledge and insight into the Hispanic culture. Students are introduced to the geography, values and icons of the Spanish-speaking world. Students begin to recognize basic pronunciation and elements of the language (alphabet, accent marks, cognates, etc.). Students gain knowledge and insight into what it means to be a Spanish-speaker and why it is important to learn Spanish in their community and beyond. Key Concepts Express greetings and leave-takings: Hola, Buenos días, Buenas tardes, Buenas noches, ¿Qué tal? Adiós, Hasta luego, Chao, Hasta mañana, Nos vemos Express pleasantries/courtesies: mucho gusto/encantado/a igualmente gracias por favor de nada Exchange personal information: ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo ¿Cómo se llama él/ella? Se llama ¿Cómo se llama usted? Me llamo ¿De dónde eres? Soy de... ¿De dónde es? Es de... ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo ... años ¿Cuántos años tiene? Tiene...años ¿Cómo estás? Estoy bien, mal, así así, ¿Cómo está él/ella? Está bien, mal, así así Identify culturally appropriate gestures and honorifics: handshake kiss on the cheek embrace usted Señor/a/ita Identify and compare key cultural values in the Spanish-speaking world with one's own family respect religion relationships Identify cultural icons in the Spanish-speaking world, their profession and where their country of origin is located. Pablo Picasso-Spain-artista Shakira-Colombia-cantante Ricky Martin-Puerto Rico-cantante César Chavez-Mexico/U.S.-activista King Felipe VI-Spain-Rey Evita Perón-ArgentinaFrida Kahlo-México-artista Diego Rivera-México-artista Miguel Cabrera-Venezuela-jugador de béisbol Isabel Allende-Chile-escritora Diego Forlan -Uruguay-jugador de fútbol Gloria Estefan - Cuba-cantante Oscar de la Renta - Dominican Republic-modista Rigoberta Menchú - Guatemala-activista Carlos Mencia - Honduras-comediante Rosa Mendez - Costa Rica-luchadora WWE Additional Learning: Respond to classroom commands: levántense, siéntense, miren, abran/cierren, escriban. Express age using numbers 0-100. Spell using the Spanish alphabet. Identify cognates. Express needs utilizing classroom expressions: Tengo una pregunta. Tengo que ir al baño. Necesito un lápiz. No entiendo. Más despacio, por favor. Repita, por favor. ¿Cómo se escribe ...? (name, other word, etc) Identify reasons to study Spanish: graduation requirement, college admissions, jobs, communication with members of the community, better knowledge of one's own language Assessment Tasks 1. Interpersonal Speaking: Students assume the identity of the famous person they have researched. They will have a conversation with another "famous person" in the class and exchange information about name, age, origin and how they are feeling. The conversation should include appropriate honorifics, gestures, pleasantries, greetings and leave-takings. (1.1.N.SL.a, 1.1.N.SL.b, 1.1.N.SL.c, 1.1.N.SL.f, 2.2.N.C.a) 2. Interpersonal Writing: Students will respond to the question ¿Quién es tu persona famosa? via text message, email or forum. They will include name, age, origin and profession. (1.1.N.RW.a, 1.1.N.RW.b, 2.2.N.C.a) 3. Geography/Culture: Students will identify 10 Spanish-speaking countries on the map given a blank map. (4.2.N.a) 4. Comparisons/Culture: In English, students will identify and describe a cultural value discussed in class and compare it to their own values. (2.2.N.G.a) ASMNT 1.3 - map answer sheet.doc ASMNT 1.3 - map (1).docx ASMNT 1.4 values.docx ASMNT_1.1_-_conversation.doc ASMNT_1.2_-_email_bio.doc Lesson Sequence Weeks #1/#2 Teacher introduction / procedures / classroom rules First person introductions (cómo te llamas/me llamo, cuántos años tienes/tengo ...años, cómo estás? / estoy...), commands and expressions Talk about why it's important to study Spanish. Week #3 Have students research famous people. Students share information about famous person with classmates. Teach ¿de dónde eres? / soy de... Conversation practice w/greetings, leave-takings, pleasantries Introduce criteria for assessment #1 Week #4 Complete assessment #1 Teach all expressions in 3rd person. Introduce the alphabet and use it to spell names and countries of origin. Continue to practice with the map using the famous people. Complete assessment #2. Week #5 Complete practice and assessment #3. Introduce cultural values. Classroom discussions - compare contrast values Week #6 Revisit expressions, numbers, classroom phrases Complete assessment #4 Resources Recommended (not required) Teacher Resources: Latino Learning Modules Video http://youtube.com/watch?v=15jdTQIr7j4 Señor Wooly "¿Puedo ir al baño?": http://www.senorwooly.com/video/puedo-ir-al-bano Lernen To Talk Show - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZtSIB5dQ4ZUVjrcKi5OTRYEO174UREA The Iceberg Concept of Culture www.msdwt.k12.in.us/msd/wpcontent/uploads/2011/10/iceburgofculture.pdf Numbers and letters of the alphabet: http://www.videoele.com/A1_Numeros_y_letras.html Countries and nationalities: http://www.videoele.com/A1_Paises-y-nacionalidades.html (listening activity - number the countries in the order you hear them) Self introduction (Peru): http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe/vid/beg08ex.html Why learn Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-Jbo1cVXM8&feature=youtu.be Greetings and introductions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBkiK35_izU&feature=youtu.be Greetings videoclip: https://sites.google.com/a/lsoc.org/spanish-language-recordings-by-nativespeakers/listen-to-the-recordings-prompts-numbers-10-20/prompt-19-greetings-la-cortesia Videoele numbers and letters: http://videoele.com/A1_Numeros_y_letras.html Videoele colors: http://videoele.com/A1_Colores.html Videoele days and months and holidays: http://videoele.com/A1_Dias_y_meses.html Basic colors: http://www.purposegames.com/game/spanish-basic-colors-quiz AND http://www.purposegames.com/game/2acd17bb13 AND http://www.digitaldialects.com/Spanish/Colour.htm Days and months: http://www.digitaldialects.com/Spanish/Daysmonths.htm Basic greetings and farewells: http://www.purposegames.com/game/ea69181208 Webcams de Mexico by city: http://www.webcamsdemexico.com/index.html Spanish-speaking countries quiz: http://www.purposegames.com/game/spanish-speakingcountries-quiz Diferencias importantes entre las culturas.pptx Some perceptions of Americans.docx Videoele Paises y Nacionalidades.docx