The Cardiovascular System
Chapter 5
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Overview of Structures, Combining Forms,
and Functions of the Cardiovascular System
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• Primary Function
– Pumps blood into the arteries
• Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
– card/o, cardi/o
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Anterior External View of the Heart
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Anterior Cross-Section of the Heart
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The Chambers of the Heart
• Atria: the two upper chambers of the heart
– Chambers divided by interatrial septum
• Ventricles: the two lower chambers of the heart
– Chambers divided by interventricular septum
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Valves of the Heart
• Tricuspid valve: controls the opening between
the right atrium and the right ventricle
• Pulmonary semilunar valve: located between
right ventricle and pulmonary artery
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Valves of the Heart
• Mitral valve: located between left atrium and
left ventricle
• Aortic semilunar valve: located between left
ventricle and aorta
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Blood Vessels
• Primary Function
– Transport blood to and from all areas of the body
• Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
– angi/o, vas/o
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• Primary Function
– Transport blood away from the heart to all
body parts
• Related Word Parts (Combining Form)
– arteri/o
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• Primary Function
– Permit the exchange of nutrients and waste
products between the blood and the cells
• Related Word Parts (Combining Form)
– capill/o
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• Primary Function
– Return blood from all body parts to the heart
• Related Word Pats (Combining Forms)
– phleb/o
– ven/o
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• Primary Function
– Brings oxygen and nutrients to the cells
– Carries away waste
• Related Word Pats (Combining Forms)
– hem/o, hemat/o
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Major Fluid and Formed
Components of Blood
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Key Word Parts and Definitions
– blood or lymph vessel
– aorta
– artery
– plaque, fatty substance
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Key Word Parts and Definitions
• brady– slow
• cardi/o
– heart
• -crasia
– a mixture or blending
• -emia
– blood, blood condition
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Key Word Parts and Definitions
• erythr/o
– red
• hem/o, hemat/o
– blood, relating to the blood
• leuk/o
– white
• phleb/o
– vein
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Key Word Parts and Definitions
• tachy– fast, rapid
• thromb/o
– clot
• ven/o
– vein
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If you are a universal donor, your blood group
is type O.
True or False?
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What percentage of a person’s body weight
is blood?
a. 10%
b. 7%
c. 20%
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Women have on average 10% more red blood
cells than men.
True or False?
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An individual blood cell takes about 60 seconds
to make a complete circuit of the body.
True or False?
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