WIPO/INV/BEI/02/14 SECOND INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON CREATIVITY AND INVENTION - A BETTER FUTURE FOR HUMANITY IN THE 21ST CENTURY Beijing, May 23 to 25, 2002 CONDITIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL USE OF INVENTIONS AND INNOVATIONS Document prepared by Mr. Byeong Yong LEE, Deputy Director, International Cooperation Division, Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), Daejon (Republic of Korea) 1 Problems in the Process of Commercialization Survey on the successful commercialization (April 2002 - KIPO) - Object: companies and individual inventors - Result of the survey Pr obl ems i n t he pr ocess of commer ci al i zat i on ot her s 23. 2% i nsuf f i ci ent f und 39. 9% count er f ei t i ng by ot her s 16. 3% mar ket i ng 20. 6% *insufficient fund (39.9%), marketing (20.6%), counterfeiting (16.3%), others (23.2%) 2 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 V Ho ehi cl me e El appa s ec t r .. . ic Ma a. . . ch in e Ch r y e Ph ar mi c a ma ce l u. .. Co ns Foo t d Mi r uct s sc el i on la n. .. Number of Company Ut i l i zat i on of Pat ent & Ut i l i t y l ess t han 10% 10%-20% 20%-30% 30%-40% 40%-50% over t han 50% I ndust r i al Cl assi f i cat i on 3 5 4 3 2 1 0 Technol ogy Mar ket i ng I nt er nal capaci t y Ve Ho hi c me l e El ap. s ec t r .. Ma i . . ch in . Ch er y Ph emi ar ca ma l c. .. Co Fo ns od Mi t r u. s sc el . . l. .. Scal e( Max 5) Li ker t Mai n Fact or s f or Successf ul Commer ci al i zat i on by I ndust r i al Cl assi f i cat i on I ndust r i al Cl assi f i cat i on 4 Main Factors for Successful Commercialization Technology Marketing Excellence of invention Excellence of manufacturing technology Complementary/ continual development after patent registration Efficient management of patent Advertisement Increasing demand Distribution strategy Price strategy Exclusive production and sale by patent right Internal Capacity Sufficient infrastructure for domestic and abroad demand CEO’s ability Financial capacity Human resources Sufficient equipment 5 Main Factors for Successful Commercialization Sector Vehicles Electric home appliances Technology Excellence of invention Efficient management of patent Excellence of invention Excellence of manufacturing technology Marketing Exclusive production/sale Advertisement/ distribution strategy/ Price strategy Sufficient infrastructure for domestic and abroad demand Financial capacity Increasing demand Advertisement/ exclusive production/sale Internal Capacity Sufficient infrastructure for domestic and abroad demand CEO’sability/ Financial capacity/ Human resourecs Electrical & electronic equipment Excellence of invention/ Excellence of manufacturing technology Complementary/ continual development after Patent registration Price strategy Advertisement . CEO’s ability Financial capacity 6 Main Factors for Successful Commercialization (cont’d.) Sector Industrial machine Chemicals Technology Excellence of Invention/ Manufacturing technology Efficient management of patent Complementary/ continual development after Patent registration Excellence of manufacturing technology Marketing Price strategy Advertisement Advertisement Exclusive production/sale Internal Capacity CEO’s ability Human resourecs Financial capacity Sufficient infrastructure for domestic and abroad demand Pharmaceuticals Excellence of invention/ Excellence of manufacturing technology Complementary/ continual development after patent registration Exclusive production/sale Advertisement . Human resourecs Sufficient infrastructure for domestic and abroad demand 7 Main Factors for Successful Commercialization (cont’d.) Sector Foods Construction Technology Excellence of invention Excellence of manufacturing technology Excellence of manufacturing technology Excellence of invention Marketing Distribution strategy Advertisement Advertisement/ Increasing demand Exclusive production/sale Internal Capacity Human resources Sufficient equipment Human resources Sufficient infrastructure for domestic and abroad demand Miscellaneous Excellence of manufacturing technology Complementary/ continual development after patent registration Exclusive production/sale Increasing demand Human resources/ Sufficient equipment Sufficient infrastructure for domestic and abroad demand/ Financial capacity 8 KIPO’s Policy Objective: To facilitate commercialization of the patents owned by SMEs and individual inventors Financial Assistance Marketing Support Anti-Counterfeiting Activities 9 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Pat ent appl i cat i on abr oad Maki ng t r i al pr oduct Sear chi ng pr i or ar t s Eval uat i on of pat ent Fi nanci al Assi st ance ( uni t : mi l l i on won - 2001) 10 KIPO’s Policy (cont’d.) Marketing Assistance Patent Commercialization Committee To foster development of SMEs and venture companies possessing globally competitive technology Under the cooperation with relevant organizations such as: . Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE) . Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) . Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA) . Small and Medium Business Administration . Korea Technology Credit Guarantee Fund . Small and Medium Industry Promotion Corporation Providing a one-stop-service system; incubation, financing, management, and marketing for qualified companies 11 KIPO’s Policy (cont’d.) Patent Angel Club To support venture companies willing to commercialize patented technology Club Members: – Lead angel: general investors – Support angel: patent attorneys, accountants Organizer: Korean Invention Promotion Agency (KIPA) Center for Patent Technology Valuation To facilitate technology transfer and commercialization by establishing a valuating system for patented technology Standing Mart for Patented Technology To help technology transfer by holding the on-line and off-line technology mart and providing meeting place with investors 12 KIPO’s Policy (cont’d.) Reinforcing Anti-Counterfeiting Activities At the domestic level, to establish sound business practices and protect consumers At the international level, to prevent trade conflicts and facilitate foreign investment Major activities: . Investigation and analysis of counterfeit products’ circulation . Education campaigns for merchants and consumers of counterfeit goods . Operation of Counterfeiting Complaint Center 13 Trinity for Success Successful Use Inventor’s Effort Marketing Strategy Government’s Support 14 Thank you very much for your attention! Contact point : Byeong Yong Lee, International Cooperation Division Korean Intellectual Property Office, 920, Dunsan-dong, Seo-gu, Daejon Metropolitan City, 302-701, Republic of Korea Tel: 82-42-481-5072 / Fax: 82-42-472-3459 / e-mail: kpleeby@yahoo.com 15